Second to last paragraph. Check it out.
From John Mayer himself. Good deal.
Z & Pizza - does it get any better? :)
I could easily go for a Coke and a smile and Z and Domino's pepperoni pizza.
I could easily go for a Coke and a smile and Z and Domino's pepperoni pizza.
Crack? Ohh wait, you weren't talking about that kind of coke, were you?
I'm gonna have to say Beer & you're gonna have to wait a couple of years ;)
great story. we found this sports bar where the chick doesnt card us on monday nights, so i guess that couple of years still stands, unless i'm there.
but i can't be there with Z and pizza :(
Maybe i'll just wait a couple years for that goodness and i'll have a new album with me.
(Three years and we're golden baby!)
Sorry to side track but I think this is an interesting topic.
I'm pretty tall & was drinking in bars in the UK at 17 (maybe even 16).
It wasn't until I had a girlfriend from the US that I realised how different the 2 countries are with regards to drinking laws.
She was in the UK studying & she & her friends went crazy drinking nearly every night just because they could. She was 18, I was 22 & just couldn't figure out what the fuss was was all about.
Then I went to Hawaii at 23 & carded for the first time in my life!
Haha, yeah. I think if America actually promoted parenting, they could start stressing the fact that PARENTS should be the ones to teach their kids about how to drink responsibly, and then they could lay off the drinkin law, bring it back down to 18, so that kids could understand what alcohol is responsible.
It's just simply not feasible that an 18 year older in this country might enjoy a glass of wine. And while we may, it's just not understood as a society that we can drink at this age and be responsible about it. Which in turn hurts us. We're considered adults, so why does the country baby us? We aren't really considered adults in this country until we graduate college. And the whole college system in this country is another bag of worms for me. I think it's in drastic need of a second look.
If kids are going to pay so much to go to college to get a generic degree so that they can then go figure out what they're supposed to do in their lives, that's a bit erroneous. Why does that make sense?
I think trade schools are the answer. Somebody wants to be in a certain job, they go find the people they want to work for, and find out what education they need. And then there'd be schools for all of it, maybe universities, but it'd be less of a sub-culture as it is now. Somebody in their 30's wants to change careers and study meteorology, they go find out what thye need for the field and get osme education. There'd be local stuff and it wouldn't be a big fiasco to have an "adult" in your class, because anybody at any age could go to school.
I think the idea of figuring out what you want to do while your at college sort of defeats the purpose. If you don't knwo what you want to do, you get a job that isn't too intensive on the schooling (like being a waiter or something like that) and start finding out what it is that you'd like to serve the world with.
Another good thing that could be coupled with that, is that, if you find somewhere that wants you, they could pay for your schooling to get you in the job. I think that holding the fact that everyone NEEDS to go to college nowadays is nuts. Not everyone needs to go through four years of college. Not everyone is suited for it. It's so much pressure that some people, in all honesty, don't need. It's kind of this weird fake four year realm that you're put in now, and then you get out and have to go into the "real world". And that's all how it honestly looks from a college freshman's perspective. "Oh, I'll figure it out" and your parents pay 20 grand for you to do so. It's kind of nuts. And whats worse is that it's looked down on to not immediately go into college. The guys who are older get weird looks. It needs some work.
If we can get sent off to war at 18 and get shot, we should be able to drink a beer. Simple as that. >:(
don't American's simply depend on vehicles a lot more, making drinking and driving a huge issue it is not in England. I mean, that could be the only reason why there are such strict drinking laws. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense. And, I do not think the drinking age should be higher than your "go to war" age. Stupid.
I agree with you entirely Tom. It's just as bad in the UK. I think nowadays you're looked down upon if you haven't got a degree. It's sort of expected. We are getting desperately short of essential people like plumbers and electricians. And most worryingly, as time goes on there are fewer skilled tradespeople to train the new ones. I know a lot of kids who go to University because it's expected or there aren't many other options.
21 seems a high age to set for legal drinking, and a stupidly high age to set to see a band.
The government here has recently said that bars and clubs can open 24 hours. There are fears about more drink related crime and disruption. We'll have to wait and see. I feel sorry for people who work in bars who'll feel pressured to work even longer hours.
how does it go? "i'll go to college and learn some big words, so people will say look at that guy he knows all those big words." isaac brock. some of us don't need college as most of the items you need are learned even before high school. grammar, math, and basic comprehension skills are all tought at a young age. I certainly hope nobody really thinks college can teach you how to survive in the "real world." To me, it just confirmed a lot of what I already knew. And, i had done enough drugs and drinking by then as well. Get rid of the religious aspect to our lawmaking and you will see a much more intelligent and open-minded America. ;)
he's gay
QuoteIt's kind of this weird fake four year realm that you're put in now, and then you get out and have to go into the "real world".
It is weird. Really weird. And then if you think of graduate school after you get your first degree, it's kind of like, 'Why couldn't I have done graduate studies sooner? Oh yeah, I had to take a geology class to learn about igneous rocks.' Good god.
Anyways, ya think John's got the other albums? He specified Z, but I wonder if his love runs deep, haha.
holy shit, you nailed it.
It is weird. Really weird. And then if you think of graduate school after you get your first degree, it's kind of like, 'Why couldn't I have done graduate studies sooner? Oh yeah, I had to take a geology class to learn about igneous rocks.'
Speaking of which, I have a final for my Geology lab in about 3 hours. I have to identify some igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Boooo!!! They're all fucking rocks in the end! This sucks!! >:(
I feel your pain. I hope it went okay. Name that rock! :)
hey i got you beat! i got a final next week on Securities Regulation...doesn't that sound exciting and fun?
Quotehey i got you beat! i got a final next week on Securities Regulation...doesn't that sound exciting and fun?
Better than naming rocks :P
Speaking of which, I have a final for my Geology lab in about 3 hours. I have to identify some igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Boooo!!! They're all fucking rocks in the end! This sucks!! >:(
There's only one Rock you need to know about dude - the one in ROCK'N'ROLL!!!
(shit I CRACK myself up!)
Hope it went well!
oh i thought you were goin for the other uhh... rock.
There's only one Rock you need to know about dude - the one in ROCK'N'ROLL!!!
(shit I CRACK myself up!)
Hope it went well!
Hahahah!! Nice one....
That was so corny, I could shuck it! 8)
hmmm, well i have you all beat because i actually have a non-forced interest in geology and will probably take classes for it some day. watch for me tripping in to a large bookcase some time soon. :-/