Howdy y'all.
I've never contested the inevitability of me joining this forum, but I figure the best time to do it is before being (evilly) urged.
I've been a huge fan of MMJ for as long as I can remember. I first bought At Dawn and TTF my freshman year of highschool, and haven't looked back since. In my home town, MMJ and my name are practically synonymous. It was all too common to see me walking around with my black and sparkly texted shirt from the ISM era throughout my high school days.
I believe at this point, I've got everything ever released, sans MMJ does bad jazz. I've also got a large collection of live shows and covers, most of which I found on this here forum.
Some other interesting/informational facts:
-I've only seen MMJ perform once (Louisville, a thanksgiving or two ago), but will be seeing them at 'Roo this year.
-I've seen both Pat and Jim at Wilco Concerts (Pat twice, he was biking home afterwards :D)
-I know who the leather kids are (and their influence on Mont De Sundua) and catch other seemingly random references Jim throws in a song on occasion
-I can play any MMJ song (up through Z) on nearly any instrument.
-I am currently attending the same university Jim did back in the day.
-Although my favorite LP has to be ISM, C&I EP is nearly tied in it's greatness. On a side note, I would kill if the boys would throw up a hidden Cobra at the end of Evil Urges. :P
-I apparently like typing long boring introductions whenever I join a forum.
Here's my question for y'all though,
Where can I find the best live recording of Cobra?
I've already got the one from 'Roo '04, and from the Opera House the same year.
I need more Cobra in my life, as we all do.
Other than the two versions you mentioned I would check out the version from Brown Fordham ampitheatre in Louisville for the Lebowskifest in 04:
Welcome to the forum. Sounds like we have a lot in common, may even already know each other. Oh, and if you can play jacket songs on bass we might have to recruit you to jam with Your Evening Windbreaker. Our bass player's in Boston (damn you, Kimbo!)
Hey, Kings! I think it's pretty crazy that you can play nearly every song through Z. :o In that case, surely you wouldn't mind wandering over to the Tabs thread to give us some help on a few of these.
And though the Cobras already mentioned are great, they brought it back for the Okonokos tour. I enjoyed the NYE 06-->07 show, which I can't seem to find on the archive right now... :-/
Nice post! Here's what is available on archive. Not sure which is best. Let us know if you find out! I always hoped there was a version that took it all the way to the banjo at the end!
16-May Fox Theater Boulder, CO
25-May Odeon Concert Club Cleveland, OH
28-May Opera House Toronto, ON
1-Jun Irving Plaza New York, NY
5-Jun Theatre of Living Arts Philadelphia, PA
12-Jun Bonnaroo Fest Manchester, TN
18-Jun Lebowski Fest Louisville, KY
31-Dec The Fillmore San Francisco, CA
This one is not on archive but fairly widely available
3-Jan Marquee Theatre Tempe, AZ
8-Jan The Moore Theater Seattle, WA
13-Jan The Ogden Denver, CO
6-Mar 40 Watt Club Athens, GA
10-Mar Langerado Festival Sunrise, FL
By the way....
life without you
is like a heart attach ch ch ch
That Lebowskifest recording is unreal.
It's been a little while since I've played much bass. Living in a dorm makes it hard to practice much other than guitar, and at the moment it's down to four strings and is missing some parts :/
However, if I ever get another guitar over here from home, I'll try to work out some of those evil urges tabs if I can.
As far as Cobra goes, I'm going through a lot of these, and for the most part, after 2004 they are mostly the same. It seems the boys have mastered the essence of Cobra. But about the Banjo part, it's really my favorite of all the movements. Not that I don't love them all (even the 'verby rhodes noodling :P)