My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Music => Topic started by: EC on Aug 25, 2005, 06:15 PM

Title: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are here
Post by: EC on Aug 25, 2005, 06:15 PM
Ladies and gentlemen:

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Aug 25, 2005, 06:43 PM
Well folks,
There it is. Hope you enjoy it.
The coverart should be up there very soon.

This one was a lot of fun and I think there are some wonderful performances on it. I can't wait to hear what you all think of it.

Once again, thanks to EC for hosting it and helping keep me straight in the organizing of the project!

CC, can you unstick the other thread and lock this one? Please? Thanks!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: dragonboy on Aug 25, 2005, 06:47 PM
This is exciting stuff - I'm downloading the tracks now!!!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: sweatboard on Aug 25, 2005, 07:23 PM
Downloaded and listening now.  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 25, 2005, 10:44 PM
Downloading. Wow. I'm such a wanker. I'm on there three times. Sorry.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: lfish on Aug 26, 2005, 05:47 AM
Only one word:


You all did some fine work over there:

I'm still listening for the first time (haven't heard all the songs, yet), but so far I liked:

By my car (Haunting)
One big holliday (very inventive)
Pictures of you (nice adaptation)

Good work!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: Chills on Aug 26, 2005, 11:06 AM
damn. I just saw this and now I have to go.
I'll listen tonight or tomorrow and bring y'all some feedback.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Aug 26, 2005, 11:30 AM
Yes. Please let us know what you think. We'd like to have feedback from our fellow fans.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 26, 2005, 11:31 AM
I see O!  Hey dude, we're just waiting to plug your song in, so whenever you're ready, sir.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: October on Aug 26, 2005, 11:46 AM
great work folks

I really like One Big Holiday, By My Car, and Hopefully so far.  really imaginative.

have to listen to some more later.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: Specialist on Aug 26, 2005, 11:47 AM
wow, great job everyone, i'll give it a proper listening once i get home, but from what i've heard so far, they are great.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: JacketGal on Aug 26, 2005, 11:55 AM
You all need to stop what you are doing and take a bow!! I listened a little last night and I was truly impressed. I will listen somemore when I get home later. Can't wait.

Megan's vocal on Hopefully is beautiful! :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Aug 26, 2005, 11:58 AM
QuoteMegan's vocal on Hopefully is beautiful!

Isn't it though?
Be glad that I took my vox out when I mixed it 'cause I sucked. :)

It was a little out of my range.
She owns it.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 26, 2005, 12:05 PM
I still think you're wrong.  I really loved having you sing on there.  But those are nice things to say.  And I guess I can be satisfied just listening to your banjo.  :)

p.s.  O has sent me his masterpiece, and when I get home, if I have time before I have to leave, I will unleash it to the world.  I hope you all are ready for a good thrash!  (I haven't even heard it yet but I'm really excited about it.)

Speaking of thrash, did you guys know that thrashers are the same thing as combines?  I didn't.  Mark's going to spend the next month in one.  I hope it doesn't make him too crazy.

I want to applaud everyone who contributed, too.  You all did a wonderful job.  Me and Shelby were listening last night.  She walked by my room and came in and said "Woah."  We were playing By My Car.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: mars_in_furs on Aug 26, 2005, 12:30 PM
Alright,this is fuckin' great.  A job well done.  Yes Meg/EC, your vocals are melting my and everyone elses heart.  So organic. So serene.  For that matter, everyone's vocals are melting my heart.  Olwiggum, you are a gentleman and a scholar.  The ambition outdoes the last one by leaps and bounds, at least thats how I feel.  Big ups on the Nashville to Kentucky, The Way That He Sings, One Big Holiday, Hopefully(oh sweet, sweet, Hopefully).  Whoever made that remix at the end is my hero.  I apologize for the lack of production and lyric flubbing on my song.  It does fit nicely at the end though.  Yes, once Z comes out, we should rock it once more.  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: PapaJoeBear on Aug 26, 2005, 12:34 PM
Without having listened to the songs, I just want to say way to go everybody!   And the page looks super phat as well. Can't wait to get home and listen to these tracks.  Wish I could have participated too, but I just dont have a way to record.  Maybe for the next one I can do a remix of a MMJ song with the FruityLoops program I have. Hmmm.... I'll have to ponder that one for a bit. Anywayz, keep the rock rockin', and the clock tick-tockin'.

