Does anyone have any clues as to what some of the lyrics are to the new songs, esp "touch me part one and two" and " thank you too?".
Thanks :)
I tried watching the new videos posted on Youtube from last night to get an idea but couldn't make them all out...
Yes, if anyone is willing to transcribe these lyrics it would give me a lot of help tabbing the songs out for guitar.
yes please ;)
i couldn't understand anything on Evil Urges, some of the other songs i could hear better.
I think I can try to get the lyrics from Smokin from Shootin later...
that would be great if you could! thanks!!!! ;D
I've almost got it...
I'll try Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Part 2. Just the first little bit. It's impossible to make out.
"Touch me like you think I'm strange
cause it's been so long since someone challenged me
Made me think about the way things are
Made me think about the way it could be
I believe in my own mind
End futile attempt to decipher Jim James.
Revisiting futile attempt to decipher Touch Me Part 2. 2:15 into THE video.
"Feeling. I don't mind.
You and me. Heartbeat.
I can see it about the way you smile
I'm smilin too
I see myself in you
I am wicked. Man I am wild"
I'd like to read what other people are hearing. Can anyone modify this and/or fill in the gaps?