My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Music => Topic started by: EC on Jan 20, 2006, 11:32 AM

Title: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time.
Post by: EC on Jan 20, 2006, 11:32 AM
wiggum is out of town and asked me to start this thread.

Okay.  Volume III.  I think this should be an all a capella record - who's with me?  

'wiggum picks Sooner.

I can't remember what the rules are.  I think anything goes.  I even think that we could have two versions (or three or seven) of songs.  But I'm not in charge.  

For serious, though, I think we said last time that we could start to revisit songs that were done on volumes I and II.

(Tom, I decided not to pick Oxen because I knew you'd probably want to do it, but if you pick Lil Billy, I might change my mind to Oxen.)

I think an entire album of Lil Billy would be quite fine.

Just kidding.

Who's in?  

For those checking this out for the first time, here are the links to the first two compilations:

And I took for granted that people knew how it worked, so basically, you let us know here what you'd like to do, and once we're close to the dealine, 'wiggum will let you know how to get it to him.  He then does a masterful mastering, and there we have it.  Do not be shy.  This is for fun, and it's fun to have nice side projects that don't have any pressure aside from fun.  And it's neat to hear how people sound, and what they do with stuff.
Who's doing what
'wiggum - Sooner
EC - one and the same - done
Tom Eisenbraun - Oxen
DD - Dondante
utonynashm - Knot Comes Loose - received
bo_dereks_tits - not sure
Sweatboard - ?
ratsprayer - ?
aMillionDreams - IWBTWYD?
siouxtribe - bermuda highway - received
siouxtribe - laylow? the bear? einr?
TomBarton - steam engine - received
ali - something with violin yar.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Chills on Jan 20, 2006, 12:10 PM
I'd love to hear someone do a version of Wordless Chorus.
Just so you artists out there know
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jan 21, 2006, 01:06 AM
I don't think I could really touch Oxen. I knwo I figured it out for guitar, but I don't know what I'd add to it, besides maybe some crazy harmonized electric guitars. But Lil' Billy already has that in it...soo...I may do that. But then again, I've got a band that I'll probably do at least a little somethin with, so we might pick something a lil' more daunting that Lil' Billy to work on...Mahgeeta maybe? Anytime? I'll bring it up...what kind of due date are we lookin at for this?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 21, 2006, 02:26 PM
QuoteI'd love to hear someone do a version of Wordless Chorus.
Just so you artists out there know

Hi Chillz.  :)  Nice to see you.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Chills on Jan 22, 2006, 06:17 AM
Always nice to see you too  8)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: aMillionDreams on Jan 22, 2006, 02:43 PM
I thought the idea of this one was going to be songs from Z.  If not I could contribute a version of I Will Be There When You Die.  Maybe I'll contribute another instead, though, I don't know.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 22, 2006, 05:19 PM
QuoteI thought the idea of this one was going to be songs from Z.  If not I could contribute a version of I Will Be There When You Die.  Maybe I'll contribute another instead, though, I don't know.
Oh shit you're right, I just went back and looked.  Oh crap.  Now I want to just start this thread all over.  

Okay, let's start it over from this line:

Hey everybody - it's that time of year again.  We're gonna do songs from Z, and wiggum's already picked...
wait a second.  'wiggum picked Sooner.  

Fuck it.  Anything goes.  You can do I Will Be There, aMD.  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: DD on Jan 23, 2006, 11:00 AM
id like to do dondante.

(hey EC, i found it.)   :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 23, 2006, 01:32 PM
(hey dd, ignore my pm.  :))

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Sleazy Rider on Jan 23, 2006, 04:45 PM
I'd like to contribute something ( By My Car ) but I'm technologically challenged and don't have a way, but I would at least like to hear the stuff you guys do, including the ones from the past.  See I have to use the computers at work which I get in trouble for sometimes, and occasionally @ the library. Let me check around for someone in my town w/ digital recorder or something.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 23, 2006, 06:48 PM
cory, I just posted the links to the first two up in the first post.  :)

If you find a way, let us know, okay?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Sleazy Rider on Jan 24, 2006, 01:01 PM
Thanks a bunch!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: realdeal on Jan 24, 2006, 05:03 PM
After trying to listen to some of those covers.......i'm really just speechless. Vocally, those songs were absolutely masacred. Creative project but that is really difficult to listen to. Not trying to be mean really, but given that Jim's vocals are almost impossible to immulate, these covers are really terrible. Sorry.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 24, 2006, 05:09 PM
QuoteAfter trying to listen to some of those covers.......i'm really just speechless. Vocally, those songs were absolutely masacred. Creative project but that is really difficult to listen to. Not trying to be mean really, but given that Jim's vocals are almost impossible to immulate, these covers are really terrible. Sorry.

God you're such a dink, realdeal.  Honestly.

a) that's not what this is about
b) who cares what you think
c) shut up and get stuffed.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: DD on Jan 24, 2006, 05:13 PM
WHOAH there realdeal.

the LAST thing i plan to do is try to emulate jim or reproduce an mmj song "better" or anything like that.  i plan to put my own spin on it.  do my own thing with it.  mmj already did it their way better than i could ever dream of doing it.  that doesnt mean i cant do my thing with it.

i do a cover of opportunities by the petshop boys.    its one of those things i can play for 10 psb fans and 5 of them will think its a cool take, the other 5 will be cringing the whole time it plays.  

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: realdeal on Jan 24, 2006, 05:29 PM
You should be proud of that Pet Shop Boys cover. Bet it sounds great.

