My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Music => Topic started by: vedderhoon on Jun 09, 2008, 07:55 PM

Title: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: vedderhoon on Jun 09, 2008, 07:55 PM
(probably will be reprimanded for this one) But the new album sucks period! It is as if the entire band came out of the closet to announce they're all gay! I miss the jams, I miss the at times psych rock, and most of all I miss the reverb. This album reminds me of the village people or something that gay! I think JJ has let the critics get to him. The Radiohead comparison possibly was the downfall to this band, Urges sounds as if the band is trying too hard to be too "one of a kind". it works for radiohead but this album reaks of gayness!
Don't take the post out of context, I'm not bashing gays I'm just stating that the album has a gay feel to it just as YMCA did. That might not be a bad thing for most cats these days but I'll listen to pre Urges MMJ.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Jon T. on Jun 09, 2008, 08:04 PM
In the words of Johnny Ringo, "well.....bye".
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 09, 2008, 08:16 PM
Quote(probably will be reprimanded for this one) But the new album sucks period! It is as if the entire band came out of the closet to announce they're all gay! I miss the jams, I miss the almost psych rock, and most of all I miss the reverb. This album reminds me of the village people or something that gay! I think JJ has let the critics get to him. The Radiohead comparison possibly was the downfall to this band, Urges sounds as if the band is trying too hard to be too "one of a kind". it works for radiohead but this album reaks of gayness!

thanks for your input veddarhoon and welcome to the board! and thanks for steering clear of any homophobic references! your post is spot on! hopefully we'll get more posts like yours in the future b/c one thing this board is surely missing is objectivity! old timers like me will pretty much like anything MMJ puts out, but I believe fresh faces like yours will allow me to really put some perspective on what the new direction is all aobut!

thanks! and keep those posts coming!  we love it! we love you!  :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: The DARK on Jun 09, 2008, 08:22 PM
...exit vedderhoon (hopefully)  :-/
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Bigsky on Jun 09, 2008, 08:34 PM
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: getinthevan on Jun 09, 2008, 08:46 PM
QuoteIn the words of Johnny Ringo, "well.....bye".

I love that movie.  Can this thread become a discussion about how awesome Tombstone is?
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Jon T. on Jun 09, 2008, 08:55 PM
QuoteIn the words of Johnny Ringo, "well.....bye".

I love that movie.  Can this thread become a discussion about how awesome Tombstone is?

You're a daisy if you do.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: getinthevan on Jun 09, 2008, 08:57 PM
QuoteIn the words of Johnny Ringo, "well.....bye".

I love that movie.  Can this thread become a discussion about how awesome Tombstone is?

You're a daisy if you do.

I'm you're huckleberry.

Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: The DARK on Jun 09, 2008, 09:00 PM
QuoteIn the words of Johnny Ringo, "well.....bye".

I love that movie.  Can this thread become a discussion about how awesome Tombstone is?

I never watched that movie. How awesome is it?
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: getinthevan on Jun 09, 2008, 09:02 PM
QuoteIn the words of Johnny Ringo, "well.....bye".

I love that movie.  Can this thread become a discussion about how awesome Tombstone is?

I never watched that movie. How awesome is it?

The awesomeist.  So awesome, that I'm going to go watch it right now instead of going to bed.  (Will regret that decision in about 3 hours when I have to wake up.)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 09, 2008, 09:05 PM
I love me some Tombstone

Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: TFowl on Jun 09, 2008, 09:09 PM
"Say when........."
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Bigsky on Jun 09, 2008, 09:24 PM
Good job guys...see, the troll went it's all nice and wonderful in the valley.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: the_wizzard on Jun 09, 2008, 09:26 PM
This is posted in another thread, but veederhoon should read a little bit about Jim's motivation behind making the albums new and fresh.

 While he may not agree with the motivation or even like Evil Urges...shit, he ain't Jim.  And it is not his art/music.  I personally feel sorry for those who rant so about this album.  i fucking love Evil Urges and cannot wait to listen to it on vinyl (the way both bob ludwig and jim suggest).
And to all who feel that it is cool to provoke on this forum, well I feel sorry for you (grow up...).  And from now on this is my stance:
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: rob on Jun 09, 2008, 09:37 PM
Quote i fucking love Evil Urges and cannot wait to listen to it on vinyl (the way both bob ludwig and jim suggest).

When/where did they suggest that? Something in the CD booklet?
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: the_wizzard on Jun 09, 2008, 09:43 PM
Quote i fucking love Evil Urges and cannot wait to listen to it on vinyl (the way both bob ludwig and jim suggest).

When/where did they suggest that? Something in the CD booklet?
Bob Ludwig was quoted in the most recent Rolling Stone and shit, I will hunt down the interview with Jim.  he talks of the how "Two Halves" being in the middle is not an accident.  He then proceeds to talk about how it is 4 sections, and implies that is the only way to truly understand the album as a whole....
I will look for it.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: the_wizzard on Jun 09, 2008, 09:48 PM
[size=16]Found it![/size]

In many ways, Evil Urges is actually two very different albums, conceptually spit down the middle by, appropriately enough, the song "Two Halves." For lack of a better term, the disc's A-Side is the more experimental half, driven by studio gimmicks and Hallahan's big, funky beats. The album's B-Side is more traditional MMJ, filled with modern classic-rock moments and a few more gentle interludes. And while the album's A-Side was clearly sequenced upfront for a reason, it's the record's B-Side that echoes through my head, especially the soft, haunting "Librarian," a vintage MMJ moment that could fit on Neil Young's Harvest were it not for the malapropism referencing "the interweb."

"We kind of had fun with the sequencing," James continues. "When you get the vinyl, you can kind of see it. It is going to be a double-disc vinyl with four sides. I think the record kind of flows more in four quadrants than two-halves, though there is a song on it called 'Two Halves' halfway through."

"Not a mistake," he says with an assured wink. "We started out with more songs than we knew we'd end up with, so we kind of whittled the songs away. In that way, the album kind of makes itself work out, because sometimes you might want a song to work and it just won't. So we recorded 15 we decided that these were the ones that kind of worked together and then we labored over the sequence and tried to make it a journey. "

link to the whole interview here:
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: rob on Jun 09, 2008, 09:49 PM
Quote i fucking love Evil Urges and cannot wait to listen to it on vinyl (the way both bob ludwig and jim suggest).

When/where did they suggest that? Something in the CD booklet?
Bob Ludwig was quoted in the most recent Rolling Stone and shit, I will hunt down the interview with Jim.  he talks of the how "Two Halves" being in the middle is not an accident.  He then proceeds to talk about how it is 4 sections, and implies that is the only way to truly understand the album as a whole....
I will look for it.

How cool, thanks. Not ready to go back to vinyl here, but I'll remember that about Two Halves when I play the CD.....ha. Glad Ludwig mastered the CD.....a definite added bonus.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: the_wizzard on Jun 09, 2008, 09:54 PM
Quote from Rolling stone with Bob's pics on how to buy a couple albums (vinyl vs. cd):

Ludwig mastered MMJ's new disc (out in June) in the highest digital resolution possible.  "In theory, the vinyl release will have one additional top octave that the CD won't have," he says.  "The lower-level distortions in digital won't be there on vinyl, and the higher sampling rate means the high frequencies can be a little smoother than on CD.  It's got good dynamics for a pop record and interesting guitar tones."
[size=12]BUY IT ON: VINYL[/size]
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Mi Chaqueta on Jun 10, 2008, 12:08 AM
"that's not what he said you wretch......your spanish is worse than your english."

continuing the Tombstone talk........
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Angry Ewok on Jun 10, 2008, 01:42 AM
Sorry, Meg. Apparently I'm gay.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: whyteand82nd on Jun 10, 2008, 02:00 AM
QuoteI love me some Tombstone


4 meat, just how i like em
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: weeniebeenie on Jun 10, 2008, 07:20 AM
Quote(probably will be reprimanded for this one) But the new album sucks period! It is as if the entire band came out of the closet to announce they're all gay! I miss the jams, I miss the almost psych rock, and most of all I miss the reverb. This album reminds me of the village people or something that gay! I think JJ has let the critics get to him. The Radiohead comparison possibly was the downfall to this band, Urges sounds as if the band is trying too hard to be too "one of a kind". it works for radiohead but this album reaks of gayness!

thanks for your input veddarhoon and welcome to the board! and thanks for steering clear of any homophobic references! your post is spot on! hopefully we'll get more posts like yours in the future b/c one thing this board is surely missing is objectivity! old timers like me will pretty much like anything MMJ puts out, but I believe fresh faces like yours will allow me to really put some perspective on what the new direction is all aobut!

thanks! and keep those posts coming!  we love it! we love you!  :)
Hahahaha ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ultravisitor on Jun 10, 2008, 09:12 AM
QuoteIt is as if the entire band came out of the closet to announce they're all gay!

Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: cmccubbin25 on Jun 10, 2008, 09:34 AM
Quote i fucking love Evil Urges and cannot wait to listen to it on vinyl (the way both bob ludwig and jim suggest).

When/where did they suggest that? Something in the CD booklet?

it was in the newest issue of Rolling Stone...the guy that mixed the album said it sounds better on vinyl.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: shockadow on Jun 10, 2008, 09:38 AM
Vedderhoon-  you gotta watch your mouth.  People here will hold missteps against you.  Also, you should probably give it a few more listens.  you may not be ready for the metamorphisis.  I say this because your title consists of 2 bands that really haven't been on top for 15 years.  

Embrace the change.

Shut your mouth.

Love, shocka
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: buaawwww on Jun 10, 2008, 09:42 AM
QuoteVedderhoon-  you gotta watch your mouth.  People here will hold missteps against you.  Also, you should probably give it a few more listens.  you may not be ready for the metamorphisis.  I say this because your title consists of 2 bands that really haven't been on top for 15 years.  

Embrace the change.

Shut your mouth.

Love, shocka

This is a little ridiculous don't you think?  Everyone posts on here how much they love the album, then the dude does have the right to post why he does not like the album.  We may not all agree with him (I clearly don't) but he has the right t osay his piece without being ripped apart.  It is a little bit different for the Jacket... me personally I don't get Highly Suspicious... but I commend the band for not being stagnant and trying new things... and pretty much all of it works.  The album to me is fantastic.  But if this guy doesn't like it, then he should have the right to express why he doesn't like it, just like we express why we love it.
And seriously, saying Pearl Jam is not a band that has been on top for 15 years?  You couldn't be more wrong with that statement.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: shockadow on Jun 10, 2008, 09:55 AM
Dude, Pearl Jam hasn't been important since grunge ended and Shannon Hoon has been dead since the 90's.  Additionally, i never bashed the guy. I guided him.  
His opinion is also one of his 1st 2 posts and because of this, he doesn't hold alot of validity.
I could care less about the gay bashing.  I've got pretty thick skin.
He should listen to me.  I have a knack for pissing people off.

What was the last good Pearl Jam album?  Animal?  Vitology?
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: buaawwww on Jun 10, 2008, 10:00 AM
QuoteDude, Pearl Jam hasn't been important since grunge ended and Shannon Hoon has been dead since the 90's.  Additionally, i never bashed the guy. I guided him.  
His opinion is also one of his 1st 2 posts and because of this, he doesn't hold alot of validity.
I could care less about the gay bashing.  I've got pretty thick skin.
He should listen to me.  I have a knack for pissing people off.

What was the last good Pearl Jam album?  Animal?  Vitology?

The last good album?  It was their last self-titled one... and Riot Act before that was incredible as well.  And if they weren't important they wouldnt be headlining festivals like Bonnaroo and selling out MSG shows in seconds and playing a benefit for a good cause at the Beacon Theater which also sold out in minutes.  Come on dude now you just sound foolish about PJ.
We do at least agree that the Jacket album is great.  Come on lighten up today's a good day!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: shockadow on Jun 10, 2008, 10:09 AM
AGREED!!!  Today is FANTASTIC.  You probably don't dig alot of my favorite music and that's cool too.As far as Pearl Jam goes, your points are correct and I am wrong.   You can't headline the best festival and sell out MSG without being current.  My buddy, Orsyn, and I debate this all the time.  he usually wins.  

I retract my Pearl Jam statements.

Evil Urges Day 2008!!!!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: buaawwww on Jun 10, 2008, 10:14 AM
QuoteAGREED!!!  Today is FANTASTIC.  You probably don't dig alot of my favorite music and that's cool too.As far as Pearl Jam goes, your points are correct and I am wrong.   You can't headline the best festival and sell out MSG without being current.  My buddy, Orsyn, and I debate this all the time.  he usually wins.  

I retract my Pearl Jam statements.

Evil Urges Day 2008!!!!

Hey man you never know... my tastes are about as diverse as it gets!  One thing is for sure... there is no other band I listen to more these days then the Jacket.  Hell I just renamed my Fantasy Baseball team Evil Urges!!!  People from my league started emailing me asking what the hell that means?  I just said Evil Urges baby, they're just part of the human way!
They didn't get it... lol.   ;D
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Mi Chaqueta on Jun 10, 2008, 10:14 AM
QuoteDude, Pearl Jam hasn't been important since grunge ended and Shannon Hoon has been dead since the 90's.  Additionally, i never bashed the guy. I guided him.  
His opinion is also one of his 1st 2 posts and because of this, he doesn't hold alot of validity.
I could care less about the gay bashing.  I've got pretty thick skin.
He should listen to me.  I have a knack for pissing people off.

What was the last good Pearl Jam album?  Animal?  Vitology?

The last good album?  It was their last self-titled one... and Riot Act before that was incredible as well.  And if they weren't important they wouldnt be headlining festivals like Bonnaroo and selling out MSG shows in seconds and playing a benefit for a good cause at the Beacon Theater which also sold out in minutes.  Come on dude now you just sound foolish about PJ.
We do at least agree that the Jacket album is great.  Come on lighten up today's a good day!
I agree their self titled one from 06' is brilliant....they are currently working on another one and gonna test some new material at Bonnaroo.........I personally love Vitalogy and No Code........PJ is a great band but this thread and website is devoted to MMJ.........and this is their day!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: buaawwww on Jun 10, 2008, 10:20 AM
QuoteDude, Pearl Jam hasn't been important since grunge ended and Shannon Hoon has been dead since the 90's.  Additionally, i never bashed the guy. I guided him.  
His opinion is also one of his 1st 2 posts and because of this, he doesn't hold alot of validity.
I could care less about the gay bashing.  I've got pretty thick skin.
He should listen to me.  I have a knack for pissing people off.

What was the last good Pearl Jam album?  Animal?  Vitology?

The last good album?  It was their last self-titled one... and Riot Act before that was incredible as well.  And if they weren't important they wouldnt be headlining festivals like Bonnaroo and selling out MSG shows in seconds and playing a benefit for a good cause at the Beacon Theater which also sold out in minutes.  Come on dude now you just sound foolish about PJ.
We do at least agree that the Jacket album is great.  Come on lighten up today's a good day!
I agree their self titled one from 06' is brilliant....they are currently working on another one and gonna test some new material at Bonnaroo.........I personally love Vitalogy and No Code........PJ is a great band but this thread and website is devoted to MMJ.........and this is their day!

Agreed and well said!  It is ripping me apart that I don't have a ticket for the Radio City show!!!! :'(
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: blueskyink on Jun 10, 2008, 10:25 AM
I'm gonna have to agree with PJ still being relevant, their last album (S/T) was one of their best.  Just because they are a grunge band from the 90's doesn't mean they are not relevant now, especially since they are one of the few bands out there pushing for change in the environment, helping out people by putting on benefits and still making excellent music.

