Welcome to JBA Pt. 3. This round will face off the sixteen songs that lost in the first round of JBA Pt. 1, and therefore never really had much of a chance. There are some real classics here. This part has been seeded from the first round on. The winner of this and the next part will have a chance to compete in the four song battle for MMJ's best tune. Matches will be held at 7:00 six days a week. There will be no matches on Tuesdays. The outcome of Monday's match will be announced before the start of Wednesday's. This is the third round of five. In this round, one match will be put up every day for four days. Enjoy. :D
[size=24]Lay Low[/size]
I vote for Librarian and Into the Woods.
Picture of You
Into the Woods
QuotePicture of You
Into the Woods
Yay! It's baaaaaaack.
Picture of You
Into the Woods
QuoteWelcome to JBA Pt. 3. This round will face off the sixteen songs that lost in the first round of JBA Pt. 1, and therefore never really had much of a chance. There are some real classics here. This part has been seeded from the first round on. The winner of this and the next part will have a chance to compete in the four song battle for MMJ's best tune. Matches will be held at 6:30 six days a week. There will be no match on Tuesdays. The outcome of Monday's match will be announced before the start of Wednesday's. This is the first round of five. In this round, two matches will be put up every day for eight days. Enjoy. :D
Picture of You vs. Librarian
Into the Woods vs. Remnants
Picture of You
Picture Of You
Into The Woods
[highlight]Picture of You[/highlight] vs. Librarian
Into the Woods vs. [highlight]Remnants [/highlight]
Hey xmas! Thanks again....okay, here we go:
Picture of You
Into the Woodzzzzzzzz
Picture of You
Picture Of You
Into The Woods
Picture of You
Into the Woods
Into The Woods
...these things sure are a great way to boost your post count Xmas. How many of these you gonna do? ;)
Picture Of You
Woohooooo, we're doing this again!
Picture of You
Into the Woods
Thanks Xmas!! :)
Picture of you
Here here!
QuotePicture of You
Into the Woods
Picture of You
Remnants (so close) - just wanted a rocker
QuotePicture Of You
Into The Woods
Picture of You
Into the Woods
Picture of You
Into the Woods
Librarian and Remnants!
QuoteQuotePicture of You
Into the Woods
Agreed. Totally.
picture of you
Into the Woods
Into the Woods
First matches done. For anybody who didn't read the first post and is confused/expecting something they won't get, I just want to remind everybody that this is just the losers from round 1. We aren't starting all over again (we'll talk about that later).
Picture of You = 25
Librarian = 7
Into the Woods = 20
Remnants = 12
New matches in a couple minutes.
Knot Comes Loose vs. If It Smashes Down
Nashville to Kentucky vs. Thank You Too!
I vote for If It Smashes Down and Nashville to Kentucky.
Knot, Knashville
Knot and Nashville
Knot, Nashville
Knot Comes Loose
Thank You Too
Knot Comes Loose
Nashville To Kentucky
Into the Woods = 20
Remnants = 12
Knot Comes Loose
Nashville To Kentucky
Am I the only one who's going to vote
If it Smashes Down
Thank You Too
IISD is an essential off of At Dawn for me.....and TYT is one of the best new songs, and I just think it takes it a bit over NTK
If It Crashes Down
Predators to Wildcats
QuoteKnot Comes Loose vs. If It Smashes Down
Nashville to Kentucky vs. Thank You Too!
Nashville to Kentucky.....
That's Where The Knot Comes Loose
Quote.....and TYT is one of the best new songs, and I just think it takes it a bit over NTK
I agree. Lyrically it means a lot to me. However, the live NTK is unbelievable.
Knot Comes Loose
Thank You Too
If It Smashes Down
Nashville to KY
Smash / Nash
Knot Comes Loose
Thank You, Too!
if it smashes down
nashville to kentucky
Knot comes Loose
Nashville to KY
Knot Comes Loose
Thank You, Too!
knot comes loose
thank you too!
IISD is an essential off of At Dawn for me.....and TYT is one of the best new songs, and I just think it takes it a bit over NTK
IISD and KCL was a toss up but more based on mood I guess. I agree with you about IISD.
I don't think TYT can touch N2K, particularly the "Saxy" version.
To me, TYT drips of
Alas, I know I'm in the minority 'cuz people seem to love TYT
Nash to KY and Knot Comes Loose.
Not happy about Thank You Too going out.
If It Smashes Down
Thank You Too
If it smashes down
Nashville to Kentucky
If It Smashes Down
Thank You Too
This was a really tough decision.
QuoteIf it smashes down
Nashville to Kentucky
I don't wanna hear any shit about me picking another evil urges song either.
VERY sorry I'm late everybody. My alarm didn't go off.