Forgive me.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SMc55 on Jan 24, 2006, 05:37 PM
QuoteNot trying to be mean really,

Boy you did quite well for somebody not trying.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Jan 24, 2006, 05:51 PM
I respect your opinion and all, realdeal, but I didn't start the project because I wanted to show off my voice. I admitted in the other tribute threads that I think my voice is shit. I started the project to
a) have a fun project to bring the MMJ community together
b) pay tribute to one of the finest bands in the country

It's that simple.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 24, 2006, 07:21 PM
AngryEwok just pm'd and is interested in doing art.  Yay!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Jan 24, 2006, 09:45 PM
tom, nice recording of golden - you got the same nice warm sound to the song...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jan 25, 2006, 12:12 AM
thankya Ali.

hey, i'd be interested in helpin out with some design, i was thinkin we should do the handwritten negative-developement style liner notes, like the jacket albums. and some weird artwork deserving of the inside of a jacket album. that sound cool, mebbe?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ratsprayer on Jan 25, 2006, 12:28 AM
ok, just read this.  whoa meg!  where did you the acapella version idea?   ;)

im thinking about doing something, but ill have to try hard to convince myself.  ill keep you updated.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Jan 25, 2006, 12:33 AM
if there is anything i could help with - non musical unfortunately as i'm currently lacking:
 1) musical instruments apart from the violins and
b) recording equipment

so if there's any artwork / design type of stuff anyone wants to shift my way... that'd be grand
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ratsprayer on Jan 25, 2006, 12:48 AM
QuoteAfter trying to listen to some of those covers.......i'm really just speechless. Vocally, those songs were absolutely masacred. Creative project but that is really difficult to listen to. Not trying to be mean really, but given that Jim's vocals are almost impossible to immulate, these covers are really terrible. Sorry.

opinions are opinions, but judge the quality or whatnot on whos doing the cover.  i can barely play the guitar, but i still know a cover isnt worth doing if youre doing it note for note and trying to sound like the band youre covering.  why the hell criticise someone because they dont sound like jim when in fact you bitch about jim most of the time?  does knowing the band give you a free pass to be an assjacker?

i dont know the band, and im still an assjacker, so that might make me worse.  oh well...   :-/
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jan 25, 2006, 01:31 AM
Quoteif there is anything i could help with - non musical unfortunately as i'm currently lacking:
1) musical instruments apart from the violins and
b) recording equipment

so if there's any artwork / design type of stuff anyone wants to shift my way... that'd be grand

ali, if you know anyone at all who has recording capabilities and software, i'd love to do some sort of cover with you. there's a website i can send the tracks through and it works like a charm (I did it with EC for the last one, it's awesome). i'd love to make something really interesting if you have anyone you could get to record you for it. I loooooove strings.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 25, 2006, 09:02 AM
Quoteok, just read this.  whoa meg!  where did you the acapella version idea?   ;)
From the Nylons, of course.

I'm just kiddin' about the a capella version.  (maybe)

Quoteim thinking about doing something, but ill have to try hard to convince myself.  ill keep you updated.
mm hmmmm....  you and sweatboard should get together.  you'd get along very well.

Design-wise - tom and ali and AngryEwok, that's awesome.    I think AngryEwok already has a cover idea in mind.  Tom, you can totally do the liner notes.  And ali, that'd be awesome.  I'm going to pm you.  :)

i'm keeping an ongoing list in the first post of this thread.  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Angry Ewok on Jan 25, 2006, 02:44 PM
An extremelly rough sketch, here, of my idea for the cover art...


Explains why the poor ol' Owl was under the knife on the Z album. That's a guitar case under his wing, and a big rig in the distance, btw.


Unless you guys think the idea absolutely sucks, I'm going to ink this, then airbrush it, then watercolor it... I'll probably slice it into a widescreen (similar to the Chapt. albums)...

Any thoughts?

(Be Gentle!)

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Angry Ewok on Jan 25, 2006, 02:51 PM
I'd like to stress that it's an EXTREME rough sketch.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Chills on Jan 25, 2006, 03:07 PM
Don't be so modest! It looks like a cool idea to me.

By the way, because I want to be involved in this one
I'm offering you artists my exclusive spiritual guidance for this project.

Visit me in India, it did wonders for these guys.


Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 25, 2006, 03:18 PM
QuoteDon't be so modest! It looks like a cool idea to me.

By the way, because I want to be involved in this one
I'm offering you artists my exclusive spiritual guidance for this project.

Visit me in India, it did wonders for these guys.
Chills, I definitely need spiritual guidance, and will be in touch about that shortly.  ;)  That's really lovely for you to offer your services like that.  

Brad, that looks awesome.  I say go ahead.  'wiggum?  (If you feel like it, you could put somewhere that it's the third compilation.)

word.  Holy that was fast.

Now we just need song songs!   :D
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Angry Ewok on Jan 25, 2006, 03:28 PM
How do you guys like my Z owl? I tried to photoshop a background in, for the hell of it... Looks horrible. I forgot to paint his toes, *gigglez*...


Things I'm wondering :

+ Is the color okay? (Disregard the back wings)
+ Is the eye and brow okay?
+ Shape of its body?
+ Position of the guitar case?
+ Like the ears?

After this gets a general thumbs up, I'll start working on the illustration board.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Chills on Jan 25, 2006, 03:34 PM
Chills, I definitely need spiritual guidance, and will be in touch about that shortly.  ;)  That's really lovely for you to offer your services like that.  

Haha, that's cool. Know that I don't give free guidance to everyone.
I had Donovan pay me big bucks. That will learn him rambling on and on about "the cosmic wheel"

O angryewok I took a look at your website, love your Jack Nicholson, very life-like.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Jan 25, 2006, 03:38 PM
Wow. Very nice. I most DEFINITELY dig it.

I'm still kind of put out from my weekend trip, so I'll add more thoughts about the new tribute CD soon.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Chills on Jan 25, 2006, 03:44 PM
It's really nice.
The eyes are perfect!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 25, 2006, 05:46 PM
QuoteI had Donovan pay me big bucks. That will learn him rambling on and on about "the cosmic wheel"
I can only pay you in love and cosmic whee... oh shit.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Jan 26, 2006, 04:42 PM
hey angry ewok the owl looks great!! i love the watercolour / pen & ink, it's very cool

tom, i'd love to have a go at doing something... what sort of equipment would i need? my brother has a 4-track, but i've never tried using it... if we can get it sorted, if you can send me something, i can have a play around with it at my end. the big problem would be microphones etc. i did some recording ages ago for my brother, & i know we did have some issues getting the violin miked properly. how long is everyone taking to get this project together?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 26, 2006, 05:12 PM
we're looking at end of march, early april to have the stuff to mr. wiggum.  :)

violins are H.O.T.  that's awesome.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Chills on Jan 26, 2006, 05:12 PM
I can only pay you in love and cosmic whee... oh shit.