And Melon will always be relevant to me, but thats not true to everyone, your right he did die in 95 and since then have faded out of the limelight but No Rain still gets love from just about everyone.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Jaimoe on Jun 10, 2008, 10:26 AM
I don't have the album yet and haven't heard any of the songs in studio save for "I'm Amazed", but I liked what I head when I saw MMJ do Evil Urges cuts live, and in that context, the new stuff works extremely well.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Ghosts_on_TV on Jun 10, 2008, 01:27 PM
QuoteSorry, Meg. Apparently I'm gay.

I still love you. :-*
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: vedderhoon on Jun 10, 2008, 04:28 PM
[.  I say this because your title consists of 2 bands that really haven't been on top for 15 years.  

Embrace the change.

Shut your mouth.

Last I checked MMj just OPENED for Pearl Jam retard!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Mi Chaqueta on Jun 10, 2008, 04:36 PM
Quote[.  I say this because your title consists of 2 bands that really haven't been on top for 15 years.  

Embrace the change.

Shut your mouth.

Last I checked MMj just OPENED for Pearl Jam retard!

I own 20+ of their live CDs all of their studio albums and have seen them over 10 times........Pearl Jam that is..........monumental band no doubt..........however the last 2 times I have seen them they have put on very lackluster performances and have lost a little of their edge live imo..........still love them but one is quietly retreating to immortality and the other has really just begun imo..........hard to compare the two really in my book as a crazed fan of both.........i do however think your posts are angst ridden and juvenial. 8-)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Deez on Jun 10, 2008, 04:54 PM
"And you must be Ringo. Look, darling, Johnny Ringo. The deadliest pistoleer since Wild Bill, they say. What do you think, darling? Should I hate him?"
No hatin here on this special day.  "Evil Urges" rules!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Mi Chaqueta on Jun 10, 2008, 04:56 PM
Quote"And you must be Ringo. Look, darling, Johnny Ringo. The deadliest pistoleer since Wild Bill, they say. What do you think, darling? Should I hate him?"

"you don't even know him."

"you're I know I hate him.....
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: lazybones on Jun 10, 2008, 05:41 PM
I miss the jams, I miss the at times psych rock, and most of all I miss the reverb. >>>

I'm pretty sure there'll be plenty of these elements at the live shows.  After all they have 4 previous albums of material to play from. So you won't have to miss it for long. As for the new record...get out of your comfort zone dude.  Did you want them to just regurgitate their previous sound.  You seem like somewhat of a fairweather fan to me who probably would have dismissed Dylan after plugging in.  By the way EU is not completely reverbless.  

I think JJ has let the critics get to him.>>

Yeah I 'm pretty sure that is what happened.  Jim "pushover" James who has been heralded by the most respected critics in the business as well as multiple musical colleagues (Dave Grohl, Eddie Vedder, M. Ward, etc, etc) as one our generations gifted songwriters drawing from influences both past and present has decided to have his musical direction dictated by a few unfavorable reviews of his previous work.  And what he ended up doing was making a damn fine record that is actually in keeping with his previous emotional tones.  Honest, From the Heart, Rockin', Soulful, Playful and Theatrical, Both Organic and Electronically melodic and rhythmic as it stews genres to an explosive boiling point leaving one big emotionally orgasmic mess.  That my friend is the only thing you got right!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Coltrane on Jun 10, 2008, 06:30 PM
This thread never really got going.......
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Angry Ewok on Jun 10, 2008, 06:52 PM
QuoteSorry, Meg. Apparently I'm gay.

I still love you. :-*

Sorry, Meg. I've found someone else.

Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 10, 2008, 06:54 PM
you know, I like to listen to Highly Suspicious and think about gay sex. I like to listen to it as loud as possible and just think about 2 men having wild and crazy sex. Animal love! Highly suspicious, rubbing peanut butter all over their men parts.

(I love this new album!)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: vedderhoon on Jun 10, 2008, 06:59 PM
I really assumed someone would think those thoughts after hearing the corniest line ever written "peanut butter pudding surprise"
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: j_rud on Jun 10, 2008, 07:24 PM
This has nothing to do with your thoughts on the album (everyone is entitled to their opinion), but you sure do have a preoccupation with the whole "gay" thing. There are so many better (and more mature) ways to express dislike, and your choice of words makes me wonder...Im Highly Suspicious of You...
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: rats on Jun 10, 2008, 07:28 PM
to vedderhoon.......i'm not gonna rip you apart because i like your name. pj is my all time favorite band and blind melon is up there with my favs as well, so your cool in my book, but don't come here calling this album gay and telling everyone how you're homophobic on here on the release date of the new album. this is an mmj message board and a lot of these fans are prob. really excited about hearing it and will no doubt take offense to your comments. so don't act surprised. that said, i understand your thoughts on the album but i think you were a little harsh. i got the album about 2 months ago on the leak and at first i was in love with it just because i was hearing new mmj, and after about a week, i decided it was very average, maybe a little corny, and by far my least favorite mmj album. i kept listening however, and although its still my least favorite at the moment it has grown on me. it's actually a really good album if you take it for what it is. it's supposed to be a fun summertime rock record. give it time, and if you don't like it and you want to state your opinion thats fine, but don't come here calling the band gay.........but again, nice screen name.

by the way i did buy the album today even though i already had it and in case anyone was wondering, the production is a lot better if you buy it than from the leak.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: j_rud on Jun 10, 2008, 07:30 PM
QuoteI really assumed someone would think those thoughts after hearing the corniest line ever written "peanut butter pudding surprise"
Its a goofy, feel good jam. Not every song has to be about an omnipotent being or the state of the nation. And if you havent noticed, Carl tears it the fuck up on that track. Ive taken quite a shine to that lyric, BTW. Its quite the non sequitur.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: j_rud on Jun 10, 2008, 07:35 PM
BTW, Im kinda glad you dont like it, if only for my own selfish reasons. Im torn, because I would love the band to be successful. They definitely put the work in and they definitely deserve it. At the same time, Im sooooo worried about them breaking big and attracting the music equivalent of "fair weather fans". Ive followed this band since 2001, and if I start seeing MMJ shirts at Hot Topic, Im going to have to start acting like Jack Black in High Fidelity. Petty? Stupid? Yeah, probably, but we all have our faults.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: imposter on Jun 10, 2008, 07:38 PM
I am a fan of MMJ, but this album blows so far.  I am listening to it for the first time, as I waited for it to actually come out, and am on track 10 - Aluminum Park.  I don't know if I would listen to any of the first 6 or 7 songs again...ever.  Waste of money and time I'll never get back.  Lots of hype behind this album, very let down.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: j_rud on Jun 10, 2008, 07:40 PM
QuoteI am a fan of MMJ, but this album blows so far.  I am listening to it for the first time, as I waited for it to actually come out, and am on track 10 - Aluminum Park.  I don't know if I would listen to any of the first 6 or 7 songs again...ever.  Waste of money and time I'll never get back.  Lots of hype behind this album, very let down.
Looks like this album is destined to divide fans. Pretty much figured that the first time I heard it. Ohh well, I love it.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 10, 2008, 07:53 PM
Looks like this album is destined to divide fans. Pretty much figured that the first time I heard it. Ohh well, I love it.

I disagree. If you know the Jacket, I mean really know them and love their music, I don't understand how you don't "get" this album. It is simply amazing. It's the exact album that was next. It shows everywhere they have been and everywhere they want to go. People want bands to remain true to their sound, and that's cool, but it's all there, and so much more. But man, if you don't get it, I don't know...

Amazing.  :)

Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: imposter on Jun 10, 2008, 07:58 PM
I'll have some of what "Evil Tracy Urges" is smoking!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: j_rud on Jun 10, 2008, 07:59 PM
Peanut Butter Puddin' Surprise!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 10, 2008, 08:01 PM
QuoteI'll have some of what "Evil Tracy Urges" is smoking!

imposter, there is absolutely nothing I can say that will change your mind, and there is absolutely nothing you can say that will change my mind.

