I was thinking about the lyrics on the reocrd "Sea Change" today. I love this record and it never fails to move me...but it can be very dark, nearly depressing. So it got me thinking about the Jacket and the lyrics & music. Anyway, random thought here...their lyrics are never depressing. As deep and dark as they subject matter can be, there is always something uplifting there, some dream-like quality that says...there is an eternal or alternate existence and the end/reality is not what it seems. Calexico has this quality too.
I almost always feel uplifted by the music and the lyrics...they give me hope.
What is your random reason to love this band? :)
I like the thought Jacketgirl, but I think saying that Jim's lyrics are never depressing is a little bit of an overstatement. I see what you're getting at, as most of the lyrics (even when being written about something sad) have an uplifting take on it.
But, eh...I think I'm going to hell? I know he wasn't writing about it from his point of view (according to this is not america) but it is still pretty apocalyptic.
Shit, I was trying to think of more depressing examples but I really couldn't think of any.
Touche, Jacketgirl. Touche. I retract most of my above statement. :P
My random reason: they have an album for every season. Winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you have to do is call.
Gregg~ I hear what you are saying, I was thinking about Strangulation and Death is the Easy Way. Nope, that's not what I call uplifting. But something about the music, I hate to say it but the way that he sings ;) ...it makes these issues seem less horrifying!
Deanna~ I like your thinking! 8-)
my random reason: their sense of humor
mine: they have a song (or several, depending) that perfectly accompanies many of my moods and most of my activities.
Because no other bands music has ever made me feel the way that theirs do.
because they fucking rock!
the uptunes are always way up.....Dancefloors, Lay Low, WAWM, etc
the tearjerkers do just that.....Strangulation, Dondante, The Bear
and so much more in between
one thing, of many, that MMJ has shown me is that beauty doesnt always have to be pretty
sorry to dbl post
I totally agree with jacket girl. THere is a carefree quality to their music and live performance that uplifts the lyrical element. it is a balancing act that they do so well. Even their darker tunes provide comfort to the absurd reality that is life. I think this is the most special and timeless quality to their music. It is amazing how they continue to do this without it seeming to be contrived.
That is why I listen to these guys everyday and "seachange" from Beck only every once and a while.
I still can't believe these guys are not universally excepted but I treasure it at the same time.
I would say more but "Gods fingers' choking me"
because cobra, can make any girl "back that ass up". also its just a kick ass song. played by a kick ass band.
good one Jacketgirl!! :D
my random reason is Jim's dance moves on stage, kicks and all! i love it!!!!
The intensity of their live performances.
Adding another -- the way JJ dances during Wonderful Man! ;D
I love a good rock n' roll jump like many big bands have done in the past... i don't know why but i always love it and Jim does some awesome ones!
Sometimes it's a particular song or lyric that gets stuck in my head during the course of a regular day. Sometimes it's something as trivial as Patrick's hair or Jim's beard.
In all of their songs I can find some kind of emotional connection with the song. I've been finding that that is the reason why I like alot of music. My bro listens to very instumental bands that are comprised of great musicians who can really tear it up on the guitar but when it all comes down to it I can't get into something just because the musicians are amazing. Plus, it has to have some kind of uniqueness to it. Something that sets them apart from everybody else. This band has that perhaps moreso than any band out there today because they're so damn versatile...
And also that voice...
I just read the topic carefully...I guess that wasn't a random reason but moreso the sole reason...........hmmmmm...................
I can't think of a random reason
Oh I got one...because when I listen to their music I can see images of it in my head...anybody else see some kind of visual? Hey, especially with "I think I'm going to Hell." Of course the visuals are related to the lyrics most of the time. And this happens only sometimes when I listen to other kinds of music like Radiohead or maybe Boards of Canada. But, with MMJ it happens ALOT and the images are usually very strong ones. well there ya go!
Playing Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath live in complete and utter darkness.
QuotePlaying Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath live in complete and utter darkness.
That is a great one.
Because they played a show in a planetarium.
another reason:
Quoteanother reason:
good reason
Awesome!! Yet, another reason:
As a couple people kinda mentioned, their music has a way of touching me in so many different ways and the music compliments the different moods I get into. I've never connected with a band and their music like I've connected with My Morning Jacket.
One of my favorite songs from them is "I Think I'm Going To Hell" and one of my favorite lines from them "Take me out of this dead-end nightmare, Take me out of this hell I'm in." I don't feel depressed when I listen to these songs, but somehow feel uplifted.
The way the music grabs me by the throat and demands "Listen!" that and the fact that they are a bunch of truly beautiful human beings...
They put my sometimes troubled soul at ease. Bob Marley does that too.
Because I don't think I have EVER wanted to skip one of their songs or stop one in the middle...
Because Jim's voice is like magic and ghostly and chocolate sprinkles and a big warm hug... and his lyrics... and songwriting...
Because Carl is one BAD ASS guitarist...
And Patrick is a ROCK of rhythm...
And Bo so subtly adds his own magic to the mix...
And every concert I go to, I can't stop screaming and jumping up and down, and SMILING, SMILING, SMILING...
and there's just no randomness about it. it all fits perfectly together for me :)
QuoteBecause I don't think I have EVER wanted to skip one of their songs or stop one in the middle...
Because Jim's voice is like magic and ghostly and chocolate sprinkles and a big warm hug... and his lyrics... and songwriting...
Because Carl is one BAD ASS guitarist...
And Patrick is a ROCK of rhythm...
And Bo so subtly adds his own magic to the mix...
And every concert I go to, I can't stop screaming and jumping up and down, and SMILING, SMILING, SMILING...
and there's just no randomness about it. it all fits perfectly together for me :)
What about Tommy???
TTT is the reason for the season. Like Coke, he is the real thing. Wait, like U2, even better than the real thing. Wait...
Cuz they are the greatest band in America right now.
1) Every Week I have a new favorite song.
2) They want to be so big and you can see it - it gives me chills thinking about it.
3) My most important reason - I found people like you guys who feel the exact same way I do about the band...i dont feel so crazy for loving them so much.
Found one more reason:
- I know that Jim James will never stop making music...ever...just like neil young and bob dylan never stopped. It makes me so happy to know that.
Listening to the Jacket when the windchill is -10 makes you all warm inside!! :D
QuoteListening to the Jacket when the windchill is -10 makes you all warm inside!! :D
I got my Jacket on and I'm nice and warm on the inside but I feel like a fuckin mickey mouse bar on the outside. ( My fav off the ice cream truck ). Can't wait till I see him again.
The fact that they are down with Andrew Bird and they know that he fucking owns.
I did NOT mean to neglect Tommy. :-[ He is the thunderous bassline that keeps this train chuggin along.
Plus, Highway to Hell tickled me to death at the Fill!!! I still giggle when I listen to it again!
Because as fucked as life can be....and for me as of the past year, it's been a little extreme at times.......But as crazy as shit get's around me, for that 4 minutes, hell maybe even that 10-12 minutes that I'm playing their music, and Jim's words.....for that short period of time, I'm finally at ease for that moment in time. It's soothing, and frankly grips me like none other has.
In all honesty......I'd hate to think of where I would be at right now had I not found
it. I certainly would not be here typing to you wonderful folks either.......What If?
Great post MJ.
Good music really does have that power, doesn't it?
I hope things calm down a little for you this year :)
Thank you for the kind words Andrew.
I appreciate it.
The effect of good music, or music in general on an individual is Immeasurable really, Very powerful indeed......