i'm just getting into my morning jacket and love what i'm hearing. bermuda highway was one of my early favorites, but i couldn't make out all the words. then i looked them up and realized that the lyrics were great...except for one line.
your ass it draws me in like a Bermuda highway.
does that turn anyone else off? I mean the song is great but that line just seems so unneccesary. Maybe it's just me but if you change ass to face or anything else it would be better. It just took me by suprise.
I usta date a girl that had an ass as big as a highway. ;D
Quotei'm just getting into my morning jacket and love what i'm hearing. bermuda highway was one of my early favorites, but i couldn't make out all the words. then i looked them up and realized that the lyrics were great...except for one line.
your ass it draws me in like a Bermuda highway.
does that turn anyone else off? I mean the song is great but that line just seems so unneccesary. Maybe it's just me but if you change ass to face or anything else it would be better. It just took me by suprise.
to me, that line makes the song just
crack a bit more. the rest of the lyrics are awesome, of course, but what else would draw one in "like a Bermuda Highway" except for someone's ass? he just can't help it but to look. if you changed it to "face" I don't think it would have the same sparkle or appeal, IMHO.
to me, that line makes the song just crack a bit more. the rest of the lyrics are awesome, of course, but what else would draw one in "like a Bermuda Highway" except for someone's ass? he just can't help it but to look. if you changed it to "face" I don't think it would have the same sparkle or appeal, IMHO.
I guess I see what you're saying, but I think eyes could have worked as well without sounding a little vulgar. But then again I don't have any albums out
Short Bitter Fucked Up Life didn't bother ya any?
I think maybe the tone of MMJ causes people to take them a little too seriously sometimes....
I'm not certain it's vulgar. In fact, I think it's rather complimentary. Of someone's ass, that is...that he just has to look, and because of it's fine features, he's drawn in to something he can't look away from.
i don't think it's rude - in the context of the song, i thought it was kind of sweet
upon further reflection, it's not like he's saying..."hey baby, your sweet plumb of an ass draws me in like a Bermuda Highway" or "your ass is shaped like a bowler hat and it draws me in like a Bermuda Highway"...so yeah, he says "your ass" but doesn't add "your ass is like a gravy boat full of lovin'" or some other banality....
Few people know the song was originally titled "Hershey Highway" . This is speculation, of course.
:o I love this thread!
None of the lyrics make very much sense to me. I think that's why I like them.
What's wrong with saying ass?
Ass. Ass. Ass.
It doesn't hurt anybody.
And it's the best line of the song, anyway.
I'm pro ass on this one. It took me a little while to realize that's what Jimbo was saying here as well because you don't expect him to be so bold. I've always wondered how this would fare as a pick up line?? It's on a short list of my favorite MMJ lyrics as it stands.
He may not literally mean "your ass".
Like the saying, "Your ass is mine". Pretty sure "ass" means your entire body, not just buttocks.
Too bad the word "ass" has reared up such a bad connotation. I felt it could end up this way and maybe more figurative terms could be cracked. The discussion shouldn't go down the pooper, in fact, using hind sight, it's a great idea. I just don't want my comments to be some butt to some joke...
QuoteHe may not literally mean "your ass".
Like the saying, "Your ass is mine". Pretty sure "ass" means your entire body, not just buttocks.
Too bad the word "ass" has reared up such a bad connotation. I felt it could end up this way and maybe more figurative terms could be cracked. The discussion shouldn't go down the pooper, in fact, using hind sight, it's a great idea. I just don't want my comments to be some butt to some joke...
Oh. Synechdoche and metonymy. Maybe so.
I link he's being literal, though. The chick's got a nice ass.
QuoteHe may not literally mean "your ass".
Like the saying, "Your ass is mine". Pretty sure "ass" means your entire body, not just buttocks.
Too bad the word "ass" has reared up such a bad connotation. I felt it could end up this way and maybe more figurative terms could be cracked. The discussion shouldn't go down the pooper, in fact, using hind sight, it's a great idea. I just don't want my comments to be some butt to some joke...
I mean, it's completely possible that Jim is writing about an actual ass drawing him in. Perhaps the ass in question had a beam coming out of it, and the beam was filled with hypnotic rhythms and tones, luring him in. Or maybe the ass actually had a honing mechanism, one that physically drew him in, without him having any power to stop it.
Or, you know, maybe he's referring to his friend's donkey. Maybe he really loves animals...
QuoteOr, you know, maybe he's referring to his friend's donkey. Maybe he really loves animals...
OK, now this is close and it really opens it up for me.
