Welcome to Jacket Bracket Attack Pt. 4, the b-sides losers tournament. This JBA will be brief, less than two weeks. It will be followed by the final, four song championship battle. Matches will occur generally at 6:00 PM though on some days, they may have to be switched to another time for various reasons. The closer I get to the end of the semester, the more erratic my schedule will get. Unlike the last JBA, there will be matches on Tuesdays. These matches will open at 5:30, thereby leaving the previous matches still open for only a half hour. Results for these matches will be reported at 10:30 PM, four and a half hours after they close, unless somebody else wants to count them up and post the results before I am able to. This is the first round, in which there will be two matches a day for four days. Since these songs are less well known, I am expecting less people to participate. That being said, I hope those who do play along have a good time :D.
Xmas Time is Here vs. Good Nights and Happy Trails!!!
Sweetheart vs. Wonderful (The Way I Feel)
If you still haven't heard Wonderful, it can be found here: http://anyones-guess.blogspot.com/2008/08/jim-james-live-at-newport-folk-festival.html
I vote for Good Nights and Wonderful.
Good Nights and Happy Trails!!!
Xmas Time is Here and Sweetheart
dammit this is tough...
Xmas and Sweetheart i think will suffice
Xmas Time is Here
Xmas and sweetheart
I havent heard any of these songs :-/
QuoteI havent heard any of these songs :-/
Neither did I except for "Wonderful", and this makes me kinda sad.
QuoteI havent heard any of these songs :-/
You don't have Chocolate and Ice? :'( :'( :'( Get it tomorrow.
Xmas Time is Here = 4
Good Night and Happy Trails!!! = 2
Sweetheart = 5
Wonderful (The Way I Feel) = 1
New matches soon.
Time Never Gets vs. I Can't Wait
Nothing 2 Me vs. R.I.P.V.G.
If you haven't heard I Can't Wait, it's available here. You have to click on the link that says "zip up the night" to get the whole show, because the individual songs don't work anymore.
I vote for I Can't Wait and R.I.P.V.G.
I Can't Wait and Nothing to Me
1 Vote in 24 Hours = A Waste of Time. This is certainly not something I'm going to spend two weeks doing.
Sooner was probably going to win this, so here's what we'll do. If you'd vote for any of these songs over Sooner, please post. We'll proceed accordingly:
Xmas Time is Here
When Will They Come??
How Do You Know
Time Never Gets
I Can't Wait
What Will I Do?
Like It Should
Nothing 2 Me
Somebody Cares About the Maestro
In you want to hear Breathin', see Tom's post in the JBA Pt. 4 Question thread. Like It Should is available at the link I put into the post I made at 5:03 last night. If nobody participates in the next 24 hours, I'm going to assume that Sooner is the winner. So if you're really into How Do You Know (or some other song), make your opinion heard. You don't have to have heard every song to participate here. Just pick any and all songs you'd vote for over Sooner.
How Do You Know
No PB Puddin Surprise?
I think I might have to go with How Do You Know as well. And where is can you see the hard helmet on my head? Was that in a previous jacket bracket?
hmm, i wish i have heard some of those songs- I think i only know sooner and xmas and I love both- I'm sorry I cant be more of a help Xmas, these brackets are always a lot of fun, sorry that no one has replied
I think that it's just that not a lot of people know most these songs... we love these brackets, but right now there aren't enough people who know about the band's extensive back catalog to make this kind of thing happen.
Don't give up on the brackets though. 1st and 3rd rounds were insanely fun. Keep it up!
To answer everybody
1. There's no Devil's Peanut Butter because I was going to switch it with Breathin' if we couldn't get a copy, but now there is one. Since that song, El Caporal and Dear Wife were released after this whole thing began, they're not included here. Possibly next time.
2. Hard Helmet lost in Pt. 2.
3. As for keeping it up, we'll have a thread devoted to that by the end of the week, or Monday at the latest.
Also, it looks like How Do You Know is the other really popular song here, so we'll have a match between that and Sooner at 6:00. After that, we'll move on to the final battle.
