My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Music => Topic started by: capt. scotty on Jun 10, 2009, 09:05 PM

Title: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Jun 10, 2009, 09:05 PM
So it's been 365 days since Evil Urges dropped (damn, fast year), and I wanted to see what people think about the album a year later - has it grown on you, faded, like any songs more now than at first, etc. How do you rank it compared to their other albums?

For me, I liked it a lot at first but didnt think it was as good as their last 3 releases. I listened to it a lot those first few months, but since its "new MMJ" luster wore off, I rarely throw it on and listen to all their other albums more often. I dont dislike any songs on it, but I'd say a few songs on it are some of their weakest to date. To go along with that, I think only a couple songs are up there with some of the best in their catalog. As an album, I dont think it's quite up to par with the high precedent they've set and I'd probably give it 3.5/5

For individual songs, I didnt like Two Halves at all at first, but thats grown on me. Touch Me Once has grown on me as well, same with Remnants. Librarian is probably the only song that gone the opposite direction for me. I liked it a good bit at first, but now not so much. I still enjoy Highly Suspicious and love rockin aht to that one.

Best 3 tracks: Smokin From Shootin, Touch Me Twice, and no 3rd really standouts to me from the rest. Maybe Thank You Too?

Worst 3 Tracks: Aluminum Park, Librarian, Two Halves
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Erik26 on Jun 10, 2009, 10:46 PM
For me EU stands out because of the mastering, all instruments seem to cut through when they need to and just sound so clean and crisp. As for the songs themselves I like them all, except for Remnants. I just can't seem to get into that song, although i still let it play when it comes on.
EU also means a lot to me because this was the first tour i had a chance to see MMJ on. (3 times) I can't wait for something new and another tour.
I won't rate the album against the others because they are all very different, unique and from me earn equal respect.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Love Dogg on Jun 10, 2009, 10:52 PM
QuoteFor me EU stands out because of the mastering, all instruments seem to cut through when they need to and just sound so clean and crisp. [highlight]As for the songs themselves I like them all, except for Remnants. I just can't seem to get into that song, although i still let it play when it comes on.[/highlight]
EU also means a lot to me because this was the first tour i had a chance to see MMJ on. (3 times) I can't wait for something new and another tour.
[highlight]I won't rate the album against the others because they are all very different, unique and from me earn equal respect.[/highlight]

Two good points, Erik.  After all...they are My Morning Jacket.  :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: searchinbig on Jun 11, 2009, 07:23 AM
I still like it.  I'm not going to comment on all the individual songs except Highly Suspicious is our Little League psych up song.

The little guy and I crank it up on the way to the games. Gets us going.  :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Don Dante on Jun 11, 2009, 08:38 AM
Great point on the mastering, Erik.  I think the album does sound incredible, from an instrumental and fidelity standpoint.  Not their best album, for me it ranks right in the middle at 3 though, which seems to be higher than most.  I just love the chances they took, dabbling in many genres.  That was a huge indicator of their boldness and that, unlike other bands, when they say they like pushing the limits, they really mean it.  And to take a big chance right at their breaking point, when they were starting to get huge, no less.

Agree that Librarian has lost its luster.  Two Halves and Sec Walkin' are just okay.  The rest I like or love.  Especially Smokin'...I really think that is one of the 5 best songs that Jim has written.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Ellis D. on Jun 11, 2009, 10:47 AM
We still LOVE it!  :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Vadie Stark on Jun 11, 2009, 11:18 AM
QuoteI still like it.  I'm not going to comment on all the individual songs except [highlight]Highly Suspicious is our Little League psych up song.

The little guy and I crank it up on the way to the games. Gets us going.  :)
:) :) :)

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: goodjam2bn on Jun 11, 2009, 01:46 PM
We listen to the alive Celebración De La Ciudad Natal instead. We enjoy Okonokos much more these days.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Bigsky on Jun 11, 2009, 02:37 PM
I still love it...all of it. With that said...I've only been a MMJ fan for 18 months, so my opinion is different than you older fans. Remnants is definitely better live. I agree with the others on its instrumental qualities. I am always amazed by its crisp, clean sound. I also think EU marks a new era for the band as a mainstream (not sold-out) favorite. They're not the little band they once were. I am very curious what the next album will sound like...I don't think there is any turning back.  
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Vadie Stark on Jun 11, 2009, 03:37 PM
QuoteI still [highlight]love it[/highlight]...all of it. With that said...I've only been a MMJ fan for 18 months, so my opinion is different than you older fans. Remnants is definitely better live. I agree with the others on its instrumental qualities. I am always amazed by its crisp, clean sound. I also think EU marks a [highlight]new era for the band[/highlight] as a mainstream (not sold-out) favorite. They're not the little band they once were. I am very curious what the next album will sound like...[highlight]I don't think there is any turning back.[/highlight]  
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: AMightyCaporal on Jun 11, 2009, 05:26 PM
I love EU, I have always loved it but it has grown on me with each listen.  I completely agree about the mastering- their sound is really tight on each song.  The album is so deep too- I mean to say that with each listen you pick up something new that you have or haven't heard before or just never realized you've heard it.  Its a fantastic album and really raised the band to a new level.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Jun 11, 2009, 08:09 PM
QuoteI still [highlight]love it[/highlight]...all of it. With that said...I've only been a MMJ fan for 18 months, so my opinion is different than you older fans. Remnants is definitely better live. I agree with the others on its instrumental qualities. I am always amazed by its crisp, clean sound. I also think EU marks a [highlight]new era for the band[/highlight] as a mainstream (not sold-out) favorite. They're not the little band they once were. I am very curious what the next album will sound like...[highlight]I don't think there is any turning back.[/highlight]  