It's ok, just don't trust Donovon and his unsacred wisdoms.
He shall not be your guide to spiritual enlightenment.
Consider this piece of mediocre philosophy...

God is playing marbles
With his planets and his stars
Creating havoc through my life
Through his influence on Mars
That's why I'm stumbling down the highway
On my boots of steel
I should be rolling down the skyway
On my cosmic wheels

In the present position of the planets
It's impossible for me to say
Just when I'll find my course again
With these boulders in my way
I should be rolling down the skyway
On my cosmic wheels
Instead of stumbling down this highway
On my boots of steel
I should be rolling down the skyway
On my cosmic wheels

Can you trust a man who wrote that  ::)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Jan 26, 2006, 05:30 PM
i always thought violins were pretty cool, but i thought the general opinion out there was that they were pretty dorky  ???
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Jan 26, 2006, 05:34 PM
Oh, hell no. Violins rule. I have one, but don't have the patience to learn it. Every time I get it out, I get very frustrated and just pick up my guitar.
It's that damn bow. It gets me every time.

This CD could definitely use some violin.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: dragonboy on Jan 26, 2006, 07:09 PM
Love the Cover Design AngryEwok - great job!  :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jan 26, 2006, 07:12 PM
Quotei always thought violins were pretty cool, but i thought the general opinion out there was that they were pretty dorky  ???

you've heard of Andrew Bird?

hell no they aren't dorky...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Jan 26, 2006, 07:27 PM
no haven't heard of andrew bird... i never thought they were dorky, but i'm sure the other kids at my school did ;)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jan 27, 2006, 05:31 PM
(ali, you have a PM waitin for ya)

and you should check out Andrew Bird, because he is awesome with a violin. beautiful songwriting, too.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Chills on Jan 28, 2006, 04:32 PM
Quotei always thought violins were pretty cool, but i thought the general opinion out there was that they were pretty dorky  ???

 Warren Ellis (Dirty Three, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds) makes it look cool!

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ratsprayer on Jan 28, 2006, 11:10 PM
Paganini, anyone?

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 29, 2006, 11:36 AM
And if you can't swing it, you'll simply have to - abododoodoododi dodababadadaba... scatetc.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Dee. on Jan 30, 2006, 04:11 PM
QuoteHow do you guys like my Z owl?
I like it a lot, I do.  Good job.  :)

Quoteviolins are H.O.T.
EC speaks the truth.  

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 30, 2006, 09:27 PM
(hypnotically ocular tremors)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Jan 30, 2006, 10:31 PM
aww feeling the violin-love out there folks!  ;D

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Dee. on Jan 31, 2006, 12:24 AM
Quote(hypnotically ocular tremors)

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: mars_in_furs on Feb 03, 2006, 02:36 PM
I'd definitely like to participate in this third album.  I'll probably do a christmas song.  I was set on new morning until I recently learned it was a GD Nick Cave song.  Instead I'll probably do Xmas time is here again.  Either that or the playful instrumental variation.Oh, the irony.  


Post Scripto-The artwork looks fantastic.  The words from the initial sketch look bad ass and you should certainly keep those.

Post Post Scripto- The Mysterious Production of Eggs (Andrew Bird) is now in heavy rotation.  Its so good.  Thanks My Morning Jacket forum.  
Title: Hmmmm......
Post by: utonynashm on Feb 03, 2006, 05:32 PM
So it's not only Z songs?  I don't know what to pick then, way to much and to daunting...I don't have much time either...

Hell, count me down for something...It will be an instrumental to so....sorry bout that...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: bo dereks tits on Feb 09, 2006, 05:28 AM
i wouldn't mind doing one  8)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Feb 09, 2006, 08:01 AM
Quotei wouldn't mind doing one  8)

Rock.  Which one?

Tony, did you decide yet?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Feb 11, 2006, 08:51 AM
All righty.  We have our first entry.  Tony has finished Knot Comes Loose, all instrumental.  I was thinkin' this morning that an all instrumental KCL might be too much with an a capella KCL (;)), so I think I'm going to choose a different one, which is good, because it'll force me to learn a new song.

Anybody else been plunking?  Anybody else think they might like to do somethin'?  :)

In addition, angry ewok has been making some LOVELY artwork for the cover.  It's really really awesome.  Once we have the final tracklist and such, there are a couple of others (ali and i think it was tom) who are going to make more artwork, too.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: DD on Feb 14, 2006, 11:53 AM
ive got the structure of mine together.  now i just need to figure out the synth sounds i will be using and how im going to do the vocals.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Feb 14, 2006, 12:32 PM
Quoteive got the structure of mine together.  now i just need to figure out the synth sounds i will be using and how im going to do the vocals.

are you going to use a cassssssio by any chance?  mmm cassio.

I have decided that I'm going to do a windchime version of Magheetah.  I will record dog barks from the park, and pitch them through my computer.

That's a lie.  I still don't know which one to do.  I'll get 'er up.

COME ON  YOU GUYS, WHO'S WITH US HERE?!  Let's get some more dudes on the bill!!!!!!!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: DD on Feb 15, 2006, 01:39 PM
moogs, casiotones, farfisa, yamaha dx7, and possibly heavily effected rhodes plus digital drum machine and other effected percussive sounds.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Oz on Feb 17, 2006, 04:47 PM
Hmm, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to participate this time. Starting from next Sunday I'm going to record an EP or an album of my own music and I might record a cover of 'Wordless chorus', but I think I'll be busy enough recording and arranging my own stuff and finally figuring out what I'm going to do with those 22 unfinished demos that I have flying around. So it's the safest not to promise anything, so that if I do get around it, it'll be a surprise. :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Feb 17, 2006, 10:12 PM
i just recorded "I Can't Wait" but that won't work cuz it hasnt been released, right?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: aMillionDreams on Feb 18, 2006, 07:06 AM
Quotei just recorded "I Can't Wait" but that won't work cuz it hasnt been released, right?