This one's for the win:
Sooner vs. How Do You Know
I vote for Sooner.
[size=8](Boomer!) [/size] Sooner.
just kidding. ::)
How Do You Know
QuoteI havent heard any of these songs :-/
Why are you here? and have so many posts? Stop posting and go listen to Chocolate and Ice!
Sooner (that's really though.)
I missed this thread until just now somehow.
QuoteQuoteI havent heard any of these songs :-/
Why are you here? and have so many posts? Stop posting and go listen to Chocolate and Ice!
So its a rule I have to have heard every single song recorded by MMJ for me to be here and have a certain amount of posts? :-?
Yeah, I know. Ive heard the whole Cobra but just havent gotten around to getting all the EP's yet. I keep waiting for someone to put 1 up on ebay for the cheap but hasnt happened for about the 6 months Ive been looking.
And my vote is: Sooner.
I'll go with How Do You Know
How do you know
QuoteQuoteQuoteI havent heard any of these songs :-/
Why are you here? and have so many posts? Stop posting and go listen to Chocolate and Ice!
So its a rule I have to have heard every single song recorded by MMJ for me to be here and have a certain amount of posts? :-?
Yeah, I know. Ive heard the whole Cobra but just havent gotten around to getting all the EP's yet. I keep waiting for someone to put 1 up on ebay for the cheap but hasnt happened for about the 6 months Ive been looking.
And my vote is: Sooner.
No, it's a rule, I'm just curious as to why you spend so much time here if you aren't even familiar with the band's major releases. I understand newbies around here who aren't super familiar with their work, but I don't understand spending as much time here as you do and not becoming familiar with the albums and EPs at the very least.
I vote for How Do You Know. Where did this post come from? Did it magically appear last night?
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteI havent heard any of these songs :-/
Why are you here? and have so many posts? Stop posting and go listen to Chocolate and Ice!
So its a rule I have to have heard every single song recorded by MMJ for me to be here and have a certain amount of posts? :-?
Yeah, I know. Ive heard the whole Cobra but just havent gotten around to getting all the EP's yet. I keep waiting for someone to put 1 up on ebay for the cheap but hasnt happened for about the 6 months Ive been looking.
And my vote is: Sooner.
No, it's a rule, I'm just curious as to why you spend so much time here if you aren't even familiar with the band's major releases. I understand newbies around here who aren't super familiar with their work, but I don't understand spending as much time here as you do and not becoming familiar with the albums and EPs at the very least.
I would hardly call any of their EP's major releases. Hell, you cant even get a physical copy of their last one @ the Palms.
I have all their major releases (the 5 albums, okonokos CD and DVD), the candles & panties EP, and a few random B-Sides. And actually I got C&I on eBay yesterday since I found one under $8.
MMJ is 1 of my favorite bands, but the main reason im around here on the daily is because its an active discussion board, both in the MMJ section and Off-Topic forums, thats has a lot of fun and interesting conversations, and there's a lot of cool people here.
And I dont understand the "at the very least" part at the end there. If I listened to all their albums and EP's, that would be their entire damn catalog. I know I'll get around to getting all the EP's eventually, and I think I actually prefer it that way because say after the next MMJ album comes out, there's more old material I can still get to hear for the first time to balance everything out.
Sorry if me not hearing every song they've written makes me less of a fan to you, but I've been a fan for 5-6 years and increasingly moreso over the last 1-2, and I hardly feel it makes me less of a fan.
Don't sweat it, headdy. I don't think aMD is being a dickhead about it...I think he is just suggesting that people spend more time listening to the unparralleled goodnes of everyting jacket (that you can get your hands on) and less time on here...and not spend so much time on here until then. It truly is magical.
I also don't think the message is directed at you only, either...I just think you gave an opening. No big deal.
*[size=9]this diplomatic attempt at finding peace is done so in the standard 'correct me if I'm wrong' format. I definitely don't want to step on anybody's toes here.[/size]
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteI havent heard any of these songs :-/
Why are you here? and have so many posts? Stop posting and go listen to Chocolate and Ice!