So why dont you tell us all what you think of the album if youre going to quote other people  :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Vadie Stark on Jun 12, 2009, 02:04 AM
QuoteI still [highlight]love it[/highlight]...all of it. With that said...I've only been a MMJ fan for 18 months, so my opinion is different than you older fans. Remnants is definitely better live. I agree with the others on its instrumental qualities. I am always amazed by its crisp, clean sound. I also think EU marks a [highlight]new era for the band[/highlight] as a mainstream (not sold-out) favorite. They're not the little band they once were. I am very curious what the next album will sound like...[highlight]I don't think there is any turning back.[/highlight]  

So why dont you tell us all what you think of the album if youre going to quote other people  :)
Sorry I think like other people ;) I Love the record The only songs imo that are weak are Thank You Too and Look At You. It' not they are bad songs but I would rather check out the venue or recycle beer when those songs play I just agreed with Big [smiley=evil.gif] that;s all  :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Ellis D. on Jun 12, 2009, 06:12 AM
It's just because you have so little depth to your character that you don't "get it"...
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Vadie Stark on Jun 12, 2009, 09:50 AM
QuoteIt's just because you have so little depth to your character that you don't "get it"...

Good Call
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: crazylove on Jun 12, 2009, 07:32 PM
Still love Evil Urges!  I don't think you should compare the discs.  Each and every one shows the depth of Jim's talent and range.  And it's not always about the instrumental qualities, at least for me.  The Lyrics are pretty special on Look At you and Librarian shows off his poetic side.  It doesn't have to always be "rockin' out" to be great.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Janet on Jun 12, 2009, 09:55 PM
I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Evil Urges is an effen great album! (I'm old school, hence "album")  I don't love every song - some I like ok (Librarian, Look at You), but some can go toe to toe with the best songs in the MMJ catalog (Highly Suspicious and Touch Me Pt 2).  

I cannot listen to Touch Me Part 2 without shaking the hiney just a little bit - even if it comes on when driving, even a year later...and Highly Suspicious?  Don't even get me started.  Highly badass!  If you don't like this song - please don't reply to this post.

And what about Evil Urges, Smokin' from Shootin', I'm Amazed, Sec Walkin'?  Shit, coming from another band, any one of those might be the best song of their careers.

I could go on, but I won't.  This is a great album.  I think it should stand proudly with all of MMJ's other releases.  I love it!
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts An evolution
Post by: drewsdad27us on Jun 16, 2009, 08:21 PM
I found the band with It Still Moves, and it will always be my favorite. When Z came out, I felt betrayed...they turned so "keyboardy". I could not listen to much of it at first....
    Then I went back into the catalog, found At Dawn and Tennessee Fire. WOW. Talk about Major EVOLUTION from those albums to Z. I finally figured this band shakes things up sometimes. Z really grew on me and the idea of what they could do with a skilled key's guy really intrigued me.
Okonokos?  It pushed me into the EP scene and downloads of concerts that people post.   Evil urges seems to move forward while maintaining the bands purity of songwriting style and opening up the sound style.    There are always a song or two I just don't fall for on each release, but nothing is perfect.  I even taught myself to play the guitar so I could sing the songs to my kids...Its been great and I cannot wait until they are old enough to see themin real life.   I have seen them 7 times traveled thousands of miles to see them and would pay to hear'em poop in concert(although no quite front row for that)  :D                                          
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: tdb810 on Jun 16, 2009, 09:00 PM
I struggle with this , because I really, really want to LOVE everything they do.  I am also not much of a "critic" so have been in a bit of denial about admitting my true thoughts about Evil Urges.  This is cathartic for me, and a bit of a confession, but I must agree with Capt Headdy and give it a 3.5/5.  I definitely listen to their older stuff WAY more, and have much more of an emotional/crazy/visceral response to their earlier songs.  

Just my 2 cents, but I will loVe them no matter what!!!!!!!

And like drewsdad27us, I CANNOT wait to bring my daughter to her first MMJ show! Her faves are PWW, OTR, and OBH.  Her first esposure was the New yrs 2006 show -- Careless Whisper drove her (and me) crazy with the whole Bababanananananas....She was 4 and would absolutely HOWL with delight at that point in the recording.  

Ok, rambling off topic now.....
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Jun 16, 2009, 11:07 PM
QuoteI struggle with this , because I really, really want to LOVE everything they do.  I am also not much of a "critic" so have been in a bit of denial about admitting my true thoughts about Evil Urges.  This is cathartic for me, and a bit of a confession, but I must agree with Capt Headdy and give it a 3.5/5.  I definitely listen to their older stuff WAY more, and have much more of an emotional/crazy/visceral response to their earlier songs.  

Thats pretty much exactly how I feel about it and their earlier songs. Z took awhile to grow on me, but by a year later it had me fully hooked. Like I said, its not that its bad and it has its moments of greatness, but most of the album just doesnt take my mind off of the world and into the Jacket like all their other albums and basically every song on those albums does. The rocking songs dont make me rock out as much as songs off previous albums, and the softer songs dont take me to another place like Golden, Rollin' Back, Into The Woods, Bermuda Highway, etc.

