Anyone else get to hear the new Beck album, yet.
The 1st 10 seconds really remind me of the beginning of Z. ALOT!!! Well, actually the first 2-4 notes but it's uncanny!!!
I'll let you know what I think when it comes out Tuesday?
I've only listened to it once. I am waiting til the vinyl release and then I will get around to really getting into it. I enjoyed what I heard so I figured I would support him. I'll let you know what I think when I get it.
Just the 1st 4 notes.
It's a fuzzy bassline.
You'll know it When you hear it...! My wife even noticed it and she's not quite as fanatical as I am...
As for the leak...
I couldn't wait through the long weekend. I needed it for the drive to the mountains. I guess you guys prolly knew i'd have the advanced copy, though,.
Huh, Tom?
haha, sorta figured ;)
no shit here, just some good-natured goading :)
mmmm beck. One of the musicians that "matter".
I heard this last night (twice actually) while I was at the local indoor bouldering facility. It does have a similar sound, a little too fast but I can hear what your talking about.
So what do you think about the record itself?
I think its pretty good, his last two albums were bashed pretty hard by a lot of people, I enjoyed Guero and The Information (this one a little more) but both of them felt overly long. I was glad to see he paired down the length. Like I said I heard it twice last night and I was climbing for a little over an hour.
beck is a scientologist. neat
Orphans was written with Chan Marshall from Catpower.
We went to high school together. I kssed her on the beach during Spring Break in Panama City, Fl. in 1989.
I'm cool.