My Morning Jacket
My Morning Jacket release a glorious double CD on October 2nd.
Okonokos is a live album, a concert movie, an imaginary place– the setting for the ideal My Morning Jacket concert.
"We dressed stage with lots of leaves, tried to make it look like a forest," remembers Jim, "and built a little story through the movie, so there's a narrative continuing along. I don't wanna give too much away, I'd rather people saw it themselves. But we didn't want to do 'My Morning Jacket: Live at The Fillmore', or 'Live at Shepherd's Bush'. We wanted to make it mysterious; it's not about a time, or a place, it's about us playing music, somewhere!"
And what music... Okonokos is like My Morning Jacket sat down and played the perfect gig, just for you, with a setlist that'll charm new fans and the hardcore equally. Lowdown is giddily ecstatic, Jim's voice and the twin-guitars chiming in unison. Run Through stretches its arcing Zeppelin riffs out to a floor-shaking ten minutes, it's mid-song drum'n'bass breakdown a highlight of every 'Jacket show. The desolate Dondante similarly draws its drama out past ten minutes, Jim's ghostly verses giving way to a guitar solo that challenges Neil Young's Like A Hurricane for sorrowful eloquence. And a piano-wrecking, road-ragged stomp through the head-banging country-rock of Dancefloors shows that the stage inspires My Morning Jacket to always take their beloved songs somewhere else."We really go for it in the studio," Jim laughs, "But it's nice to open the songs up, when we're playing them live. When we watched the footage back for the first time, we were just amazed we lived through it: we filmed right at the end of a long tour, we were all getting sick, we were fuckin' slaughtered! A couple of songs stretched past the ten minute mark there, and they're my favourite versions of those songs, better than the album versions.
My Morning Jacket, "Okonokos" (Sept. 26, ATO):
MMJ is one of the best live bands in rock, so we'd be testy if their first concert album didn't deliver the goods, which it thankfully does. There are ripping versions of "Z" tracks like "Anytime" and "Gideon," oldies like "Dancefloors" and "Mahgeetah" and lesser-known fare such as "Xmas Curtain," "Steam Engine" and "I Will Sing You Songs." Too bad they couldn't include their jaw-dropping cover of the Band's "It Makes No Difference" with Eddie Vedder, frequently performed while they were opening for Pearl Jam in May.
awesome writeup laurie, thank you!
Quote...and lesser-known fare such as "Xmas Curtain," "Steam Engine" and "I Will Sing You Songs."
Steam Engine?!! Lesser-known?!! :-/
This is malarchy!
Quote[they're my favourite versions of those songs, better than the album versions.
i think that's going to be commonplace for the songs on this album
VERY well put about Dondante.
this is the first "country" reference i've read that actually made me smile. they weren't dumb about it, they just used it where it was truly applicable and it definitely works.
well done sirs!
My Old Kentucky Blog has some clips of the DVD up
That clip just made me crap my pants.
WOW!!! Cheers 4 posting! :) :) :)
HOLY FUCK!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
It looks like the enchanted forest idea is really going to pay off big time. I was a little sceptical at first but they guy putting it togther is genious and really captures the humor and the magic and the raw natures of this band. Looks like I will not be dissapointed.
WOW...I can't stop watching this clip! Clearly this is going to be so much more than your average concert DVD. Do we really have to wait until the end of October? Man, this looks SO good...
There is not a big enough smilley face in the world for what I just witnessed.
Haha, what is that supposed to be BH?!! ;D ;D ;D
Haha, you modified your post! ;D
I was trying to make a giant smiley face but it didn't translate very well and I erased it but you caught me! ;)
Holy shit is that DVD going to be good or what db? I wish we could all get together for one big giant viewing party!
You gotta be faster than that BH! ;)
QuoteHoly shit is that DVD going to be good or what db? I wish we could all get together for one big giant viewing party!
Yer seriously...I mean we all knew it was going to be good but that clip just transcends all expectations. It f**king blows them out of the water!!!
A viewing party we be the coolest. One day we'll all hook up Bro, one day...
Sweet Pic.
Like I have always said, I may be short, but I'm slow.
Whoa mama, that clip looks bananas. I saved it. For sure. If you want to save:
Kubrickian! Thank YOU for posting this. :D
QuoteWhoa mama, that clip looks bananas. I saved it. For sure. If you want to save:
Thanks D! :)
Just Pimped it out on youtube.
I don't know how many times I've seen this clip in the last 24hrs.
It stills gives me shivers everytime! :)
Do you think the bear kills that dude & his llama?
Man, I hope they got away OK but I'm thinking maybe they didn't? I read once that bears can run as fast as a horse? & that llama's def going to slow the dude down. Shit... :-/
My lil cat Chloe would chase that bear up a tree. :P ;D
I have a weener dog.
That's hot.
QuoteDo you think the bear kills that dude & his llama?
Man, I hope they got away OK but I'm thinking maybe they didn't? I read once that bears can run as fast as a horse? & that llama's def going to slow the dude down. Shit... :-/
Hmm. Good Q. Llama guy was having fun and rocking out. It'd be sad to see him go. Maybe the bear is also a Jacket fan and they negotiate. And then become best friends.