I realize this is the MMJ board and we all love 'em, but Im surprised nearly everybody who has left a response so far feels its as good as all their other albums and better than some. Of course songs hit people differently and I knew some people would really love it, but I didnt expect it to be this overwhelming. Like tbd, I tried to tell myself I like it as much as their other albums, but I just dont.

Maybe by the time the next album comes out, some of my thoughts on EU will change as I can put it and some songs into a different perspective, but I dont know.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Angry Ewok on Jun 17, 2009, 10:34 AM
Evil Urges is a good album but it doesn't feel like a single, long track the way Z did. It's more like a compilation of decent/good/great songs. I honestly couldn't tell the difference between the original tracklist and a shuffle. Not saying there's anything wrong with that... it just makes it harder for me to judge the work as a whole. It isn't one of their best, but nobody would take injury to that.

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: pawpaw on Jun 17, 2009, 11:24 AM
I haven't listened to it in quite a while (the two newest eps have been giving me my fix), though I just started it up in response to this thread. There's a lot to like about EU, and I appreciate the ideas and sounds, but it's my least favorite album of theirs. The big, booming songs do sound great when played live though.

I'm very curious to hear what the next step will be...
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: BH on Jun 17, 2009, 11:40 AM
I know I've said this before, but I recommend on the next blazing hot day, there will be many soon - except in California where it is always 75 and sunny  ;) - put in EU around twilight when the sun is starting to fall low in the sky, and preferably while you are driving around with no real place to go, roll the windows down (AC is for wussies) and turn it up to 11.  Bring a friend.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Penny Lane on Jun 17, 2009, 11:41 AM
it's my least favorite MMJ album but contains 2 of my favorite songs (Touch me Pt 2 and Thank you--which btw only gets better w/time and will prove to be one of their most sophisticated 70s sounding soul songs :-))
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: mymonkeyfriend on Jun 17, 2009, 02:24 PM
i started listening to mmj when at dawn came out (not bragging), so i have enjoyed this constant evolution of the band. Each album seems to have elements of previous albums, just taken in different directions. When i heard the new EU songs in Houston last year, i couldnt get enough of it. EU does house the only MMJ song i dont like- two halves. this seems like a forced attempt at a pop song, and for the first time it sounds like MMJ forced a song out. I also think a few of the EU songs sound so much better live- i'm amazed, sec walkin and TMIGTS 2. they sound tame on the EP. at any rate, i want some new music and it looks like i am going to have to wait.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Jaimoe on Jun 17, 2009, 02:48 PM
It sitting in year old dust. I've never gotten into it and I don't know if I ever will.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: BH on Jun 17, 2009, 03:30 PM
QuoteIt sitting in year old dust. I've never gotten into it and I don't know if I ever will.

That means you only listened to it for 7 days.  Not fair.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Sparkle on Jun 17, 2009, 03:47 PM
I love EU, probably not as much as the others but I feel it is still an important part of their catalogue, it shows the band's versatility.

Smokin' and Touch Me 2 really stand out for me and there's nothing like listening to the title track to get you kick started in the morning - LOVE IT!
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Jaimoe on Jun 17, 2009, 03:51 PM
QuoteIt sitting in year old dust. I've never gotten into it and I don't know if I ever will.

That means you only listened to it for 7 days.  Not fair.

I saw MMJ twice on their last tour and liked the EU songs better in concert, but the new material never really delivered the same level of  emotional intensity as their previous work.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: BH on Jun 17, 2009, 03:55 PM
QuoteIt sitting in year old dust. I've never gotten into it and I don't know if I ever will.

That means you only listened to it for 7 days.  Not fair.

I saw MMJ twice on their last tour and liked the EU songs better in concert, but the new material never really delivered the same level of  emotional intensity as their previous work.

I would certainly agree that it is not as emotional as their other material.  That's a solid point.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Jbones72 on Jun 17, 2009, 04:03 PM
Loved it when I first heard it and love it now! 8-)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Jaimoe on Jun 17, 2009, 04:54 PM
QuoteIt sitting in year old dust. I've never gotten into it and I don't know if I ever will.

That means you only listened to it for 7 days.  Not fair.

I saw MMJ twice on their last tour and liked the EU songs better in concert, but the new material never really delivered the same level of  emotional intensity as their previous work.

I would certainly agree that it is not as emotional as their other material.  That's a solid point.

At the same time, I really admire that MMJ continue to experient and evolve. I just don't love this particular result. I clearly remember the focus and intensity of the audience lessen considerably when they played EU songs; although some of this had to do with poor song placement (e.g., five EU mid-tempo songs in a row). That being said, I'm more than excited about their future albums.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: september blues on Jun 17, 2009, 06:52 PM
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Jun 18, 2009, 12:27 AM
QuoteI know I've said this before, but I recommend on the next blazing hot day, there will be many soon - except in California where it is always 75 and sunny  ;) - put in EU around twilight when the sun is starting to fall low in the sky, and preferably while you are driving around with no real place to go, roll the windows down (AC is for wussies) and turn it up to 11.  Bring a friend.