Check it out. Mary and Joseph had a donkey or two in the manger, right? This is an obvious reference to one of the wise men who came to Bethlehem. Bermuda Highway is an old expression for the Northern Star (the guiding light for the wise men). Jim did a little flip flop on it (the wise men wouldn't know about Bermuda, this was before they had a strong tourism bureau down there) so he plays time traveller a little with the lyrics. The wise man was drawn to Bethlehem via the Bermuda Highway and then drawn into the manger by the ass (he's speaking to Joseph here, so he says, "Your ass...").
what a wonderful man is about jesus...
Quotewhat a wonderful man is about jesus...
I thought Lil Billy was about Jesus...
I thought Lil Billy was about Jesus...
the way he sings is also about jesus.
the way he sings is also about jesus.
True! And let us not forget about One Big Holiday, which is clearly about Easter and the resurrection.
True! And let us not forget about One Big Holiday, which is clearly about Easter and the resurrection.
at dawn....
i dont even need to explain that one.
at dawn....
i dont even need to explain that one.
And then there's Cobra. Cobra is the telling of the new AND the old testament from beginning to end.
Cobra pretty much says it all, I think.
[size=10]s p e c u l a t i o n attention: this is not true!! i made it allllll up, and so did ratsprayer! please do not write about this or pass it off as the truth to anyone, anywhere at any time.[/size]
(ps, everyone knows that i'm just bein' a dick with that whole banner thing, and i'm actually making fun of myself, and not anybody else. i also find it hysterical, and am in no way trying to make anybody mad.
the end.)
I thought Wonderful Man was about Bo Bice
i thought all music was subjective and meant whatever you wanted it to, totally disregarding the artist's intent?
Meg, I actually sat here and spent a minute reading that entire thing. :)
QuoteI thought Wonderful Man was about Bo Bice
Bo Bice IS Jesus. Everything is subjective. And Tom, I feel honoured that you took the time to read my carefully plotted words.
Quotei thought all music was subjective and meant whatever you wanted it to, totally disregarding the artist's intent?
you're completely right, i was just taken back by the line because it seemed like such a sweet song. I'm not comparing the two, but imagine if jerry garcia threw the word ass into the song ripple. it would kinda ruin the song.
i'm not against swearing or anything like that i was just very suprised
you're completely right, i was just taken back by the line because it seemed like such a sweet song. I'm not comparing the two, but imagine if jerry garcia threw the word ass into the song ripple. it would kinda ruin the song.
i'm not against swearing or anything like that i was just very suprised
I think he was being sarcastic, but then again what does author's intent have to do with anything?
BTW, you all have it backwards the Bible is about Bermuda Highway, subjectively speaking of course. ;)
I think he was being sarcastic, but then again what does author's intent have to do with anything?
BTW, you all have it backwards the Bible is about Bermuda Highway, subjectively speaking of course. ;)
What kinda backwards?
Like, ass-backwards?
Question for English speaking people on these boards (or people studying German languages (Chills ;)):
Would it be (im)possible to be drawn in by eyes?
I always thaught that Jim sang eyes in stead of ass
The line is "it draws me in..."
With eyes it should be "they draw me in"
Examen gehad trouwens?
The line is "it draws me in..."
With eyes it should be "they draw me in"
Mhhhm, that makes sens
Examen was dik ok, drie vragen drie antwoorden, cool.
Ben je in Gent? Snooker?
Nee zit in eeklo, morgen examen.
Ga nu nog efkes gaan leren
Wel vree veel zin in snooker, maar ja :P
je vergat trouwens een "e" in "sense".
Jaja spellingpolitie!
Veel slechte TV trouwens. Noch snooker, noch bowls, noch dats op BBC. Schande.
darts, my friend, darts ;D
Everyone loves ass. Even Jim.
Haha, k had het ook gezien!
ok k ben nu echt wel terug naar mn leerstof.
Downloadtip: yeah yeah yeah van The Pogues
Quoteyeah yeah yeah van The Pogues
Consider it done
you're completely right, i was just taken back by the line because it seemed like such a sweet song. I'm not comparing the two, but imagine if jerry garcia threw the word ass into the song ripple. it would kinda ruin the song.
i'm not against swearing or anything like that i was just very suprised
FYI, Robert Hunter wrote the lyrics to Ripple, Jerry wrote the music.
But, if he used ass, he could do it here:
You who choose to lead must follow
But if you fall you fall alone,
If you should stand then who's to guide you?
If I knew the way I would take your
ass home.
All this ass talk has me feelin' frisky.
QuoteAll this ass talk has me feelin' frisky.
there's the true reason you started the sushi thread.
there's the true reason you started the sushi thread.
Nope, totally unrelated. :)
Nope, totally unrelated. :)
sorry, that was just pure speculation, anyway. ;)
sorry, that was just pure speculation, anyway. ;)
oy vei
QuoteAll this ass talk has me feelin' frisky.
oy vei
Darn Tootin'
QuoteI thought Wonderful Man was about Bo Bice
please print that on a t-shirt. i would buy it.
her ass is so hot, it's making that ice cream MELT