I am totally diggin' Evil Urges, sorry you don't get it. I ain't mad at you, but I am soaring with approval!   :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Grudge on Jun 10, 2008, 08:38 PM
QuoteDude, Pearl Jam hasn't been important since grunge ended and Shannon Hoon has been dead since the 90's.  Additionally, i never bashed the guy. I guided him.  
His opinion is also one of his 1st 2 posts and because of this, he doesn't hold alot of validity.
I could care less about the gay bashing.  I've got pretty thick skin.
He should listen to me.  I have a knack for pissing people off.

What was the last good Pearl Jam album?  Animal?  Vitology?

I know this is a bash MMJ thread, but I couldn't help notice the  lack of musical knowledge by the guy who dissed Pearl Jam.
First of all, they don't have an album named Animal. They have a song named Animal on the album Vs. Obviously you haven't listened to them since the Jeremy video.

Second of all, using the term grunge - are you serious??? That was a term the clueless media used to describe/label the Seattle sound. You sound like a bleach blond bimbo reporter interviewing fans outside a concert,  

"We're here reporting from the !@#$!@#$ arena where grunge rockers Pearl Jam are playing for Generation Xer's wearing flannel...."

All the Seattle bands had their own distinct sounds.  

Third, Just because they're not making videos for MTV or radio friendly songs to compete with my chemical romance and  their 13 year fans does not make them unimportant.  They still play in major arenas that hold 15,000 - 30,000 fans around the world and are one the, if not the most respected band in rock today.

Try listening to all their music, not just the mtv hits from 1992, and you'll understand what a great and important band they still are today!!!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: orbison on Jun 10, 2008, 08:53 PM
If you know the Jacket, I mean really know them and love their music, I don't understand how you don't "get" this album.

Do you see how this statement is flawed? It's like saying "if you are a true fan, you will like it." I dig mmj's experimental side, I see how they have evolved with every album, but a couple of songs on evil urges are flat out bad. It has nothing to do with really "knowing them."  
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: mymonkeyfriend on Jun 10, 2008, 09:24 PM
i am in no way comparing MMJ's sound to led zep when i say this. i went through a 4 year zep binge in college, and read all these archived reviews of each of thier albums. they polarized on every one, just like this. now they are classics. people hated in through the out door when it came out. point is, i think EU will grow on people, mainly when they start touring. i have heard half of it live, and it was unreal. some of these songs just flat out dont need to be in a overproduced studio. i felt this way with Z, i did not like half of it when i first bought it b/c it sounded nothing like at dawn or ISM. but after seeing Z live, i totally changed my stance, now i love it. give this a shot live. highly suspicious and sec walkin sound overproduced on the CD, different story live. pats drums sound a little muffled on EU, but he sounds like bonham live.  embrace the journey and see what you think in a few months.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: knotstilloose on Jun 10, 2008, 09:54 PM
i think the original post summed up everything this album is speaking against, with that said i'm not surprised he doesn't like it.  I think it's brilliant.  I don't love every song, but I love a lot of them.  Thank you too! is amazing, so is librarian...
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: getinthevan on Jun 10, 2008, 09:58 PM
knotstillloose, thanks for an intelligent first post.  Welcome to the board!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: sweatboard on Jun 10, 2008, 10:02 PM
and awesome "user" name!  :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 10, 2008, 10:25 PM
If you know the Jacket, I mean really know them and love their music, I don't understand how you don't "get" this album.

Do you see how this statement is flawed? It's like saying "if you are a true fan, you will like it." I dig mmj's experimental side, I see how they have evolved with every album, but a couple of songs on evil urges are flat out bad. It has nothing to do with really "knowing them."  

I don't understand how 2+2= 4     ;)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: sweatboard on Jun 10, 2008, 11:29 PM
If you know the Jacket, I mean really know them and love their music, I don't understand how you don't "get" this album.

Do you see how this statement is flawed? It's like saying "if you are a true fan, you will like it." I dig mmj's experimental side, I see how they have evolved with every album, but a couple of songs on evil urges are flat out bad. It has nothing to do with really "knowing them."  

I don't understand how 2+2= 4     ;)

And that has made all the difference.   :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: BH on Jun 10, 2008, 11:36 PM
One big mess of awesomeness.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: red on Jun 10, 2008, 11:45 PM
Yeah, I'm a definite fan of this big mess.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: mjkoehler on Jun 10, 2008, 11:48 PM
I'm with you Tracy. I don't get the not getting of this glorious album.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: allode on Jun 10, 2008, 11:55 PM
If you know the Jacket, I mean really know them and love their music, I don't understand how you don't "get" this album.

Do you see how this statement is flawed? It's like saying "if you are a true fan, you will like it." I dig mmj's experimental side, I see how they have evolved with every album, but a couple of songs on evil urges are flat out bad. It has nothing to do with really "knowing them."  
I couldn't agree more. To me, it seems like most of the MMJ fans want to like this album so much they're convincing themselves it's something that it's not. I am a very big My Morning Jacket fan because I love their music and lyrics. That should be the only reason a person likes a band, but it seems like the fans on this forum like MMJ because it's MMJ (I guess that would make sense because they frequent the band's website's message boards.)
The problem with Evil Urges is the sound and the lyrics are just bad. And please don't give me this crap about them having fun. When I buy a My Morning Jacket album I want a My Morning Jacket album. I don't want Prince or the The Flaming Lips (but i must say, i love the flaming lips). If Jim James and the rest of the band wanted to do something strange like Evil Urges, I think they should have released the album under a different name.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 11, 2008, 12:06 AM
If you know the Jacket, I mean really know them and love their music, I don't understand how you don't "get" this album.

Do you see how this statement is flawed? It's like saying "if you are a true fan, you will like it." I dig mmj's experimental side, I see how they have evolved with every album, but a couple of songs on evil urges are flat out bad. It has nothing to do with really "knowing them."  
I couldn't agree more. To me, it seems like most of the MMJ fans want to like this album so much they're convincing themselves it's something that it's not. I am a very big My Morning Jacket fan because I love their music and lyrics. That should be the only reason a person likes a band, but it seems like the fans on this forum like MMJ because it's MMJ (I guess that would make sense because they frequent the band's website's message boards.)
The problem with Evil Urges is the sound and the lyrics are just bad. And please don't give me this crap about them having fun. When I buy a My Morning Jacket album I want a My Morning Jacket album. I don't want Prince or the The Flaming Lips (but i must say, i love the flaming lips). If Jim James and the rest of the band wanted to do something strange like Evil Urges, I think they should have released the album under a different name.

yes allode, you are exactly right (and this is your first post ever on this board). I am totally blown away (and by blown away I mean I could give a shit) by the idea that I am somehow convincing myself to like this music. And that it pisses people off that I like this music. How insecure do you have to be about yourself that it pisses you off that someone really likes a song that you don't like?

[size=14]The reality is, this is My Morning Jacket; They love it, I love it, you don't. They get it, I get it, you don't.[/size]

Here, allode (since this is your 1st post here and you know nothing about us) I own 22 RUSH cd's, so, everyone knows RUSH sux, right? So then it's par for the course that I love such a lame record as Evil Urges.

Nothing like having to defend a band's new music on their own web site.  ;D ;D ;D     Got to love the trolls on the interweb!

I love you allode! You're the best!   :-*
welcome to the board (no, seriously, thanks for being here)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: getinthevan on Jun 11, 2008, 12:18 AM
"It's the drunk piano player, he's so drunk he's probably seeing double."

"I've got two guns... one for each of ya."
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: sweatboard on Jun 11, 2008, 12:26 AM
I saw this coming from a million miles away.  :D

Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: vespachick on Jun 11, 2008, 12:33 AM
I don't know what you're all complaining about; I just put on a Stones record but I really wanted to hear some Bo Diddly or Buddy Holly.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: songdiver on Jun 11, 2008, 12:48 AM
If you have listened to this album more than just once, and you walk away thinking this is simply a "fun" album, then you are seriously mental.  I think some of the songs are fun, but the lyrics are very deep all throughout this album.  I hope people who post shit about how the lyrics suck, the songs are silly, etc, have listened to this album at least a few times, b/c they are going to feel ashamed if they listen to it more and see the beauty and hard-hitting sounds that surround this great album.