Funny you bring this up because around a year ago when I was driving back to Iowa, I thought of this and did it with ISM and it was unbelievable. Started it maybe around 8:50-55 PM or so and it was completely dark by the time OBH was finishing up, so I had the 2nd, more contemplative, half of the album in the gathering darkness.

For me, no way EU could beat ISM for this "experience", but I could definitely see how it would great for this because you get the first 4 rockers as the sun is setting, then the mellow middle in the newfound darkness, and the great Smokin > Touch Me Twice to finish it off. I'll have to test out EU doing this this summer.

Great recommendation for those who have never tried this when on road trips or long drives though [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: weeniebeenie on Jun 18, 2009, 07:58 AM
I think every song on EU is so different and awesome in their own right and they are great live.

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: searchinbig on Jun 18, 2009, 09:40 AM
QuoteI think every song on EU is so different and awesome in their own right and they are great live.

Yup. And live is what it's all about!  ;)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: kymomandstuff on Jun 24, 2009, 07:56 PM
Fine wine
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: TGMC421 on Jun 26, 2009, 07:40 PM
A year later and I'm wondering why the lyrics still aren't up on the website.  ;)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Jellyfish on Jun 27, 2009, 12:19 AM
I still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

I think if they would have left off the title track and Highly Suspicious it would have much better.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Bug on Jun 27, 2009, 01:37 AM
QuoteI still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

I think if they would have left off the title track and Highly Suspicious it would have much better.

I digress. One year later I feel this album is right on. Especially with Highly Suspicious. Did not care for the song at first, but live hahaha love it. Shit. 2008 tour was where it needed to be until Jim got hurt. Damn!!!!! IT!!!! Life. Everyone needs time off. Undersand that. Selfish me, wishes it had never happened and everything was back where it needed to be. It was the start of something big. Not beginning but start.

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: ManNamedTruth on Jun 27, 2009, 02:45 PM
QuoteI still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

you meant their first 4, right?
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Jellyfish on Jun 27, 2009, 04:20 PM
QuoteI still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

you meant their first 4, right?

No,I still think their 1st 3 albums are masterpieces,and although I like Z a lot,it was a step down and EU even more.Don't get me wrong,I still love these guys and think they are the best live act going today.And I am hoping the current down time will produce another great album.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Jun 27, 2009, 06:46 PM
QuoteI still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

I think if they would have left off the title track and Highly Suspicious it would have much better.

I think Highly Suspicious and Evil Urges are 2 of the stronger songs on there.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: zuma on Jun 28, 2009, 08:26 PM
still love it!
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: rob on Jun 29, 2009, 01:01 AM
I think I'm respecting it more now that the thought is in my head that it may be their last album...

Played it in full last night. Most of it I do really love. But sometimes I can't bring myself to listen to the squeaky Highly Suspicious, the corny Two Halves and the generic Aluminum Park. With these 3 edited out, the album might've gotten better reviews, imo.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Bigsky on Jun 29, 2009, 12:44 PM
QuoteI still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

you meant their first 4, right?

No,I still think their 1st 3 albums are masterpieces,and although I like Z a lot,it was a step down and EU even more.Don't get me wrong,I still love these guys and think they are the best live act going today.And I am hoping the current down time will produce another great album.

I think it's really sad that your smoking crack. I understand that this drug is addicting, but it's just not fair for you to try to give a valid opinion while your high. Not fair to the boys or yourself. :'(
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Love Dogg on Jun 29, 2009, 12:47 PM
QuoteI still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

you meant their first 4, right?

No,I still think their 1st 3 albums are masterpieces,and although I like Z a lot,it was a step down and EU even more.Don't get me wrong,I still love these guys and think they are the best live act going today.And I am hoping the current down time will produce another great album.

I think it's really sad that your smoking crack. I understand that this drug is addicting, but it's just not fair for you to try to give a valid opinion while your high. Not fair to the boys or yourself. :'(

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Soulshine on Jun 29, 2009, 04:08 PM
QuoteI still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

I think if they would have left off the title track and Highly Suspicious it would have much better.

[highlight]I think Highly Suspicious and Evil Urges are 2 of the stronger songs on there[/highlight].

totally agree
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Jellyfish on Jun 29, 2009, 09:05 PM
QuoteI still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

you meant their first 4, right?

No,I still think their 1st 3 albums are masterpieces,and although I like Z a lot,it was a step down and EU even more.Don't get me wrong,I still love these guys and think they are the best live act going today.And I am hoping the current down time will produce another great album.

I think it's really sad that your smoking crack. I understand that this drug is addicting, but it's just not fair for you to try to give a valid opinion while your high. Not fair to the boys or yourself. :'(

And your opinion means nothing with insulting comments like that.If you can't be an adult then we don't want you here.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Jun 30, 2009, 01:04 AM
QuoteI think I'm respecting it more now that the thought is in my head that it may be their last album...

Im no rich man, but Im willing to bet you $100 that MMJ will have another album. We can do this via paypal. If they go 5 years (or until the end of 2014) without making another album, i'll paypal you $100. The day their next album drops, you pay me. Let me know if youre down.

I'll take sidebets.

No way in hell MMJ is done.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: red medicine on Jun 30, 2009, 05:37 AM
It's been said before, but if you replace a couple of the songs in the middle with El Caporal/Devils PB/Dear Wife, you have yourself one great ablum...
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Ghosts_on_TV on Jul 01, 2009, 02:34 AM
QuoteI think I'm respecting it more now that the thought is in my head that it may be their last album...