Mad love
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: whothrewthecake on Aug 26, 2005, 03:01 PM
this sounds incredible! great job to everyone. it's really impressive that you guys can get all this together and it looks so purty. i love it.  ;D
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 26, 2005, 04:11 PM
We have O!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: darkglow on Aug 26, 2005, 04:27 PM
hey meg.. computer is no longer fucked up.. i'll have the updated stuff in a few minutes
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 26, 2005, 05:11 PM
Quotehey meg.. computer is no longer fucked up.. i'll have the updated stuff in a few minutes
Oh good - I gotta leave in about twenty minutes, but lemme check...

I'm glad your computer is feeling better.  Poor darkglow had a bad couple of days.  :(
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 26, 2005, 05:31 PM
Da da da da - darkglow's lovely, mood inducing cover artwork is up:

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: darkglow on Aug 26, 2005, 05:37 PM
yay.. i have been more than honored to contribute what i could to this great thing you guys have done did.. it wasn't much but the important thing is tried to put all my feelings and emotions that i think of when i listen to MMJ into two pictures.. which is definitely not enough.. but i'm almost positive that you peeps can relate with me on some level or another.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 26, 2005, 11:00 PM
Quoteyay.. i have been more than honored to contribute what i could to this great thing you guys have done did.. it wasn't much but the important thing is tried to put all my feelings and emotions that i think of when i listen to MMJ into two pictures.. which is definitely not enough.. but i'm almost positive that you peeps can relate with me on some level or another.
I relate, dude.  I love your pictures, and the colours you picked and what I feel when I look at them...  I'm really glad you were involved.  :)  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 27, 2005, 01:03 AM
for the next one, we should do the liner notes like all the mmj albums, handwritten
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: wordawg on Aug 27, 2005, 01:55 AM
Currently unable to download and listen (I'm in Egypt) but looks great.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: dragonboy on Aug 27, 2005, 02:39 AM
After a few listens I can honestly say there's not a bad track on the tribute guys! Hats off to everyone!
Mr Tom "seventeen with a beard" Eisenbraun's Golden is my fav right now.
Eisey - are you really 17dude?!! Thats some real talent you have there. I think I might need your autograph before you get too big & famous to post anymore!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 27, 2005, 07:14 AM
QuoteCurrently unable to download and listen (I'm in Egypt) but looks great.

You're in EGYPT, greggy?  That's pretty awesome!  :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: Chills on Aug 27, 2005, 10:43 AM
Downloaded, listened. damn cool stuff again on this one.
Great site, nice artwork, looks professional...

I certainly enjoyed your voices, tunes, Eisey's impressive "ooow's" and "aaaw's" at the end of Golden and the hilarious one-second long eighties guitar solo 25 seconds into "Nashville To Kentucky" (and the lovely harmonies of course!!).

I tried to list my favorites, but really, they're all top notch this time around.

Y'all did a wondrous job!
Looking forward to volume three.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Aug 27, 2005, 10:51 AM
Volume 3 will include songs from "Z", hopefully, because it will have been officially released by the time we get around to doing this thing again.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: Chills on Aug 27, 2005, 11:13 AM
Haha, take your time!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 27, 2005, 12:08 PM
oh man, does that mean i can't do "Oxen/How Can I know" for the next one, since its not officially released? What about Lil' Billy?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Aug 27, 2005, 12:39 PM
No. We have to wait until they are officially released before we can record them.... or at least, until we can put them on one of the tribute CDs. We just can't legally post a recording of one of their songs before it's appeared on an official release by them.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 27, 2005, 02:44 PM
I think Eisey meant that since those songs haven't been on a record, he was wondering if he can do them... :)

Um, do you really mean that you're going to get a third one going around October when Z is released?  Whew.  Slave driver!  

