thanks to lizking531 for the design.
so far the weekend looks something like this:
Friday night
Set up camp
Ice cream social (?)
Dance party (?)
Bonfire / jam session (can you make a s'more out of a peep?... we'll see!)
Hiking / Cave Tour
Lawn games (horseshoes, badmitton, bocce ball, still looking for a cornhole board and jarts)
Peeps throwing contest
My Brother Benjamin performs
Your Evening Windbreaker performs. (mmj cover band plays a set with possible guest apperances :) )
Fireworks / bonfire (?)
Jam session part deux
Fire dancing/walking (?)
any contributions / suggestions are welcome. activities with the ?s are ones that are kind of up in the air right now for whatever reason.
anyone coming through tennesse want to pick up some TENNESSE FIREworks!?
Also, I'm an experienced firewalker and would be down to walk across some fire if anyone else is interested. we could probably fit that in on saturday. it's really invigorating and fun ;D
so, who's coming down?
Reserve your campsites!
HOLY CRAP!! That is SO AWESOME. I like the diclaimer at the bottom. ;D
just the fact that it says llamas makes it worth anyone's time
Did someone say "cornholing"? I'll bring the banjo.
Ok here it is......and in the.......you guessed it....CORRECT SIZE SO YOU CAN READ IT!!!
Don't get too excited people... I'm pretty sure I'm the "Special Guest" that everyone's talking about.
It's been confirmed that I am the unconfirmed Special Guest. Awesome.
QuoteIt's been confirmed that I am the unconfirmed Special Guest. Awesome.
;D Angry you make me laugh!!!
Have a GREAT time guys (& girls!) & I'll see you @ the 2nd or 3rd :)
P.S. please, please,
please take & post 1000's &
1000's of photos & post them here soon after :D
shut up, brad. you know you're coming.
i think we should all tour the CAVE when we're there. it is really cool. there is so much to do in cave country, y'all. we should get a group picture by the seven foot chicken statue in cave city.
i will post all those pics tonight. i left the usb cable at my old house. there is one campsite that would be PERFECT for everyone's gathering together. some of the views are awesome.
i will call them today and see what time they close and all that way everyone will know when to be there.
when you get into town fri afternoon you should listen to lite 102.3 fm. the dj that's on the air at that time has a voice that is smoooooth. if you think you might get lost, pm me and i will give you the toll-free number to my office.
and, off topic, i was watching vh1 last night and found out that the former bass player for extreme (of "more than words" fame) is now an alpaca farmer. anyone want to give him a call?
Does he farm them for food or for racing?
QuoteDoes he farm them for food or for racing?
i don't know. either way, it's awesome.
so i guess i can mark you and brad down, meg?
we've got a myspace page, befriend the jacketfest, then use the page to tell yo friends bout it.
Yo, me and my crew are on that like stink on shiiiiiaaaaaatttttt!!!
But no seriously, I'm heading down, with a 2 friends - be there Friday evening!!
QuoteIt's been confirmed that I am the unconfirmed Special Guest. Awesome.
i'm so down for the chicken pic! and the cave! and peep tossing!
are there ticks? if so i will spend the weekend slathered in the most DEET intensive stuff that isn't flammable.
and: who will be wearing the llama costume?
also: the extreme guy=alpaca farmer. fantastic! [smiley=beer.gif]
[size=18]Roll Call!
aMillionDreams - with two guests
LizKing531 - with three guests
Ms Yvon
Megalicious and AngryEwok(?)
Ghosts on the TV
Sean Murphy
kyjed48 - with guests
specialist (one night?)
Who else is on board? come on, brian you know you wanna! curtis? kory?
Quotewe've got a myspace page, befriend the jacketfest, then use the page to tell yo friends bout it.
You've got a friend in Pennsylvania. 8-)
QuoteRoll Call!
aMillionDreams - with two guests
LizKing531 - with two guests
Ms Yvon
Megalicious and AngryEwok(?)
Who else is on board? come on, brian you know you wanna! curtis? kory?
I think me n Colleen n Sean Murph are coming...
QuoteQuoteRoll Call!
aMillionDreams - with two guests
LizKing531 - with two guests
Ms Yvon
Megalicious and AngryEwok(?)
Who else is on board? come on, brian you know you wanna! curtis? kory?
I think me n Colleen n Sean Murph are coming...
sweet. i hope ya all make it!
I think me n Colleen n Sean Murph are coming...
yay :)
i tried to make it work, but....nope. i wish i could come, but i can't ditch out on the family reunion. thing that sucks is the reunion is 1/2 from my house to cave city. frankfort, IN is really not as cool as cave city. damn it. :(
QuoteQuoteRoll Call!
aMillionDreams - with two guests
LizKing531 - with two guests
Ms Yvon
Megalicious and AngryEwok(?)
Who else is on board? come on, brian you know you wanna! curtis? kory?
I think me n Colleen n Sean Murph are coming...
You Know IT!!! :D Super psyched! Great flyer Liz! Myspaces...Niice! :-*
QuoteIt's been confirmed that I am the unconfirmed Special Guest. Awesome.
Hope you guys have a blast. [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Quote[size=18]Roll Call!
aMillionDreams - with two guests
LizKing531 - with two guests
Ms Yvon
Megalicious and AngryEwok(?)
Ghosts on the TV
Sean Murphy
good roster! i can't wait to meet everyone. [smiley=beer.gif]
pure logistics: are any of you (or your guests) bringing a camp stove? i'm looking for a way to boil water (can't travel on a plane with stove fuel ;D ).
i start my long trip this coming tuesday. yow!
don't drink this water: ;D
electric site
sorry, brian. no mullets.
looks good, meg. i'm getting excited!
ms yvon, we'll have a small gas grill that i'm sure you can get in on. also, there are ticks, so deet andtick checks are advisable.
damn i wish i could go. man that looks like its going to be a blast.
i hope to see some you folks at lolla
Quotelooks good, meg. i'm getting excited!
ms yvon, we'll have a small gas grill that i'm sure you can get in on. also, there are ticks, so deet and lice checks are advisable.
thanks for the burner space, million!
meg, the camp looks pretty! for some reason i was expecting something less wooded. hooray!
ticks. oh, man.
i had some tick trauma in nebraska. i can handle this!
the myspace page has 20 friends in two days, pretty good. i think we have a pretty good group coming so far but the more the merrier so spread the word!
i live twenty five minutes from Cave City, but i'm gonna be honest guys, there is no way i can ask off of work a week after Bonnaroo. Plus money's so tight that i am getting ready to do the humiliating "moving back in with my parents" thing. But if it would be cool with you all, i would love, if nothing else, to come up there one night and meet you guys.
Oh Word. Ignore what I said in my PM. I had not read this yet.
Quotei live twenty five minutes from Cave City, but i'm gonna be honest guys, there is no way i can ask off of work a week after Bonnaroo. Plus money's so tight that i am getting ready to do the humiliating "moving back in with my parents" thing. But if it would be cool with you all, i would love, if nothing else, to come up there one night and meet you guys.
come! even if it's for one night!
Quotei live twenty five minutes from Cave City, but i'm gonna be honest guys, there is no way i can ask off of work a week after Bonnaroo. Plus money's so tight that i am getting ready to do the humiliating "moving back in with my parents" thing. But if it would be cool with you all, i would love, if nothing else, to come up there one night and meet you guys.
definitely come up and see us!
btw, through the miracle that is myspace i hooked with a few guys from eastern kentucky who love to play jacket covers and they may come down and perform / jam for us! here's their myspace: http://www.myspace.com/mybrotherbenjamin
Nice, they like Pearl Jam and they cover"Just One Thing" they are friends of mine.
I'm sending good vibes south. Have a wonderful weekend folks!!!
i just received a phone call here at work from our county judge executive. barren county now has a ban on ALL open fires until further notice. hopefully, we'll get some rain soon and the ban will be lifted, but... i wanted to let you all know so you could plan accordingly. i know it may put a damper on the weekend; however, we wouldn't want to risk any damage to the environment here.
Cool, thanks for the heads up - thats a double edged sword there - I want rain, but I dont want rain.
Well, good thing they've got electric sites.
QuoteQuotei live twenty five minutes from Cave City, but i'm gonna be honest guys, there is no way i can ask off of work a week after Bonnaroo. Plus money's so tight that i am getting ready to do the humiliating "moving back in with my parents" thing. But if it would be cool with you all, i would love, if nothing else, to come up there one night and meet you guys.
come! even if it's for one night!
Word. John Conaway?
QuoteNice, they like Pearl Jam and they cover"Just One Thing" they are friends of mine.
