okay don't flame me if this has come up before because it obviously has, but the seach function didn't pull anything up for me.
So anyway;;;;
what kind of reverb did Jim use on his voice for, i guess, both Z & it still moves.
I remember hearing Grain Silo and other similar claims but it seems impractical to me to be dragging a microphone & all the tracking gear to a grain silo for every song on both albums..
I'm assuming maybe a really old gigantic expensive plate reverb unit like from the 50's but I'm not sure..
Let me know some insight. What does he use live to replicate that effect? It is gorgeous and rich. not corny sounding at all...
For it still moves, it actually was a grain silo. They recorded it on the Quaid family farm (Johnny Quaid, Jim's cousin who was also the guitarist up until about a year and a half ago) and used every inch of it that they could for sound. Recorded the drums at the bottom of the stairs, and Danny Cash (former keys) helped em come up with the idea of running a fire wire cable out to the silo and crankingthe vocals through a speaker at the bottom into a mic at the top and they came up with massive reverb like that.
For Z, they recorded at Allaire Studios in upstate New York that, if you watch the Sneaky Peak of Z video, has a room that probably has forty foot ceilings or so and is all wood and sounds liek it gets some beautiful reverb. You hear the vocal solo at the end of Wordless Chorus? Notice at the end of the second phrase when Jim hits that note and forces a harmonic out of the reverb? You don't get that without natural reverb. And that's pretty much how they roll on the big open dreamy reverb. I think Off the Record they utilized a snare drum reverb, but they tend to keep it natural.
I mean, why not?
youre a cornucopia of musical knowledge, tom. :D
I Find it EMENSELY respectable that a key piece of there sound is a naturally occuring event rather than an effect.
that's really cool and probably why it does sound haunting rather than tacky..
there aren't very many people I've found who use reverb properly.
tom...you are the man
haha, my whore-ish knowledge is gaining me some serious internet respect points!
does this mean i am l33t?
MMJ also use an EMT Plate for reverb.