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 27, 2005, 02:45 PM
Wait, I reread everything...  I see, now.

Hm, how come 'Lil Billy couldn't be an option?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: sweatboard on Aug 27, 2005, 04:25 PM
The Way That He Sings - I loved reading the story behind why Dave choose this song.  I think the production on this one would make the boys proud it sounds like something from Z, very spacy and powerful.  I love the arrangement, when it slows down for the "Why's it so great" part at the end I start to get teary eyed.  

Come Closer - It gives me tingles when Meg harmonizes with herself.  Megans voice really sounds so amazing with the autoharp.  I think this song is really mysterious it's reportedly recorded in some deep cavern it definatly sounds like it came from some place magical.

Golden - I dig the staggered strumming on this one.  Tom recorded this on his bed and I knew it sounded like it came from some place magical ;)  Tom are you sure you're only 17?  Holy crap your voice sounds much more seasoned.  Keep it up brother.

Sep. Blues - The Toy Piano and Wicked Drum Beat are fucking Awesome.  Damn that drum beat is HOT!  Also, I love the vocal recording on this one, sounds Roy Orbisonish.  

Picture of You - Nice change on the riff, very cool Jason.  The organ is subtle but so effective.  The vocal improv bit at the end is sweet as well.

Nashville to Kentucky - Damn Eisey, you're voice sounds like you've lived through more shit than Willie Nelson.  When that first electric guitar note hits I get a boner.  The harmonizing and oooohs and ahhhhs would make Jim proud.  Wind Chimes?  Damn this track has more shit to get into than a hamster cage.  The giggles at the end make my soul glow.  Nice work guys.  Outstanding.

By My Car - I know that feeling of just driving around in your car late at night just to listen to a song over and over again.  This is really probably one of my favorite songs Jim has ever written and you guys fucking nailed it.  Beautiful Vocals.

One Big Holliday - The opening sounds so EPIC.  Then Tony starts playing the guitar and I swear I'm at a Dream Theater Show.  Nice One Tony.  You is a true Guitar Shredder.

I Will Be There When You Die - Just a guitar and a shit load of heart.  This is how this song is done.  

Hopefully - The Sparkly Recorder and Banjoooo make this track.  One day as a sort of art project I want to kidnap Meg and lock her in a room for a week with the most unusual fucked up instruments on earth and some recording equipment and see what she comes out with.  It's good to see the shaker egg make an apperance as well.  A lovely voice for a lovely song, good choice guys.  It's beautiful.    

The Bear - WOW!  This sounds like it could be on Z as well.  Really captures the haunting feeling of the original.  Alot of subtle instrumentaion to enjoy and then the ending blows my head off.

I Won't Cry - I like this as the last standard track it makes me want to get up and dance.  It's a smile maker.

Self Doubt - Nice way to close the album that beat is so dope, Great Idea Tom.  Well Done it makes me proud to be a fan of this band.

*Hidden Track*

Mahggetah - This song makes me proud to be a fan as well.  Jintro put himself out there on this one and it works once again, I loved the version of O from the last record I like this even more.  So interesting and makes me hear the song in a different light, I think good covers are able to do that.  The guitar parts are perfect I'm glad you left this track the way it is and didn't add anything in.  Really a perfect hidden track.  This song really makes me think about music and songs and what it all means.

The End

This record is so well done and flows so well.  I'm really so amazed by the fans of this band and really proud to be a part of such a great little community.  So much heart up in here.  Great Work friends!  Corey, you are a good man to organize and take such good care of this project.  


Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Aug 27, 2005, 05:08 PM
Damn man, you're gonna make me cry. I don't like to do that in front of people.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: sweatboard on Aug 27, 2005, 05:17 PM
Proud Papas are allowed to cry. ;)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: cmasters on Aug 27, 2005, 11:21 PM
really enjoyed participating and hearing it... well done all... thanks
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 28, 2005, 12:30 AM
Wow, thank you Brian.