Awesome! :D
Hey guys,
My brother Ben and I are going to be playing Saturday night. I just wanted to say thanks for inviting us and we're really looking forward to it! There's a link to our website already on this string, but here it is again:
We'll see you all there!
Quotei just received a phone call here at work from our county judge executive. barren county now has a ban on ALL open fires until further notice. hopefully, we'll get some rain soon and the ban will be lifted, but... i wanted to let you all know so you could plan accordingly. i know it may put a damper on the weekend; however, we wouldn't want to risk any damage to the environment here.
rats. sounds like it's a dry year everywhere. good to know in advance. thanks, meg!
note to self: don't bring that Box of Letters™ to burn at OBH. or the hot dog skewers. hmm.
more packing questions:
i have a pretty large french press coffee pot. if there are other joe drinkers, i'll bring it, otherwise i'll bring the cup-top single filter.
lemme know.
and: called the site: when i mentioned the fire ban the man on the other end said that if there was a small campfire burning, they wouldn't care. so, for cooking, if you need one, you can have one.
of note: they have restrooms and a shower cabin.
So, here are some things we still need:
-TENNESSE FIREworks! Roman candles and sparkles are my favorites. anyone coming through tennesse
-Cornhole board with beanbags. i'm still trying to find one
-a shitton of peeps. if your local dollar store has them, get them i'll pay you back. i'm having a hard time finding them. i knew i should have stocked up at easter!
this is going to be great even if there is a fire ban!
and t-shirts!!! We need t-sirts people! anyone willing to help design and/or create t-shirts?
i found a place that you can order peeps online so I ordered 120 of the little bastards. if you find any you can still pick up some more. the more peeps the merrier!
Quotei just received a phone call here at work from our county judge executive. barren county now has a ban on ALL open fires until further notice. hopefully, we'll get some rain soon and the ban will be lifted, but... i wanted to let you all know so you could plan accordingly. i know it may put a damper on the weekend; however, we wouldn't want to risk any damage to the environment here.
How did I miss this?
Big candles and lots of lanterns if needed.
do tiki torches count as an open fire? probably. :-/
i'd hate to cancel the firewalk and bonfire, but we'll make do if necessary.
Well we could have a little fire...
Quotemore packing questions:
i have a pretty large french press coffee pot. if there are other joe drinkers, i'll bring it, otherwise i'll bring the cup-top single filter.
lemme know.
and: called the site: when i mentioned the fire ban the man on the other end said that if there was a small campfire burning, they wouldn't care. so, for cooking, if you need one, you can have one.
of note: they have restrooms and a shower cabin.
I'll drink some coffee!
QuoteWell we could have a little fire...
that's true. a fire pit doesn't really have flames. is there anyone down to firewalk? everyone looks at me funny when i tell them that it is fun, but it REALLY is!
QuoteQuoteWell we could have a little fire...
that's true. a fire pit doesn't really have flames. is there anyone down to firewalk? everyone looks at me funny when i tell them that it is fun, but it REALLY is!
I would hurt myself. Trust me.
The only thing that sucks is I am the only person on planet earth that doesn't own a camera...I hope everyone else does!
QuoteThe only thing that sucks is I am the only person on planet earth that doesn't own a camera...I hope everyone else does!
Not to worry. I will take lots o pics.
QuoteQuoteThe only thing that sucks is I am the only person on planet earth that doesn't own a camera...I hope everyone else does!
Not to worry. I will take lots o pics.
Quotemore packing questions:
i have a pretty large french press coffee pot. if there are other joe drinkers, i'll bring it, otherwise i'll bring the cup-top single filter.
lemme know.
Will most definitely drink coffee, which I will bring to share. Thanks for bringing the press, Yvon.
Since the fires are a no/maybe - party lights would be a big plus - or a shitload of christmas lights
Anyone have a disco ball that could be hung off a tree?
I know theres a few of us that got electric sites
QuoteSince the fires are a no/maybe - party lights would be a big plus - or a shitload of christmas lights
Anyone have a disco ball that could be hung off a tree?
I know theres a few of us that got electric sites
That's a splendid idea. I will bring lights and a disco ball (it's a small one but still effective).
sweet. it's coming together. i'll bring some xmas lights. i'll bring my camera but chances are i won't take any pics, that's what always happens when i take my camera places.
btw, lizking and i are working on constructing some cornhole boards. hopefully they'll be complete by the 22nd.
that means the only thing we're really missing is the fireworks. i suppose the fireworks don't HAVE to come from Tennesse. Indiana has good fireworks too, but all you can get in kentucky are smoke bombs so i'm gonna need a little help on this one.
and t-shirts!!!
Oh yeah the cornhole will be ready to go (thats sounds kinda fucked up, ya think?)
But anyway - COOL
Sounds like we'll have some good lighting - x-mas lights and a disco ball
I'm bring my camera/s as well
I'm gonna try to come. I'm due a couple of days off and I may take a couple and head down. It's only about an hour. I'm not a regular poster, but a huge MMJ fan. Seen em 9 or 10 times, so I'm pretty excited to hang out with some like-minded folks. I'll have cornhole boards taken care of. Count me in as of now and I would like to drink some coffee and if anyone has any Fungi Tea that would be wonderful as well. I'll do my best to provide some of these. I'm working on two more friends that are huge fans too. Can't wait to meet everyone.
here's some more information about cave city
*maps, directions, weather info, general whatnots, what-have-you
oooooo oooooo oooooo there's a fungus amung us?
Next Weekend Folks!!!!! Looking forward to seeing everyone!!!
Looks like Deez is gonna have to sit it out b/c i'm gonna have to work over the weekend and doing Father's Day a weekend late. I was really hoping to meet everyone. If it changes, I'll holler at someone and bring some fireworks from Nashville. The myspace link is a great idea. I'm at www.myspace.com/deezdecks if anyone wants to take a look at the MMJ skateboards i have for sale. Peace!
hope you can make it Deez and porchdweller.
i made two cornhole boards today i just need to cut the holes and paint them. so i'll be bringing them. if porchdweller brings his too then we'll just have two sets, which would be cool.
8 more days, peeps!!!
here's the updated itinerary
Friday night
Set up camp
Ice cream social
Dance party (?)
Bonfire(?) / jam session (can you make a s'more out of a peep?... we'll see!)
Lawn games (CORNHOLE, horseshoes, badmitton, bocce ball)
Cornhole tournament
Peeps throwing contest
My Brother Benjamin performs. starts around 6:00
Your Evening Windbreaker performs. starts around 7:30 (mmj cover band)
Fireworks / bonfire (?)
Jam session part deux
Fire dancing/walking (?)
Fires are pending current ban in Barren County on open fires. Camp fires are fine but we'll have to see if we can get away with the bonfire, fireworks, and fire dancing/walking
Revised again.....
Friday night
Set up camp
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Ice cream social
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Dance party (?)
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Bonfire(?) / jam session (can you make a s'more out of a peep?... we'll see!)
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Lawn games (CORNHOLE, horseshoes, badmitton, bocce ball)
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Cornhole tournament
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Peeps throwing contest
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
My Brother Benjamin performs. starts around 6:00
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Your Evening Windbreaker performs. starts around 7:30 (mmj cover band)
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Fireworks / bonfire (?)
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Jam session part deux
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Fire dancing/walking (?)
Dave, you bartending? ;)
Open bar?
nice work, dave. maker's and bourbon of all kinds are definitely called for. i think i'm going to make some hooch for saturday, but we'll see how long that lasts... ;D
QuoteRevised again.....
Friday night
Set up camp
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Bonfire(?) / jam session
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
My Brother Benjamin performs. starts around 6:00
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Your Evening Windbreaker performs. starts around 7:30 (mmj cover band)
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
Mix up a Maker's and Coke
i am ok with this schedule.
Your Evening Windbreaker
WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You people and your booze.
I will most likely be smuggling in some of my favorite wine from Morgan Creek Vineyard. I'll be sure to remind everyone of my sophistication by lightly swirling the wine in my Dixie Cup while using words like "quite smashing, really" in place of words like "rockin' the balls off"...
QuoteYour Evening Windbreaker
WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
indeed! ;D
i just called the campsite. they said that they have drinking water on site, so we can focus on bringing other beverages. :)
he read me all the names of people who have already reserved and i recognized everyone's name except one but that could have been someone with our group and i just don't know their real name.
i'm getting ready to go paint some cornhole boards! it's coming together peeps!
Brian - you bringing the taping gear so that this marvelous occassion can be documented for history?
Unfortunatly it does not look like I'm going to be able to make it this year. :'( Hopefuly next year. I hope someone can tape some video clips of some of the performances. I'd also like to see some cornholing action with mabey some Barry White playing in the background.
video would be cool. i ain't got the gear though.
sucks you can't come, Brian. you'll have to come next year even if i have to come down to TN and kidnap you!
i can probably record the audio with my 8-track.
brian, it makes me sad that you cannot make it. but i will take plenty of pics for you.