How about posting the chords and lyrics to I Can't Wait in the tabs section?  I'd appreciate it.  But I'm not a lawyer so I couldn't tell ya, but it seems backwards to not be able to record the unreleased stuff.  Anyway, I Can't Wait anymore for those chords!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Feb 18, 2006, 09:44 AM
Yeah, we can't technically put that one on one of our tribute CDs for legal reasons.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Feb 18, 2006, 11:36 AM
well....see i was thinkin about it, and i thought of this...we aren't selling the album, right? it's pretty much for pure enjoyment/appreciation ofthe band. if there's no profit being made, and it's our interpretations of an artist's work, we can still claim the copyright as Jim's, and we don't take profit, and i think that's where the beef would be, correct?

i don't know, that probably doesn't work, but that's kindof what i was thinking.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Feb 18, 2006, 11:59 AM
I see your point. I was told when I did the DBT tributes that those songs were off-limits until they were officially released.
If you want to approach management about it, go for it.

I think you make a good point.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Feb 18, 2006, 12:03 PM
yeah, it's not getting sold in stores, so there'd be no dealing with money on things the band hasn't released

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Feb 21, 2006, 11:16 PM
I'm going to try to record Bermuda Highway within a few days. If it turns out well and its not taken or will be accepted  in the first place, I claim that one.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Feb 22, 2006, 09:02 AM
QuoteI'm going to try to record Bermuda Highway within a few days. If it turns out well and its not taken or will be accepted  in the first place, I claim that one.

yaaayyy! :)

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Feb 22, 2006, 08:14 PM
update - lovely version of bermuda highway on its way to me from siouxtribe.  :)  he might also do laylow.  i'm gonna go add these to the list in the first post.

(dd i'm not gonna change it yet because i still have hopes.)

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: DD on Feb 23, 2006, 03:14 AM
its just one of those things.  i know its a very meaningful song to jim as well as to me.  i have a lot of great ideas, but i cant always produce the results that i hear in my head.  i have the ability as far as the music part, i just lack it as far as the recording/engineering part.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: TomBarton on Feb 23, 2006, 08:39 AM
how long till these are due? i've got a cold right now, but if i get over it in time, i can add vocals to the music tracks, and submit steam engine to the fray.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Feb 23, 2006, 09:10 AM
Cool. There really isn't a set date yet for a deadline. I have a lot of shit on my plate right now, so I haven't even started mine. I'm sure you'll be well in plenty of time to do vocals.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Feb 24, 2006, 06:47 PM
Quotehow long till these are due? i've got a cold right now, but if i get over it in time, i can add vocals to the music tracks, and submit steam engine to the fray.

terrif.  i put you on the list.

i have to pick a song still.  i'm going to do that right now.

okay.  can i pick one and the same?  i don't think anybody picked that, right?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Feb 25, 2006, 03:28 AM
dude, Meg. Do it.

Okay, I take Oxen. Finally.

I was playing it in this large atrium the other day with reverb, and found I can finally hit all the notes, and that it sounded way more awesome than I ever thought it coudl with just an acoustic. So I might just go ahead and do a one-take sometime this week.

I love that song.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Feb 25, 2006, 09:54 AM
dude, Tom.  'tis done.

I'm really glad you're doing Oxen.  As IF you wouldn't.  ;)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: sideroad32 on Feb 25, 2006, 04:29 PM
I'd like to do one, but we are busy recording other stuff right now.
Which songs have been taken.
Might be able to fit it in.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Feb 27, 2006, 11:31 AM
QuoteI'd like to do one, but we are busy recording other stuff right now.
Which songs have been taken.
Might be able to fit it in.

check out the 1st page of this thread, sideroad.  that'll give you an idea of what songs have been picked.

our deadline was marchish aprilish.  we're both pretty busy right now, but i would say april as a generality is a fairly good estimate.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Feb 27, 2006, 12:17 PM
after more consideration  The Bear and Evelyn is not Real are also on my possible to do list, this time my brother will be singing.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Angry Ewok on Feb 27, 2006, 12:52 PM
Why not do both? You sing one, and your brother sing the other?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Feb 27, 2006, 12:59 PM
The thing is, im not very good a singer.  I already did Bermuda HIghway for shits and giggles.  My brother is a much better singer.  I'll give it a try if you want but Bermuda Highway is the only MMJ song I could get anywhere close to Jim, and its only because I had to sing like Kermit the frog, haha.
I really wish I had a drumset too or a drummer to record, it would make something like Laylow much more full sounding.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: jrat on Mar 02, 2006, 04:47 PM
i envy all of you for being musically inclined   :'(
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Mar 05, 2006, 06:56 PM
Quotei envy all of you for being musically inclined   :'(

Sometimes there is inclination, but alot of the time its only practice.  Just pick up an instrument that suits your fancy and play it!  You'll get frustrated alot at first, but you'll get the hang of it.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Oz on Mar 08, 2006, 01:55 PM
Hi there,

I've just home-recorded myself a countrified cover version of 'Off the record.' Am I still in time to send it in for this project? And if so, how and where should I send it? I can send it via Dropload, or is there some ftp-server I have to upload it on? I have it in .wav-format. Just let me know.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Oz on Mar 08, 2006, 02:04 PM
On a totally different subject: I just listened to Michael Jackson's 'I wanna be startin' somethin'' and I thought, dam', this is so brilliant, I'm gonna stop making music, 'cuz I'm never ever gonna achieve something as good as this. I'm just sitting home making these stupid lo-fi indie crap songs thinking I'm cool, and here was this guy making the most perfect pop song ever and he didn't give a shit about being cool or being real, he just wanted to sell some records and made the ultimate pop song and it's the best thing anyone's ever made. That was just what I was thinking back then. Thought I'd share. :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Mar 08, 2006, 04:11 PM
Okay, so this weekend my brother is going to record vocals over top of guitars to the following songs:

Bermuda Highway
The Bear
Evelyn is Not Real
Phone Went West

We'll be turning all of these in if they all turn out well ASAP.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Mar 08, 2006, 06:47 PM
Shit ass shit, I have to get my act together here.

