My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Music => Topic started by: JacketGal on Jun 29, 2006, 01:49 PM

Title: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: JacketGal on Jun 29, 2006, 01:49 PM
Dayum straight Jacket fans this record is amazing. I didn't get it as much when I first heard it, thought it lacked in production and sounded muddy. The first Jacket record I heard was ISM but going back and listening to the older stuff has been awesome! And what's nice about TF is that it gets more interesting and better with each least to my ears!

I am officially hoping that they bust out By My Car this summer  or fall!!

(where's that thumbs up icon??  ;))

Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: Jon T. on Jun 29, 2006, 02:44 PM
That is exactly how it worked out for me as well.  TTF was took the longest to grow on me and it still is.  In fact, I put it on this morning on my way to work.  I just got back from lunch and had to listen to By My Car and Butch Cassidy twice :)
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: jeffro79 on Jun 29, 2006, 06:13 PM
Tenn. Fire is my favorite MMJ album and I started w/ ISM also. I'm hoping for War Begun or The Dark this tues.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: TEO on Jun 30, 2006, 01:59 PM
I know what you mean. I am still working on "TF"! But hopefully like other bands that I love, the earlier material will prove itself to be just as substantial as the other work.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: MMJ_fanatic on Jun 30, 2006, 02:00 PM
For me, the 1st listen to "The Bear" was immediate love--this warmed to the CD immediately.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 01, 2006, 02:50 AM
Does"Butch Cassidy" make anyone else cry? it wasn't until I read the lyrics, and then every time i listen to it and think about it, i get this huge lump in my throat.

i love that song. it's strange that it's one of my favorites from that album.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: Dee. on Jul 01, 2006, 03:20 PM
My sister's love of Butch Cassidy and By My Car is so great that it's reached comical proportions.  She always jokes that she is going to request them live.  "BUTCH CASSSSSSIDY!!!!"  I mean I love them too, but she's taken it to a whole 'nother level.  :)

Anyway, yeah Tennessee Fire gets an A++.  
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: rob on Jul 02, 2006, 01:40 AM
QuoteDoes"Butch Cassidy" make anyone else cry?

No, but Nashville To Kentucky could.......LOVE those lyrics.........and that chill-inducin' singin'.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: BH on Jul 02, 2006, 11:40 PM
Actually, just the other day, By My Car was the 3rd MMJ song  that got an actual tear to emerge.  Wierd what this shit does to me.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: Easy Morning Rebel on Jul 03, 2006, 11:15 AM
You're so right! I loooooooooooove that record so much. I'm totally in love with the song "They Ran". It's brilliant! ;D
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: EC on Jul 03, 2006, 05:28 PM
QuoteI am officially hoping that they bust out By My Car this summer  or fall!!
[size=18]what a great idea!!!!![/size]
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: Coltrane on Jul 04, 2006, 12:06 PM
"I Will Be There When You Die"

'nuff said.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: Jellyfish on Jul 04, 2006, 01:44 PM
Yeah,my fav MMJ record as well.It took me awhile to get over the low budget sound and actually appreciate it.It's a perfect record for those long lonely nights.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: Easy Morning Rebel on Jul 06, 2006, 06:36 AM
QuoteYeah,my fav MMJ record as well.It took me awhile to get over the low budget sound and actually appreciate it.It's a perfect record for those long lonely nights.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: thebigbang on Jul 06, 2006, 05:30 PM
Still my favorite album.  The songs are incredible. When you long to know the inspiration, the mystery . . . oh, such is love.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: diggoryvenn on Jul 08, 2006, 10:52 PM
The Tennessee Fire was actually the first MMJ album I bought; my friend burned me It Still Moves and At Dawn but I only gave them a couple listens before picking up TTF and putting it on repeat for about three days.  I was so pumped to finally see them play "The Bear" and "Evelyn Is Not Real" at bonnaroo this year.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: JacketGal on Jul 09, 2006, 11:02 AM
I'm still on the TF kick. I can't get enough!  And the record gets better with each listen, is that possible?   ;D
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: jrat on Jul 11, 2006, 09:23 PM
i gave a buddy of mine all 4 of the albums i had, to see if i could spread the virus, and the one that made him sick....TTF. its by far and away his favourite. it was my least favourite for months, now i cant get it out of my cd player. the bacteria has multiplied and im covered in TTF!!
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: dhollensbe on Jul 12, 2006, 03:28 PM
OK, I finally got around to buying the entire album today, I had grabbed a few tracks a while ago....two words, LOVE IT
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: Oz on Jul 21, 2006, 04:56 AM
TTF was my introduction to the band in 2000 and it blew me away. They have never topped it since, nor will they ever, and maybe that's a good thing, really. But by making their sound bigger and larger, I think they've lost something of the magic that can be found on TTF. I just read the 'Show me your Dondante' topic and I thought it was funny how all the live band versions of that song are over 10 minutes and then Jim did a solo one of just 5 minutes and I just know for a fact that that version would have hit me the hardest...
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: sweatboard on Jul 21, 2006, 08:39 AM
I don't know................... Don Dante is great song but it's all about the solo.  It's as much a part of the lyrics as the lyrics are.  Plus, the song is so stripped down anyway, even after they reworked it for the live show I'm not sure the acoustic version has much to offer over the original besides the fact that it's just Jim and a guitar which is cool for sure but no solo =   missing most important part.  

On another note, The TN Fire is absolutly Amazing.  It's like the Revolver (TN Fire) to At Dawn's (SGT. Pepers) An epic warmup with some of the best songs ever written.  Including, the most important MMJ song to ever hit me and get it all started in the first place "The Bear"  

I remember the first time I heard this song and thinking "my god how is something this beautiful and powerful even created."  Then I saw them play it live for the first time and I remember thinking how it was almost as if Jim plays in slow motion.  Somehow he's able to actually bend time with his music and almost grind your mind into a place where it stalls and mabey it's not that Jim actually plays in a diffrent time signature but I really think he plays from some diffrent dimmension and it's one I want to be on and taken to.  It's a place where I could start to come to terms "with whatever killed your spark" and there's still time........for whatever else you do.  I guess it's just the Present Tense mabey, I think Jim and his music really exists in the Present Tense, it's slow yet urgent.  To this day it's like I feel like I'm on the edge of something and haveing my eyes peeled back everytime I hear "The Bear"  

I can't really tell if any of that makes sense or not.  :-*
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: BH on Jul 21, 2006, 10:19 AM
Quotehaveing my eyes peeled back everytime I hear "The Bear"  

So that's where that random pic came from! :)

Seriously though, great post Brian.  Love the bending time idea.

Oh Me Oh My, you are right, there is definately something special about the stripped down versions that Jim does solo.  Guaranteed chill every time.
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: jrat on Jul 21, 2006, 04:54 PM
i just love these guys man. i cannot beleive thats its literally, THE ONLY THING I LISTEN TOO!!. when im on the roof and its 46 degrees C witht he humidity, all i think of Xmas Curtain from Roo and OBH. its such a nice escape from the hell that is industrial roofing. to be able to put myself into a concert i never went is awesome. wrong thread, i know,  but Sweaty's description of The Bear just might make my life last just one more day, and that day will be in slow mo, and hopefully last an eternity
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: BH on Jul 21, 2006, 05:29 PM
115 dgrees F!!!!

You are in hell man.  Hang in there.  Your young, things will get better, they always do!
Title: Re: The Tennessee Fire
Post by: tito00 on Jul 28, 2006, 10:28 AM
Tennessee Fire is their first record I bought and I love it !