Knot Comes Loose = 17
If It Smashes Down = 9
Nashville to Kentucky = 18
Thank You Too! = 8
New matches in a couple minutes.
Highly Suspicious vs. Butch Cassidy
What a Wonderful Man vs. Smokin' From Shootin'
I vote for Highly Suspicious and Smokin' From Shootin'
Ok, I'll go with
Highly Suspicious AND
What a Wonderful Man (Omni Version Only)
Highly Suspicious
Smokin from Shootin
Highly Suspicious
What a Wonderful Man
Highly Suspicious
Smokin' From Shootin'
Highly Suspicious
Smokin From Shootin
Highly Suspicious
Smokin' From Shootin'
Butch Cassidy
Smokin' From Shootin'
These two titles fit together perfectly, with they way Butch Cassidy(the movie) ends.
Highly Suspicious
Smokin' From Shootin'
QuoteHighly Suspicious
Smokin' From Shootin'
Butch Cassidy
Smokin from SHootin
Highly Suspicious
What A Wondeful Man
Butch & What A Wonderful Man
Butch Smokin'
Highly Suspicious
Smoking from Shootin'
suspicious is fun, but cmon
Highly Suspicious
Smokin from shootin
New matches in a couple minutes.
Highly Suspicious = 14
Butch Cassidy = 6
Smokin' From Shootin' = 16
What a Wonderful Man = 4
Lay Low vs. I Needed it Most
Heartbreakin' Man vs Evelyn is Not Real
I vote for Lay Low and Evelyn.
Lay Low and Evelyn (that matchup was brutal though)
QuoteLay Low vs. I Needed it Most
Heartbreakin' Man vs Evelyn is Not Real
Lay Low
Lay Low
Lay Low
Evelyn is Not Real
Lay Low
Evelyn (I actually just flipped a coin)
Lay Low
Heartbreakin' Man
Lay Low
I thought Where To Begin lost in the first, didnt it??
Thats what I was going to be gunning for to win this
Lay Low
Heartbreakin' Man
Am I the only one who's going to vote for I Needed It Most??? Help me out here.
I Needed It Most
Evelyn Is Not Real
Lay Low/ Evelyn
Both are better than sex...
Evelyn Is Not Real
QuoteI thought Where To Begin lost in the first, didnt it??
Thats what I was going to be gunning for to win this
Yep, Where to Begin is in. Later today actually.
Lay Low
QuoteQuoteI thought Where To Begin lost in the first, didnt it??
Thats what I was going to be gunning for to win this
Yep, Where to Begin is in. Later today actually.
Good deal.
I guess my day addition is off. I thought we had 8 matchups already since it started the 28th. ;D
QuoteAm I the only one who's going to vote for I Needed It Most??? Help me out here.
I Needed It Most
Evelyn Is Not Real
No you're not...As much as I honestly llllooovveee Lay Low and I do (when I hear it I can't decide whether I want to throw a beautiful man down on the floor or ROCK...maybe both?) I Needed It Most is achingly beautiful.
I Needed It Most
Lay low
Haertbreakin Man
I can't believe it's Lay Low vs. INIM......
gotta go with Lay Low/Heartbreakin, though
damn, hate to see I Needed it Most go like that
Lay Low
Evelyn Is Not Real
Lay Low and Evelyn.
Lay Low
Heartreakin Man
I didn't even think about that. Lay low is just amazing (I got all that I want here with you tonight) and Heartbreaking Man is one of my recent favourites.
I Needed It Most
Heartbreakin' Man
I can't believe Butch Cassidy lost!! :'(
I Needed It Most
Heartbreakin' Man
Lay Low = 17
I Needed It Most = 4
Evelyn is Not Real = 12
Heartbreakin' Man = 9
Where to Begin vs. Sec Walkin'
Off the Record vs. I'm Amazed
I vote for Where to Begin and Off the Record.
Where to Begin
I'm Amazed
Where to Begin
Off the Record
QuoteWhere to Begin vs. Sec Walkin'
Off the Record vs. I'm Amazed
Where to Begin
I'm Amazed
Where To Begin
Off The Record
Where to Begin
I'm Amazed
I'm not voting this round. It's too hard to pick.
QuoteI'm not voting this round. It's too hard to pick.
Where to Begin
Off The Record
Where to Begin
Off the Record
Where to Begin
Where To Begin
Fuck, the second one is tough one for me.
Off The Record, begrudgingly.
Off the record, I'm Amazed is an amazing song.
I take Sec Walkin by default over Where To Begin because they did'nt write the song(I think). My second pick is Off The Record.