Im no rich man, but Im willing to bet you $100 that MMJ will have another album. We can do this via paypal. If they go 5 years (or until the end of 2014) without making another album, i'll paypal you $100. The day their next album drops, you pay me. Let me know if youre down.

I'll take sidebets.

No way in hell MMJ is done.

I agree. They aren't done at all. They worked hard, they deserve a break.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: The DARK on Jul 01, 2009, 01:47 PM
QuoteI think I'm respecting it more now that the thought is in my head that it may be their last album...

Im no rich man, but Im willing to bet you $100 that MMJ will have another album. We can do this via paypal. If they go 5 years (or until the end of 2014) without making another album, i'll paypal you $100. The day their next album drops, you pay me. Let me know if youre down.

I'll take sidebets.

No way in hell MMJ is done.

I agree. They aren't done at all. They worked hard, they deserve a break.

Agreed again. Music is Jim's calling, and he'll probably never stop getting it out of his system. All these side projects are just conduits for a different kind of songwriting. My Morning Jacket has become something far different than it ever was during Tennessee Fire times. They're a bona fide world conquering rock band, and as for the heartbreaking acoustic tunes he still is capable of writing, he can't ask his incredible band to sit by for album after album where they only occasionally have an important role.

I think that's what this break is all about. The band is still young.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: jdbartender on Jul 02, 2009, 09:20 AM
It's funny... I am about 1 year in to MMJ now... Actually I saw them open up for Pearl Jam back in 06 and thought they were great!  But didn't really get into them until 08.

With that being said, in the age of the download, I unfortunately listen to each tune on an individual basis.. There is some good and some bad to this approach.. The good is, I don't classify their sound based on album... MMJ is a little bit of everything to me, and I can't really point to a time period or album that is there best..  I am not biased at all and I don't wish EU was as good as Z because to me, all of there music is one huge play list... The bad is, I am missing out on the concepts that each record was created around.. Maybe this lessens my understanding of the band to a certain extent?  Either way, I love their sound and MMJ is starting to become my favorite band!  Can't wait to see them again now that I know the catalog a little better!
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: BH on Jul 02, 2009, 09:23 AM
QuoteIt's funny... I am about 1 year in to MMJ now... Actually I saw them open up for Pearl Jam back in 06 and thought they were great!  But didn't really get into them until 08.

With that being said, in the age of the download, I unfortunately listen to each tune on an individual basis.. There is some good and some bad to this approach.. The good is, I don't classify their sound based on album... MMJ is a little bit of everything to me, and I can't really point to a time period or album that is there best..  I am not biased at all and I don't wish EU was as good as Z because to me, all of there music is one huge play list... The bad is, I am missing out on the concepts that each record was created around.. Maybe this lessens my understanding of the band to a certain extent?  Either way, I love their sound and MMJ is starting to become my favorite band!  Can't wait to see them again now that I know the catalog a little better!

Nice perspective.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Angry Ewok on Jul 02, 2009, 12:23 PM
Album-to-album is the way to go, for me. You have a better connection with the artist when the album is experienced as a whole... Just hearing singles is like just seeing portions of a painting - the foreground, or middleground, or background. Each element may be great to look at on its own, but the piece as a whole has got to be seen to be truly appreciate IMHO.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: AMightyCaporal on Jul 03, 2009, 09:22 AM
QuoteAlbum-to-album is the way to go, for me. You have a better connection with the artist when the album is experienced as a whole... Just hearing singles is like just seeing portions of a painting - the foreground, or middleground, or background. Each element may be great to look at on its own, but the piece as a whole has got to be seen to be truly appreciate IMHO.

Boom goes the dynamite! You sir are correct!
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Eweezy on Jul 04, 2009, 06:45 PM
Let's face it, it was only their 2nd studio album as the current band that they are today?  I mean "Z" blows it out of the water but, it still is a quality listen.  I guess the best way to put it in nicer words is that I tend to listen to "Evil Urges" less than any of their other work.  Again I'm trying to compare it with the current lineup, I can't put it against the others because the rest of their catalog is in another stratosphere.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Bigsky on Jul 08, 2009, 02:09 PM
QuoteI still think it's their worst album,not that it's all bad but it doesn't reach the greatness of their 1st 3.

you meant their first 4, right?

No,I still think their 1st 3 albums are masterpieces,and although I like Z a lot,it was a step down and EU even more.Don't get me wrong,I still love these guys and think they are the best live act going today.And I am hoping the current down time will produce another great album.

I think it's really sad that your smoking crack. I understand that this drug is addicting, but it's just not fair for you to try to give a valid opinion while your high. Not fair to the boys or yourself. :'(

And your opinion means nothing with insulting comments like that.If you can't be an adult then we don't want you here.

You have to be an adult to be on this forum? There goes half of us...
I was only joking Jelly...and just to let you know...I found your opinion insulting.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: mahg33ta on Jul 08, 2009, 05:27 PM
I'll chime in... not to argue, these are just opinions, but since everyone's sharing...

a fan since it still moves, love Z, backfilled at dawn, tennessee and the misc stuff...

First listen a year ago was a disappointment.   Was on hardcore rotation from purchase till shows last fall.   Knew at that point I didn't love it, but seeing the songs live gave me a new appreciation.... From then it went back to the disc holder...

