My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Music => Topic started by: whothrewthecake on Apr 22, 2008, 06:25 PM

Title: i have the answer
Post by: whothrewthecake on Apr 22, 2008, 06:25 PM
i haven't listened to the album, but i mean, dangit, these threads are bananas. and people are gonna have an opinion on EVERYTHING - that's just life. i know that's kind of a NO DOY sitch, but i guess i dislike seeing people getting pissy to one another on here. 2008 ELEVATE MY BABIES. listen to it, don't listen to it, review it, don't review it - the bottom line, in the words of my good friend billy joel,

Hot funk, cool punk, even if it's old junk
It's still rock and roll to me

:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

time for my daily cry and whiskey. see ya laters !!!!

Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: Don Dante on Apr 22, 2008, 07:03 PM
Quotei haven't listened to the album, but i mean, dangit, these threads are bananas. and people are gonna have an opinion on EVERYTHING - that's just life. i know that's kind of a NO DOY sitch, but i guess i dislike seeing people getting pissy to one another on here. 2008 ELEVATE MY BABIES. listen to it, don't listen to it, review it, don't review it - the bottom line, in the words of my good friend billy joel,

Hot funk, cool punk, even if it's old junk
It's still rock and roll to me

:-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*

time for my daily cry and whiskey. see ya laters !!!!

Thank you for writing what was on my mind.  Everyone is very agitated today and these posts of dislke, frustration, and downright meanness are really wearing on me.   Though I do not post that often, I have been checking this forum on a daily basis for over a year now, and I would like to say to any new folks that this ain't how it usually is.  Most all fans and posters on this forum are exceptionally gracious and kind, in their words on here and in their actions at shows.  

I guess all I am saying is respect others' opinions and don't post out of anger.  Personally I like the album and I like the artwork.  I don't love either one like I do other Jacket albums.  Maybe that'll change, maybe that won't.  I do know that MMJ is talented and imaginative enough to appeal to all kinds of people, on different levels.  But that also means that some of their music won't sit well with listeners experienced and new, young and old.  Embrace that; don't condemn it.
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: Dorothy_Mantooth on Apr 22, 2008, 07:52 PM
hey this kind of reminds me of a table full of like-minded democrats having a good time until someone yells out "HILLARY OR OBAMA?!?!?" and then all HELL BREAKS LOOSE and someone inevitably leaves pissed/crying. It's about as useful as children fighting on a playground.

I like a good debate like anyone, but this getting a little bananz.

Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: ms. yvon on Apr 22, 2008, 08:13 PM
good words, cake!

for the kids keeping it cool, punch and pie by the bike racks after school!  :D
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: aMD on Apr 22, 2008, 08:33 PM
agreed.  sorry if i contributed to the nastier tone of late.  it's just music guys. let's not fight.  :)
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Apr 22, 2008, 09:25 PM
anna, would you please....


Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: Angry Ewok on Apr 22, 2008, 09:29 PM

Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: BH on Apr 22, 2008, 10:09 PM
If you havn't already, please be sure and check out vc's recent memberpic! :)
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: ycartrob on Apr 22, 2008, 10:22 PM
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: evilPaauwe on Apr 22, 2008, 10:40 PM
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: ycartrob on Apr 22, 2008, 10:45 PM
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: ManNamedTruth on Apr 22, 2008, 11:19 PM
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: Dorothy_Mantooth on Apr 23, 2008, 05:42 PM
i wish people would do a little less TALKING and a little more THRUSTING.
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: megalicious on Apr 23, 2008, 05:48 PM
in all these celine pics, it looks like she's holding the babies to her ear and trying to hear the ocean
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: ms. yvon on Apr 23, 2008, 07:09 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

i just lost a lung laughing
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: MMJ_fanatic on Apr 23, 2008, 07:37 PM
Just hold on til June 10--it will be OK...
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: dragonboy on Apr 23, 2008, 09:01 PM
Quotein all these celine pics, it looks like she's holding the babies to her ear and trying to hear the ocean
;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: fortbethel on Apr 23, 2008, 09:03 PM
Everyone's mean to me! :(
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: ms. yvon on Apr 23, 2008, 09:07 PM
j, i've met you and you look nothing like celine dion.
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: EC on Apr 23, 2008, 10:38 PM
oh sorry i was in all caps

can we please make this thread about asking cake a question and her providing the answer?

dear cake:  will i still be living the life of a recently graduated university student when i'm 40?  my roommates would also like to know the answer to that question, too.

Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: whothrewthecake on Apr 23, 2008, 10:44 PM
oh sorry i was in all caps

can we please make this thread about asking cake a question and her providing the answer?

dear cake:  will i still be living the life of a recently graduated university student when i'm 40?  my roommates would also like to know the answer to that question, too.


dear young-at-heart,
thank you for your question. you say tomato, i say tomahto, you say life of a recently graduated university student, i say GOD'S DREAM FOR MANKIND. you get to hang out with your girlfriends and bitch all the time, drink wine whenever you want, and party like it's 1996 all over again! look, normally i don't tell people WHAT to do, only HOW to do it, but in this case you need to look into my eyes and hear me out,


Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: EC on Apr 23, 2008, 10:57 PM
dear whothrewthecake,

thank you very much for your heartfelt and honest answer to my previous question.  i know that you're from texas, and therefore i know you are right on with your answer.

if i may be so bold, i would like to ask another question:  if i were to start trying to get my roommates to enter into impromptu dance routines throughout our house, what would be the best way to go about that?  should we start by watching music videos from the 1980s?  maybe take some tap classes?

thanks again, whothrewthecake, i think you're the best!
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: whothrewthecake on Apr 23, 2008, 11:09 PM
Quotedear whothrewthecake,

thank you very much for your heartfelt and honest answer to my previous question.  i know that you're from texas, and therefore i know you are right on with your answer.

if i may be so bold, i would like to ask another question:  if i were to start trying to get my roommates to enter into impromptu dance routines throughout our house, what would be the best way to go about that?  should we start by watching music videos from the 1980s?  maybe take some tap classes?

thanks again, whothrewthecake, i think you're the best!

dear two-left-feet,
aw shucks! thanks. well, to answer your next question, i have a simple list: cab sav, traveling wilburys music, and EXCITEMENT! at our house, the party always gets a little cray cray when tweeter and the monkey man bursts through the speakers, into our chests, and through our cold, dead hearts. music videos may help, but i also recommend "a student becomes a teacher" starring a very fantastic 8 year old girl with big dreams. (not available on netflix.) it will spark the fire within. good luck and remember: DANCING IS DREAMING WITH YOUR FEET!!

until next time,
whothrewthecake, phd
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: Dorothy_Mantooth on Apr 23, 2008, 11:37 PM
you guyz. this is getting super gay. luvittt.
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: ms. yvon on Apr 25, 2008, 02:44 PM
dear cake,

were mmj to star in a remake of Grease 2, which band member would play which Thunderbird?

what are your thoughts on brucie being cast as the "cool rider?"

please construct your answer in the form of a recipe.

thanks, your pal,
ms. y.
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Apr 25, 2008, 02:59 PM
dear cake,

as a gemini, i have two distinct personalities always fighting for control...there's the nice guy, affable, leisurely, helpful, nice, pleasant, always looking to please...then, there's the asshat-angry, angsty, pissed off, hateful, spiteful.  My question to you is:

how do i resolve the obvious conflict between the two and become a more balanced individual?

oh, and how do you make "brownies"?

Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: whothrewthecake on Apr 25, 2008, 05:42 PM
Quotedear cake,

were mmj to star in a remake of Grease 2, which band member would play which Thunderbird?

what are your thoughts on brucie being cast as the "cool rider?"

please construct your answer in the form of a recipe.

thanks, your pal,
ms. y.

dear ms. y,
thank you for your letter.  a remake of grease 2 would contain the following ingredients:

1 brucie as cool rider
1/2 of someone's beard to play the love interest
1 mmj smoke-control person to do some smoke for the cool rider scene
1 (or 2) band members to perform a rendition of that doing it for your country song
1 keyboard player named bo to play the "wise older student" role

thanks for writing, and remember, IT COSTS NOTHING TO SMILE!!

Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: whothrewthecake on Apr 25, 2008, 05:54 PM
Quotedear cake,

as a gemini, i have two distinct personalities always fighting for control...there's the nice guy, affable, leisurely, helpful, nice, pleasant, always looking to please...then, there's the asshat-angry, angsty, pissed off, hateful, spiteful.  My question to you is:

how do i resolve the obvious conflict between the two and become a more balanced individual?

oh, and how do you make "brownies"?


dear flatfoot,
whothrewthecake is not used to serious questions. so thank you for baring your soul in pure honesty. it's hard to come clean about who you are. i live with a gemini and IT AIN'T EASY. (sorry dorothy mantooth.) first, we must focus on all the wonderful character aspects. and then you must remember sometimes you are going to get pissed no matter what. like the other day i was pissed because i tried to open my yogurt and instead my yogurt opened me, if you get my drift. i mean, ruined a shirt. I WAS PISSED. but it was ok, because i got over it later. as long as you can let things go, you will be a happy and well-rounded individual. until next time, and remember TODAY IS A GIFT THAT'S WHY IT'S CALLED THE PRESENT.


Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: ms. yvon on Apr 25, 2008, 09:22 PM
this is the first post of the rest of your life.
Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: Dorothy_Mantooth on Apr 26, 2008, 12:37 PM
Quotei live with a gemini and IT AIN'T EASY

you better watch where you're sleeping, slut.

ATX isn't big enough for the both of us.

i'm gonna go make a toaster waffle now AND I HOPE I CHEW LOUD ENOUGH TO ANNOY YOU.

Title: Re: i have the answer
Post by: Dorothy_Mantooth on Apr 26, 2008, 12:46 PM
also, you might want to check the fridge. i threw away all of your food and replaced it with that yogurt that makes you poop