Aww shucks Brian, yeah that Does suck. Hope all is well bro.
man oh man. this is coming together so well. million, thanks for rockin the itinerary. you're like julie on teh love boat, but with much cool activities. [smiley=beer.gif]
today i am in indianapolis...heading to tennessee tonight after the wilco show. will be swinging thru all those firework states on my way back to OBH. i'm a bit of a firework lightweight, but if i see something too rad to pass up, i'll bring it along!
glad to hear there are coffee drinkers: i brought the press! and i'll be packing a camera!
gonna warm up my peep-tossing arm. i've been working on my slider. 8-)
see you in a week!
Man, this is going to be rad. I need this in my life right now...see y'all in a week peeps! 8-)
QuoteMan, this is going to be rad. I need this in my life right now...see y'all in a week peeps! 8-)
high fives!
QuoteQuoteMan, this is going to be rad. I need this in my life right now...see y'all in a week peeps! 8-)
high fives!
Down low....
...too slow?
Brad, you're coming, right? I'm looking forward to meeting you!
QuoteI will most likely be smuggling in some of my favorite wine from Morgan Creek Vineyard. I'll be sure to remind everyone of my sophistication by lightly swirling the wine in my Dixie Cup while using words like "quite smashing, really" in place of words like "rockin' the balls off"...
I sincerely hope you will be doing so while wearing a smoking jacket and cravat. And of course carrying a walking stick. Which I'm sure will come in handy should the bonfire come to fruition.
Man oh man, I wish were able to meet up with everyone. Sounds like it will a helluva good time. Looking forward to the stories....and 2008! Be safe all.
QuoteUnfortunatly it does not look like I'm going to be able to make it this year. :'( Hopefuly next year. I hope someone can tape some video clips of some of the performances. I'd also like to see some cornholing action with mabey some Barry White playing in the background.
:( :'( I really wanted to meet you.
Lawn Game="Washers"
See You Friday!
Nice. I'm so glad you're going to make the trip TEO, can't wait to meet you. i've never heard of washers until now. seems it's like cornhole only with three holes and you throw oversized washers as supposed to bean bags. i'll give her a whirl if you bring it!
Washers is big in these parts. You're not allowed to have a BarBQ without them. It's the law.
QuoteWashers is big in these parts. You're not allowed to have a BarBQ without them. It's the law.
I bought it in Missouri on my last trip there.
5 days!
Hey Dylan, will there be a p.a. there to hook up a laptop/ipod/cd player? I can get a quarter inch to 1/8 inch adapter if need be. :)
yeah. we'll have a small pa with xlr and 1/4" inputs.
I'd like to come down for this on Saturday, but I don't know very many of you, so if I show up be nice to me :)
QuoteI'd like to come down for this on Saturday, but I don't know very many of you, so if I show up be nice to me :)
you can hang out with me :)
aww, okay :)
QuoteBrad, you're coming, right? I'm looking forward to meeting you!
And I
am working on renting a large (5'5 is large by Village standards) Ewok suit...
Does anyone have taping equipment or video?
Even if just for archive's sake, it'd be cool to have the performances recorded
no vid or taping equipment, but i could do some good stick figure drawings, or popsicle stick renderings.
How bout macaroni sculptures?
here's the forecast for anyone who needs to start packing:
friday: partly cloudy. high 93. low 68. 10% chance of rain.
saturday: scattered thunderstorms. high 89. low 65. 40% chance of rain.
sunday: sunny. high 90.
thanks for the weather report meg. i hope all the rain misses us saturday. have you all gotten any rain recently? is there still a ban on open fires?
we are ten inches below the average rainfall for this time of year. it's a pretty serious drought here; they have the county under a "water supply advisory" now. we got some rain (like, 1/3 of an inch) today, but it was nowhere near enough. i feel really bad for all the local farmers. i mean, everything is so dead around here. the grass crunches underneath your feet when you walk. it's weird.
anyway. sorry to ramble. long story short: we still have a ban on open fires.
we are trying to gather up some recording equipment.
QuoteHow bout macaroni sculptures?
Fusilli Jerry?
Quotewe are trying to gather up some recording equipment.
Looking forward to seeing you guys play
its almost here.....we are so excited! can't wait to meet everyone and jam.
So if I just want to come down Saturday evening for the music what time should I get there?
Quote8 more days, peeps!!!
here's the updated itinerary
Friday night
Set up camp
Ice cream social
Dance party (?)
Bonfire(?) / jam session (can you make a s'more out of a peep?... we'll see!)
Lawn games (CORNHOLE, horseshoes, badmitton, bocce ball)
Cornhole tournament
Peeps throwing contest
My Brother Benjamin performs. starts around 6:00
Your Evening Windbreaker performs. starts around 7:30 (mmj cover band)
Fireworks / bonfire (?)
Jam session part deux
Fire dancing/walking (?)
Fires are pending current ban in Barren County on open fires. Camp fires are fine but we'll have to see if we can get away with the bonfire, fireworks, and fire dancing/walking
Come for the music - stay for the peeps
QuoteCome for the music - stay for the peeps
This would be a great t-shirt..... I LOVE IT!!!!
haha! Thanks I missed that somehow. I'll try to be there around 5 to say hello to everyone :)
See Y'all tomorrow! :D
QuoteCome for the music - stay for the peeps
i'm in the midst of packing, making hooch, and running last minute errands (why do i have to pop so many guitar strings!?). I'm getting excited. Can't wait to see you all down there. i'm going to get there and set up camp asap tomorrow. see ya all in cave city!
Quote(why do i have to pop so many guitar strings!?).
As long as it's not in the midst of playing and the string comes back and pimpslaps ya. Happened last night, stings like f'n hell.
safe travels, everyone.
i will see you tomorrow. don't forget to listen to me on the radio, lite 102.3fm. i kind of kick ass.
i have to leave for a while saturday to do a remote broadcast, but it's going to be fun. maybe i can bring you guys back some of the free ice cream?????
anywho, be careful and be safe. i look forward to seeing everyone's smiling faces tomorrow!
QuoteQuoteCome for the music - stay for the peeps
This would be a great t-shirt..... I LOVE IT!!!!
see you kids tomorrow! i'm driving from charlotte. meg what time is your broadcast? will try to tune in.
tickets for wilco's west coast shows go on sale sat. i might have to make a quick trip into town, too. ;)
Quote meg what time is your broadcast? will try to tune in.
my show is from 12noon until 6pm.
I apologize everyone. I had a stoner moment and forgot that I had agreed to go to a Louisville Bats game with a local group. It's the young professionals, blah. I wonder if they'll let me get stoned on the bus and put on MMJ Okonokos. I wish I could come and forgot all about going to that game damnit. I am truly sorry and wish I could make it. I debated on just coming down Friday night and heading home Sat and making the bus up there but that's too hard on me anymore. I could've have swung it back in the day. This is disappointing to me because I need a couple of days away from civilization. Hopefully I can meet up with some of you at Lollapalooza if anyone is going. If I see any of the band I will tell them hi for you and what's going on. At least I'll be in MMJ mecca, Louisville, KY. Everyone have a great time and hopefully I cna see some pics on myspace. Anyone hit me up anytime if some fun stuff is kicking in BG or the surrounding area. i'm not far and always enjoy meeting new peopel and was looking forward to it this weekend. Everyone stay safe and have a great time. I AM SO SORRY.
Everyone have fun and be safe! I wish I could be there!!!! Drink a beer and sing a song for me!
You WILL be missed! ;)
Wish I was going...Have a groovy time guys!!!
Thanks for all of the well wishes and wish you could all go! I have a feeling that this will be such a roaring success that you could probably start to make plans for #2 next summer. -TEO-
Today's the Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see y'all later.
getting a late start from asheville this morning, but will see you around 6pm!
will stop along the way for beer and provisions! peeps will not a meal make. ;)
from asheville to kentuckyyyyyyy.... :D
Have a great time y'all, pretty bummed I'm not gonna make it.
Yeah, super bummed myself. This is sooo what I need and I wanted sooo badly to meet everyone. My mission is to make it next year no matter what. Can't wait to hear some stories and see some pics. Be careful out there and have a drink for me. Love to all.
Hey, hey, hey.....today's the day. See you ladies and gentlemen in a few hours. PEACE!
I just got this picture in my head of everybody sitting around the fire posting messages on this board to each other on their laptops. ;D
QuoteYeah, super bummed myself. This is sooo what I need and I wanted sooo badly to meet everyone. My mission is to make it next year no matter what. Can't wait to hear some stories and see some pics. Be careful out there and have a drink for me. Love to all.