I've been listening to it again lately randomly mixed in with the other MMJ stuff;  still not crazy about it.... agree with the 3 out of 5 ish type reviews.

Will skip remnants, aluminum park, and two halves if they appear on shuffle.   Can't say that about any other MMJ song on any album.

Favorites:  Shootin', Evil Urges, TMIGTS, Suspicious
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Jellyfish on Jul 08, 2009, 06:32 PM
You have to be an adult to be on this forum? There goes half of us...
I was only joking Jelly...and just to let you know...I found your opinion insulting.

I don't care. :P
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Bigsky on Jul 09, 2009, 07:17 AM
You have to be an adult to be on this forum? There goes half of us...
I was only joking Jelly...and just to let you know...I found your opinion insulting.

I don't care. :P

I don't care that you don't care, but I do care that I don't care that you don't care :P
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: AMightyCaporal on Jul 09, 2009, 10:20 AM
You have to be an adult to be on this forum? There goes half of us...
I was only joking Jelly...and just to let you know...I found your opinion insulting.

I don't care. :P

I don't care that you don't care, but I do care that I don't care that you don't care :P

my head has exploded
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: mymorningwood on Jul 29, 2009, 02:24 PM
EU is my least fav mmj album by far.  still my fav band along w/ tool tho. thats my asshole opinion.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: PapaJoeBear on Jul 30, 2009, 03:20 AM
Definately my least favorite album. I have a feeling I will never get into new MMJ albums, which is ashame, as the 1st 3 albums, and the earlier EPs mean sooooo much to me. I still listen to them all the time.  I didnt like Z at all at first, but a few songs really took to me eventually, particular the final 3 song run. It just seems that Jim has really distanced himself from the "southern" sound. (I never thought that term quite fit; there is something so unique about those first 3 albums).  I know, I've heard everyone say to repsonses like this that a band has to grow, they shouldnt stay the same... I agree. Let them grow! I just dont have to like what they have grown into.  I know this opinion wont be popular, but I think Fleet Foxes have picked up the 'torch'. They are making music that I actually had imagined MMJ moving into after ISM.  But whatev, Jim and the boys still are mighty fine boys in my book. They've made songs that are part of the soundtrack of my life.  They dominate my mixes I make, and when I play guitar I am always finding my way into Death is the Easy Way or Hopefully, or even Come Closer (*swoon*).
I hope I am proven wrong though! I really want to love a new MMJ album again.  As long as they keep putting albums out, I'll be there on release day. THey've definately earned that with me.

THats my 2 cents/
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Kenny76 on Aug 03, 2009, 03:51 PM
I still listen to it from time to time and reading this thread inspired me to put it on right now.   I never skip any tracks.   What stands out to me the most right now (now that I'm extremely familiar with the songs) is the production.  It's got a lot of warm booming tones, and the guitars sound very crisp.  It's on VERY loud right now and sounds fantastic.  There's more reverb than I remembered.   These are all great songs.   It Still Moves is still my favorite album by them, but it's one of my favorites by anyone, so it'd be hard to beat.  If the rest of their albums are half as good as ISM, I'll continue to buy them and play them loud when I need to drift away.   OK... maybe not half, maybe 65%.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: DaFunkyPrecedent on Aug 13, 2009, 07:21 PM
1 year later it is still MMJ's worst album, BUT has some of MMJ's best songs.  
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Brother Beck on Aug 26, 2009, 09:15 AM
My thoughts on Evil Urges one year later are that I absolutely love the first few songs and the last few songs on the CD, but I don't really care for the ones in the middle.  When I put it on, which I do quite often, I listen up through track 5 and then skip to track 11 and finish the CD.  With the exception of Two Halves, a song that I actually dislike a great deal, I don't dislike the songs that I usually skip over and I think they are all pretty good songs.  I just don't love them the way I do other songs by MMJ, and that's what I'm looking for when I put them on.

On kind of a side note, I seemed to be in the minority when it came to Evil Urges a lot of the time because I loved Highly Suspicious right off the bat, which I know some people out there did too, but even moreso because I loved Remnants so much and that is a song that nobody else seems to like that much, not even the band.

The thing that I find interesting - and I know this has been pointed out before but it really rings true for me – is how much I really connect with other music that has since come out in various ways that I believe comes from those sessions.  I love both Dear Wife and El Caporal and I think Devil's Peanut Butter is up there with some of MMJ's best work.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Shepardspy on Aug 26, 2009, 09:37 AM
For an album that encapsulates their whole career up to last year it's being rated pretty low by you folk.  

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: AMightyCaporal on Aug 26, 2009, 10:07 AM
QuoteFor an album that encapsulates their whole career up to last year it's being rated pretty low by you folk.  

:( werd

I think they are just comparing it to the older stuff- which is totally different.  I can understand being a long time fan and comparing their stuff. Where as I came in late to the game- a few months before EU, I only had Z and a few songs from older albums under my belt.  EU was the second full CD I heard front to back-
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Aug 26, 2009, 04:04 PM
QuoteFor an album that encapsulates their whole career up to last year it's being rated pretty low by you folk.  