O, you don't know how glad I am that you've got a song on here.  It was definitely not going to be the same without a Jintro addition.  YAR!!!!  I'll pm you - you can send it to Corey, and I'll tell you how.  (heh, totally passing the buck to the man who does the mastering.)

Also, fuck that shit about Michael Jackson.  If you stop making your music I'll cry.  as IF.  I hope you were joking.

SiouxTribe, that's awesome that you guys are doing so much.  I'll pm you, too.  :)

Anybody else want a pm?  Just for kicks?

Just kiddin'.  Okay.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Mar 08, 2006, 07:01 PM
i HAVE to try and sort something out at my end... might be too late for this one though, but still...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Mar 08, 2006, 07:02 PM
Nah... I haven't even started on my song... so there's still time.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Mar 08, 2006, 07:05 PM
cool... any suggestions for the least amount of equipment i might need to record something? i've been thinking about this for a while, so it's not just for mmj... ;)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Mar 08, 2006, 08:01 PM
I use a $10 microphone from Wal-Mart and a cheap free recording program I downloaded....for a grand total of 10 dollars I have to say my 'studio' isnt bad at all.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Mar 08, 2006, 08:55 PM
hmmm have to try & set up the ali-studio this weekend! $10 sounds pretty good to me !  ;)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Mar 09, 2006, 05:26 PM
if i can get my little paws on some recording equipment, i'm going to have a play with knot comes loose and maybe lay low....  :D
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Mar 09, 2006, 08:32 PM
huzzah!  just check that front page ali, and see what's been taken.  :)

Sadly (and fuck was I ever pissed about this), last night I practised and figured out a piano version of one and the same, and then my recording stuff wasn't working.  

Anyhow, who cares, but I'm workin' on it.   :-/
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Mar 10, 2006, 05:32 PM
Ali, do laylow, that would kickass.

EC, get your shit working!  I want to hear it  :D
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Mar 11, 2006, 12:56 AM
i bought some new strings for the violin today, & i'm picking up the 4-track this afternoon.... it's a-happenin'
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Mar 11, 2006, 04:32 PM
I just wanted everyone to know that EVERYTHING IS OKAY.  I GOT THE GEAR WORKING.  IT'S OKAY, DON'T PANIC.


I'm done.  :)  wiggum, it's really big.  i'll send you a pm.  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Mar 13, 2006, 06:39 PM
ok - slight issue - the 4-track records onto cassette tape... is this going to be a problem? i don't have any way of transferring from tape to cd
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Mar 13, 2006, 07:12 PM
If you know someone that is computer-savvy, you can probably run an RCA cable out of the 4-track into an 1/8 inch Line IN on a computer. You'll need some sort of audio recording program, but there are several out there that should be free. They'll need to make sure that it's recorded onto the computer at a good level, but it doesn't need to be distorted. Then, they can dump that wav file onto a CD.

Sounds complicated, but it's a pretty simple process.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: NJ2KY on Mar 15, 2006, 02:40 PM
Hey I just joined this forum, this is actually my first post as well.  I've spent the past month or two doing nothing but learning MMJ songs and would like to try my hand at recording something for the album.

is it too late?  are there any requirements other than record and send it to Wiggum?

let me know.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Mar 15, 2006, 03:06 PM
hey NJ2KY, welcome to the forum!!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: NJ2KY on Mar 15, 2006, 03:12 PM
afternoon Ali, thanks for having me.  any advice on this cover album?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Mar 15, 2006, 03:14 PM
That's about it. Record it and send it to me in some digital form.
There isn't a deadline yet because I still haven't started my song.  :)

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: NJ2KY on Mar 15, 2006, 03:20 PM
Cool, i'll get on that then and let you know what i come up with.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Mar 21, 2006, 01:02 AM
ali, what happened?  didja sort it out?
where's everyone at?
tom eisenbraun?
hey hey?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Mar 21, 2006, 05:49 PM
yo i'm still around.

jes got me computah fixed this weekend, so i can record without the dang thing freezing. I'm going to take it and a mic stand to this nice reverby atrium on campus sometime next week and just belt this mother out. may have my lady lay down some harmony and piano for me, we'll see what happens. i may get my friend to take a crash cymbal down there too. might be nice. who knows, we shall certainly see.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Meddle on Mar 23, 2006, 12:53 AM
Tom you changed your pic man...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Mar 29, 2006, 09:39 AM
'wiggy, should we set a deadline here just to get 'er movin?  what songs do you have?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Mar 29, 2006, 09:48 AM
I have "off the record", "one in the same", and "knot comes loose".

I still haven't started mine.  :)   :(
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Mar 30, 2006, 07:58 AM
QuoteI have "off the record", "one in the same", and "knot comes loose".

I still haven't started mine.  :)   :(
hmmm, maybe we could do yours in (oh my god.  2.5 weeks.)
how bout end of april?  is that too crazy?  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Mar 30, 2006, 10:49 AM
is that show only 2 and a half weeks away? i'm so excited!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Mar 30, 2006, 11:19 AM
Quoteis that show only 2 and a half weeks away? i'm so excited!

it's 3 weeks, but i go to 'bama in 2.5.

duuuuuuuuude.  :)  i'm excited, too!!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Mar 30, 2006, 11:27 AM
me too!

That sounds good, EC. Maybe I can work on it between now and then. I'm doing a bunch of video work today that I need to catch up on.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Mar 30, 2006, 12:54 PM
Wonderful.  This gives me time to have a friend lay down some sort of beats down to fill it out and for me to choose which ones pass or fail as well.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: TEO on Mar 31, 2006, 08:25 AM
Eisenbraun-great job on "Golden"!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Mar 31, 2006, 04:03 PM
thankya much!

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: TomBarton on Apr 01, 2006, 12:52 AM
i got most of steam engine completed tonight, just have to add vocals and the slide part - should be done by next weekend - i hope
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Apr 01, 2006, 01:13 AM
Very cool. Keep us informed.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Angry Ewok on Apr 05, 2006, 02:30 AM
It's great to see everyone's work come together like this... Because we are getting a bit close to completing things, I wanted to go ahead and let everyone know that the album cover artwork has been completed. Matter of fact, here it is...