So its a rule I have to have heard every single song recorded by MMJ for me to be here and have a certain amount of posts? :-?
Yeah, I know. Ive heard the whole Cobra but just havent gotten around to getting all the EP's yet. I keep waiting for someone to put 1 up on ebay for the cheap but hasnt happened for about the 6 months Ive been looking.
And my vote is: Sooner.
No, it's a rule, I'm just curious as to why you spend so much time here if you aren't even familiar with the band's major releases. I understand newbies around here who aren't super familiar with their work, but I don't understand spending as much time here as you do and not becoming familiar with the albums and EPs at the very least.
I would hardly call any of their EP's major releases. Hell, you cant even get a physical copy of their last one @ the Palms.
I have all their major releases (the 5 albums, okonokos CD and DVD), the candles & panties EP, and a few random B-Sides. And actually I got C&I on eBay yesterday since I found one under $8.
MMJ is 1 of my favorite bands, but the main reason im around here on the daily is because its an active discussion board, both in the MMJ section and Off-Topic forums, thats has a lot of fun and interesting conversations, and there's a lot of cool people here.
And I dont understand the "at the very least" part at the end there. If I listened to all their albums and EP's, that would be their entire damn catalog. I know I'll get around to getting all the EP's eventually, and I think I actually prefer it that way because say after the next MMJ album comes out, there's more old material I can still get to hear for the first time to balance everything out.
Sorry if me not hearing every song they've written makes me less of a fan to you, but I've been a fan for 5-6 years and increasingly moreso over the last 1-2, and I hardly feel it makes me less of a fan.
Sorry to question your "fanhood" but you brought it on yourself. Chocolate and Ice and the Spilt Ep are in a different category since they contain material never released anywhere else before. I consider that a major release. I'll agree that chocolate and Panties isn't essential but Chocolate and Ice is.
And this band has SOOOO much more material than is contained on their EPs and LPs. They have comp tracks, singles, tons of live material, and some unreleased gems floating around. I'm not imploring you to become a completist like some of us fools but if you think you get the picture just by listening to the studio albums, think again.
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteI havent heard any of these songs :-/
Why are you here? and have so many posts? Stop posting and go listen to Chocolate and Ice!
So its a rule I have to have heard every single song recorded by MMJ for me to be here and have a certain amount of posts? :-?
Yeah, I know. Ive heard the whole Cobra but just havent gotten around to getting all the EP's yet. I keep waiting for someone to put 1 up on ebay for the cheap but hasnt happened for about the 6 months Ive been looking.
And my vote is: Sooner.
No, it's a rule, I'm just curious as to why you spend so much time here if you aren't even familiar with the band's major releases. I understand newbies around here who aren't super familiar with their work, but I don't understand spending as much time here as you do and not becoming familiar with the albums and EPs at the very least.
I would hardly call any of their EP's major releases. Hell, you cant even get a physical copy of their last one @ the Palms.
I have all their major releases (the 5 albums, okonokos CD and DVD), the candles & panties EP, and a few random B-Sides. And actually I got C&I on eBay yesterday since I found one under $8.
MMJ is 1 of my favorite bands, but the main reason im around here on the daily is because its an active discussion board, both in the MMJ section and Off-Topic forums, thats has a lot of fun and interesting conversations, and there's a lot of cool people here.
And I dont understand the "at the very least" part at the end there. If I listened to all their albums and EP's, that would be their entire damn catalog. I know I'll get around to getting all the EP's eventually, and I think I actually prefer it that way because say after the next MMJ album comes out, there's more old material I can still get to hear for the first time to balance everything out.
Sorry if me not hearing every song they've written makes me less of a fan to you, but I've been a fan for 5-6 years and increasingly moreso over the last 1-2, and I hardly feel it makes me less of a fan.
How dare you post on this board and not know every note to every song Jim James has ever written. For Shame.
Turn in your fan card right now, you don't even deserve to breathe the same air as us REAL Jacket fans!
I hope you die.
The end begins. :) ;) :D