so... i really like this band called My Morning Jacket...
i bought At Dawn about 18 months ago. and since then, ive been mesmerised by them. religiously hunted down and bought their releases. all that crap.
so the big question is...
what else is there out there that sounds like them/similar to them?
i am hoping they are the start of a search into new music i will like, rather than the end of a search.
i like hearing new music and falling in love with it.
well, obviously jim's voice has drawn many comparisons to neil young, so if you don't have any neil, please run out and buy:
Ragged Glory
Live Rust
(i would say buy everything...)
also check out:
mercury rev
flaming lips
m. ward
bobby bare jr.
very very early REM
the shins
kings of leon
iron & wine
ryan adams (& the cardinals)
they're not exactly the same because MMJ is a wee difficult to pin down, but all these artists have MMJ elements to them that you may dig. i would also recommend you checking out the Other Music folder on the forum. there are (duh) some hardcore music fans here who post excellent suggestions all the time, especially on what Are You Listening To Right Now thread.
cool. i came to hear them initially through already liking (and having several albums by):
mercury rev
flaming lips
kings of leon
but ill check out some of the others. ive got the shins album (shutes too narrow), but for some reason, i just didnt dig it.
ill have to have a listen to neil young though, thats for sure.
my local cd store is gonna be selling me a lot of neil young cds soon.
thanks again.
ill have to go and check out the What Are You Listening To Right Now thread...
Drive-by Truckers maybe?!
Some unknown acts who remind me of the Jacket:
Dixie Dirt
Sad, melancholy long jams. From Knoxville, TN. Sound like early raw MMJ.
Band of Horses
Lead singer sounds eerily like JimJames. From somewhere in the Carolinas. Saw them open for Iron&Wine. Knocked my socks off. First time I immediately bought a CD at the merch table after a show.
i really like the band of horses stuff. thanks for posting that.
that 'Funeral' track (one of the demos) was really really good.
hmmmm. i REALLY like that track.
that is EXACTLY the stuff i was hoping to find with my original post.
thanks a lot!!!
I have one answer.
The Great Lake Swimmers are so similar to Tennessee Fire and At Dawn MMJ it is scary awesome.
When I first heard them I thought "this guy ha to love Neil Young/ Buffalo Springfield"
Playing 'Z' I can hear The Who. Off The Record has the trademark Leckie feel ~ Radiohead & Divine Comedy are in good company.
Love and peace ~~~ Dee *the D stands for Delighted to be back*
*Mmmmmm chocolate*