Yep. I mentioned this and got the look, you all know the look, the look of are you outta your f'n mind? You think I'm letting you go for 2 days of partying, binge drinking and rawking out? I don't think so mister.... Yeah we all know that look. So I am planning on coming next year. HA!
BH, you can hitch a ride.
QuoteQuoteYeah, super bummed myself. This is sooo what I need and I wanted sooo badly to meet everyone. My mission is to make it next year no matter what. Can't wait to hear some stories and see some pics. Be careful out there and have a drink for me. Love to all.
Yep. I mentioned this and got the look, you all know the look, the look of are you outta your f'n mind? You think I'm letting you go for 2 days of partying, binge drinking and rawking out? I don't think so mister.... Yeah we all know that look. So I am planning on coming next year. HA!
BH, you can hitch a ride.
Oh I know the look! ;D
Sean just called me and said they bought 50 candles from some woman named Evelyn.......I"M ON MY WAY!!!!!
Last call, who's with me.....Trey???
I'm heading in that direction in a bit, it's about an hour from here I think. See you guys there :)
I wonder who's the drunkest RIGHT NOW? ;D
How's everyone's head feeling. ;)
Hope you had a blast.
I just got home, pictures to be posted soon.
Okay, here we go :) Here's my whole set of pictures (the ones that turned out anyway)
you guys rock! great idea, glad you could make it happen!
we went to coffey's concrete today...
i had a great weekend. it was fun, and it was so nice to finally see you guys.
see you in '08.
hey, i was there...nice to meet yous guys...good times....
ps...TEO i'm finally on the forum :)
It was great seeing all of you beautiful people. I was blown away with how amazing everyone that played last night was. The tent party and bathroom jam are just a few of the things that I will look back on fondly for years to come.
hugs and kisses,
P.S. Welcome back Tracy.
A'ight. I'm in for next year. Looks like it was a blast. Glad everyone is making it home safe and sound.
I had a blast! It was so fun to meet everyone, hangout, and play some music.
It rain for hours on saturday. so we made our own little tent city and rocked out anyway. My Brother Benjamin sounded great and they were great guys. The cave tour was amazing, it was a lot cooler than I had expected.
People are already getting excited about next year and I'm one of those people. If we can get enough peeps I think we could rent out the whole site. thanks for posting pictures, keep them coming.
Thanks to everyone for coming and helping make it happen.
Good times. Great peeps. let's do it again next year!
it sucked that it rained, but i am relieved it did. we needed it!
i'm so glad everyone liked the camp site.
much love to you guys, and i hope to see more of you in '08.
Oh man, awesome pics guys. Too bad it rained on you but it doens't look like it slowed you down any. You don't even know how much it makes me smile to see y'all together gettin' down. :)
Brian, I want to feel how you look in the bathroom picture. ;D
(Is that a cigarette in your hand?)
At least 3 more years of knowing I missed the greatest party ever... >:(
QuoteOh man, awesome pics guys. Too bad it rained on you but it doens't look like it slowed you down any. You don't even know how much it makes me smile to see y'all together gettin' down. :)
Brian, I want to feel how you look in the bathroom picture. ;D
(Is that a cigarette in your hand?)
BUSTED!!! I love you BH!!! (I've cut back [size=22] OK [/size]
, seriously I'm quitting this week......forever" I was actually so inspired by the whole get together that I came home and wrote a song. I don't do that very often, but when I see that many peeps pour their heart and soul out........I guess it tends to inspire.
I got home earlier this evening, all the while thinking about what an amazing kisser Sean is... I had a good time, I'm very glad that I was invited as this year's Special Guest. I know I've set the bar pretty high, but I've got a feeling next year's Special Guest, and next year in general, will kick so much more ass.
What an incredible weekend!
Such a wonderful group of people, the rain couldn't begin to wash away the friendliness and warmth everyone there poured forth effortlessly.
It was an honor to play along with My Brother Benjamin and I cannot wait for next year. Great meeting everyone there and I hope your travels get you to where ever you're heading next safely!
sorry i missed this! this was only 20 min. from where i grew up (LaRue Co.).
glad you guys had a great time and will definitely be in attendance next year!
It was really nice meeting everyone, thanks for being so welcoming to me :) Hope everyone got home and settled okay and wishes for a safe trip for those of you still traveling.
QuoteQuoteCome for the music - stay for the peeps
This would be a great t-shirt..... I LOVE IT!!!!
we ended up making these shirts at the last moment. they turned out pretty well for a last minute thing. if anyone who was there didn't get one but wanted one, let me know and i'll send it out to you.
QuoteOkay, here we go :) Here's my whole set of pictures (the ones that turned out anyway)
the pics look great, thanks a lot for posting them!
so there really was a party in the men's room! i thought that was a joke. ;D
TERRIFIC WEEKEND, ALL! among other things, i think we had a "miracle of the hot-dogs" as noone was left hungry.
kimbo's: nice tag line, there! [smiley=beer.gif]
to prepare for next year i'll be hiring a professional corn-hole trainer. a retired big leaguer, i think.
bug & meg: wonderful pix! am eager to see the rest of them trickle in.
see you all for BACON FEST '08!
hi everyone. this is my first post. i was at the festival this weekend and had a great time. I must admit that i was a little nervous about meeting everyone but it was awesome! :)
You guys rock! I had so much fun and i can't wait to do it again next year. I'll bring the hooch!
it's a bad idea... to go down to the pier by yourself after dark...
i'm glad you joined the forum.
Thank you all so much for such a great weekend! I don't think I've ever met a better group of people!
And Kimbo buddy, it was a pleasure to jam with you as well. By the way, your CD is phenomenal. Thanks for that!
I'm counting down till next year! Peeps and pirate talk! You can't beat it!
I'm so pissed I had to work last weekend. Wish I could have met all you guys. OBJF '08!
i added some pics and posted a blog on the myspace page. i'm anxiously awaiting more pics to roll in. Everyone seemed to have a blast. I already can't wait for next year!
Quoteit's a bad idea... to go down to the pier by yourself after dark...
so glad to see so many festers joining the board! give us a hint who you are!
"stellan skaaaarrrrrsssgaaaaarrrrd"
oh! post-fest louisville bonus: bought a t-shirt today at why louisville that featured a bear roasting marshmallows on a two twigged branch: just like night one! woo!
also: when colleen, seanmurph, dave and i stopped at gun town mtn, i found crystal onyx cave postcards from about 1965! awesome!
that's a great new tag line, Ms Yvon!
here's a little guide:
candyass = candace
maryjane = melissa
kimbos bread = alan
more pix notes:
-in the pic of teo & angry e. you can see only the words "music" and "peeps" on teo's shirt. sums it up. ;)
-in one of bug's pics of my bro. benjamin playing, one can see the stage prop peeps. nice!
CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY PIX DEVELOPED! xoxoxox [smiley=beer.gif]
also: drove past the bbc brewery tonight. gonna hit it for lunch tomorrow!
Quotethat's a great new tag line, Ms Yvon!
here's a little guide:
candyass = candace
maryjane = melissa
kimbos bread = alan
the weekend was chock full o'quotes!
thanks for the cheat sheet, d!
one liners from the weekend....please feel free to add, as i am sure that in my continuous drunken state, i have forgotten a couple.
thats what she said.....great band name
peter sarsgaaaaaaaaard
beercaps and change
meanwhile, back at the ranch
QuoteQuotethat's a great new tag line, Ms Yvon!
here's a little guide:
candyass = candace
maryjane = melissa
kimbos bread = alan
the weekend was chock full o'quotes!
thanks for the cheat sheet, d!
kyjed = benjie
thats what she said = ben
This about sums up my weekend. nice pics, bug! :P
another fave quote:
"it's more of a rhombus, but whatever."
"what's sunday morning without a shot of knob creek."
"this isn't posh mustard."
"the internet, my morning jacket and substance abuse."
from the cave tour: "i like your style."
the capper: check the sig line. ;D
hey brothers benjamin! didn't get a chance to say goodbye. glad you made it home safe! glad to see you on the board!
another fave quote:
"it's more of a rhombus, but whatever."
"what's sunday morning without a shot of knob creek."
"this isn't posh mustard."
"the internet, my morning jacket and substance abuse."
from the cave tour: "i like your style."
the capper: check the sig line. ;D
hey brothers benjamin! didn't get a chance to say goodbye. glad you made it home safe! glad to see you on the board!