Sec Walkin
Off The Record
Sad to see Heartbreakin' Man Go
QuoteI take Sec Walkin by default over Where To Begin because they did'nt write the song(I think). My second pick is Off The Record.
Sec Walkin
Off The Record
Sad to see Heartbreakin' Man Go
Jim wrote Where To Begin.
Where to begin
Off the Record
And I'm sad that Heartbreakin Man lost.
QuoteQuoteI take Sec Walkin by default over Where To Begin because they did'nt write the song(I think). My second pick is Off The Record.
Sec Walkin
Off The Record
Sad to see Heartbreakin' Man Go
Jim wrote Where To Begin.
Yeah, he definitely wrote Where to Begin. You're probably thinking of The Same in Any Language.
Where to begin and Off the Record
QuoteWhere to begin and Off the Record
where to begin
off the record
Guess I'll be the first to vote for Sec Walkin...
Walkin/ OTR
where to begin
off the record
Lovin' sec walkin' more and more, but still no where to begin.
Where to Begin
Off the Record
Where to Begin
Off The Record
QuoteI take Sec Walkin by default over Where To Begin because they did'nt write the song(I think). My second pick is Off The Record.
Sec Walkin
Off The Record
Sad to see Heartbreakin' Man Go
Yep...Where to Begin was written by RUCKUS!!
Where to Begin = 16
Sec Walkin' = 2
Off the Record = 15
I'm Amazed = 3
New matches soon.
Remember, there will be no new match tomorrow. On Wednesday, the results will be announced and the next matches will begin. However, any votes made on these matches after 6:30 tomorrow night will not be counted.
Masterplan vs. By My Car
Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1 vs. Honest Man
I vote for By My Car and Honest Man.
By My Car
Touch Me pt1
Master Plan
Honest Man
Touch me
By My Car
Honest Man
The Honest Man with the Masterplan
Honest Man
Master Plan
Touch Me Pt. 1
masterplan/honest man
Masterplan vs. By My Car
Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1 vs. Honest Man
Lets meet
By My Car cause if you don't
Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1
By My Car
Honest Man
QuoteMaster Plan
Touch Me Pt. 1
Honest Man
By My Car
Honest Man
Arrrggghhh...why did it have to be masterplan to go up against by my car? Why Why Why?
By My Car(I'd look pretty foolish if I didn't vote for it, now, wouldn't I?)
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream, Pt. 1
By My Car
Honest Man
Master Plan
Touch me Pt.1
Master Plan
Honest Man
Touch Me Pt 1
Honest Man
By My Car
Too Close to call on this one so I'll write in War Begun.
Honest Man
Touch Me By My Car and I'm Going To Scream pt. l
Honest man
Masterplan :D
Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1
Honest Man
Honest Man
....tough stuff here.
I dont think votes are being counted anymore for the matchup bc its had over 24 hours.
Unless youre voting for Masterplan and Honest Man :)
I didn't count the last three because they were all done well after the deadline. I let the 6:34 one slide.
Masterplan = 15
By My Car = 10 :'(
Honest Man = 13
Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1 = 11
War Begun = 1
New matches very soon.
Easy Morning Rebel vs. One in the Same
Two Halves vs. Look at You
I vote for One in the Same and Look at You.
One in the Same (sorry EMR, bad memories of your horns at the roo!)
Look at you (because it's about Obama Baby! jk)
one in the same
two halves
Easy Morning Rebel
Two Halves
I think you need to add Dear Wife (and soon enough, El Caporal) to this contest. ;)
Easy Morning Rebel
Two Halves
easy morning rebel
look at you
Easy Morning Rebel
Look at You
Look at you (because it's about Obama Baby! jk)
I seriously laughed out loud! (yes, I did just type all that out)
I would take Honest Man or Touch 1 over any of these four, but...
Easy Morning Rebel
Look at You
One in the Same
Two Halves
QuoteEasy Morning Rebel vs. One in the Same
Two Halves vs. Look at You
Easy Morning Rebel
Look at You
One in the Same
Look at You
QuoteI think you need to add Dear Wife (and soon enough, El Caporal) to this contest. ;)
Next time we do this, they'll definitely be counted as b-sides, replacing (if they need to) I Cant Wait and Like It Should. I tried to figure out a way to factor them in this time, but I haven't really come up with one. We could just have a one-off match between them I guess. That'd be interesting.
One In The Same
Two Halves
One In The Same
Look At You
Rebel/Two halves
One In the Same
Look at You
Easy Morning Rebel
Look at You
I'm sitting out this round in protest that the last few matchups were hard and these two matchups are craptastic.
QuoteI'm sitting out this round in protest that the last few matchups were hard and these two matchups are craptastic.
You don't like Easy Morning Rebel or One in the Same? I think they both kick ass.
