Hey guys/gals,
I was contacted to host a party in Louisville (I see someone else was too... maybe we can join forces...) I'm looking to get a head count of folks that think they may want to come. Tossing around the idea of a few places to have it that serve drinks so we can all loosen up and have a good time. Maybe some other surprises in the works.
I have picked the weekend of May 30th - June 1st instead of the Memorial day weekend option as I'll be out of town.
I'll be using 37flood to get out the word and wanted to see if I could get a count so I can go to the venues and let them know what to expect.
let me know what you think...
wow, this may be a sad listening party...
Dude, I'll be there! I'm bringing my girlfriend, so that's two, please.
I've got a lot of people who were lined up to come to my listening party (but I got denied) who will prolly come, too.
I get VIP treatment, now, don't I Kory? ;)
Kory...i'm in...we can finally meet in person!
so, three people... I kinda want to give the place a heads up as to what to expect @ the minimum. I'll tell you where we're thinking after some details get worked out.
i might be able to make it. depends on fundage at the time.
Count me in!
Quoteso, three people... I kinda want to give the place a heads up as to what to expect @ the minimum. I'll tell you where we're thinking after some details get worked out.
man...i think if you publicize it around town (say at Ear-X-tacy and other hipster joints..Monkey Wrench, which could be a cool place to have it!) then you will get plenty of peeps to come!
That someone else in Louisville is me.
send me a PM and we can chat about joining forces.
if you are able to host a listening party in lousiville, there will be a million people there for sure. i wouldn't worry. gotta go outside the forum...
yea, I don't really think it'll be a problem, I just wanted to go to this place saying, I can assure that 25 folks will be here as well as what we've publicized around the city. In talking to some folks, I think all will be well.
yo, you thinkin' of puttin' that up on 37flood to promote? ;)
BTW-I like sausages. MMMMM.
Quoteyo, you thinkin' of puttin' that up on 37flood to promote? ;)
BTW-I like sausages. MMMMM.
of course... we're hoping if we can slap a "hosted by 37flood.com" on the fliers we'll get our name out there a bit more throughout the city. I think we offer a no nonsense casual approach to the music WE like around the city and don't blog the shit out of it so people can keep up.
PS. If folks ever send sausages, I'll let you have them as I don't eat the animals.
Alright all, looks like it'll be going down on May 30th at Vernon Lanes in Louisville. Evil John Conaway will be joining forces and stay tuned for further announcements about the party. Vernon Lanes is more than excited to host this event and will provide the place to us to jam our asses off and the serve great drinks and glorious PBRs and High Life on draft!
Hats Off to Kory for all his hard work on this...rawk! ;)
QuoteAlright all, looks like it'll be going down on May 30th at Vernon Lanes in Louisville. Evil John Conaway will be joining forces and stay tuned for further announcements about the party. Vernon Lanes is more than excited to host this event and will provide the place to us to jam our asses off and the serve great drinks and glorious PBRs and High Life on draft!
awesome...they got the Champagne of Beers on draft!?!
Thanks Kory for hooking this up!!!
What GREAT place to have it! See you guys there. I'm having the champagne, too!
Glad you guys are excited; Dale over at the Vernon Club/Lanes is very excited to have us partying there. I'll keep you guys updated of any news.
i'll be there as weeeeeeeeelllll.
Bowling and the Jacket. That is a wicked combo!
Kory, your poster rules almost as much as you do!! Well done. 8-)
Thanks! It looks like John Conaway and us at 37flood are getting things taken care of on the hometown front. We've got the local papers involved and everything!
That poster is all KC though, the other half of 37flood. I love it!
QuoteThanks! It looks like John Conaway and us at 37flood are getting things taken care of on the hometown front. We've got the local papers involved and everything!
That poster is all KC though, the other half of 37flood. I love it!
sweet...its gonna be in the papers?
QuoteQuoteThanks! It looks like John Conaway and us at 37flood are getting things taken care of on the hometown front. We've got the local papers involved and everything!
That poster is all KC though, the other half of 37flood. I love it!
sweet...its gonna be in the papers?
I believe Kory is working on PR in the Velocity, and I can't promise it, but I just submitted the info for the "weekly happenings" section of the CJ. ;)
QuoteQuoteQuoteThanks! It looks like John Conaway and us at 37flood are getting things taken care of on the hometown front. We've got the local papers involved and everything!
That poster is all KC though, the other half of 37flood. I love it!
sweet...its gonna be in the papers?
I believe Kory is working on PR in the Velocity, and I can't promise it, but I just submitted the info for the "weekly happenings" section of the CJ. ;)
excellent work gentlemen...i've been spreading the word!
you'll be there, right C?
Damn, No central FLA listening party :-[Hey Kory, I'll be there in spirit. Maybe write a name on a cup for me :DHave a BLAST :)
Quoteyou'll be there, right C?
no doubt (i assume you are talking to me)..and i'm dragging the fiance and 3 friends!
any word from Dylan? i assume he is going to be there?
yea you, I didn't know if I should use your name... I'll get Dylan there if I have to go get him myself!
so what time is this going down?
starts at 9pm... you haven't seen the posters all around town?
Quotestarts at 9pm... you haven't seen the posters all around town?
obviously i haven't been anywhere cool lately!
i'll be there with bells on!