And screw Oxen and Lil Billy, I'm gonna do Breathin. Holy crap, awesome song.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: aMillionDreams on Aug 28, 2005, 07:26 AM
Good stuff everybody.  I'll submit a more detailed review when it has time to sink in a little more.  

As far as 'Oxen/How Could I Know' is concerned.  I'm sure that it is going to be released sooner rather than later, probably on a single if I had to guess.  It's too bad that 'Lil Billy' is off limits just like it's too bad that's it hasn't ever been officially released.  Yo Eisey, if you know how to play it could you please post the tabs in the tabs thread.  I've been having a hard time figuring that one out.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 28, 2005, 08:08 AM
Brian, you're the shit.  :)

I guess that I haven't said yet here that the first time I heard what Eisey did with the guitar on Nashville to Kentucky, I totally cheered in my room.  And then I had to listen to it about 80 times in a row.  It just fits so awesomely.  r.o.c.k.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: utonynashm on Aug 28, 2005, 10:01 AM
Sounding great all around...By everyone!

You can tell lots of hardwork and love went into all of this.

I'm happy to be part of it!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 28, 2005, 10:16 AM
QuoteSounding great all around...By everyone!

You can tell lots of hardwork and love went into all of this.

I'm happy to be part of it!
Hello Tony! :)

Funny, I was JUST coming on here to say that I'd heard from you and to let everyone know that you had nice things to say and that you were doing well.  But you already did it.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: utonynashm on Aug 28, 2005, 02:04 PM
Cool, but you know what's funny?  In the track notes...It has my old music site, I have a new one now.  The old one doesn't exsist.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 28, 2005, 06:02 PM
QuoteCool, but you know what's funny?  In the track notes...It has my old music site, I have a new one now.  The old one doesn't exsist.
Yeah, you didn't give me a website, I went back to that old "Our Music" thread and found that one...  Where can I get the new one?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: utonynashm on Aug 29, 2005, 07:16 AM
Oh it's not a big deal but...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: sideroad32 on Aug 29, 2005, 03:58 PM
Sounds good everyone.
Got here to late for this one but, sign me up for Sooner for the next one.  And maybe something off the new album as well.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Aug 29, 2005, 05:11 PM
Cool. Keep an eye out. We'll probably start another sometime in the Spring of 2006.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 29, 2005, 06:43 PM
The notes page is updated with Tony's new webpage, O's notes and Ulaine's proper informaccione.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: utonynashm on Aug 30, 2005, 06:33 AM
Wow, thank you a lot Meg!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 30, 2005, 06:58 AM
QuoteWow, thank you a lot Meg!
Yer welcome a lot, Tony Toni Tone! ;)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: Oz on Aug 30, 2005, 03:04 PM
I just listened to it and boy, it's so much better than the first one, wich was real good already. There are some cool reinterpretations this time, with some mighty cool sounds. Meg, what is that guitar sounds of yours on 'Closer'? Tom, your voice is great on 'Nashville to Kentucky'! And I really love how the albums sounds with 'Okay, let's do it' and ends with 'So long.' :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Aug 30, 2005, 03:22 PM
I didn't even notice that.  You're right.  I believe that fate made that happen.

O, it's an autoharp, which is a very non-guitar kind of guitar aside from the fact that you strum with the same hand and there are strings.  :)

Or else, you could call it a very very easy guitar...  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: SMc55 on Sep 01, 2005, 01:13 PM
Omygod! I've just spotted this thread! How did this happen? I've been in France seeing my sister but I thought I'd checked everything out when I got back. I will get my technical expert to download it for me pronto. Looks like it's another goodie  ;D
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Sep 01, 2005, 01:15 PM
(Oh good - I was wondering if you'd had a chance to listen.  :))
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: SMc55 on Sep 01, 2005, 01:19 PM
Quote(Oh good - I was wondering if you'd had a chance to listen.  :))

I so hope you weren't thinking I didn't like it or wasn't interested. I'll listen to it as soon as I can. Well done for getting it done. You and Corey make great things happen  ;D
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Sep 01, 2005, 01:24 PM
Thanks! I can't wait to hear what you think of the tunes.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Sep 01, 2005, 01:26 PM
QuoteI so hope you weren't thinking I didn't like it or wasn't interested. I'll listen to it as soon as I can. Well done for getting it done. You and Corey make great things happen  ;D
Corey is a wonderful instigator and good-vibes maker, and also fun to collaborate with.  As well as a kick-ass musician. :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Sep 01, 2005, 01:27 PM
awww shucks.

