Does anyone know the CORRECT procedure for converting the "MediaMax" protected songs from the Z CD to MP3's?
I am running Windows Vista Home Version.
No way! So sorry! Where did you buy this? You ought to be able to get a refund or an exchange as these should've all been recalled a month or two after the album was released. However, I believe if you hold down the S key while inserting the cd it should bypass the software starting up.
honestly I've owned this cd for around 3 yrs and just purchased an mp3 cd player for my van.
never had a need to convert B4. The shift key does not work. I see the mp3 files listed but after I burn the cd the tracks are scrambled.
Dang dude. When I get back to my hard drive tomorrow I'll hook you up. The band got really pissed at Sony for screwing over fans with the MediaMax bullshit and actually started sending out burned copies of the album to people who wrote them after having accepted the End User License Agreement. It's sort of a mess.
Regardless, I'll hook you up with the digital business, since you've obviously been screwed by a copy that you've bought. Check your Private Messages on here tomorrow or Friday night.
thanxs tom.
that's it in a nutshell, I've accepted the end user agreement and can't make mp3 copies. I found an MTV article that refrences a band link for replacement cd's but it must be a long since old & abandoned link?
Happy Turkey Day!,
Have you tried extracting the wav files with Exact Audio Copy, not sure if it will work but if you can extract the wav files you should be able to convert.
Thanks for the advice deadhead, but I got him covered already.
That MediaMax stuff is some seriously invasive stuff, though, so I doubt he'd be able to even hack in that far.
If I was you, I'd consider sending it to the bands management, I'd bet they'd send send you a new copy.
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