...and this is true how, exactly?  :-?
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Brother Beck on Aug 26, 2009, 04:45 PM
For me the album doesn't seem to encapsulate their whole career up to that point so much as it shows them breaking away from the sound they had previously made to try out new things artistically and creatively.  I commend them for doing so and respect them greatly even while admitting that many of the songs on Evil Urges just don't really do it for me as much as some of their other work.  Like I said before, they did make songs at that time that I feel do encapsulate their old sound while building on it in new and interesting ways more than some of the songs that did make it onto the album do but chose to leave them off the album for one reason or another.  (I'm not positive, but wasn't this only their second record with this current lineup, and the first that this current lineup all went into recording as a group...?)  

Just as a reference point, I still put every song on Evil Urges above 99% of the music out there today and MMJ is definitely still my favorite band.  These guys are amazing and I hope to hear more from them together soon.  I was just conveying my honest thoughts on it a year later.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Shepardspy on Aug 26, 2009, 07:24 PM
QuoteFor an album that encapsulates their whole career up to last year it's being rated pretty low by you folk.  

...and this is true how, exactly?  :-?

Like Brother Beck said the album draws from influences throughout their career and then puts a modern MMJ twist on them.  Not only musically, but conceptually I feel that EU strives to make a connection with the listener while exposing them to new ideas and sounds.  This is something MMJ has done their whole career, but on an album by album basis.  EU was jarring to people because every song was so different.

If you think EU didn't succeed in connecting it doesn't matter because they had good intentions.  I'd scream too if I had to go through what they did to reach this point.  

After seeing this band on NYE there is no doubt in my mind that they are rock n' roll gods and they will make peoples head's explode on the next record!    
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: AMightyCaporal on Aug 27, 2009, 09:25 AM
QuoteFor an album that encapsulates their whole career up to last year it's being rated pretty low by you folk.  

...and this is true how, exactly?  :-?

If you think EU didn't succeed in connecting it doesn't matter because they had good intentions.  I'd scream too if I had to go through what they did to reach this point.  

everyone should be aware that you are talking about both the bands actual good intentions and the last track on the album called good intentions- you know- the one where they scream and say "okay cool"

well written Shep- I knew I was right to step back and wait for you to field it- I wouldnt have been able to explain it quiet as well.

I totally agree about them being rock n roll gods.  There has yet to be a show I saw of them that I didn't think- How could so many not realize?
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Aug 28, 2009, 11:27 AM
QuoteFor an album that encapsulates their whole career up to last year it's being rated pretty low by you folk.  

...and this is true how, exactly?  :-?

Like Brother Beck said the album draws from influences throughout their career and then puts a modern MMJ twist on them.  Not only musically, but conceptually I feel that EU strives to make a connection with the listener while exposing them to new ideas and sounds.  This is something MMJ has done their whole career, but on an album by album basis.  EU was jarring to people because every song was so different.

I dont feel that way, which I guess is why I didnt understand what you were saying. To me, the sounds and especially lyrical themes of nearly all the songs on EU are very different than anything in their discog. I think Z fits perfectly with what youre saying though.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: sweatboard on Aug 29, 2009, 03:43 AM
I think Evil Urges is just a bit overwhelming for many fans The first three songs get you thinking they did Z part3 then they slow it down, show you some amazing songs, mellow it out, rock the shit out, and then bring it on home.  It's so much to digest and it's not all on the same page.  I think song writing wise it's a progression but it's definitely scatterbrained when it comes to the flow of the songs.  It reminds me a bit of a cross between Amnesiac and Hail To The Thief, in the context of Radiohead(I think I bring up Radiohead because they are one of the only other bands to come out with back, to back, to back, to back, to back albums with such amazing results) It's part building off of Z and it's part spilling ideas and songs without the context of being pinned down to a particular style, but at the same time they're begging for the listener to meld the songs together.  I listen to EU and I'm thinking i.e.  "When God Gave Us Mirrors, He Had No Idea" ok if Jim had just scribbled down this line it would have already qualified as an awesome record.  We ARE SO SPOILED!!  I mean "Look for eyes that hypnotize and sparkle" come on!!!!  It's the closest they have come to a concept record and it has me dreaming of the next Tommy, or The Wall.  EU is the Shiz, I'll be listening to it for a long time to come, it speaks........... Just listen.      
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: sweatboard on Aug 29, 2009, 03:49 AM
I think this is my favorite lyric of the entire record

we believe in your power. to lead without fear.
not above, in some tower. but here-
right down here- ...with us. in this world.


oh yeah and.....

then i saw a new "heaven" - formed in the bleeding light of dusk-
all souls, all faiths, always- we were one.
there i saw a new "heaven" - formed in the bleeding light of dusk-
all souls, all faiths- always- we are one.


Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: weeniebeenie on Aug 29, 2009, 07:27 AM
QuoteEU is the Shiz, I'll be listening to it for a long time to come, it speaks........... Just listen.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Ruckus on Aug 29, 2009, 09:13 AM
QuoteI think Evil Urges is just a bit overwhelming for many fans ...... Just listen.      

::) ::) ::)

Yup, it's too much album for me.