Meg is awesome as well. :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: antoniostrohs on Sep 01, 2005, 04:51 PM
Many props to all the very talented people who worked on this tribute.It is Way Cool!!!Thanks for all your time and effort to show your love for the band and your love for this forum so that we can share the wonderful music you all produced.Thank you very much!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Sep 01, 2005, 04:54 PM
Hi Mr. Tony!!  So nice to see you!!  :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: wordawg on Sep 02, 2005, 04:21 AM
You're in EGYPT, greggy?  That's pretty awesome!  :)

I was then, back home now. Pity.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: PhOneWentDead on Sep 04, 2005, 07:56 AM
Looks amazing!!

I think you should sell a limited number but I guess there's a lot of red tape with that...

Does anyone have the link for the 1st tribute album??
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Sep 04, 2005, 07:58 AM
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: PhOneWentDead on Sep 04, 2005, 08:00 AM
Damn that was fast...thanx Olwiggum...but wait that link seems dead...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Sep 04, 2005, 08:00 AM
hehe... No problem.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: PhOneWentDead on Sep 04, 2005, 08:03 AM
That link seems dead...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Sep 04, 2005, 08:04 AM
QuoteI think you should sell a limited number but I guess there's a lot of red tape with that...

Red tape, and really not about the spirit of the thing, I think.  Just one of those things that you do because it's fun, and you're excited to share it.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Sep 04, 2005, 08:05 AM
EC, is the first tribute still there?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Sep 04, 2005, 08:05 AM
QuoteThat link seems dead...
Yeah, the link has a weird space on it after the l in html - try this one
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: PhOneWentDead on Sep 04, 2005, 08:17 AM
Thanx - you guys rule...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: SMc55 on Sep 06, 2005, 10:14 AM
I got my copy of the new album today and just listened to it twice through. Another fantastic achievement. Well done all of you.

Megan's voice is now so familiar to me now it was like listening to an old friend (which I suppose I was  :)). I loved the duets with Tom and Corey. Tom's voice was a surprise. More mature than I expected I think. His 'self doubt' track was great fun. Did you record that at Bonnaroo? O's Mahgeetah was fascinating. It took two listens but I like it a lot. Really creative.

Tony track was great. What skill. It sounded fab as an instrumental but remember we all know you can sing  ;)

Clay's 'I will be there when you die' was so moving. I loved it.

Just like with the first album, it made me revisit the originals, especially one's I've listened to less than others like Old September Blues and By My Car.

Once again - Well done all of you  8)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: Tree on Sep 06, 2005, 10:54 AM
ha that´s wonderful!!!  :)
just downloaded the first tribute album and now i´m listening to it. great stuff!!
downloadin the second tribute...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Sep 06, 2005, 12:07 PM
Quoteit was like listening to an old friend (which I suppose I was)
:)  That's so lovely.  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 12:59 PM
Wait, so this available even for those that didn't contribute a song and have no musical ability whatsoever but still enjoy listening to fans' renditions of MMJ tunes? Awesome! I guess I'm really slow.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Sep 09, 2005, 01:55 PM
QuoteWait, so this available even for those that didn't contribute a song and have no musical ability whatsoever but still enjoy listening to fans' renditions of MMJ tunes? Awesome! I guess I'm really slow.

eeeet iiiizzz foooohhh everyone. :)  especially you. :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 02:03 PM

eeeet iiiizzz foooohhh everyone.