Cant believe i forgot this one.....
come for the music, stay for the peeps!
hey yvon, it was great meeting you....late goodbyes. thanks for hanging at the campfire with my awake ass!
where's Zach? We'll go witHOUT HIM.
a SAILOR? GOOD MAN! Have a seat...
another fave quote:
"it's more of a rhombus, but whatever."
"what's sunday morning without a shot of knob creek."
"this isn't posh mustard."
"the internet, my morning jacket and substance abuse."
from the cave tour: "i like your style."
the capper: check the sig line. ;D
hey brothers benjamin! didn't get a chance to say goodbye. glad you made it home safe! glad to see you on the board!
Cant believe i forgot this one.....
come for the music, stay for the peeps!
hey yvon, it was great meeting you....late goodbyes. thanks for hanging at the campfire with my awake ass!
some of my favs (that i can remember anyway):
"I don't like any mustard with more class than me."
"Ohhh a sweet shot straight into the octagon!"
"Ladies and Gentlemen, 'The Washing Machine' is set on SPIN!"
"Butter that bacon boy..."
"Hmmm, brats look a little pink in the middle. Hope I don't kill anybody before we go on.."
I'm still creeped out by that ex-Air Force guy who kept roaming around. Most of you guys don't know just how fucking weird that got... I mean, I'm sure everyone could pick up on a little weird vibe - but eventually, I felt like I was in a Dave Chapelle skit.
The dude was pretty adamant that I looked like his son, and even ran off to bring his carpenter dude to come look at me. That was pretty weird. Naturally, wanted to take a photo with me. I was cool with that - I am a dangerously good looking guy and I have to deal with that on a daily basis. I was sort of hoping if he had a recent photo "with his son", then maybe he'd be happy and leave, right?
After taking the photo, though, the dude puts a different memory card into the camera to show me what his son looks like. He passes the camera around, nobody thinks the kid looks like me, but we're all like, "Yeah, yeah"... For some reason, in addition to just showing me the picture of his son, though, he found it necessary to show me the photos of his hookers, as well.
I don't care how fucking relaxed a person may be, you just don't do that.
that was too funny, brad. awkard, yes, but still very funny.
;D and i still don't think that kid was his son. probably one of his myspace/internet lovers/porn ring. i mean, who does that? who is like, "hey, man; i know i don't know you, but check out these creepy nude pics on my cheapass digital camera?"
i think the best part of the weekend was when colleen and i kicked brad and sean's collective ass in a game of cornhole. sure, we may have only won by, say, two points, but we still owned.
other best part of the weekend:
"the internet, my morning jacket, and substance abuse." dave, you are too funny, man. that whole garfield spiel was solid gold.
i'm sorry for leaving saturday night. i hope no one thought i was rude. i'm just kind of (extremely) high-maintenance and didn't want to sleep in a wet tent.
can't wait to see you all next year! :)
Meg and I were so careful about making sure the front flap of the tent was zipped COMPLETELY... not even a centimeter open. So when it started to rain, we weren't worried at all... A few hours later, we crawl into the tent to find that, uh, yeah, we left the ventilation panel open.
It may have been seedy and scary, but that hotel was soooo nice.
QuoteI'm still creeped out by that ex-Air Force guy who kept roaming around. Most of you guys don't know just how fucking weird that got... I mean, I'm sure everyone could pick up on a little weird vibe - but eventually, I felt like I was in a Dave Chapelle skit.
The dude was pretty adamant that I looked like his son, and even ran off to bring his carpenter dude to come look at me. That was pretty weird. Naturally, wanted to take a photo with me. I was cool with that - I am a dangerously good looking guy and I have to deal with that on a daily basis. I was sort of hoping if he had a recent photo "with his son", then maybe he'd be happy and leave, right?
After taking the photo, though, the dude puts a different memory card into the camera to show me what his son looks like. He passes the camera around, nobody thinks the kid looks like me, but we're all like, "Yeah, yeah"... For some reason, in addition to just showing me the picture of his son, though, he found it necessary to show me the photos of his hookers, as well.
I don't care how fucking relaxed a person may be, you just don't do that.
it's funny you should say that because i also had a semi-creepy experience with the that dude. on saturday morning he came done to our campsite and he kept staring at me. eventually he came over to me and said "i'm sorry if i made you feel uncomfortable last night when i told you that you were cute." i told him that it was just fine and moved to a different circle of conversation.
i have no recollection of the incident but it is completely possible that i was mildly sexualy harrassed and was too drunk to remember it. :-[
no harm no foul
Quotemore pix notes:
-in the pic of teo & angry e. you can see only the words "music" and "peeps" on teo's shirt. sums it up. ;)
-in one of bug's pics of my bro. benjamin playing, one can see the stage prop peeps. nice!
CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY PIX DEVELOPED! xoxoxox [smiley=beer.gif]
also: drove past the bbc brewery tonight. gonna hit it for lunch tomorrow!
i'm so glad that you are enjoying louisville. don't forget to get a "beer is food." t-shirt from the BBC.
it was really nice to meet you.
definite props for farthest distance traveled!
Another of my favorite quotes:
"My hands are burning!"
-Paul, after he smeared glow stick juice on his drum!
That was classic!
yeah, ol' buddy kept staring at me, too. wierd dude, that was for sure. i couldn't tell if i was getting creepy pervert vibes from him or i was just paranoid from smoking. ether way, i still didn't get to see the nakes pics of his hooker/stripper/son. whatev. ;D
our hotel was pretty sweet. too bad the wigwams were full. :'(
Wow...I had no idea this guy was so creepy. I just thought he was a little shell shocked from from being "in the shit" as it were but now that you mention it, he was weird for me too.
He looked into his beer and almost started crying when he came over to our camp Saturday afternoon saying how he didn't understand how a "old bastard like me makes it through all that and all them young guys didn't. Something just ain't right about all that."
I watched him for a second or two and took a swig of my beer and just said honestly, "I got nothing."
it cracked me up when he was like, "my family owns this place," because... no. no they don't. i know the owners of the cave/campground, and they do not include this dude. sounds like ol buddy just wanted to party. which is cool, i mean, party all you want, just don't stare at my rack and show my boyfriend pictures of a naked hooker while doing so.
QuoteAnother of my favorite quotes:
"My hands are burning!"
-Paul, after he smeared glow stick juice on his drum!
That was classic!
Man, my drum took a beating that night - Everything stunk like that shit the next day! I had to wash my djembe when I got home
He looked into his beer and almost started crying when he came over to our camp Saturday afternoon saying how he didn't understand how a "old bastard like me makes it through all that and all them young guys didn't. Something just ain't right about all that."
he was talking about 'nam to us, too.
I don't see any connection to Vietnam, Walter.
Jacketfest '08 is gonna rock!!!!!
other best part of the weekend:
...dave, you are too funny, man. that whole garfield spiel was solid gold.
;D ;D i'd forgotten that! "i wanna be garfield. just say "fuck it" and eat some lasagne."
holy cow. that WAS hysterical.
re: camping vet dude: i got a little weird vibe from him friday, but other than that, nothing bad. i guess i avoided intimate conversation with him. what he talked about friday (late) was interesting tho, not noodz of hookers/pics of sons that don't look like brad creepy. :P
Quoteit cracked me up when he was like, "my family owns this place," because... no. no they don't. i know the owners of the cave/campground, and they do not include this dude.
he said it was his nephew and wife. seemed plausible
Wow, I'm kind of sorry I missed this guy. Nothing like a random weirdo to provide good fodder for stories.
Funniest moments the first night would have to be...
"I don't wanna be John. I wanna be Garfield."
or the way the creepy dude looked at Dave, when Dave said, "Your Welcome"...
QuoteQuoteAnother of my favorite quotes:
"My hands are burning!"
-Paul, after he smeared glow stick juice on his drum!
That was classic!
Man, my drum took a beating that night - Everything stunk like that shit the next day! I had to wash my djembe when I got home
Yeah I remember watching you do that and thinking, "does he know that's not a good idea?"
In my drunked stuper I think that translated outward barely audibly as, "that's got Bad Idea jeans written all over it."
Quotemore pix notes:
-in the pic of teo & angry e. you can see only the words "music" and "peeps" on teo's shirt. sums it up. ;)
-in one of bug's pics of my bro. benjamin playing, one can see the stage prop peeps. nice!
CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY PIX DEVELOPED! xoxoxox [smiley=beer.gif]
also: drove past the bbc brewery tonight. gonna hit it for lunch tomorrow!
where have you gotten too now ms_yvon? are you gonna make that show in Canada?
yeah, the vet MADE yvon and i come inside his camper and wanted us to stay in there with him......i was creeped the fuck out. no sir, i dont like it!