We made it in the Velocity and EarXtacy had our homemade poster up in 3 places yesterday when I went in there, bring your dancing shoes folks!
yo, fliered some cars yesterday at Waterfront Wednesday and spread the gospel via interweb to my entire contact list...we may have a strange variety of folks show up! gonna go poster out here in the east end today.... ;)
Nice! :D
stoopid question: is Vernon Lanes like reserved just for us heads, or are we mingling with the bowler crowd? no worries if we are, just wonderin'....also, are they prepared for like hundreds of souls? (which would be awesome)
so many questions.... :)
I think they have leagues til 9 then it's all us. I think they're expecting folks to want to bowl a bit but that's cool with me! They also have a basement that the have recently finished that is used just for shows so we'll see just where they want to put us and just let it roll. I will give him a call this afternoon and see how things are shaking out. Their basement will accommodate tons of folks (from what I remember, at least a thousand) so if that's where we get put, it'll be because we're taking over the place. ;D
QuoteI think they have leagues til 9 then it's all us. I think they're expecting folks to want to bowl a bit but that's cool with me! They also have a basement that the have recently finished that is used just for shows so we'll see just where they want to put us and just let it roll. I will give him a call this afternoon and see how things are shaking out. Their basement will accommodate tons of folks (from what I remember, at least a thousand) so if that's where we get put, it'll be because we're taking over the place. ;D
sweet...i finally saw the poster at ear X-tacy yeseterday!
how many are you guys expecting?
dunno, probably the whole Louisville MMJ contingency... ;)
awesome work kory!
Quotedunno, probably the whole Louisville MMJ contingency... ;)
awesome work kory!
damn straight.
more posters up in da louisville area. hopefully the po-po's don't take them down, i went for the old fashioned "stick em on the telephone poles at eye level" approach at:
nach bar
highland and baxter
oak and dandridge
right at collegiate...maybe the hottie teenies will come out ;)
grinstead and bardstown
and more to go up today.
Awesome, you're a machine!! KC noticed that we made the LEO too, page 28 in the sidebar.
sweeeeeeeeeeet. now if we make the friday c/j community happenin's section, we'll be "golden" and our "masterplan" will unleash "peanut butter puddin' surprise" on Louisville.
Quotemore posters up in da louisville area. hopefully the po-po's don't take them down, i went for the old fashioned "stick em on the telephone poles at eye level" approach at:
nach bar
highland and baxter
oak and dandridge
right at collegiate...maybe the hottie teenies will come out ;)
grinstead and bardstown
and more to go up today.
awesome...hottie teenies....now we are talkin' boys!
I know I gotta cut that shit out, having a daughter myself...
But, I digress. Kory, is there anything you need help with prior to start on Saturday? Lemme know....
I don't think so, I haven't talked to Rob from Murals for a week or so but i'm sure they're still game to play. Dale listed that doors are at 7pm but I don't really want to get there that early. I was just going to put buttons on tables and have posters there to hand out if anyone wanted them. Am I forgetting something?
QuoteI don't think so, I haven't talked to Rob from Murals for a week or so but i'm sure they're still game to play. Dale listed that doors are at 7pm but I don't really want to get there that early. I was just going to put buttons on tables and have posters there to hand out if anyone wanted them. Am I forgetting something?
Name Tags. Just kidding. :D
Murals won't be playing tonight, sorry to get anyone's hopes up. It should still be an awesome time though...
Great time last night, Kory! Thanks for the buttons and poster. Evil Urges is a bad-ass record, huh?!!!!!
I never did meet John Conway. Was he there? I thought you guys were co-hosts. He may have been...I don't know what anybody looks like anyway.
Glad you enjoyed it, I met some really cool folks and it seemed like everyone had a good time.
Did I meet you Love Dog? I had a few too many PBRs and my memory started to fade...
John was there, he had one of the evil urges shirts on as well so he shouldn't have been that hard to spot.
Did I meet you Love Dog? I had a few too many PBRs and my memory started to fade...
After the show, I introduced myself as Toby, because, well... that's my name. And I inquired about the posters. I was hitting the High Life pretty hard, too, so no sweat on the memory fade.
cool, I remember you, just didn't put screen name to real name together. Glad you had a good time!
Many thanks to Kory for the good party at Vernon Lanes(what a cool place). Thanks also to Mr.Conaway for hanging out with me. I kind of felt out of place since I had to be the oldest person there.
Also many thanks to MMJ for another great record.
no worries my brutha.
big thanks to kory, who did some fantastic work in securing the awesome venue there...good work my friend! vernon lanes needs to start booking bands like all the time!
many thanks to everyone who pitched in on this and the wonderful fans who turned out. i probably should've worn a Viking hat or put "Conaway" on my back to aid in identification, but it was all good in da hood.
Thanks guys, glad everyone had a good time. It was nice to meet you all.
antoniostrohs, I didn't put two and two together to know that was you but it was nice to put face to a name.
props to JC (not Jesus, John Conaway) for plastering the town with flyers and getting folks out and by bro KC for making the poster.
kudos to all three (Kory, KC, and JC) for hosting a great event.
Vernon Lanes is pretty sweet and i will definitely go back. my brother-in-law got them to keep playing the album in the bowling alley...Kory did you leave a copy there? it was great to hear it play like 3 times in a row!!!
anyway....it was great to meet Kory and KC and keep up the good work with 37 Flood!
dudes...the party made the Party Crasher in Velocity this week!
me, Kory, and KC even got our pics in there! check it out!
I just walked over to Rocky's here in Jeffersonville and they had a huge stack of old issues... still looking.
thanks for the heads up curtis!
QuoteI just walked over to Rocky's here in Jeffersonville and they had a huge stack of old issues... still looking.
thanks for the heads up curtis!
i think it may be online too, but can't access from work.
I just left work and picked up a copy at the local coffee shop, you and KC look so into that album art! I just have a PBR covering my face...
QuoteI just left work and picked up a copy at the local coffee shop, you and KC look so into that album art! I just have a PBR covering my face...
yeah..but you look way more badass than we do!
more pics are online now.