By the way,this album doesn't just sound like prince and flaming lips, it sounds like everything combined with MMJ thrashing this mighty big paint brush of sound.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Dorothy_Mantooth on Jun 11, 2008, 12:50 AM
hey has anyone been to the Enchanted Tiki Room at Disneyland/world
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 11, 2008, 12:51 AM
Quoteit sounds like everything combined with MMJ thrashing this mighty big paint brush of sound.

I am pretty sure I thought that at around 5 pm today, and you somehow stole it from my mind... (or did you think it at 5 and I stole it?  :-?)

raaaazor sharp
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: allode on Jun 11, 2008, 12:54 AM
Quoteyes allode, you are exactly right (and this is your first post ever on this board). I am totally blown away (and by blown away I mean I could give a shit) by the idea that I am somehow convincing myself to like this music. And that it pisses people off that I like this music. How insecure do you have to be about yourself that it pisses you off that someone really likes a song that you don't like?

[size=14]The reality is, this is My Morning Jacket; They love it, I love it, you don't. They get it, I get it, you don't.[/size]

Here, allode (since this is your 1st post here and you know nothing about us) I own 22 RUSH cd's, so, everyone knows RUSH sux, right? So then it's par for the course that I love such a lame record as Evil Urges.

Nothing like having to defend a band's new music on their own web site.  ;D ;D ;D     Got to love the trolls on the interweb!

I love you allode! You're the best!   :-*
welcome to the board (no, seriously, thanks for being here)
WOW! I'm not sure how to respond to that insane attack.

First, if it sounded like I was pissed because people like Evil Urges, I'm sorry. That was not my intent. I am in no way pissed at anybody for liking the album. It seems like you are the one that is getting pissed. So, if you are angry, why are you? You like the album; I don't. No Big Deal. I'm giving my thoughts; I would like to get yours.

Second, what's with the attack on me because this is my first post? What does me being new to the forum have to do with anything? Do you not think I'm an actual MMJ fan? I really don't get.

Third, I'm not a troll. That attack actually does offend me because I'm not hear to provoke anyone. After listening to the album a couple times I wanted to know what more people thought of it. I figured I could find MMJ fans on the MMJ website. I wanted to express my thoughts about the album and get some rational responses back. And after seeing what you had to say about the people who were saying "if you don't like EU you're not a true fan," I thought there were people here that could give me a rational response. But maybe I was wrong.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: sweatboard on Jun 11, 2008, 12:58 AM
"I know it sounds confusing, but it makes a lot of sense"  

I NEED A HUMAN............
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: BadManFromCA on Jun 11, 2008, 01:05 AM
Everyone has the right to express an opinion and every album can't be for everyone.  But dude, the gay thing is way offensive.  

Other people have suggested you listen to the album a few times more, I say let it go, it's not for you.  As an alternative I suggest focus on thinking before you speak, learning some tolerance and getting a little more comfortable with yourself.

Good luck man.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: CC on Jun 11, 2008, 04:53 AM
The problem with Evil Urges is the sound and the lyrics are just bad. And please don't give me this crap about them having fun. When I buy a My Morning Jacket album I want a My Morning Jacket album. I don't want Prince or the The Flaming Lips (but i must say, i love the flaming lips). If Jim James and the rest of the band wanted to do something strange like Evil Urges, I think they should have released the album under a different name.

That's very selfish, don't you think? So the band should keep making the music that YOU like and not the music THEY want to make? If you don't like the record that's totally fine, maybe you'll like the next one but don't say they didn't make a My Morning Jacket album cause this album is MMJ all the way. If you really don't think so you might not fully understand what this band is about.

oh and welcome :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: mjkoehler on Jun 11, 2008, 07:13 AM
Quotehey has anyone been to the Enchanted Tiki Room at Disneyland/world
Why yes, several times!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: weeniebeenie on Jun 11, 2008, 08:04 AM
QuoteAnd if you havent noticed, Carl tears it the fuck up on that track.  
:) :) :) :) :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Oz on Jun 11, 2008, 08:04 AM
The problem with Evil Urges is the sound and the lyrics are just bad. And please don't give me this crap about them having fun. When I buy a My Morning Jacket album I want a My Morning Jacket album. I don't want Prince or the The Flaming Lips (but i must say, i love the flaming lips). If Jim James and the rest of the band wanted to do something strange like Evil Urges, I think they should have released the album under a different name.

That's very selfish, don't you think? So the band should keep making the music that YOU like and not the music THEY want to make? If you don't like the record that's totally fine, maybe you'll like the next one but don't say they didn't make a My Morning Jacket album cause this album is MMJ all the way. If you really don't think so you might not fully understand what this band is about.

oh and welcome :)

Nah Riny, you're just gay saying that! MMJ should be making real rock albums and fuck pussies and shoot niggers, like our man vedderhoof and this man right here:
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: shockadow on Jun 11, 2008, 08:12 AM
If you don't really like a band and they haven't played in your major metropolitan city for bertter than (appx) 5-7 years, am I stupid for insinuating that they are not still relevant to me??  I just don't dig them.  Sorry.  I'm tired of fighting about stuff.  I couldn't care less about Pearl Jam.  They quit making music for me 15 years ago.  I've moved on. End.
Now, MMJ is new, fresh, and exciting.  They are evolving and making different sounding music to diversify their live performances and I can't wait till the shows start piling up.  
Just because I don't appreciate the same music as you doesn't take away my music knowledge.  I know PJ headlined a Euro tour with MMJ, I know that Vedder heard a THE BAND song behind a dressing room door and performed it with the guys the rest of that tour.  I KNOW!!!!  I just moved past Pearl Jam.  Sorry.  I also retracted my derrogatory statements after Angry Ewok made me realize i was out of line.   But to say i am musically ignorant is a stretch.  You'd be surprized.
This is the 1st time i've been offended on this site.  Touche'!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 11, 2008, 08:33 AM
If I can't practice, I can't practice. It is as simple as that. It ain't about that at all. It's easy to sum it up if you're just talking about practice. We're sitting here, and I'm supposed to be the franchise player, and we're talking about practice. I mean listen, we're sitting here talking about practice, not a game, not a game, not a game, but we're talking about practice. Not the game that I go out there and die for and play every game last it's my last but we're talking about practice man. How silly is that?

Now I know that I'm supposed to lead by example and all that but I'm not shoving that aside like it don't mean anything. I know it's important, I honestly do but we're talking about practice. We're talking about practice man. We're talking about practice. We're talking about practice. We're not talking about the game. We're talking about practice. When you come to the arena, and you see me play, you've seen me play right, you've seen me give everything I've got, but we're talking about practice right now.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: allode on Jun 11, 2008, 08:38 AM
QuoteEveryone has the right to express an opinion and every album can't be for everyone.  But dude, the gay thing is way offensive.  

Other people have suggested you listen to the album a few times more, I say let it go, it's not for you.  As an alternative I suggest focus on thinking before you speak, learning some tolerance and getting a little more comfortable with yourself.

Good luck man.
I agree. The guy that kept going on about the album being gay has some issues to work out.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: allode on Jun 11, 2008, 08:39 AM
QuoteIf you have listened to this album more than just once, and you walk away thinking this is simply a "fun" album, then you are seriously mental.  I think some of the songs are fun, but the lyrics are very deep all throughout this album.  I hope people who post shit about how the lyrics suck, the songs are silly, etc, have listened to this album at least a few times, b/c they are going to feel ashamed if they listen to it more and see the beauty and hard-hitting sounds that surround this great album.

By the way,this album doesn't just sound like prince and flaming lips, it sounds like everything combined with MMJ thrashing this mighty big paint brush of sound.
I've listened to the album from start to finish 2 times and skipping from song song, I don't know how many times. I've been listening to it all day.