Quoteyeah, the vet MADE yvon and i come inside his camper and wanted us to stay in there with him......i was creeped the fuck out. no sir, i dont like it!
you got an invite to a private party. ;)
...in his pants.
Quoteyeah, the vet MADE yvon and i come inside his camper and wanted us to stay in there with him......i was creeped the fuck out. no sir, i dont like it!
mmmmm creppy vet massages.
did he ask if you all wanted to watch some of his home movies too?
p.s.- when the hell did he make you go into his camper? I wouldn't have shut up about that for the rest of the trip.
Did he ask you guys if you liked Popsicles? I'm pretty sure he had a whole freezer full in his camper!
QuoteDid he ask you guys if you liked Popsicles? I'm pretty sure he had a whole freezer full in his camper!
He probably just wanted to get off on watching people eat popsicles.
yeah that guy was sooo wierd, and brad, you looked nothing like his son
if i would known he had popsicles in his freezer, i would have stayed. i'm pretty gay in my pants for popsicles.
"If i knew it was going to be this kind of party, I would've stuck my dick in the mashed potatoes!"
QuoteDid he ask you guys if you liked Popsicles? I'm pretty sure he had a whole freezer full in his camper!
mmmmmm. a whole mess of them in his freezer. Did he have a tip in his pocket?
Quoteyeah, the vet MADE yvon and i come inside his camper and wanted us to stay in there with him......i was creeped the fuck out. no sir, i dont like it!
it's coming back to me now...i remember when i got up to leave the fire he jumped right up to go, too. thanks for agreeing to hit the trail with me ben & paul (who had to be woken up in his chair ;D ).
when i got to my tent i was actually uneasy about staying up to read lest he wander around the site looking for a light on.
yeah. that was creepy. :-/
hey ben, did he open his fridge?
where have you gotten too now ms_yvon? are you gonna make that show in Canada?
i'm still in louisville! had planned to leave today, but have been running around trying to make travel arrangements. the good news-the
staying in town was the right thing to do news--got wind of a late ticketmaster ticket sale for thurs wilco show in boston: got a SECOND ROW SEAT! woo! am giving my 26th row ticket to a friend on the wilco board.
will be in vermont!
may have to skip toronto as i don't have a copy of my birth certificate on me... ::)
alan: much digging your cd! dude, great pipes!
ahh much obliged yvon :D
Im all a' blushing
QuoteQuoteyeah, the vet MADE yvon and i come inside his camper and wanted us to stay in there with him......i was creeped the fuck out. no sir, i dont like it!
it's coming back to me now...i remember when i got up to leave the fire he jumped right up to go, too. thanks for agreeing to hit the trail with me ben & paul (who had to be woken up in his chair ;D ).
when i got to my tent i was actually uneasy about staying up to read lest he wander around the site looking for a light on.
yeah. that was creepy. :-/
hey ben, did he open his fridge?
i dont remember any heads rolling out from anywhere, so im going to have to say no. i do think i saw a lampshade made of a buttock though......lol.
another great moment i remembered today: as the first rain abated and we all came out from under the dome tent, "tyrone" playing on the pa. all of us strolling cooly out to look at the view and nodding as we sang.
"come on ty-roooooone..." 8-)
another great memory. when we were packed in the tent like saaaarrrrrdines, dylan said,"let's clam-bake this tent." and we did.
Best times with everyone, just got home am a lil out of it so here are some pics. Will emote more later :D :-*
Nice pics murph! I don't even know where to begin! What's the receipt/list? that you have in the second or third pick?
Cornholing action shots! Look at that form on Brad!
Another repeated quote by an attendee (not naming names):
I'm MODERATELY attractive. Who wants to fuck me?
great pics guys.
great pics, sean! I had a blast! reading all the memories is making mine come back and remember just how much fun we packed in the two days. I definitely think we should do three nights next year. Keeps the pics and stories coming!
excellent photos sean... great to see all you guys had such a good time!!!
wish i'd been there...
I'm so glad the action shots turned out good... damn, my form is just stunningly elegant.
the pictures and stories are awesome!! all a guy can say is: i wish i was there! :) 8-)
really great pics sean!
sean's photos made my morning.
i wish i could have gone to guntown mountain with you guys.
nice pics sean! but i think some are missing.
i could of sworn i remembered some sort of satelite dish incident ;)
that's what she said.
QuoteNice pics murph! I don't even know where to begin! What's the receipt/list? that you have in the second or third pick?
My guess would be that the receipt is for the cases of candles the dudes bought.
QuoteQuoteNice pics murph! I don't even know where to begin! What's the receipt/list? that you have in the second or third pick?
My guess would be that the receipt is for the cases of candles the dudes bought.
these candles were purchased from a cashier named evelyn. how cool is that?
Isn't she the same Evelyn that sold me the sunglasses?
QuoteIsn't she the same Evelyn that sold me the sunglasses?
yes, and the flashlights and bag of ice. busy lady, that evelyn.
i didn't get to go, but did y'all have fun on the cave tour? isn't the cave like the coolest thing ever?
Quotenice pics sean! but i think some are missing.
i could of sworn i remembered some sort of satelite dish incident ;)
that's what she said.
Ummm, yeah Hi Candace, I believe Colleen has them, they should be posted in a bit. :-[ ;D
Yeah BH the receipt was for the 55 candles, half of which got dampered by the rain. But like Dylan said, the rain brought us more together. Tis true! Next year 100 or more candles should light those woods up real nice. It really was so awesome meeting everyone, people who couldn't make it this year should plan now for next year. For real!!! :) That means you too DB and Ali....& Patches? Red? EC? Cake? Mantooth? Chills? Jaimoe? Mr. T? Doctor? Tracy? BH? Chief? ..she-it who am I forgetting... So much to do around the Cave City vicinity. They have Dinosaur World :o and like Miss. Cake said the llamas are only a few milez away and that's worth coming alone for. ;D One of the best weekends evah. Alan am rocking your cd right now at work. :)
Oh and yeah that horse is Deadly!!!
another quote:
"Pick the dirt off and I'll eat it."
Followed with (of course)
"Thats what she said."
Thanks bratwurst......you're the greatest!
Here are a few. They are taking awhile to upload so I'll send 'em in batches. Good fun.
A bowl full of man love. ;D
Cue banjo music from Deliverance ...
Oh wait, I've got it!
A Saucerful Of Secretion
QuoteAnother repeated quote by an attendee (not naming names):
I'm MODERATELY attractive. Who wants to fuck me?
WHo said that? ;)
I look like I'm really enjoying this...
I'm a fan of this pic. That dinner in Louisville was one of the many highlights of my trip.
I look like I'm really enjoying this...
You know you did. Here's another pic with a similar theme.
and some cave pics:
Wow! Those shots are great from everyone who posted them, thanks a lot for doing that! I can't believe everything we packed into just two and a 1/2 days. The satellite dish of love will stick in my mind's eye always.
Thanks for listening Sean, you're a mammoth on guitar buddy! It was great jamming with you.
Great pics Sean!
It was an absolute honor to jam with all you guys! Good times!
I miss everyone. can we do this again next weekend?
QuoteI miss everyone. can we do this again next weekend?
Sure, why not?
Thought I'd mention it:
Forecastle Fest 2007 July 27-28, Louisville, KY Wax Fang, Particle, De La Soul, Etc., Etc.
QuoteI miss everyone. can we do this again next weekend?
you can always head out to lebowski fest, man.
QuoteQuoteI miss everyone. can we do this again next weekend?
Sure, why not?
Thought I'd mention it:
Forecastle Fest 2007 July 27-28, Louisville, KY Wax Fang, Particle, De La Soul, Etc., Etc.
Go JK McKight!! This festival is gonna rock!
QuoteQuoteI miss everyone. can we do this again next weekend?
you can always head out to lebowski fest, man.
everyday is lebowski fest for me.
QuoteQuoteQuoteI miss everyone. can we do this again next weekend?
you can always head out to lebowski fest, man.
everyday is lebowski fest for me.
wait. is this a...? what day is this?
forecastle will be fun, too. i voulnteered last year and am doing so again this year. i'm excited about seeing particle, de novo dahl, and wax fang. anyone want to party? hit me up.
QuoteI miss everyone. can we do this again next weekend?
SEAN and COLLEEN! your photos are fab!
especially love the dylan cornhole action shot, the cave shot where everyone is looking up except paul, who is looking at the camera, and the Tres Bitchin' Shot du Weekend: Dave and Junior mid-air. stellar, stellar, stellar.
ps. posting from concourse B, midway airport en route to boston via providence. 2 last wilco shows, then home. wonder what that will be like. ;D i put over 2,000 miles on that rental car. HU-AH!
"it's like an old indian burial ground in there."
