The intro/outro part to One Big Holiday was featured on the opening scene to tonight's House, MD on Fox. :)
dolla dolla bill ya'll!
I was in class and I got a text message telling me this. I don't think it's enough to get me to start watching House though.
My mom called to tell me she heard MMJ on House, while I was driving home tonight. She couldn't remember the song title but tried really hard to describe it. So I put on ISM and played the song really loud so she could hear it and she started screaming "that's it, that's it". She then informed me that it was her favorite song, although she says almost all of their songs are her "favorite".
Yeah I was watchin House last night and heard it start goin. I was by that time standing waiting for them to go into the rest of the song, but it went straight to the outro. Kinda sucked, but was killer at the same time. Lets just hope that more people start to recognize good music when they hear it.
"Without deviation, progress is not possable." - Frank Zappa ;)
OMG!!! I squealed like a girl on prom night and ran around MY house screaming about the HOUSE episode!!!! Finally, MAJOR vindication about how incredible and DUE they are for some serious stardom. Lets hope it buys them the freedom to remain incredible.
Congrats guys!!! Im awaiting to see my 6th show now.... Bring it around town.....
I thought the way they used the song in the scene was very well done. Someone needs to up this to Youtube.