One in the same
Look at you
Easy Morning Rebel
Two Halves
QuoteQuoteI think you need to add Dear Wife (and soon enough, El Caporal) to this contest. ;)
Next time we do this, they'll definitely be counted as b-sides, replacing (if they need to) I Cant Wait and Like It Should. I tried to figure out a way to factor them in this time, but I haven't really come up with one. We could just have a one-off match between them I guess. That'd be interesting.
Make sure you wait until after the release. I worked my ass off they day they had El Cap on the MySpace so I missed it.
One in the same
Two Halves
Easy Morning Rebel
Two Halves
One in the Same
Two Halves
it wasn't till I woke up...
that I could hold down a joke or a job or a dream
but then all three are one in the same
Can't beat that shit!
One in the Same
Abstention for Numero Dos
I apologize for my lateness. They were checking our rooms for fire hazards.
One in the Same = 12
Easy Morning Rebel = 10
Look at You = 11
Two Halves = 10
New matches soon.
The final matches of round one:
Run Thru vs. Lowdown
The Dark vs. It's About Twilight Now
I vote for Run Thru and It's About Twilight Now.
It's About Twilight Now
The Dark
It's About Twilight Now
The Dark
The Dark
The Dark
The Dark is one of my all time favorite MMJ songs.
Run Thru
The Dark
..surprised that Lowdown has a big early lead over over Run Thru :D
Run Thru
It's About Twilight Now
QuoteThe final matches of round one:
Run Thru vs. Lowdown
The Dark vs. It's About Twilight Now
hmmmm....this one is tough for me. I will have to go with...................
The Dark
Run Thru
It's About Twilight Now
Run Thru
The Dark
It's About Twilight Now
Run Thru
It's About Twilight Now
The Dark
The Dark
It's About Twilight Now
The Dark
The Dark
Low Down
The Dark
Run Thru / Twilight
Run Thru - The Dark
It's About Twilight Now
Lowdown = 18
Run Thru = 9
The Dark = 16
It's About Twilight Now = 11
Round two soon.
Round 2 has arrived. Eight matches, eight days. The time for this round has been changed to 7:00. As you all can probably tell, 6:30 really isn't working for me.
Picture of You vs. Knot Comes Loose
I vote for Picture of You.
Knot Comes Loose
Picture of You - nother close one
QuoteI apologize for my lateness. They were checking our rooms for fire hazards.
One in the Same = 12
Easy Morning Rebel = 10
Look at You = 11
Two Halves = 10
New matches soon.
WOW - my abstention actually mattered....my vote could have made a difference...hmmmm....what's the tiebreak policy again? ;)
Knot Comes Loose
...cant believe Run Thru got creamed like that, thought it was high on most peoples lists. I guess not too high if it lost in 2 first rounds though ;D
QuoteQuoteI apologize for my lateness. They were checking our rooms for fire hazards.
One in the Same = 12
Easy Morning Rebel = 10
Look at You = 11
Two Halves = 10
New matches soon.
WOW - my abstention actually mattered....my vote could have made a difference...hmmmm....what's the tiebreak policy again? ;)
The policy is if you can vote 3 time sfor Easy Morning Rebel, you can still vote
Knot Comes Loose
QuoteRound 2 has arrived. Eight matches, eight days. The time for this round has been changed to 7:00. As you all can probably tell, 6:30 really isn't working for me.
Picture of You vs. Knot Comes Loose
Knot comes loose
Knot Comes Loose
Picture of you
QuoteKnot Comes Loose
Knot Comes Loose
Picture Of You
Oooh this one is so tough, but I'm going to go with
Knot Comes Loose
Picture of You
"Y'know I'd give you anything on a dime"
Picture of You
picture of you
Picture of You
picture of you
Quite hard one though.
Knot Comes Loose
Knot Comes Loose
Knot Comes Loose
Picture of You
Knot Comes Loose
Knot Comes Loose
picture of you
It's a tie: 11 to 11. So, I'll leave it open for another hour. Anybody who didn't vote, please do so.
In the meantime:
Into the Woods vs. Nashville to Kentucky
I vote for Into the Woods.
Nashville To KY, Kid
Nashville to KY
Nashville to Kentucky
Nashville To Kentucky
In the meantime:
Into the Woods vs. Nashville to Kentucky
Nashville To Kentucky
Nashville to KY
Nashville to Kentucky...and can i vote for Knot again????
Pic of you.(i didnt vote on that yet) And Nashville to Louisville ;)
N2K as well
QuoteN2K as well
Nashville to Kentucky
Into The Woods
Into the Woods
Just so it's clear, the tie has been resolved. The winner is Picture of You.
Nashville to Kentucky
Wow. Picture of You in a photo finish!