"that's what she said."
ms yvon - that line is friggin awesome!!!!
;D that was the biggest laugh i had all weekend! i think dave was describing the onsite cave. ben put the tag on there. still kills me.
"nerd light."
Back from Green Patoka Lake! (had a blast!). Anyhow, last weekend I met and hung out with some of the most kind, generous, fun loving, trustworthy, accepting, jovial, talkative, hugworthy, respectful, energetic, non-judgemental, talented, funny, and cooperative people I have ever met in my life. I had so many GREAT TIMES!
Favorite quote: "We are all a little crazy, but in the same way".
A few so far, more to come (ms yvon, lizking, kimbo's bread and more if I can)
The Ghosts on TV,
one of the funniest guys,
TEO ever met.
Sean Murph can make you,
be happy to be alive,
just by meeting him.
Brothers Benjamin,
groove on Grateful Dead,
mandolin "FT".
Colleen is so cool,
like a welcome breeze when hot,
she refreshes all.
The tone of Candace,
is pure an oh so sonic,
she can lift you high.
When A Million Dreams,
laughs it infects all to do,
the exact same thing.
Sincerely, TEO, Matt, Matthew (I loved it Dave)
Wow Matteo, you're pretty f'n awesome yourself bro. :) Yeah it was Good Times. Love your favorite quote.
QuoteQuotepeople who couldn't make it this year should plan now for next year. For real!!! :) That means you too DB and Ali....& Patches? Red? EC? Cake? Mantooth? Chills? Jaimoe? Mr. T? Doctor? Tracy? BH? Chief?
Well, a European invasion of the Jacketfest still sounds a little unlikely.
But it obviously seems like y'all had a wonderful time, great pictures, and plenty of puzzling inside jokes :)
i miss you all so much. sending love to where you reside....
Yvon- I will pm you my number again in case you wanna meet up at Wilco tonight. I'm about to head to VT. You and I have each spent some serious time in cars this week. I think I'm gonna bike everywhere for about a month after this.
Paul and his wild fling,
watch it soar so ever high,
makes it in the hole.
Alan slaps his bass,
watch him Rock out now,
the camera rolls.
Watch her go around,
the country on her travels,
liked by all she meets. (I wonder who this is?)
thanks for the kind words TEO 8-). Im so glad you enjoyed it, it was one of the best weekends of my lil ol life too and you're descriptions of everyone couldnt be more flattering.
hey TEO, did you enjoy the dicks pick 3? pretty amazing i think. GO COLTS!
that was really sweet TEO. it was a perfect. it was really great to meet you and hear all of your stories. can't wait to see you again next year.
"nerd light."
the nerd light saved my life.
thanks ms. yvonne
Quoteit was one of the best weekends of my lil ol life
you need to get out more.
You're just a real joy to have around aren't you.
QuoteQuoteit was one of the best weekends of my lil ol life
you need to get out more.
if all you can find to do with your time is anonymously insult people you don't know on the internet then you may want to get out a little more yourself.
it's all good guys, with all the love on this thread there's bound to be a hater somewhere.
QuoteQuoteit was one of the best weekends of my lil ol life
you need to get out more.
i doubt this guy has many friends.
"nerd light."
the nerd light saved my life.
thanks ms. yvonne
yes, yes. nerd lights rock! not only did it save candyass's and my life several times, but it was a great help for putting strings on when dylan kept insisting on breaking them. its like damn, man. if you dont like the guitar dont play it. you dont have to abuse it, you big string breaker you!
oh yes, we should probably thank benjie for his nerd light too. his saved my ass a couple times as well.
QuoteQuoteit was one of the best weekends of my lil ol life
you need to get out more.
Alan buddy, it was one of the best weekends of my life as well. And I'm pretty sure we all "get out" quite often.
We need to figure out a way to incorporate nerd lights, peeps, and hooch all into one beautiful product!
you can put a cup holder on the nerd light with a straw down to your mouth...like the baseball hats. not sure about the peeps though. any suggestions? maybe hang a wire from the light itself and have a peep hanging off of it.
maybe the lamp for the nerd light could be peep-shaped. kind of like the bat signal. :D
Shame on you tweener, ya dork.
creepy air force guy,
go far, far away from us,
back where you belong.
teo, thank you for the wonderful reflections on everyone! flattering is right!
glad to hear you had a terrific time up at the lake w/your family and made it home safe! what a terrfic trip for you!
i love the pic o' you & murph. you can see the candles on the rock shelf back there!
also: the souvenier pkg. o' peeps dylan gave to me has made it all the way to vermont! ;D
Quotecreepy air force guy,
go far, far away from us,
back where you belong.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quotehey TEO, did you enjoy the dicks pick 3? pretty amazing i think. GO COLTS!
Rollin' through Southern Indiana hills in the fog at dawn made it really special!
QuoteQuotehey TEO, did you enjoy the dicks pick 3? pretty amazing i think. GO COLTS!
Rollin' through Southern Indiana hills in the fog at dawn made it really special!
Inspiration!!! move me brightly. Like a song with sense and color roll away despair!
Speaking of inspiration, i also wrote a song inspired by this weekend. :)
Thanks for coming out, TEO, it was great meeting you.
meg's new tag line gave me an inspiration for next year's fest: campfire madlibs. yep.
also: dylan i got to enjoy the dick's picks on sat morn of the weekend as teo was playing it in his site. stellar, stellar way to start the day! [smiley=beer.gif]
QuoteNext year 100 or more candles should light those woods up real nice. It really was so awesome meeting everyone, people who couldn't make it this year should plan now for next year. For real!!! That means you too DB and Ali....& Patches? Red? EC? Cake? Mantooth? Chills? Jaimoe? Mr. T? Doctor? Tracy? BH? Chief?
if it was july or even august next year, i'd definitely be up for it!! i'll be heading to the northern hemisphere around then (uk and sweden) and i'll probably get an around the world ticket, so i'd LOVE to come along!! :)
YOW! we'll want to develop a passport stamp for you! or at least a visa printed on construction paper. ;)
haha sounds good... the mmj passport stamp!! ;D
perhaps something combining these two elements:
AH! AH! WHY COULDN'T I HAVE BEEN THERE? I can't wait 5 more years!
Quoteperhaps something combining these two elements:
you mean... like this?
Quotemeg's new tag line gave me an inspiration for next year's fest: campfire madlibs. yep.
also: dylan i got to enjoy the dick's picks on sat morn of the weekend as teo was playing it in his site. stellar, stellar way to start the day! [smiley=beer.gif]
hey yvon, if you want that dick's picks show i can email it to you.
pm on the way! [smiley=beer.gif]
here's an idea folks. how about having a winter gala type thing. sometime between thanksgiving and christmas. a total christmas theme of course. we can call it "one big winter coat festival." what do you guys think?
i love this pic. it shows the true blurry madness to a peep throwing contest.(http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n19/seanfxmurphy/DSC00242.jpg)
I'm pretty much down with whatever... Sometimes I don't take to cold very well, so to combat the elements, I will dress up as George Washington crossing the Delaware.
No, seriously.
Kinda like this.
Quotehere's an idea folks. how about having a winter gala type thing. sometime between thanksgiving and christmas. a total christmas theme of course. we can call it "one big winter coat festival." what do you guys think?
I think it is a fantastic idea!
QuoteQuotemeg's new tag line gave me an inspiration for next year's fest: campfire madlibs. yep.
also: dylan i got to enjoy the dick's picks on sat morn of the weekend as teo was playing it in his site. stellar, stellar way to start the day! [smiley=beer.gif]
hey yvon, if you want that dick's picks show i can email it to you.
Shhhiiiitttt, I wouldn't mind a copy of that
QuoteQuoteQuotemeg's new tag line gave me an inspiration for next year's fest: campfire madlibs. yep.
also: dylan i got to enjoy the dick's picks on sat morn of the weekend as teo was playing it in his site. stellar, stellar way to start the day! [smiley=beer.gif]
hey yvon, if you want that dick's picks show i can email it to you.
Shhhiiiitttt, I wouldn't mind a copy of that
hey, if you want to add my email address to the CC line, I wouldn't complain, my disc skips right at the beginning of Wharf Rat.
QuoteQuotehere's an idea folks. how about having a winter gala type thing. sometime between thanksgiving and christmas. a total christmas theme of course. we can call it "one big winter coat festival." what do you guys think?
I think it is a fantastic idea!
i'm down. but where would we have it?
QuoteQuoteQuotehere's an idea folks. how about having a winter gala type thing. sometime between thanksgiving and christmas. a total christmas theme of course. we can call it "one big winter coat festival." what do you guys think?
I think it is a fantastic idea!
i'm down. but where would we have it?