Har har.  ;)

Quote especially you. :)

Ah, thanksh!  ::)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 07:38 PM
So I had to take a break from the Wordless Chorus and Off the Record, so I decided to check out the tribute records I and II and damnation.... you people are amazing. Every song has such a sense of spirit and commitment to the originals, yet are creative and heartfelt at the same time. Incredibly impressive. Cheers to all of you. We all should be so creative...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: utonynashm on Sep 09, 2005, 10:27 PM
EVERY human has some sort of raw beauty in them.  Raw is not negative at all.  We all have creativity, EVERYONE has something to offer.  It is just in different ways sometimes.


Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: Willy_Glen on Sep 12, 2005, 01:53 PM
sounds great!

what about volume 1? would love to hear that too, is there a way to hear it?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Sep 12, 2005, 02:09 PM
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: Willy_Glen on Sep 12, 2005, 03:29 PM
thanks EC

u sound amazing...very pretty.

i think it's u singing....
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: Oz on Oct 08, 2005, 07:03 AM
Hey, I just had an idea this afternoon. How about making a tribute to Z? We could all pick a song from the album, maybe also 'Chills' and 'How do you know?' and then make a fan-edition of Z. I would love to do something with 'Wordless chorus', if only to try to make it sound even more like Prince... :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Oct 08, 2005, 08:20 AM
I think that sounds cool.

When I talked to Patrick after the show in BHAM, he said that he is really interested to hear how the fans interpret some of those songs.

Maybe we can start organizing it soon.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Oct 08, 2005, 03:18 PM
I pick Into The Woods.  (please) :)  I think the autoharp will like that song.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Oct 09, 2005, 07:08 PM


or how could i know?

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Oct 09, 2005, 07:09 PM
ummmm, Tom.  C'mon.  YOU have to do How Could I Know.  As if.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Oct 09, 2005, 07:22 PM

I know. Dang, it's such a tossup though. I've really begun to love Dondante in the past couple of days. It's the kind of song to tear you in half, and I have no idea whether or not i could do it.

But, I guess since i did fiure out the tab for Oxen and it is seriously one of hte best songs ever written, that i will most certainly cover it.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Oct 10, 2005, 11:38 PM
ok yeah, I'm definitely in for How Could I Know.

should i start gettin on it? or when do you think we're gonna set a dealine for? end of january, maybe?

and could I possibly help out with the artwork for this one? I have an idea or two.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Oct 11, 2005, 06:15 AM
Corey, where you at?

It would be great if you have ideas for artwork, Tom. :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: corey on Oct 11, 2005, 07:15 AM
Hey all.
Maybe we should start a new thread for organization of the next one.

Let's not set a deadline yet. We can start working on them and see where everyone is in the next month or two. Honestly, this isn't a great time to try to get it organized. One of the DBT tributes that I did was around this time and everyone puts everything off because of school, work, holidays. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, then Christmas right after that. This sort of project gets pushed back in people's priority lists.

So let's not structure anything just yet. I'm actually even OK if there are more than 1 version of the same song since we don't have that many to choose from since we're just gonna do "Z" stuff. It's a lot easier to spread songs out when we were pulling from 3 albums, 2 Early Recordings, and various mp3s.

Maybe we can do a deadline for sometime at the end of January. That would give people time to start a project now and maybe finish it after the holidays.... or start it fresh right after the holidays in some cases.  :)

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Oct 11, 2005, 08:06 AM
sounds good. but might as well at least get the ideas rollin and introduce the thought with a thread about it.  don't have to get super-serious about it yet, but rather start gettin people thinkin about what they can do for it and whatnot. I mean, we still have to figure all these songs out too, so it won't be horribly quick.

this should rock.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Oct 11, 2005, 09:08 AM
I'm down with that idear.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: DD on Oct 19, 2005, 06:51 PM
im in.  ill start working soon.  i need to listen to the song a few more times to get it in my head and then put something together.

itd be a great idea to start a new thread on this one.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Jan 19, 2006, 11:58 PM
wiggy, hey?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jan 20, 2006, 12:18 AM
I'm in.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume II - the goods are h
Post by: EC on Jan 20, 2006, 12:23 AM
word.  Expect newz soon.  ;)