I agree with what you said about MMJ taking all the sounds a mixing them with their own kind of style; most of the songs retain recognizable MMJ elements. But mixing those sounds and delivering it as MMJ just doesn't sound good to me. When I listen to something I like, I have to feel it. Something about the sound and lyrics working together will give me goosebumps. Into The Woods does it to me. At Dawn live does it to me. But when I hear Jim James screech "peanut butter pudding surprise" and hear his band back him up with "I'm Highly Suspicious of You!" I get a bad feeling. It's too corny I guess.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: allode on Jun 11, 2008, 08:56 AM
The problem with Evil Urges is the sound and the lyrics are just bad. And please don't give me this crap about them having fun. When I buy a My Morning Jacket album I want a My Morning Jacket album. I don't want Prince or the The Flaming Lips (but i must say, i love the flaming lips). If Jim James and the rest of the band wanted to do something strange like Evil Urges, I think they should have released the album under a different name.

That's very selfish, don't you think? So the band should keep making the music that YOU like and not the music THEY want to make? If you don't like the record that's totally fine, maybe you'll like the next one but don't say they didn't make a My Morning Jacket album cause this album is MMJ all the way. If you really don't think so you might not fully understand what this band is about.

oh and welcome :)
I guess I don't understand what the band is all about because I didn't see MMJ making this album right now.
You are right that it's their band and they do what they please. The statement about them releasing the album under a different name isn't because I want them to only make music I like. I'm speaking not just from the perspective of a disappointed fan. I think it would be smart for any band to not change their sound SO drastically after they released many albums and created a pacing. Each MMJ evolved. Each one add some things and took some things away. It worked for me because they didn't take huge leaps. Some bands do take those huge leaps from album to album and it's risky. MMJ took that risk and I think they missed the ledge. And I hope for their next album, they go back to making the sounds I love.  ;)

thank you for all the warm welcomes. i can't figure out if they are all back-handed or sincere. oh well, if you're not friendly you're not a true MMJ fan anyways.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 11, 2008, 09:05 AM
Quoteoh well, if you're not friendly you're not a true MMJ fan anyways.

allode, with all due respect, if you come here saying, "The problem with Evil Urges is the sound and the lyrics are just bad" and  then talk about fans convincing themselves that they like it, what do you expect?

And I simply like the music, I didn't create it. Write Jim James a letter, he's the one you have a beef with. I think you're expecting a little too much from people when you come here, slam the band's new record, slam their fans, and then expect people to embrace you. That's not cool.

think about it.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: marino13 on Jun 11, 2008, 09:19 AM
Let's just delete or ignore this thread.  Vedderpoon obviously had one goal and that was to get everyone riled up.  The way he came out firing he clearly didn't want any kind of reasonable discussion.  He is obviously a total douche and not worth our time.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: 1derfulman on Jun 11, 2008, 09:59 AM

PJ 2008 = MMJ 2013 if they continued to make the safe, folky, awesome tunes that they've been cranking out.  They've proven they write incredible songs, are awesome musicians (there are plenty that are better at each of their instruments...maybe not better than Pat), and Jim's voice is pure gold.  Luckily, Jim Jesus James & Co. are going to continue to grow and put shit out there that is fresh, fun, smart, and rawkin.  Has Pearl Jam really come up with anything new in the past 10-15 years??  There are only a couple of bands out there that have been putting out some really new sounds and they couldn't do the things that MMJ has already done.

I'm 40. I'm a man.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: allode on Jun 11, 2008, 09:59 AM
QuoteLet's just delete or ignore this thread.  Vedderpoon obviously had one goal and that was to get everyone riled up.  The way he came out firing he clearly didn't want any kind of reasonable discussion.  He is obviously a total douche and not worth our time.
I don't think the thread should be deleted. the dude that started it is a total douche but I think having a thread that critically talks about the new album is a good thing.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: allode on Jun 11, 2008, 10:13 AM
Quoteallode, with all due respect, if you come here saying, "The problem with Evil Urges is the sound and the lyrics are just bad" and  then talk about fans convincing themselves that they like it, what do you expect?

And I simply like the music, I didn't create it. Write Jim James a letter, he's the one you have a beef with. I think you're expecting a little too much from people when you come here, slam the band's new record, slam their fans, and then expect people to embrace you. That's not cool.

think about it.
I do apologize for slamming the people that like the new album. I didn't mean to use such a broad brush. I'm sure there are people on this site that genuinely like EU. But, I do think there are people that say they like it only because MMJ made it. Like I said before, I'm NOT totally surprised because this IS MMJ's website. I expect to see the craziest of fans here (i'm not calling every person that frequents this site crazy).
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: tbw on Jun 11, 2008, 10:28 AM
Quoteallode, with all due respect, if you come here saying, "The problem with Evil Urges is the sound and the lyrics are just bad" and  then talk about fans convincing themselves that they like it, what do you expect?

And I simply like the music, I didn't create it. Write Jim James a letter, he's the one you have a beef with. I think you're expecting a little too much from people when you come here, slam the band's new record, slam their fans, and then expect people to embrace you. That's not cool.

think about it.
I do apologize for slamming the people that like the new album. I didn't mean to use such a broad brush. I'm sure there are people on this site that genuinely like EU. But, I do think there are people that say they like it only because MMJ made it. Like I said before, I'm NOT totally surprised because this IS MMJ's website. I expect to see the craziest of fans here (i'm not calling every person that frequents this site crazy).
I'm not crazy just a bit KOOKY...

I am a fairly new fan and yes I am admitting that I first heard MMJ songs by the "leak". I loved every one of them and went out and bought all of their previous recordings. I love it all. Not because it is MMJ but because they are unique. Isn't it f'in fantastic that all of their songs do not sound the same? That is the problem with some parts of the cookie cutter society, people like the same old, some don't like change. Ya know and that's ok...for them. But others, well, like the world and the things/people in it to evolve a bit...keeps life interesting.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Taterbug on Jun 11, 2008, 11:17 AM
The fine individual that started this thread should change his screen name to LimbaughO'reilly.  
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: tbw on Jun 11, 2008, 11:24 AM
QuoteThe fine individual that started this thread should change his screen name to LimbaughO'reilly.  

;D Perfecto!
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: marino13 on Jun 11, 2008, 11:36 AM

I do apologize for slamming the people that like the new album. I didn't mean to use such a broad brush. I'm sure there are people on this site that genuinely like EU. But, I do think there are people that say they like it only because MMJ made it. Like I said before, I'm NOT totally surprised because this IS MMJ's website. I expect to see the craziest of fans here (i'm not calling every person that frequents this site crazy).[/quote]

Now that I've finally had the chance to listen to EU a few times, I can comment.  There are definitely things I don't like about the album yet, most notably the long stretch of soft rock in the middle section.  I hate the cheesy background vocals on Sec Walkin and don't know that I'll ever totally like Highly Suspicious because of the annoying giggling.  

All that being said, I like the album more every time I hear it, and I think I will grow to really like it in short time.  There might be fans that have convinced themselves to like Evil Urges, but there are also fans stuck on MMJ's past sound that will convince themselves to hate EU and never give it a chance.

Also, I didn't want to stop this thread because I'm opposed to criticism of the album.  I wanted it stopped because vedderpoon is now jacking off because he got everyone hot and bothered and he started an 8 page thread.  We should really continue this discussion in another existing thread.
Title: Re: Evil Urges one big mess..........
Post by: Taterbug on Jun 11, 2008, 11:49 AM
I really enjoy this big mess, I guess  I'm a homer, because my musical taste is evolving with the band.  There are songs on albums that do not appeal to me. But I   enjoy 80 % of what they have done.   I'm glad they take risks. Sometimes they hit and sometimes they miss. That is what I love about this band.   They take chances.  
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: allode on Jun 11, 2008, 01:56 PM
I agree with the comments about MMJ doing some different things and songs being hit or miss. I enjoy a nice consistently good album. That's why I love Band of Horses. But I also love a band that takes a CALCULATED risk on an album. On every MMJ album I have there are songs I go crazy for and then there are songs that are just good. On BoH albums every song holds about the same line. They are all very good, but my favorite MMJ songs are better than my favorite BoH songs. And my least favorite MMJ songs are worse than my least favorite BoH songs.
But with Evil Urges, there are no songs that I'm going crazy for. there are just a couple songs that are ok and the rest are just not good. They all do have good elements. There are some very sweet guitar elements on this album but Jim James' vocals are such a let down it's hard to get excited.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: mjkoehler on Jun 11, 2008, 02:31 PM
I've seen several comments that I just kinda scratch my head at. Several have issues with the lack of reverb and the "missing" jams. Huh?!?!

