I've just noticed when I'm at a Jacket show the wide range of ages that are in the crowd. I think it's amazing they appeal to such a large range.
I'm 28
16. I think you're onto something here... ;)
are they bridging the gap? haha
[size=20]21 (Jump Street)[/size]
34 [smiley=beer.gif]
20 (but the beard adds about 3 or 4, from where people try to guess me at...)
shoe size-11
32, but my back is about 75.
31.5 with the mentality of a 8 year old
Will be 30 on July 20th!
A great topic my friend.
Okay, 47.
Amazing the band can appeal to such a wide age group.
Also my 14 year old and 7 year old love MMJ. ;)
No fucking way. Did we talk about this? You don't look a day over 49 my friend. ;)
Seriously though, you look like mid to early 40's at the most.
I will be 35
very shortly.
[size=14]Sarcasm Alert !!!![/size]
* offical old fart
(thought it might be me for a second there...)
25 going on awesome
No fucking way. Did we talk about this? You don't look a day over 49 my friend. ;)
Seriously though, you look like mid to early 40's at the most.
I will be 35 very shortly.
When's your B-day?
and TEO has "got that old time feeling" (1000 posts)
shoe size - 12
42 when I discovered the Jacket, turned the big 5-0 last week!
41, But I feel like I've aged 10 years waiting for the EU to drop ;).
Codpiece size XXL :o
36....Turn 37 on Memorial Day : :D
shoe size 12
Thirty. Pisces.
OK, so far, average age is 30.34285714 (ref here is total age of 1062 years; 35 members)
I sort of figured it would be lower, but, those younger people probably have a life and haven't read this thread... :-/
I sort of figured it would be lower, but, those younger people probably have a life and haven't read this thread... :-/
the first time i went to a MMJ show I did notice the age variety and zero tie-dyed shirts.
18 and a half
Mentally about 16 sometimes.
30-Love MMJ
My daughter: 3.5-Loves MMJ (she doesn't have a Forum profile yet)
I sort of figured it would be lower, but, those younger people probably have a life and haven't read this thread... :-/
I sort of figured it would be lower, but, those younger people probably have a life and haven't read this thread... :-/
yeah, all these age jokes are directed towards myself, so, please no one take anything I say (I dare say ever) personally.
I sort of figured it would be lower, but, those younger people probably have a life and haven't read this thread... :-/
yeah, all these age jokes are directed towards myself, so, please no one take anything I say (I dare say ever) personally.
No offense here. I was playing along with the joke. Damn internet...
I much prefer my "non-life" today to the way I used to live.
Fo sho.
40 (but still in fighting shape and no grey hair) and my wife is 30 and still a fan, but doesn't care for Z and didn't love the new stuff she heard in concert. Is she out?
25 with nothing clever to write.
I first heard of MMJ when they were profiled on MTV's "You hear it first." It was also the first time MTV benefited my life.
-Edit: first and only
22/m/mo any ladies wanna cyber? ;)
shoe size = clown
I sort of figured it would be lower, but, those younger people probably have a life and haven't read this thread... :-/
yeah, all these age jokes are directed towards myself, so, please no one take anything I say (I dare say ever) personally.
I know. ;D Just playing off the fact that along with Face, I'm the youngest one here that I know...
Quote36....Turn 37 on Memorial Day : :D
shoe size 12
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOHN!! [smiley=beer.gif]
me, 40.
i'm 67.
am i the oldest???
26.....brown hair, blue eyes, and I enjoy long walks on the beach....and calamari
update average: (1455 years/49 memebers, minus EC)
i'm used to being excluded from the average.
badum chh
EC does that mean you're above average?? :D
29....neeeearly 30
33 [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]
Turdy Ate
35 here.
My 6 year old is also a big fan. My wife and I were treated to his wonderful rendition of Wordless Chorus this morning as he hopped out of bed and down the hall for his morning pee!
thirrrrrrtay and loving it
Will be 41 on July 3rd. Got to celebrate my 39th seeing MMJ.
MMJ makes me feel so young and vibrant.
me - 23 years old
liver - 37 years old
...im kind of surprised with the lack of ppl under 20 as well. maybe the constant mainstream of boy bands, emo, and crunk has forged a generation of musical meatheads
33 here
34, and single here....so what is it they say.....Half my age plus 7 (34/2=17+7=24!)
So the question is, any 24 year old ladies in here? lol
Okay, i just have to point out........
This thread (about age) was started by Kilgies 4 years ago. It was bumped yesterday for the first time since 2008. I looked at the member birthdays when I logged in today, AND TODAY IS KILGIES' BIRTHDAY! WEIRD!
:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :beer: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
42 going on 12.
Yeah, baby!
I will be 51 in December and been a fan since the first Conan show.
I guess I am an outlier.
And I have been to 15 shows since 2006.
Boston Pops
St Augustine
Chicago Auditorium
Chicago Millenium Park
Terminal 5 (all Five)
Radio City
MSG 2011
I'm 41 :cool:
44 in a couple months. Might as well just accept it and starting calling myself 44 now, or even 45, shit that'll be here soon enough... :cry:
turning 40 next month...OY!
36, turning 37 next month as well.
39 going on 30... I'm in my prime. :evil:
My birthday's next month too, same day as Larry Bird's. I'll be 33
Quote from: mahg33ta on Nov 02, 2012, 11:01 AM
The answer to life, the universe, and everything!
Me, 45.
26! :smiley:
Quote from: Fully on Nov 01, 2012, 06:50 PM
Quote from: ItBeats4Jew on Nov 01, 2012, 06:12 PM
turning 40 next month...OY!
you're such a baby.
Really! No wonder he could run circles around RR!
I will be 52 in 6 days and My Morning Jacket is my favorite band. I've seen them 6 times in the past 8 years.
41 - I'm not entirely happy about this. I think I may be having a mid-life crisis, which is actually pretty fun :evil:
29 in 18 days but i got that old time feeling
29 & 218/365 here. Happy Thanksgiving everyone :beer: :kiss:
Quote from: TEO on May 23, 2008, 11:25 AM
you forgot "...and LOVING EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!" then you stretch and kick!
*random SNL reference*
Almost 36, but I have the mentality of a 10 year old, so I don't mind talking about poop
I'll be 31 on the 28th.
31 and feel every minute of it.. the body just isn't what it used to be :cry:
Alright, had to throw a woodnymphism (there's a term) But linear time has me around 27.25. What an interesting thyme.
Quote from: manonthemoon on Nov 23, 2012, 08:54 PM
31 and feel every minute of it.. the body just isn't what it used to be :cry:
Im thirty one and feel great. I think you might be doing something wrong. I mean that in the context of normal wear and tear. 31 isnt really that old.
i'll be 34 in january :thumbsup:
Quote from: manonthemoon on Nov 23, 2012, 08:54 PM
31 and feel every minute of it.. the body just isn't what it used to be :cry:
Just wait about 20 years :shocked:
I'm 53 1/2, almost as old as TEO :grin:
Anyone older than him?
Quote from: Ghosts_on_TV on Nov 24, 2012, 02:20 AM
Quote from: manonthemoon on Nov 23, 2012, 08:54 PM
31 and feel every minute of it.. the body just isn't what it used to be :cry:
Im thirty one and feel great. I think you might be doing something wrong. I mean that in the context of normal wear and tear. 31 isnt really that old.
too much sports and lifting over the years have taken a toll on the legs and knees
Did a two night set in the rail/pit area of a metal show and felt like I had played a 60 minute football game the next day. Used to never bother me, but I don't bounce back like I used to.
me = 42
bob = 54