did the link to the reviews of Z and live performances disappear?
i wanted to read some Z reviews, but i can't seem to find the page that had them on it anymore?
sorry if i am overlooking the obvious, didn't it used to be a like at the top to Reviews?
I just emailed C.C. about the same item. I miss the "press" section as well. Hope to hear something soon.
yeah, it's gone.
time to form your own opinion ;)
(you can still find plenty on the forum)
Quoteyeah, it's gone.
time to form your own opinion ;)
(you can still find plenty on the forum)
Aaaaafter you form your own opinion, you can pretty much find the anthology by clicking on LaurieBlue and choose "show last ten (or 50) posts". She's kind of the history logger here. ;)
woah! Hey Riny, any reasoning behind the death of the press section?
I was wondering the same.
The press section is free advertising for the band, the perfect way to hook in visitors who have come to the site just to "look around".
Is there another band that DESERVEDLY gets such good reviews world wide?
Yeah, but I kind of like the idea of not having a press page.
I saw my friend Dave on the streetcar today, and I haven't seen him in ages. And we got to talking about a lot of things, but one of the things he said was that he finds it hard to live in the city because he spends so much time trying to avoid being advertised to. He has to seriously think about whether or not he likes something, or if it's been spoon fed to him. That's something I've thought about a lot over the years. Not being sure of how I feel about something, and if I've somehow been manipulated (consciously or not) into liking or not liking it.
I try to never read a review before I see or hear anything because I know how easy it is to get caught up. Power of suggestion.
Anyhow, that was a really long-winded way of saying that I kind of dig the idea of not having the press section, even if it was a completely different reason why it's not here. :)
QuoteI was wondering the same.
The press section is free advertising for the band, the perfect way to hook in visitors who have come to the site just to "look around".
Is there another band that DESERVEDLY gets such good reviews world wide?
well the people on here just looking around are probably doin so because they already read some sort of press or heard about the band in another way. the perfect way to hook them in is not mass feeding other people's opinions but letting them form their own by checking out the music itself. all the reviews will still be out there and read by people no matter what. that's a good thing or else a lot less people would know about the band but feeding it over and over again from their own site is another thing. I know it's also fun for you guys reading some of that stuff but if you follow this forum you really won't miss much. these are my own words but that's sort of the reasoning behind it too. does it make sense?
That does indeed make sense.
Fair enough :)
well the people on here just looking around are probably doin so because they already read some sort of press or heard about the band in another way. the perfect way to hook them in is not mass feeding other people's opinions but letting them form their own by checking out the music itself. all the reviews will still be out there and read by people no matter what. that's a good thing or else a lot less people would know about the band but feeding it over and over again from their own site is another thing. I know it's also fun for you guys reading some of that stuff but if you follow this forum you really won't miss much. these are my own words but that's sort of the reasoning behind it too. does it make sense?
it was a nice resource for obsessives, especially the old show reviews and the personal articles that had nothing to do with album reviews and more to do with the band. i liked reading those.
i can see why you'd get rid of the Z reviews though
maybe some of it will make a comeback but in the end it's really not up to me.
please bring the interviews and whatnot back. I loved reading the funny ones with Jim and Patrick and whoever else felt like being random.
Quotemaybe some of it will make a comeback but in the end it's really not up to me.
It's not? What do you mean it's not? Damn, Riny, it's time to take control! You're the webmaster, aren't you? You shouldn't let some lazy rock musicians from Louisville take over your territory! Who do they think they are? You gotta show 'em who the boss is. Put a picture of Barbara Streisand on the front page, or something, that'll teach 'em a lesson!
Ya know if you google search MMJ under the news tab, tons and tons of reviews of concerts and Z come up! I might take a day off from work to read all of them! ;)
It's not? What do you mean it's not? Damn, Riny, it's time to take control! You're the webmaster, aren't you? You shouldn't let some lazy rock musicians from Louisville take over your territory! Who do they think they are? You gotta show 'em who the boss is. Put a picture of Barbara Streisand on the front page, or something, that'll teach 'em a lesson!
I, personally, would love to see Barbra Steisand on the front page.