So you're not going to like an album because it's not submerged in reverb? Get over it. Each album has had less and less. It's nice when used correctly but it's not the be all to end all. There are more important things to focus on. Harmony, lyrics, riffs, delivery, etc etc etc.

Also, the "missing" jams. Huh? Granted we are not getting a 10 minute jam where they are jerking off the fret board. Do we really have to have that every song every album? There are enough great solos/jams in this album to make anyone happy.

Do we want them to get pigeonholed as a band just known for long jams? I don't. Yeah they are nice once in a while but not all the damn time.

Hey, allode, I appreciate your opionion that you do not care too much for the album. Keep listening. Keep reading the lyrics. I think you'll find that you will change your stance. Its a very well written and sung album. His singing really isn't different on this then on the other 4 albums, other then the falsetto on Evil Urges and HS.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: gundy on Jun 11, 2008, 07:21 PM
Evil Urges is awesome! If MMJ wanted to make a Z/Okonokos again, they've been there and done that. It's great to see them grow as musicians and see where their creative style takes them. By viewing all their interviews, MMJ is really proud of EU. It's good to hear some criticisms about EU but I'm sure once you hear it live, hopefully you'll like where the band is headin'.

Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: allode on Jun 11, 2008, 10:46 PM
mjkoehler, I've really been trying to love this album. After seeing how much the people on this site are enjoying it I thought, "Maybe I'm missing something. I'm a huge MMJ fan; they are huge MMJ fans." I've been listening to it pretty much two days straight. But it isn't getting any better for me. I have warmed up to "Smokin from Shootin" but while I was doing that I stopped enjoying the majority of "Touch Me I'm Going to Scream, Pt. 2."
I'm with you about the reverb and jamming. I must admit, I love the reverb on the vocals (Fleet Foxes and Band of Horses make me very happy) and I do like a good guitar solo from time to time, but I thought the instruments were great on EU and the lack of reverb was no problem. You or somebody said Jim's vocals weren't that different on EU (other than the obvious) and there are parts of the album I would go along with that, but for the most part it sounded like he just didn't care. I'm sure that's not the case; that's just how it sounded to me.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: getinthevan on Jun 12, 2008, 12:19 AM
I actually think Jim's vocals on this album are quite different.  I ran into a friend of mine yesterday who said he thought it sounded like Jim had just quit trying, but I disagree, I think it's his strongest vocals yet.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: allode on Jun 12, 2008, 12:21 AM
QuoteI actually think Jim's vocals on this album are quite different.  I ran into a friend of mine yesterday who said he thought it sounded like Jim had just quit trying, but I disagree, I think it's his strongest vocals yet.
tell your friend to get on these forums so I won't be so alone.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: getinthevan on Jun 12, 2008, 12:26 AM
QuoteI actually think Jim's vocals on this album are quite different.  I ran into a friend of mine yesterday who said he thought it sounded like Jim had just quit trying, but I disagree, I think it's his strongest vocals yet.
tell your friend to get on these forums so I won't be so alone.

I doubt he would even if I urged him to, sorry.  
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: getinthevan on Jun 12, 2008, 12:48 AM
I'd much rather we talked critically about the album than just throwing shit at each other like a bunch of monkeys at a zoo.  That being said, here's my two cents:

Based on what Jim was saying in interviews, I had no idea what to expect.  He talked of gospel, soul, and funk influences and wanting to make a funk record or a gospel record.  I remember when SXSW rolled around and we finally got to hear some new material. I thought some of the songs were great and some of the songs were ok, maybe even bad, but I thought they all fit into the set with older material.  

Once I heard the album, I was really torn.  I thought half of it was some of their best work and I hated the other half of it.  It took weeks (yes, I downloaded the leak) of listening to it for more of the songs to grow on me.  It's a very different album and I totally understand why people wouldn't like it.  To me it feels like the next step after Z.  While it doesn't evoke the same feelings that I get when I listen to At Dawn (but neither do any of their other albums), I still think it's a great album.  We have to keep in mind that this isn't the same band that made At Dawn or even It Still Moves.  It'd be boring if they just kept doing the same thing over and over again and we'd just be complaining about that instead.  

Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: orbison on Jun 12, 2008, 01:25 AM
i think, after a few more listens and time to digest this album, it's strong. but a couple of tracks are just not for has nothing to do with "not getting it" or the record being too experimental (i listen to Can) ... my point earlier is that i think some people - in their fandom of a band - lack that capacity to be critical of something they feel a connection too. MMJ are one of my favorite bands - it has been a thrill to watch them progress since the days where they were opening for GBV - and i'm not in love with every track on EU, and that's ok.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: knotstilloose on Jun 12, 2008, 01:28 AM
seems the debate is on... Well chalk me up as happy!  In fact, after a few days with the entire album I'm blown away.  I loved it at first but it's even grown from there.  I've had it for 2 days and have had 11 different favorite songs ;)  Right now the winners are touch me 2 and smoking from shooting...
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: dragonboy on Jun 12, 2008, 01:38 AM
Quotei think, after a few more listens and time to digest this album, it's strong. but a couple of tracks are just not for has nothing to do with "not getting it" or the record being too experimental (i listen to Can) ... my point earlier is that i think some people - in their fandom of a band - lack that capacity to be critical of something they feel a connection too. MMJ are one of my favorite bands - it has been a thrill to watch them progress since the days where they were opening for GBV - and i'm not in love with every track on EU, and that's ok.
Good post Orbison, I couldn't have put it better myself. I've had the album for 4 days now & feel very much the same way.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: orbison on Jun 12, 2008, 01:40 AM
thanks dragon, nice elbow sig!
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: dragonboy on Jun 12, 2008, 01:47 AM
Quotethanks dragon, nice elbow sig!
Well spotted Sir! More people should listen to Elbow - FACT!!!  ;)
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: Bam_Bam on Jun 12, 2008, 02:01 AM
One of the big issues i have with this album is the sound/production. i think john leckie did a much much better job of creating an interesting sound on Z than what was created on EU. the drums don't sound as big to me as they did on Z. and i don't really like what bo does on some of the tracks. it gets a little boring to me.

The album as a whole is above the latest from Modest Mouse, The Shins and Band of Horses but at this point in my life it doesn't reach has alot to do with the lyrics. That's not to say that i think they are bad or anything but they don't really relate to me right now. I understand them well enough and I think Jim James was trying to convey a sense of togetherness and humanity on this album. He really got political on this album and that's what puts me off.

That being said I don't mean to sound like an asshole and I hope it didn't come off like that. I think this album is a really good album and i respect Jim  for putting himself out there as much as he does on this album. I think when we look back on this album in 20 years it will be seen as hugely important and it does capture the thoughts and feelings of a majority of a generation. I'm just too cynical right now to buy into it.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: magbt on Jun 12, 2008, 02:28 AM
I'm new to the forum, but here is my take on Evil Urges.  It isn't as good as Z-- but did we really expect it to be?  Z is one of the best albums I have heard in recent memory.  To me, EU is a very good album.  A lot of the songs are among their very best, and a few are kind of light and lack staying power.  Here are my thoughts:

EU, "Touch Me 1," and HS are a badass opening trio.  I hear a lot of Prince and Flaming Lips in there and I like it.  This is where I was hoping the band would go.  "Amazed" and "Thank You" are pretty good but a little light.  I enjoy listening to them, but it would be nice if they rocked a little harder or had something more distinct about them.  The strings in Thank You are really good though. "Two halves" is a perfect straight forward pop gem.  "Sec walkin"  has an incredble soul, country vibe and the simplicity of it works really well.  I love Librarian too.  The stripped down, slowed down feel is great.  "Look at You" is nice but a little unnecessary.  Its nothing fresh and just seems a little weak.  AP and "Remnants" are both good but a little redundant back to back.  I think I like remnants a little better.  The guitar riff in AP is a little monotonous.  The Last two tracks are knock outs.  SMS and "Touch Me 2" work great together and are masterpieces in melody.  Jim's voice is great in them to.  An epic closer to the album.  

Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: Goat Boy on Jun 12, 2008, 08:03 AM
Well I downloaded the album when it leaked (my copy arrived monday) so I've had enough time to digest it properly.  There's a couple of congs that do little for me.  The production bothers me a bit as well on certain tracks - Remnants for example sounds very 'dry'.  However I dig the title track - MMJ meets Curtis - and the soft bellbottom rock of Sec' Walkin' and Thank You Too floats my boat as well though I can see why some would have problems with them.  

This feels like a transitional album to me as others have noted.  It doesn't quite hang together like previous records and deffo not as smoothly as Z and consequently the album works better if you focus on individual tracks.  However just as the album seems to get going it stumbles a bit.  Two Halves and the clunky Aluminum Park (should never have been sequenced next to Remnants) are the main offendors for me.  

I could write a lot more and may come back to this when I get some time at work.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: allode on Jun 12, 2008, 10:17 AM
Now I'm just glad people are actually talking about the album! Thanks guys.

Bam_Bam mentioned the new albums from Modest Mouse, The Shins and Band of Horses. All of these groups (plus MMJ but minus The Shins) let me down with their new albums.
The Shins new album was a great evolution from their last two. They all took equal and fantastic steps forward. I wish MMJ could have made steps like that. They did it with It Still Moves to Z but they got ahead of themselves with Evil Urges.
I loved the new sound on BoH's album but I didn't enjoy the lyrics as much as Everything All The Time and I thought "Is There a Ghost" was a waist of time. I draw a lot of parallels between Cease to Begin and Evil Urges. The lyrics aren't as good and there are some wasted tracks.
And Modest Mouse's new album was very weird for me. It was a different sound in parts but totally forgettable. And that is just like EU's middle. Those songs carry a little of the old MMJ sound but they are different, and they are also very forgettable.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: C-Bear on Jun 12, 2008, 10:26 AM
After the initial shock of the high voice, and strange music composition. (Highly suspicious)
I am in love with this album, I find it funny & catchy.
Its a totally different album. Just like Z was a different side of them, I think live it will translate to a great sound. It takes a few listens before your humming them @ work.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: marino13 on Jun 12, 2008, 10:43 AM
I have little doubt that I will like this album more in a few weeks.  Unfortunately, other than us diehards, who is really going to have the patience to repeatedly listen to an album that is doing little for them.  They might give it a few listens at the most.  

I just hope there is not a backlash.  There has been so much hype for these guys the last two months.  I'm wondering if there will be a negative backlash when people pick this up and say WTF?
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: knotstilloose on Jun 12, 2008, 11:15 AM
man this album in nutz!  i read how a lot of it was inspired by being in nyc, and that it gave them a sense of urgency.  I don't know if I feel the urgency, but the album is all over the place, sorta like the great nyc.  It's like a million different elements that somehow mold together to make something huge, and great.  i never thought id say this, but it might be my favorite album of theirs...
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: orbison on Jun 12, 2008, 01:20 PM
knot where did you read about it?
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: cmccubbin25 on Jun 12, 2008, 01:22 PM
Quoteknot where did you read about it?

check out the thread about the feature article in BLURT magazine...they discuss in that interview.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: Erik26 on Jun 12, 2008, 02:35 PM
This is my first day on the forum, according to what I have read that means some people may not think my opinion is valid. Well get bent as this is a discusion about music, which is art, which is all a personal opinion. Having said that in my opinion Evil Urges is a natural progression of a band and a songwriter. Listen to the catalog from '99 on as i did non-stop in the weeks leading up to the release and you can see this. James even talks about the band's direction in an interview "People looked at Radiohead when they started and were like, Oh a Brit-pop rock band. Now they are just f'n awesome, awesome weirdos. You can't put a label on them and that's what I hope has been happening with us. Whether you love us or hate us. we're not just one type of band"
To me it is more suprising that "fans" are so shocked by the album When you proabably should have seen it coming. I think EU is just f'n amazing. The two songs that stand out from the norm songs; EU, Highly Suspicious, are incredible. To me James really showcases his vocal abillities and the bands talent of stretching themselves out as far as they can. I can't wait to see them for the first time this year at Pemberton Festival. Rock on boys.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: cmccubbin25 on Jun 12, 2008, 03:01 PM
QuoteWell I downloaded the album when it leaked (my copy arrived monday) so I've had enough time to digest it properly.  There's a couple of congs that do little for me.  The production bothers me a bit as well on certain tracks - Remnants for example sounds very 'dry'.  However I dig the title track - MMJ meets Curtis - and the soft bellbottom rock of Sec' Walkin' and Thank You Too floats my boat as well though I can see why some would have problems with them.  

This feels like a transitional album to me as others have noted.  It doesn't quite hang together like previous records and deffo not as smoothly as Z and consequently the album works better if you focus on individual tracks.  However just as the album seems to get going it stumbles a bit.  Two Halves and the clunky Aluminum Park (should never have been sequenced next to Remnants) are the main offendors for me.  

I could write a lot more and may come back to this when I get some time at work.

MMJ meets Curtis?

What are you trying to say?
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: knotstilloose on Jun 12, 2008, 06:40 PM
Quoteknot where did you read about it?
sorry it took me so long to get back to ya, i can't remember where i read the original article, some link somewhere, but there is a similar story on their myspace...
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: getinthevan on Jun 12, 2008, 07:09 PM
QuoteThis is my first day on the forum, according to what I have read that means some people may not think my opinion is valid. Well get bent as this is a discusion about music, which is art, which is all a personal opinion.

There's no reason your opinion shouldn't be valid.  It's not like you've come in here bashing everything left and right.  You've actually put thought into what you're saying.  And your second sentence is spot on, I wish more people here would realize that.  It's been sad to watch the peace and harmony slip away here in the last month or two.

That being said, welcome to the board!
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: rob on Jun 12, 2008, 08:54 PM
QuoteWell I downloaded the album when it leaked (my copy arrived monday) so I've had enough time to digest it properly.  There's a couple of congs that do little for me.  The production bothers me a bit as well on certain tracks - Remnants for example sounds very 'dry'.  However I dig the title track - MMJ meets Curtis - and the soft bellbottom rock of Sec' Walkin' and Thank You Too floats my boat as well though I can see why some would have problems with them.  

This feels like a transitional album to me as others have noted.  It doesn't quite hang together like previous records and deffo not as smoothly as Z and consequently the album works better if you focus on individual tracks.  However just as the album seems to get going it stumbles a bit.  Two Halves and the clunky Aluminum Park (should never have been sequenced next to Remnants) are the main offendors for me.  

I could write a lot more and may come back to this when I get some time at work.

MMJ meets Curtis?

What are you trying to say?

Prettty sure he's saying MMJ meets Curtis Mayfield......the style of the title track.

Jim has mentioned being inspired by Curtis' music in recent interviews.
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: ycartrob on Jun 12, 2008, 08:55 PM
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: Easy Morning Rebel on Jun 13, 2008, 10:28 AM
I love, love, LOVE 'Evil Urges'!!! It's seriously the best album I've heard in a long, long time. I won't be lying if I already say that this album is so going to be THE album of 2008 for a long, long time. Because, it will. And I'm happy, happy, HAPPY!!! ;D
Title: Re: Evil Urges discussion........
Post by: TEO on Jun 13, 2008, 10:46 AM
It keeps on getting better with every listen!