Introducing Don Dante, kinfolk to Don Quixote...

( (

I think I'm digging the ol' disillusioned knight with a farmer's tan and capri-like floral tights just a tad better.

Let me know what you guys think!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Jon T. on Apr 05, 2006, 10:20 AM
 This is the first time I've been around for this.  How does one get their grubby little paws on the final product.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Apr 05, 2006, 10:22 AM
We'll put it online for downloading once it's finished.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Apr 06, 2006, 04:16 PM
recordings been delayed again...but hopefully next tuesday or thursday. damn CMT awards are being held here at school in our gym, so the atrium (with increeeeedible reverb/acoustics) is kind of off-limits right now. i may try and get in there sometime this weekend, but i'm assuming security's probably going to be a bit more asshole-ish about keeping things tight right now. the awards happen monday, so after tuesday (i'm assuming it'll take all of tuesday and maybe wednesday for breakdown, who knows) i should be good to go. I'm gettin frickin antsy, i might have to find some alternate reverbescence, but that place is sooooo perfect for it.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on Apr 06, 2006, 05:46 PM
work's been WAY too busy lately (meaning i've had to work some weekends as well as 12 hour days) so i haven't been able to do that much yet... but hopefully i'll get some time this weekend!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Felix on Apr 07, 2006, 03:22 PM

This is Felix from Germany :)

I just read about this MMJ-tribute and i wanted to tell you, that my cosain just recorded a nice acoustic-version of "Death is  the easy way out" .. Is there still a chance to send you anything that (if you like it) still might appear on the cd?? I mean, did the deadline run out?

Greetings from Münster, Germany!!!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Apr 07, 2006, 03:27 PM
hi felix from germany!  please send it to

that's great.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Apr 07, 2006, 03:37 PM
Felix... yes, please send it that e-mail address in EC's post. There's still PLENTY of time as I still haven't recorded my track.  :)

Be sure to send along any info about the artist that may be listed on the webpage when it goes online.  

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: TomBarton on Apr 08, 2006, 04:44 PM
Steam Engine was sent off today
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Apr 08, 2006, 09:20 PM
Got it!  :)

Sounds great, too.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Apr 10, 2006, 03:18 PM
would y'all mind if i did I Will Be There When You Die instead? I've got almost the whoel thing recorded, and i think you'll like it. it's kind of weird, but in a good way :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Apr 10, 2006, 03:20 PM
weird in a good way is my favourite.  :)  i don't mind - that's my vote.  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Felix on Apr 12, 2006, 01:49 PM
hmmmm.... what about my "Death is the easy way"?  Can we do the same?? ???
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Apr 12, 2006, 02:09 PM
What do you mean ? I'm confused.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: begoodtanya on Apr 12, 2006, 11:23 PM
wow this is so cool!

right now i`m listening to Clay Master's I will be there when you die. very nice  ;D

if someone has the tabs for Isobella with the White Umbrella I could do that, but no one has answered my Q on the tab-board.  : :-/

firstly- how do you get the mp3s??
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Apr 12, 2006, 11:31 PM
Quotefirstly- how do you get the mp3s??
what do you mean - how do you download them?  you can just right click them and save as.. :)

or, do you mean how do you send them?  send them directly to

is that what you mean?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Felix on Apr 13, 2006, 08:31 AM
..I mean there would be two versions of that song, if tom did that one, too...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Felix on Apr 13, 2006, 08:32 AM
 ;D Oh, no!!!!!! Forget it!!!!  :o I somehow got it wrong....
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Felix on Apr 23, 2006, 03:09 PM
Alright! The Song is finished...  :) ill send it off in a minute...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Apr 24, 2006, 12:35 AM
So it's nearing the invisible deadline...end of April/ early May...what day would that be?
 I have Bermuda Highway, Evelyn and Phone Went West probably coming your way, but evelyn and PWW are in desperate need of some djembe or some sort of drumming...hopefully I can get my friend in on that this weekend..if not.....we'll see if handclaps work hah!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Apr 25, 2006, 01:43 AM
i'm working on finishing up i will be there when you die and oxen this week. i'll see if i can get my stuff out to this big atrium for Oxen, and i won't record it unless i can.

i'm tryin to see what would be appropriate for IWBTWYD's weirdnesses.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Apr 26, 2006, 11:20 PM
so how shoudl i send it? the file's an AIFF file as of right now. should i convert it to WAV for you or what?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Apr 27, 2006, 08:13 AM
Yeah, I can't do AIFF.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: mars_in_furs on Apr 30, 2006, 02:14 PM
I guess Im a little late, but I could probably knock out "Chills" in a day, maybe two days if to add some oohs and ahhs on top of the words.  Let me know if I still have time and reguardless, Im on it.  

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Apr 30, 2006, 04:11 PM
hey man, if you would, could you tab out chills in the tab section at some point?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: TomBarton on Apr 30, 2006, 09:10 PM
hey - i also just did mahgeetah today... so - if there's room, and no one cares that it's been done on prior volumes, i've sent it to the powers that be for inclusion on the record.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Apr 30, 2006, 09:22 PM
Cool. I think I want to start getting this thing wrapped up in a couple of weeks when school is over. I have some finals, but I also have several freelance jobs right around that time that are going to be time-consuming. So let's shoot for getting them all to me by the end of the month.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Apr 30, 2006, 10:26 PM
end of may, gotcha
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on May 01, 2006, 09:32 AM
i might redo mine, corey.  :)  i'll letcha know.  shelby just got a new gloch, and there's some other new fun stuff i might want to mess around with.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on May 01, 2006, 09:41 AM
Cool. I'm not sure if I'll have one on this CD or not. I may lay out this time.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on May 01, 2006, 09:45 AM
QuoteCool. I'm not sure if I'll have one on this CD or not. I may lay out this time.

you mean ... lay low  ;)  is the feelin' right?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: mars_in_furs on May 03, 2006, 12:23 AM
I could certainly post the tab.  Just as soon as I take my last GD final exam tomorrow.  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: mars_in_furs on May 06, 2006, 02:00 PM
Does anyone know where I could find the chills lyrics on the infernet.  I really have no idea what he says for a number of lines in the song.  Or if anyone just knows them. whatever.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: mars_in_furs on May 06, 2006, 02:54 PM
oh, and the tab is there now
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on May 15, 2006, 10:58 AM
it is now the middle of may.  so, we're a coupla weeks away, corey?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on May 15, 2006, 11:03 AM
I only have 7 entries so far.

Doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to do a track this time.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on May 15, 2006, 01:18 PM
maybe we could call it an EP?  :)

or, i don't know, what does everyone think?  we have a lovely cover, and 7 songs...  are we into this?  i feel the need for some enthusiasm.  should we wait?  are we doing too many too soon?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on May 15, 2006, 02:11 PM
I have 3 coming very soon, just gotta get one more drumtrack (djembe) down on Phone Went West (i put some down already for emergency but i dont like what i did)

but you'll have within a week or so:

Bermuda Highway
Phone Went West
Evelyn Is Not Real

performed by:
Dakota (myself): Guitars, bass
Dean (my brother): Vocals
Spencer (percussionist friend): ...on djembe (and if we have time maybe replacing that with electric drum set)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on May 15, 2006, 04:34 PM
sorry folks, but my contribution just isn't going to happen this time round.... i've just got SO much work on in the next 3 weeks, plus planning the trip...

sorry..... would have loved to have a bit more time to get something to ya, but there's only 24 hours in the day.... :'(
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on May 15, 2006, 10:47 PM
Quotethere's only 24 hours in the day.... :'(

;) heh.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ali on May 15, 2006, 11:03 PM
oi! who ya calling lazy!

just looking at my work schedule for the next 3 weeks - design/document the refurbishment of a highschool creative arts building (art/cooking/computers/drama/music) and document a refurbishment to a house (installing new lifts to suit someone in a wheelchair)...

sanity is going to be wearing VERY thin come the start of june...

yikes  ;)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on May 26, 2006, 05:56 PM
So, a due date?  I can lay down this last drum track Sunday.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on May 26, 2006, 05:58 PM
How about Monday then?

I refuse to set due dates anymore for a reason. We've never done one of these where everybody got stuff in on time, so there's no need for a due date. When we have enough entries, I'll put it all together.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on May 26, 2006, 10:48 PM
I like the way you think
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on May 27, 2006, 01:35 AM
well let's ahve a"due date" as in a day to push for, so people are like..."oh, shit! i need to get on that!" but if they come up short give em a bunch of slack. you know, just to have somehting kind of pressing, so that people feel the need to work on stuff.

just a thought. and i just might yet do "Oxen". record it in a parking garage just one take on guitar and vocals. weeeee shall seeeee.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Meddle on Jun 04, 2006, 03:47 PM
Is The Way That He Sings taken?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Jun 05, 2006, 11:55 AM
Not that I'm aware of, but we can always double-check with EC or eh?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Jun 08, 2006, 12:22 AM
Aight I turned my shit into Corey, whats the update on this being all put together?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jun 13, 2006, 11:13 PM
QuoteIs The Way That He Sings taken?

best place to look is on the first place of this thread.  although, i'll be the first to admit that i've been very slack on keeping up with business.  

i think i also said i wanted to re-record my song, which i still do, but haven't, and may not get a chance to.  hell ballz.

corey is very busy with math these days.  he's working hard with numbers.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Jun 14, 2006, 12:49 AM
I do not enjoy math. That is true. Let me look at all of the entries tomorrow and I'll try to post some sort of updateish type thingie.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Jul 09, 2006, 11:51 PM
Whats the word on the posting of the songs Mr. Corey?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: MyLifeISought on Jul 28, 2006, 04:32 PM
I've been arranging "new" dondante for acoustic (it works better than old dondante acoustic), and i'd love to do that, even though dondante's taken
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Jul 29, 2006, 02:08 PM
That's cool. I never received a Don Dante anyway. If you can get it done within a couple of weeks, that would be great. we only have 10 entries and I'd like to have another entry or two if at all possible.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Felix on Sep 12, 2006, 08:39 AM
Whats up with the songs???  :(
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Sep 12, 2006, 07:41 PM
Well, i've been waiting on a few different songs to be finished, but I haven't heard anything. I'm way too busy at this point to deal with tracking people down, if I'm being completely honest. I  have too much on my plate to follow up with people. I'd really like to wrap this thing up, but I don't think we have enough tracks to call it finished right now.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Sep 14, 2006, 11:21 AM
Think we might as well just make a short 10 song one this time around?  Cause by the time were finished waiting around for people its gonna be Cover Album #4 and we'll miss out on an edition of this.
Give these people like 1 month max, and if nothing shows up, just post 'em!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Sep 21, 2006, 04:38 PM
Well.... we could make it 10 songs, but quite frankly, I'd rather have someone else submit a song to have a little diversity among performers. Otherwise, there are 10 songs and 3 of them are yours.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 21, 2006, 04:42 PM
what songs do you have so far?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Sep 21, 2006, 04:48 PM
I will Be There When You Die
Bermuda Highway
Death Is the Easy Way
Evelyn is Not Real
Knot Comes Loose
One in The Same
Off the Record
Phone Went West
Steam Engine

Does this mean that you want to do one?