Or, wait! How do we know that llama guy isn't an evil, evil man? Maybe the bear is trying to save the planet, universe, and your soul.
QuoteOr, wait! How do we know that llama guy isn't an evil, evil man? Maybe the bear is trying to save the planet, universe, and your soul.
Shit D, I hadn't even considered that possibility!
Maybe llama guy was there to sabotage the show somehow?!!
There's another scene where some other kids are screaming & running away from the camera...I figured that had something to do with the bear but maybe it was llama guy?
Lets hope the DVD provides us with all the answers because I, for one, won't be sleeping until I find out the truth!
QuoteI have a weener dog.
Ha ha Meddle. Great. My friend has one too. She's very sweet but nervous.
Lets hope the DVD provides us with all the answers because I, for one, won't be sleeping until I find out the truth!
Careful Andrew. Insomniacs turn out looking like this:
I could do with losing a few pounds!
My suit doesn't fit & the wedding is in 4 weeks. I'm supposed to be on a diet but I'm knocking back a beer as I type, haha.
Have you seen The Machinist? I like Christian Bale & it's been on my to-see-list since it came but I never seem to be in the mood for it...
Culture Bully has the trailer up:
Before the band's symphonic appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman I had never given them a chance. I never cared to question whether or not My Morning Jacket were simply just another jam band, that I would more than likely not even remotely enjoy. or something more. But it was that performance, the song being "Gideon," that changed my outlook on what some feel might be the greatest current American band. My Morning Jacket's upcoming release of the concert film Okonokos and the accompanying two-disc live album look as though they are an amazing set of proofs given to persuade any remaining cynics, ie: anyone who didn't see the Letterman performance.
"might be the greatest current American band..."
Is the setlist for the CD going to be the same as the other words, were there some songs they played that night that didn't make the cd or is the tracklist for the cd the setlist for that night?
Is the setlist for the CD going to be the same as the other words, were there some songs they played that night that didn't make the cd or is the tracklist for the cd the setlist for that night?
This remains a mystery. I think there will be some extras on the dvd.
This remains a mystery. I think there will be some extras on the dvd.
Okay, I went back and got the setlists for both nights:
November 11th - The Fillmore, San Francisco CA
01. Wordless Chorus
02. It Beats For You
03. One Big Holliday
04. The Way That He sings
05. Golden
06. Sooner
07. Xmas Curtain
08. Wonderful Man
09. Gideon
10. Bermuda Highway
11. Hopefully
12. Where To Begin
13. Lay Low
14. Dancefloors
15. Off The Record
16. Don Dante
17. Run Thru
18. Into The Woods
19. I Think I'm Going To Hell
20. Picture Of You
21. Anytime
22. Mahgeetah
November 12th - The Fillmore, San Francisco CA
01. Wordless Chorus
02. The Dark
03. It Beats For You
04. Gideon
05. One Big Holliday
06. I Will Sing You Songs
07. Lowdown
08. How Do You Know
09. Death Is The Eas Way
10. The Bear
11. Wonderful Man
12. Off The Record
13. O Is The One
14. I Think I'm Going To Hell
15. Lay Low
16. Don Dante
17. Steam Engine
18. Run Thru
19. Bermuda Highway
20. At Dawn
21. Strangulation
22. Mahgeetah
23. Anytime
I personally think that the DVD will showcase some tunes that were not on the cd. Hopefully (and judging by the DVD preview) they will play "the Bear"
my lord, i should have flown to SF for those
the dvd is going to be huge, have a lot of extras, and be more along the lines of "the song remains the same" than just a video version of the live cd. so look out, it'll blow your skull to pieces.
I personally think that the DVD will showcase some tunes that were not on the cd. Hopefully (and judging by the DVD preview) they will play "the Bear"
I can't wait for the MMJ DVD. Isn't this the first full blown DVD for MMJ? I thought that everything up until this point has been compilation stuff from Bonnaroo and the like...
I dunno about you guys and gals, but I really can't wait to give the DVD's to friends for Christmas... is there any gift better than the gospel of My Morning Jacket? No. No there isn't.
QuoteI could do with losing a few pounds!
My suit doesn't fit & the wedding is in 4 weeks. I'm supposed to be on a diet but I'm knocking back a beer as I type, haha.
Have you seen The Machinist? I like Christian Bale & it's been on my to-see-list since it came but I never seem to be in the mood for it...
Try switching to vodka. lol Or having your heart broken, you Will lose weight that way. Just kidding about getting your heart broken. ;)
Saw it, for the amount of weight Christian Bale lost for that role, he was fuckin emaciated his body was disgusting, it was good not great. Gotta give that man credit though. I guess.
POndering the (DVD) POssibilities.
