I wanna rip that version of Steam Engine off of youtube that RollingStone recorded. Can anyone tell me how to do this
Do you want the video or the audio. Audio's easy, just go here: http://www.video2mp3.net/ and paste the URL of the video in and you got it. Video's a little more involved and depends on what browser you have and if you're running mac or pc.
QuoteI wanna rip that version of Steam Engine off of youtube that RollingStone recorded. Can anyone tell me how to do this
.wma file
Kory helped me figure out how to use firefox with a video rip add on and it works great. I did NOT know how to get mp3s however and I've been wanting to do that for awhile. Thanks D!
im looking for the audio, not the video. thanks guys
QuoteQuoteI wanna rip that version of Steam Engine off of youtube that RollingStone recorded. Can anyone tell me how to do this
.wma file
is wma windows media? I have a mac...
QuoteDo you want the video or the audio. Audio's easy, just go here: http://www.video2mp3.net/ and paste the URL of the video in and you got it.
that is AWESOME. will be using this site more often. thanks!
QuoteKory helped me figure out how to use firefox with a video rip add on and it works great. I did NOT know how to get mp3s however and I've been wanting to do that for awhile. Thanks D!
Damn, still won't work. I've been trying to get the audio ripped from a Bon Iver and Black Mountain show that's been on pitchfork tv forever. Any other ideas for something that will capture a "stream" or a video like those?
tell me, do you guys use firefox? there are a few plugins that allow you to do this, such as download helper
if you use safari, there is a real easy way to download media. all you have to do is go to "Window > Activity" and see what file is a couple megs big, usually that is your media (even if its name is encrypted).
If you're on a mac and you don't use flip4mac yet, you should because it allows you to use a lot of windows media files. if you don't have the application "Switch" yet you should because it's great at switching file formats, especially if you download a .flac from archive
Yeah, .wma is a Windows media file. Ask Steve Jobs to convert it for you. (EDIT: sorry, that sounded snarky)
BH, I've recorded streaming audio, like the NPR broadcast of Yim Yames Newport 2008, using a variety of free software products. CNET suggests one: http://download.cnet.com/2300-2170_4-10001832.html?tag=mncol;txt
For Mac users, try this: http://www.recordstreamingaudio.net/how-to-record-streaming-radio.html
QuoteYeah, .wma is a Windows media file. Ask Steve Jobs to convert it for you. (EDIT: sorry, that sounded snarky)
BH, I've recorded streaming audio, like the NPR broadcast of Yim Yames Newport 2008, using a variety of free software products. CNET suggests one: http://download.cnet.com/2300-2170_4-10001832.html?tag=mncol;txt
For Mac users, try this: http://www.recordstreamingaudio.net/how-to-record-streaming-radio.html
Sweet, thanks JY!
QuoteQuoteI wanna rip that version of Steam Engine off of youtube that RollingStone recorded. Can anyone tell me how to do this
.wma file
johnyack, just picked this up, thanks again, and again, and again.....
when it was downloading, the file name was:
08 Steam Engine (acoustic) Rolling Stone
does that mean its track 8 of a whole set? if so, I'm sure you have it :)
QuoteQuoteQuoteI wanna rip that version of Steam Engine off of youtube that RollingStone recorded. Can anyone tell me how to do this
.wma file
johnyack, just picked this up, thanks again, and again, and again.....
when it was downloading, the file name was:
08 Steam Engine (acoustic) Rolling Stone
does that mean its track 8 of a whole set? if so, I'm sure you have it :)
Very perceptive, grasshopper.
Actually, I sent someone some MMJ music or video over a year ago and he sent me a mix CD as a "thank you". Track 8 of his mix is Steam Engine from the Rolling Stone sessions. Track 6 and 7 are Golden and Masterplan from the same RS session. I posted the mix so that I might get some help identifying the source of some of the tunes.
Here's the mystery mix: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CP206DO0
Here's the post: http://www.mymorningjacket.com/cgi-bin/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1263139176/0#0).
Its a great mix of MMJ, different from the "what would you put on a MMJ mix CD" posts of late.
BH won the honor of having one of my Omnichord recordings dedicated to him, for helping me source most of the tracks. The link for "Bermuda Hitchhiker" is http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7W4E33LT or check it out on the work-in-progress "johnnYYac's Omnichord Ramblings: http://johnnYYac.com
"Bermuda Hitchhiker" is actually used in the flash intro to my website.
this reminded me to go watch that RS youtube again.
I think this video is one of the purest views into JJ's genius. It gives me goosebumps every time.
just to be sure, how many RS mmj videos are there. I was under the impression that there was only two... and now i see that was wrong becasue apparently there is also golden
QuoteQuoteI wanna rip that version of Steam Engine off of youtube that RollingStone recorded. Can anyone tell me how to do this
.wma file
Sweet...thanks Johnny and Dylan! I'm at turtle speed down here at the family farm...anybody care to do the same with the Masterplan from the RS sessions for a honky? Pretty please..... :-/
Here's Master Plan LD
QuoteHere's Master Plan LD
Much love, Ruckus!!! Thanks so much.
BTW-My main occupation this summer on the farm is to tear down, move and erect grain bins (aka silos). I'm singing Jacket shit all day! It's Reverb City, USA!!!