It could be up here in the winter wonderland of New York State! My uncle has a big camp on Lake George and if we had it in January, he's away the whole month! It has at least 6 beds, but can easily accommodate 30 people. Something to think about anyway.
ooooh, that would be nice Colleen! I was trying to think of having it in one of our barns but that probably wouldn't fly and there wouldn't be any bathroom facilities.
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuotehere's an idea folks. how about having a winter gala type thing. sometime between thanksgiving and christmas. a total christmas theme of course. we can call it "one big winter coat festival." what do you guys think?
I think it is a fantastic idea!
i'm down. but where would we have it?
It could be up here in the winter wonderland of New York State! My uncle has a big camp on Lake George and if we had it in January, he's away the whole month! It has at least 6 beds, but can easily accommodate 30 people. Something to think about anyway.
that sounds pretty pimp. 8-)
yes collen that would be amazing. the venue was one question i had about it. obviously we arent going to be able to do it outside. i do like collen's idea. i was also wondering about how much it would cost to rent out a conference room at a hotel somewhere. that way everybody has their rooms right there and no one has to go far.
i tried to email the DP3 to yvon yesterday and a couple of the songs were too big. i can snail mail it if you guys want. send me your addresses.
If your file is to big to email Ben you can zip it and upload it to something like Yousendit, Megaupload or Sendspace. Those are all free as long as the file is under a certain size, very easy to do if you're sharing music :)
QuoteIf your file is to big to email Ben you can zip it and upload it to something like Yousendit, Megaupload or Sendspace. Those are all free as long as the file is under a certain size, very easy to do if you're sharing music :)
thanks, i will give it a try.
if anyone wants a copy of this, send me your email address.
My compouter is broke, so I'm sorry I haven't been chatting as much as I'd like to be or have been. Soon enough though! You guys were and all are fucking awesome.
QuoteMy compouter is broke, so I'm sorry I haven't been chatting as much as I'd like to be or have been. Soon enough though! You guys were and all are fucking awesome.
I was wondering where you were....... :)
QuoteQuoteMy compouter is broke, so I'm sorry I haven't been chatting as much as I'd like to be or have been. Soon enough though! You guys were and all are fucking awesome.
I was wondering where you were....... :)
What up Matthew! :D
QuoteWow! Those shots are great from everyone who posted them, thanks a lot for doing that! I can't believe everything we packed into just two and a 1/2 days. The satellite dish of love will stick in my mind's eye always.
Thanks for listening Sean, you're a mammoth on guitar buddy! It was great jamming with you.
By the way, your album is awesome, Alan. I've been listening to it a lot. :)
QuoteQuoteWow! Those shots are great from everyone who posted them, thanks a lot for doing that! I can't believe everything we packed into just two and a 1/2 days. The satellite dish of love will stick in my mind's eye always.
Thanks for listening Sean, you're a mammoth on guitar buddy! It was great jamming with you.
By the way, your album is awesome, Alan. I've been listening to it a lot. :)
wow! Im really glad you're enjoying it, thats awesome to hear!
keep your ears peeled for the Candace, Dylan, Paul, Alan experience about to drop this fall. More updates as they arrive....
I'll be posting my pics soon as well (no excuse, just being lazy)
QuoteQuoteIf your file is to big to email Ben you can zip it and upload it to something like Yousendit, Megaupload or Sendspace. Those are all free as long as the file is under a certain size, very easy to do if you're sharing music :)
thanks, i will give it a try.
if anyone wants a copy of this, send me your email address.
Awesome, thanks for the hook-up. I got it all downloaded, need to get to the store and pick up some more cd's so I can listen to it my car
QuoteQuoteQuoteMy compouter is broke, so I'm sorry I haven't been chatting as much as I'd like to be or have been. Soon enough though! You guys were and all are fucking awesome.
I was wondering where you were....... :)
What up Matthew! :D
Playin' croquet and shootin' BB's. ;)
QuoteQuoteQuoteIf your file is to big to email Ben you can zip it and upload it to something like Yousendit, Megaupload or Sendspace. Those are all free as long as the file is under a certain size, very easy to do if you're sharing music :)
thanks, i will give it a try.
if anyone wants a copy of this, send me your email address.
Awesome, thanks for the hook-up. I got it all downloaded, need to get to the store and pick up some more cd's so I can listen to it my car
no problem man. i hope you enjoy it. one of my favorite dead shows of all time.
ben! thanks for the sendspace links! i've downloaded most of the files. i haven't tried converting the wmp to aiff or mp3s yet. if it doesn't work out, i'll either ask you to burn it or just cough up the dough and find it here.
now drinking: celebrator in an ear x-tacy pint glass. THE WEEKEND LIVES!!
also of note: came home to find that my favorite independent record store had closed shop. damn. sent a note to the owner and signed it: the girl who orders all the my morning jacket stuff, evonne.
one last note: FILM DROPPED OFF FOR PROCESSING! due back july 10. yow!
Glad you arrived home safely! 8-)
thanks, t!
travel fun fact: since i've been home, each morning when i wake up i have to figure out that i'm sleeping in my own bed, in my room. i wake up wondering where i am, what time i need to leave, etc. road trip fallout. weird.
hey everybody. MMJ is on Austin City Limits this Saturday. its a rerun, but good enough for me.
glad you made it home safely yvon. tell haight ashbury i said hello.
thanks for the ACL tip, ben! i'll be at a wedding (looking forward to this one!), so i'll miss it, but i like to think about it...damn.
Yes, Anthemmatic is awesome! :) Thanks again for the cd Alan.
I think we have a winner for next years poster background!
Here it is - my photos from Jacketfest (Finally) - I couldn't upload my caves pics yet because I used up my bandwidth on Flickr
Still have not washed the T-shirt. ;)
great pix lizking.... thanks for posting!
i'm still serious about trying to make it for next years event ... if you peeps will have me ;)
Quotegreat pix lizking.... thanks for posting!
i'm still serious about trying to make it for next years event ... if you peeps will have me ;)
hells yeah! I think you'll easily take the furthest travelled award. Sorry, Ms. Yvon!
nice pics, lizking
great pics lizking. thanks man.
I've got a bunch of caves pics to upload, but I hjave to wait a week or so until I can upload to Flickr again. Anyone know a way around their 100meg bandwidth limit without paying money?
smaller less compressed pictures? that might make a difference.
Cool, thanks - I didn't think about such an obivous solution. I wish I would've thought of that before I uploaded all that :)
Here it is - my photos from Jacketfest (Finally) - I couldn't upload my caves pics yet because I used up my bandwidth on Flickr
Great pics, Paul!
Hey guys. Here is our setlist that we played at Jacketfest.
Set List for 6-23-07
One Big Jacket Festival
Cave City, KY
1. What Lies Ahead (My Brother Benjamin)
2. Just One Thing---[ch61664] (MMJ) (w/Paul)
3. Kinda Kat Jam---[ch61664] (Grateful Dead) (w/Paul)
4. I Know You Rider (Traditional)
5. Unknown Legend (Neil Young)
6. Phone Went West (MMJ)
7. Rebirth (My Brother Benjamin)
8. How To Fight Loneliness (Wilco)
9. Empty (Ray LaMontange)
*****RAIN----->TENT CITY*****
10. Listen Close (My Brother Benjamin)
11. Month Of May (My Brother Benjamin) (w/Paul)
12. Off The Record (MMJ)
WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!
Your Evening Windbreaker's setlist for OBJF:
QuoteHey guys. Here is our setlist that we played at Jacketfest.
*****RAIN----->TENT CITY*****
;D ;D ;D
hello kids!!
Alright - here's the last of my pics -
These are all from the cave tour
great pics! That was one beautiful cave!
Currently kicking self for not going on tour....... :(
hey guys. my brother benjamin is playing in ashland, ky at the junk band jam on october 27 @ 4:30. if you guys can make, you all should come out. it will be a great time with a lot of great bands. there is more info on our myspace page.
i'm going to really try to make this show. The genuine junk band are fantastic. I used to hangout with most of those bands in high school and would love to hear how much they rock. maybe i can talk lizking into going with me.
man that would be awesome. please come if you guys can. we would love to hang out.
[size=36]Yo La Tengo - Electr-O-Pura [/size]
Alright, I think its time we do this again.
Thats what she said.
I'm down.
Double Down
I'm in
Quote from: Ghosts_on_TV on Oct 06, 2011, 07:37 AM
Alright, I think its time we do this again.
Thats what she said.
;D ;D aweome, dave!
I might be able to go. I just need time to plan my vacation.
Oh, the memories of how I was too much of a young'un to go flood back. ;)
TEO go Jacketfest 2012...
July please.