Into The Woods
Nashville to Kentucky
Nashville to KY
Nashville to Kentucky
Goodbye, Knot Comes Loose :'(
Nashville to Kentucky
Into the Woods
Into The Woods
Nashville to Kentucky = 17
Into the Woods = 6
Highly Suspicious vs. Lay Low
I vote for Lay Low.
QuoteHighly Suspicious vs. Lay Low
Lay Low
Highly Suspicious
Lay Low
Lay Low
Lay Low
Highly Suspicious just for the fucking fun of it :D
Lay Low
Highly suspicious
This is harder than I might have imagined. But,
Lay Low
Lay Low
I really wanna pick Highly Suspicious but I have to go with
Lay Low, if the feel is right..
Lay Low
Lay Low :)
Lay low
Lay Low
I have to be honest. I'm not a big fan of Lay Low until the ending jam the same way I'm not of Highly Suspicious til the guitar rips at the end.
Hmmmm :-/
Lay Low?
QuoteI have to be honest. I'm not a big fan of Lay Low until the ending jam the same way I'm not of Highly Suspicious til the guitar rips at the end.
Hmmmm :-/
Lay Low?
That's what makes Lay Low so excellent though in my opinion. I think it is one of the best riffs they have.
Lay Low...
...it's not what you want, but what you need... ;)
Lay Low = 18
Highly Suspicious = 3
Smokin' From Shootin' vs. Evelyn is Not Real
I vote for Smokin' From Shootin'
Smokin from Shootin
QuoteI have to be honest. I'm not a big fan of Lay Low until the ending jam the same way I'm not of Highly Suspicious til the guitar rips at the end.
Hmmmm :-/
Lay Low?
I find your decision making highly suspicious
Smokin' From Shootin'
QuoteSmokin from Shootin
Smokin from Shootin
Evelyn is NOT real
Smokin from Shootin
Smokin from :oshootin
Smokin From Shootin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evelyn Is Not Real
Evelyn is Not Real
Smokin from Shootin
Smokin From Shootin
QuoteSmokin' From Shootin' vs. Evelyn is Not Real
Off the cuff, Smokin' from Shootin' (as it is my fav from EU)
Evelyn Is Not Real (but both songs are soooo awesome.)
Wow.. I'm turning schitzophrenic...
Smokin' From Shootin
Smokin from shootin
Evelyn is not Real
Smokin from Shootin
smokin from shootin
Smokin' from shootin'
QuoteSmokin' From Shootin' vs. Evelyn is Not Real
Smokin From Shootin
No voting now everybody. It closed 7:00 last night.
QuoteNo voting now everybody. It closed 7:00 last night.
Wheres the next matchup >:(
QuoteQuoteNo voting now everybody. It closed 7:00 last night.
Wheres the next matchup >:(
As I said in the original post, there are no matches on Tuesdays.
QuoteQuoteQuoteNo voting now everybody. It closed 7:00 last night.
Wheres the next matchup >:(
As I said in the original post, there are no matches on Tuesdays.
Oh ::)
Sorry everybody, weather-related delay:
Smokin' From Shootin' = 17
Evelyn is Not Real = 8
New match in a second.
Where to Begin vs. Masterplan
I vote for Masterplan.
Ummm...yeah. Just can't do it.
Wow...this might be the toughest one out of all teh JBA's for me...
........Where to Begin
where to begin
QuoteWhere to Begin vs. Masterplan
Pluggin in all of the numbers, watchin it on all of the charts:
Where to Begin
always startin' over, but some how i always know where to begin.
Where to Begin
Masterplan :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :( 8-) :) ;D
Where to Begin most certainly
hard one, but
Where to Begin
I realize I could have not posted this and had the same results, but this is like choosing your favorite child or something. I choose not to vote on this...I don't want to betray either of the songs. :-X
Where to Begin.
It was the song that got me hooked on the MMJ smack.
QuoteWhere to Begin.
It was the song that got me hooked on the MMJ smack.
If I ever did smack, I think this song would be even more awesome
We might have to get us a little experimentationin' going on...
[size=24]WHERE TO BEGIN!!![/size]
Where To Begin.
QuoteWhere To Begin.
Really great song, actually one of my favourite MMJ songs
QuoteI realize I could have not posted this and had the same results, but this is like choosing your favorite child or something. I choose not to vote on this...I don't want to betray either of the songs. :-X
I knew you were going to have issues with this one LD. I choose Where to Begin.
Too hard. Umm, Where to Begin.
Where To Begin
Closing this one a little early. If anybody didn't get a chance to vote, you still have five minutes.