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Sep 22, 2006, 01:07 PM
What happened to all those people from the last time?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Sep 22, 2006, 06:35 PM

Does this mean that you want to do one?

the fact that the last time i saw you, you came prepared with a guitar and initiated a my morning jacket singalong (which i believe tracy has on video somewhere) means that you are REQUIRED to do one, brian.   :-*
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Sep 23, 2006, 09:59 PM
hey meg, would you have the time to collab again?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Sep 24, 2006, 10:15 PM
Quotehey meg, would you have the time to collab again?

i might.  that might be a nice little thing to do, actually.  why dontcha email me, fella. :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: darkglow on Sep 26, 2006, 07:47 AM
can't help but notice the similarity in the color scheme of the okonokos artwork and the cover art i made for the last tribute album  :P maybe someone liked the idea

tried to dig it up but couldnt find it (new computer and all)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Sep 30, 2006, 09:40 AM
hmmmmm...   that site might be officially dead, now.  i just tried to check and nothing came up.

crap.  let me see if i can still get into ftp and steal back all our stuff.  

i might have the files on my comp. somewhere still, although i did a big haul a few months back.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Bookshelf on Nov 21, 2006, 05:46 PM
Ooh, I'd like to do a song...I just did a covers competition on the Pearl Jam message board and it was a blast.

is it a cappella as it says on the home page, or can we use non-voice instruments?

Is there a deadline for this one?

Can I have some soup?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Nov 21, 2006, 07:29 PM
the certainly are no instrument stipulations. we just ask that you make the cover your own. it's fun to hear how other people hear these songs.

i don't know how this one stands. i've got a song i could throw on it, which i'm alright with, but whatever. just volunteer something. the more obscure, the better, but there is asbolutely no stipulation on that.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Bookshelf on Nov 22, 2006, 04:07 PM
Quotethe certainly are no instrument stipulations. we just ask that you make the cover your own. it's fun to hear how other people hear these songs.

i don't know how this one stands. i've got a song i could throw on it, which i'm alright with, but whatever. just volunteer something. the more obscure, the better, but there is asbolutely no stipulation on that.

Right on. I've already got a couple possible songs in mind. Do you have a list of what was done in the first couple rounds? That medusa site isn't working and I'd like to do something fresh.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Nov 22, 2006, 05:54 PM
Give me a couple of days to round them up. I've got a bunch of shit on my plate right now.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Dec 01, 2006, 02:58 AM
Quoteis it a cappella as it says on the home page, or can we use non-voice instruments?
sorry, fella, it's ONLY a capella.  if anyone says otherwise, they're lying.  i'd get on top of doing some vocal warmups pronto.  apparently some people drink honey water, i suggest steroids.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Bookshelf on Dec 01, 2006, 09:44 AM
sorry, fella, it's ONLY a capella.  if anyone says otherwise, they're lying.  i'd get on top of doing some vocal warmups pronto.  apparently some people drink honey water, i suggest steroids.

Oh, I'm already on it. Been drinkin pee.

I'll have a song ready after this weekend (with a cappella voice and a cappella guitar), if it matters to anyone. That is, if the Jacket doesn't slay me with their awesomeness tonight. (They will.)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Dec 03, 2006, 08:57 AM
i have to apologise here.  i let that old website expire because it was something i wasn't doing anymore, and all of the stuff is gone.  i mean, it's not gone, i might still have copies hanging around, and so might corey.  but the web content is gawn.  

i just had a flashback to rollerskating (gone gone gone she been gone so long she been gone so long so long) holay.

anyhow, truly sorry about this.  maybe now the first two shall just exist in our minds as beeeeeeautiful memories. :)

or maybe the wayback machine has stuff...
nope.  just checked.  sonuvabitch.  
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: Bookshelf on Jan 15, 2007, 10:09 AM
Just so's you know, I'm giving myself a deadline of the end of this week to get a cover in. For each day next week that it's not in, I lose a finger.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jan 17, 2007, 02:29 PM
that is the kind of gumption we like to see around here!!!
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Jan 18, 2007, 12:58 AM
Well..... Hmmmm..... Does anyone else want to spearhead this thing? I can't make it a priority right now. I have about 4 other projects on my hands that involve a)school
b)jobs c)film festivals d)a movie that I'm making.

I'd be glad to send someone the tracks that I already have. let me know.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: bassmcmaster on Jun 06, 2007, 01:01 AM
I'll get in on this, sounds like, just need to pick a song...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: bassmcmaster on Jun 06, 2007, 01:15 AM
Wow, just realized I'm about six months behind here.  Guess that means I should get some sleep now.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jun 25, 2007, 08:24 PM
yeah, man.
i guess we just got mad busy.
we should do something with those entries, though.  maybe an EP?
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Jun 25, 2007, 08:56 PM
Someone mentioned something to that effect a few months ago and I offered to send what files I have to whoever wants to finish it up. I just don't have time to put it together right now.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jun 25, 2007, 09:51 PM
are we talking volume normalization and eqing?  like through t-racks or something?  i might be able to find somebody to do that if it's real simple.  i'd do it but my computer is as slow as a constipated sloth at present.
i can pull another little wee site together - we have the artwork already from brad.  or someone was going to help with that - was it ali?

anyhow let me know what needs doing and i'll see if i can find a helper. :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: corey on Jun 26, 2007, 12:06 PM
You're pretty much on track with that, EC. Also, we still probably need one more song so that we can cut one of siouxtribe's. Otherwise, it's gonna be mostly him.

Nothing personal, but he sent in, like, 3 songs or something.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: knotcameloose on Jun 26, 2007, 04:45 PM
I can try an At Dawn, don't know what else has been sent in...
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: EC on Jul 12, 2007, 06:47 PM
at dawn was done twice (due to the excellent nature of the original) on our first tribute, but hey, that's cool to do it again i could listen to that song nonstop and still feel good about it.

i'm sorry for being a slacker fellows, but i'm going to have to put my participation on this lovely project away for a couple of weeks.  perhaps then things will normalize again... :)
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: ItsAllSticky on Aug 03, 2007, 03:49 PM
hey guys, I've got just an acoustic cover of "OBH" and "I wear my sunglasses at night" (non MMJ, but it's fun) on a myspace page. You can check it out at

If you have any of your covers (or original music) posted online I'd love a link cause I haven't heard any of the forum compilations yet.

Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Sep 04, 2007, 10:27 PM
yeah please cut 2 of mine if you want.  keep evelyn is not real, preferably.
Title: Re: MMJ Tribute Record Volume III - It's that time
Post by: easy jim on Feb 27, 2008, 04:11 PM
here's my Lay Low:


enjoy! ;D