* WOrdless ChOrus
* It Beats 4 U
* GideOn
* What A WOnderful Man
* Off The RecOrd
- IntO The WOOds
* Anytime
* Lay LOw
- KnOt COmes LOOse
* DOndante
- Where TO Begin
- HOw COuld I KnOw
* Mahgeetah
* DanceflOOrs
* GOlden
- Masterplan
* One Big HOliday
* I Will Sing YOu SOngs
- Easy Morning Rebel
* Run Thru
- ROllin Back
- Just One Thing
* Steam Engine
- One In The Same
* At Dawn
* LOwdOwn
* The Way That He Sings
- Death Is The Easy Way
- HOpefully
- Bermuda Highway
- HOnest Man
* Xmas Curtain
- Just Because I DO
- If It Smashes DOwn
- I Needed It MOst
- PhOne Went West
* StrangulatiOn
- Heartbreakin Man
- They Ran
- The Bear
- Nashville TO Kentucky
- Old September Blues
- If All Else Fails
- It's AbOut Twilight Now
- Evelyn Is NOt Real
- The War Begun
- Picture Of YOu
- I Will Be There When YOu Die
- The Dark
- By My Car
- Butch Cassidy
* I Think I'm GOing TO Hell
- Can YOu See The Hard Helmet On My Head
- SOOner
- CObra
- It's Been A Great 3 Or 4 Years
- HOly
- Sweetheart
* [size=10]O[/size] Is The One That Is Real
- HOw DO YOu KnOw
- COme ClOser
*22 sOngs On CD (cOunting strangulatiOn)
10 sOngs played at the FillmOre nOt On CD
32 tOtal
Side NOte:
Have they ever dOne Can You See The Hard Helmet On My Head live? I lOve this sOng mOre and mOre as time gOes On.
QuoteHave they ever dOne Can You See The Hard Helmet On My Head live? I lOve this sOng mOre and mOre as time gOes On.
I agree. Such a beautiful song...
"don't ever lose any of your god-given charm..."
I agree. Such a beautiful song...
"don't ever lose any of your god-given charm..."
Only Jim could make the word "neat" sound cool.
When do you think the reviews will start popping up?? Less than a month away from the CD release and there are definatley review copies floating around somewhere..... I can't wait!!
Anyone wanna take a guess on the where and when the reviews will start?
i'll let you know when i get my listening party copy next week ;) review
Okonokos: My Morning Jacket Release Live CD/DVD
Dream-pop country rockers My Morning Jacket have announced they will be hitting fans with their first ever live release. Set for release on both CD and DVD, 'Okonokos' is a concert movie, live album and imaginary place rolled into one killer MMJ serve and follows hot on the tail of their incredible critically acclaimed album, 'Z'.
My Morning Jacket release their long-awaited follow-up to the critically acclaimed 2001 release 'Z' this October with their special live creation, 'Okonokos'.
To be released on both CD and DVD, the 'Okonokos' album will feature 10 brand new tracks (huh?)of classic MMJ dream-pop country rock, with Zeppelin-style riffs and ghostly guitar solos, signalling a true-to-form genre mash-up from the visionary Louisville crew.
In addition to the live CD will be the 'Okonokos' DVD, created to give MMJ fans a unique visual experience. Speaking recently lead vocalist Jim James said that they didn't want to give their live DVD to be generic. Shunning the traditional "film the show" approach, they instead set the DVD in the imaginary space of a forest - an ideal setting for an MMJ gig:
"We dressed stage with lots of leaves, tried to make it look like a forest," said Jim, "and built a little story through the movie, so there's a narrative continuing along... we didn't want to do 'My Morning Jacket: Live at The Fillmore', or 'Live at Shepherd's Bush'. We wanted to make it mysterious; it's not about a time, or a place, it's about us playing music, somewhere!"
The hour and three-quarter film is also set to be screened in selected theatres across the States this October.
Check out the full tracklisting for 'Okonokos' below and stay tuned for more news as they tour Europe with Pearl Jam this September.
Dream Pop Country? I think I would prefer southern rock.
Quotevisionary Louisville crew
this phrase pleases me
does anyone have any idea if the pre-order dvd is region-specific to the US? i'd like to preorder to get in early, but not if i can never watch the dvd.....
db are japan in the same dvd region class as oz?
Quotedb are japan in the same dvd region class as oz
excuse the grammar, i'm losing the power to type.... ;)
Quotedoes anyone have any idea if the pre-order dvd is region-specific to the US? i'd like to preorder to get in early, but not if i can never watch the dvd.....
db are japan in the same dvd region class as oz?
I'm pretty sure it will be region 0, no? A lot of music DVDs are...
It's complicated, Japan & the UK are region2 but the TV systems are different so I had to get a hacked multi region DVD player to play UK DVDs here.
Oz is region4
"My Morning Jacket release their long-awaited follow-up to the critically acclaimed 2001 release 'Z' this October with their special live creation, 'Okonokos'.
To be released on both CD and DVD, the 'Okonokos' album will feature 10 brand new tracks " (huh?) lol
Has this person been in a coma or sumthin? & it fuckin passes through the editors at Mr. Big!? ::)
SonyBMG knows jack shit about their artists. Not surprising considering the copyright bullshit they pulled on the band when the album came out.
My Morning Jacket "Double Live Album." Like the title says, a twin concert disc from the neo-Southern rockers. How `70s. Sept. 26