Where to Begin = 13
Masterplan = 8
Off the Record vs. Honest Man
I vote for Off the Record.
off the record
Pity vote:
Honest Man
Off the record
Off the Record
Honest Man
off the record
QuoteOff the Record vs. Honest Man
Off the Record
Honest Man
How can I not vote for Off The Record after seeing Jim rock out so hard he falls offstage 10 feet in front of me?!
Off The Record
QuoteOff the Record vs. Honest Man
Off The Record, C'mon.
Honest Man
Honest Man
honest man
I will go OTR again only because the first time I heard that outro live, I finally got it.
I will go Off the Record because every time I hear that live outro, it gets me.
QuoteI will go Off the Record because every time I hear that live outro, it gets me.
I stand corrected and completely agree. Of course the last time I heard the OTR outro was the last thing I heard cept the start of Gideon on NYE :'(
Off The Record.
Honest Man
Honest Man
Off the Record :D
Off the (freakin') Record
Honest man
awe man- i don't friggin' know- I think I'll go with Off the Record. no disrespect to honest man- I love em both
Off the Record = 12
Honest Man = 10
One in the Same vs. Lowdown
I vote for One in the Same.
One In The Same
Ooh this is a tough one as well! I guess they all kind of are.
I'll go with One In The Same
one in the same
QuoteOne in the Same vs. Lowdown
Realizing all of these songs went down in Round 1 of the first JBA is really :o :o :o
Lowdown ;)
QuoteOne in the Same vs. Lowdown
One in the same
Lowdown = 13
One in the Same = 5
Look at You vs. The Dark
I vote for The Dark.
The Dark :o
THE DARK [smiley=cool.gif]
the Dark
The Dark
Look at You
The Dark
The Dark
The Dark.
Ze Dark. !
The Dark
Look at You
(as long as it's not about Obama)
QuoteLook at You vs. The Dark
The Dark
The Dark = 12
Look at You = 2
Very sorry everybody. The internet's been out in my building. It seems like I'm late a lot these days. I'll try to make it up to you this week.
Round 3. Four matches, four days.
Picture of You vs. Lay Low
I vote for Lay Low.
Picture of You
Lay Low is top 5 in Jacket songs!
How the F did this get knocked out in the first round?
Lay Low.
QuoteLay Low is top 5 in Jacket songs!
How the F did this get knocked out in the first round?
agree with the question and...
Lay Low
QuoteLay Low is top 5 in Jacket songs!
How the F did this get knocked out in the first round?
It lost to Golden.
Lay Low
Layyyy LLLow
Lay Low
sucks, cause Picture of You is one of my favorites
but the solo in Lay Low is just...
QuoteLay Low
sucks, cause Picture of You is one of my favorites
but the solo in Lay Low is just...
Couldn't agree with you more... Lowest point in my day voting against that song..
But.. Lay Low could even kick Chuck Norris' ass
Picture Of You
Lay Low
Law Low
Lay Low
Lay Low
The best way to describe Lay Low (specifically the solo), IMO, is that it's the closest anyone has ever come to recreating sex in musical form.
If I ever shoot a movie with a sex scene, you can bet the part in the solo where the guitars first sync up will be playing...
Picture of you...
QuoteRound 3. Four matches, four days.
Picture of You vs. Lay Low
picture of you
lay low
Lay Low
Not even close Lay Low!
Standings So Far
Picture of You = 25
Librarian = 7
Picture of You = 12
Knot Comes Loose = 11
Knot Comes Loose = 17
If It Smashes Down = 9
Into the Woods = 20
Remnants = 12
Nashville to Kentucky = 17
Into the Woods = 6
Nashville to Kentucky = 18
Thank You Too! = 8
Highly Suspicious = 14
Butch Cassidy = 6
Lay Low = 18
Highly Suspicious = 3
Lay Low = 17
I Needed It Most = 4
Smokin' From Shootin' = 16
What a Wonderful Man = 4
Smokin' From Shootin' = 17
Evelyn is Not Real = 8
Evelyn is Not Real = 12
Heartbreakin' Man = 9
Where to Begin = 16
Sec Walkin' = 2
Where to Begin = 13
Masterplan = 8
Masterplan = 15
By My Car = 10
Off the Record = 15
I'm Amazed = 3
Off the Record = 12
Honest Man = 10
Honest Man = 13
Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1 = 11
One in the Same = 12
Easy Morning Rebel = 10
Lowdown = 13
One in the Same = 5
Lowdown = 18
Run Thru = 9
Look at You = 11
Two Halves = 10
The Dark = 12
Look at You = 2
The Dark = 16
It's About Twilight Now = 11
i think where to begin is one of my all time favorite songs- I can't get enough of it
I can't get over that Knot Comes Loose lost to Pic
Lay Low!!
Lay Low!!!
Lay Low
Picture Of You
Wait, where are dondante, war begun, and OBH. Oh, these are the losers that got knocked out in the first round?!? hmm.... okay.
I actually thought I remembered War Begun getting knocked out in the 1st, but I guess it was the 2nd round.
QuoteI actually thought I remembered War Begun getting knocked out in the 1st, but I guess it was the 2nd round.
Yep, War Begun beat Masterplan to get into round 2, where it lost to Touch Me Pt. 2.
Lay Low = 19
Picture of You = 6
Nashville to Kentucky vs. Smokin' From Shootin'
I vote for Smokin' From Shootin'.
Nashville to Kentucky
Nashville to Kentucky. Holy shit.
Smokin' From Shootin'
Smokin' From Shootin'
Nashville to Kentucky
Nashville to Kentucky
QuoteNashville to Kentucky vs. Smokin' From Shootin'
Nashville To Kentucky
... difficult decision, but one more listen to
The Palms version with drums tipped the scale for me.
Nashville to Kentucky
Smokin' From Shootin'
*wrings hands*
Smokin from Shootin.
It's high up there for me.
Quote*wrings hands*
Smokin from Shootin.
It's high up there for me.
ditto for me! Smokin' from Shootin'
Tough, but Smokin'.
Smokin' from Shootin' me six-shooter
Smokin' From Shootin'
QuoteSmokin' From Shootin'
Smokin' From Shootin'
Palms convinced me - Nashville 2 Kentucky
Nashville 2 KY
Nashville To Kentucky
nashville to kentucky
Smokin' From Shootin'
Remember everybody, there's no new match tonight. To avoid some of the confusion we had last time, I'll close this match when I get back at 10:30 but you still cannot vote past 7:00.
It's a tie. If you haven't voted yet, please do so. The polls will close in a half hour, unless no one votes.
Smokin from Shootin
QuoteSmokin from Shootin
We have a winner. 14 to 13.
QuoteQuoteSmokin from Shootin
We have a winner. 14 to 13.
Except the Captain had already voted XMAS!
In that case N2K x2 >:(
You're right. The tie's open again. If you didnt vote before, do so now. You shouldn't trick me, capt. It's too easy.
QuoteYou're right. The tie's open again. If you didnt vote before, do so now. You shouldn't trick me, capt. It's too easy.
I think you should let people vote on on Smokin' From Shootin' vs. Nashiville to Kentucky until 7PM tomorrow. All it takes is timing for either to win, just like how I got my vote in first last night. This way its not just almost luck because someone gets here first.
I dont think were in a hurry or anything, right? Do the songs justice :)
QuoteQuoteYou're right. The tie's open again. If you didnt vote before, do so now. You shouldn't trick me, capt. It's too easy.
I think you should let people vote on on Smokin' From Shootin' vs. Nashiville to Kentucky until 7PM tomorrow. All it takes is timing for either to win, just like how I got my vote in first last night. This way its not just almost luck because someone gets here first.
I dont think were in a hurry or anything, right? Do the songs justice :)
Okay, that makes sense. We'll start a new match tonight, but we'll also leave this one open.
i vote- for nashville to kentucky... it was a last minute switch when I took another listen to N2K, smoking almost had it (i still love you smoking)
Thanks Pirate... Arrrrrrr!
QuoteThanks Pirate... Arrrrrrr!
Close, but I would have to vote for Smokin from Shootin
Nashville to Kentucky vs. Smokin' From Shootin' is still tied. It'll stay open until the next match. Please vote if you didn't.
Where to Begin vs. Lowdown.
I vote for Where to Begin.
lowdown :-?
Where to Begin
low... low ... low... low (dancing like tom cruise in tropic thunder)
Where to Begin
This is tough...
yeah, just can't do it.
QuoteThis is tough...
yeah, just can't do it.
Ditto, my nittos.
QuoteQuoteThis is tough...
yeah, just can't do it.
Ditto, my nittos.
I choose not to choose [white flag waves in background]
Well gee golly whiz :-/
I take Where to Begin
Where to Begin...
QuoteNashville to Kentucky vs. Smokin' From Shootin' is still tied. It'll stay open until the next match. Please vote if you didn't.
Where to Begin vs. Lowdown.
QuoteNashville to Kentucky vs. Smokin' From Shootin' is still tied. It'll stay open until the next match.
People who havent voted yet please vote!
smokin from shootin!!!
Where To Begin
Lowdown. I think.
Lowdown, but I feel bad for Where to begin now :(
Where to Begin
where to begin
and if we're still voting on the last matchup, smokin from shootin
Quoteand if we're still voting on the last matchup, smokin from shootin
We are.
where 2 begin n2k
Lowdown = 11
Where to Begin = 8
And Smokin' won the tie. New match soon.
Off the Record vs. The Dark
I vote for Off the Record.
Off the Record.
Off the Record
Off the Record
Can't be hypocritical...
The Dark!
QuoteLowdown = 11
Where to Begin = 8
>:( >:( Sunz a bitches!!
And Smokin' won the tie. New match soon.
Off da Reezy
QuoteOff the Record vs. The Dark
The Dark
QuoteOff the Record vs. The Dark
Off The Record
Off The Record
[highlight]Off the Record[/highlight] vs. The Dark
The Dark
QuoteQuoteLowdown = 11
Where to Begin = 8
>:( >:( Sunz a bitches!!
And Smokin' won the tie. New match soon.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Off the Record
Off The Record
N2K and Off The Recorder
Off the Record
Off The Record.
Off the Freakin' Record
QuoteN2K and Off The Recorder
You already voted for n2k
Off the record
Off the Record
da dark
QuoteQuoteN2K and Off The Recorder
You already voted for n2k
Off the record
You like men :o
Off the Record: 17
The Dark: 4
The first half of the final four:
Lay Low vs. Lowdown
I vote for Lowdown.
QuoteThe first half of the final four:
Lay Low vs. Lowdown
Lay Low
Where to Begin
Lay Low
too tough for me to decide.
Where to Begin
Lay Lo
Lay Low
I can't believe the Dark got crushed by OTR. :(
Lay Low
lay low
[size=8]by leaps and bounds[/size]
Low Down
Lay Low
Lay Low!!
Lay Down ;)
Lay Low = 11
Lowdown = 8
Sorry I'm late. I'd explain, but it's complicated and I'd rather get on to the next match.
Smokin' From Shootin' vs. Off the Record
I vote for Smokin' From Shootin'
QuoteSmokin' From Shootin' vs. Off the Record
Off The Record
off the record
QuoteSmokin' From Shootin' vs. Off the Record
Smokin' From Shootin'
Off the Record
The Off the Record outro jam is too wicked and KO's Smokin' in the 9th round
Off tha Record
Off the Record
QuoteThe Off the Record outro jam is too wicked and KO's Smokin' in the 9th round
Off tha Record
Outro trumps...
Off the Record
Where to Begin
Off The Record
Off the Record
Off The Record.
Off The Record
Off the Record
Close. But, Off the Record
Off the Record
Smokin from shootin
Smokin from Shootin
Off The Record
Off The Record
Off the Record = 17
Smokin' From Shootin' = 5
smoking for shootin
not that uit mnatters
The Final Match of Part 3:
Lay Low vs. Off the Record
I vote for Off the Record.
Lay Low
Lay Low
lay low
lay low
QuoteThe Final Match of Part 3:
Lay Low vs. Off the Record
Off The Record
Lay Low
Lay Low
Lay Low
Wow, I cant vote...both on the same album, have killer jams...I cant pick
If it comes down do the wire, maybe I will
Lay Low
Off The Record
if we're going by recorded album version from Z, I'll go with Lay Low, because it does actually match the intensity of a live performance of the song, but if we were judging against the best live versions we've heard of each of these, I wouldn't be able to vote.
Off the Freakin' Record
Lay Low
This is poo poo :-/
What's up with the Z party?
Oh well I guess I'll take.......
Lay Low!
Lay Low
What's up with the Z party?
Are you hating on the greatest album of all time? ;)
Off The Record
Lay Low
The winner of JBA Pt. 3 is:
[size=24]Lay Low[/size]
Lay Low = 16
Off the Record = 5
Part 4 (the b-side losers) begins on Wednesday.
A deserving winner (though I voted for OTR). Kicks ass live every single time.
The b-sides losers will be tough to decide though...
I want a recount, swan!! >:(
More delays I'm afraid. Considering that I will be on vacation next week and in Chicago possibly without internet access the next week, I have have to delay JBA Pt. 4 until April 8th. I apologize.
Ah! No! I was looking forward to it! Is that embarrassing? ::)
QuoteAh! No! I was looking forward to it! Is that embarrassing? ::)
No, I appreciate that. :) I really wish I could do it sooner, but unfortunately it can't be done. I miss it too. :'(
It's all good! I think I can maybe wait a little longer.
What's the status? Is this still continuing on the 8th? :)
Sorry everybody, I've got a really big workload right now, so I had to wait a couple days. I'm going to try to start this up tomorrow. Game time will be 6:00 PM.
As you probably noticed, this didn't work, let's try tomorrow at 6:00.
Sorry, everybody. This is taking longer than I thought it would. Tomorrow between 6:00 and 6:30, I promise. :)