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: sweatboard on Aug 29, 2009, 12:43 PM
well, I just think it's a lot to digest.  Mabey it turns some people off because there is such a wide variety of songs, thats all.  :-*
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: DaFunkyPrecedent on Aug 29, 2009, 06:20 PM
come on, lets be real...the album is just alright.  I mean shit, we all LOVE MMJ and because of that we are bias - but if we are just to look at this album compared to other music released in this era, it is no more than an above average album.  

i said it before and i'll say it again: they made some great songs on this album, in fact some of my favorite My Morning Jacket songs, but the album as a whole kinda fails.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: bear sin rug on Aug 31, 2009, 03:17 PM
Quotecome on, lets be real...the album is just alright.  I mean shit, we all LOVE MMJ and because of that we are bias - but if we are just to look at this album compared to other music released in this era, it is no more than an above average album.  

i said it before and i'll say it again: they made some great songs on this album, in fact some of my favorite My Morning Jacket songs, but the album as a whole kinda fails.

is it alright or above average or is it a failure? Those are 3 different opinions in 1 post!!  ;D

I happen to think it's great and it flows better than most MMJ records. I see it as deeper than most, too. More abstract concepts rather than singin' about things.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Aug 31, 2009, 03:55 PM
I happen to think it's great and it flows better than most MMJ records

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: bear sin rug on Aug 31, 2009, 04:07 PM
I have to say, the flow between Smokin from Shootin and TMIGTS2 is the best in their history. Those 2 songs flow together better than any before. They do. They're like cake and ice cream  :)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Aug 31, 2009, 04:17 PM
QuoteI have to say, the flow between Smokin from Shootin and TMIGTS2 is the best in their history. Those 2 songs flow together better than any before. They do. They're like cake and ice cream  :)

So the flow between 2 songs, the last 2 songs for that matter, makes Evil Urges have better flow as an album than most of their other albums?

You got flawed logic, son.

PS: The segue on those songs is excellent though
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: bear sin rug on Aug 31, 2009, 04:19 PM
QuoteI have to say, the flow between Smokin from Shootin and TMIGTS2 is the best in their history. Those 2 songs flow together better than any before. They do. They're like cake and ice cream  :)

So the flow between 2 songs, the last 2 songs for that matter, makes Evil Urges have better flow as an album than most of their other albums?

You got flawed logic, son.

PS: The segue on those songs is excellent though

Thread title:

Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: joey kokomo on Aug 31, 2009, 04:58 PM
That was off the Z tracks a little, but a great album. "Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 2" should appeal to the European audience and maybe that is what Yim was thinkun.  ;) Still, I would like to see some variations on the Z style in their future efforts.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Ghosts_on_TV on Sep 10, 2009, 04:59 AM
Just gave it a fresh listen for the first time in a while. God damn, what an album.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Ruckus on Sep 10, 2009, 10:08 AM
QuoteI have to say, the flow between Smokin from Shootin and TMIGTS2 is the best in their history. Those 2 songs flow together better than any before. They do. They're like cake and ice cream  :)

So the flow between 2 songs, the last 2 songs for that matter, makes Evil Urges have better flow as an album than most of their other albums?

You got flawed logic, son.

PS: The segue on those songs is excellent though

Thread title:

Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...


Well put BSR, well put
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: el_chode on Sep 11, 2009, 07:26 AM
I heard I'm Amazed numerous times on various radios last night.

I'm amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazed that nothing else has been pushed to terrad or sirius. I'm also quite tired of the song - not to say its a bad song. It'll just be skipped on future spins.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: johnnYYac on Jun 27, 2010, 05:40 PM
I didn't want to start a new thread for this old video, so here's a clip I stumbled upon with Jim discussing the structure of songs on EU.  Not earth-shattering, but always fun to hear the man try to explain their music.

Sorry, couldn't get the video to embed.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Jun 29, 2010, 03:53 PM
QuoteFor me EU stands out because of the mastering, all instruments seem to cut through when they need to and just sound so clean and crisp. [highlight]As for the songs themselves I like them all, except for Remnants. I just can't seem to get into that song, although i still let it play when it comes on. [/highlight]
EU also means a lot to me because this was the first tour i had a chance to see MMJ on. (3 times) I can't wait for something new and another tour.
I won't rate the album against the others because they are all very different, unique and from me earn equal respect.

jackets most underrated song, imo.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Jun 29, 2010, 05:37 PM
I guess its been 2 years now, and although I still really like about half of the album, its clearly their least best
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: sweatboard on Aug 12, 2010, 11:47 PM
I just gave it a spin all the way through for the first time in a long time.  I was blown away.  Carl sounds amazing on this record.  The pedal steel on SEC Walking is mindblowing.  The production in general is killer, I was thinking Dark Side Of The Moon at times.  It's much more dense than Z, not nearly as Live sounding and not as much Patrick but it unfolds really nicely.  The fact that side two of the first album ends with Two Halves is hilarious in a really clever Jim sort of way.  I kind of fell in love with some of the nuance of Evil Urges this time around.  I noticed some stuff Bo does that is really nice that I hadn't really picked up on before.  Also, some of my favorite of Jim's lyrics, in some ways they are more literal than earlier stuff but I like how they flow within the context of the album and tie into other songs. I LOVE this section of the album more than ever....

6. Sec Walkin (Look for eyes that hypnotize and Spppparrkkkklleee)
7. Two Halves (Can't have it all you should enjoy what you have)
8. Librarian (when God gave us mirrors he had no idea)
9. Look at You (right down here with us, in this world)

Aluminum Park and Remnants>>>Guitar Tone Is Insane!!!!

I say - Evil Urges = EPIC!!  People should be getting stoned and having Evil Urges parties...if they aren't already!          
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: CTdeadhead on Aug 13, 2010, 02:22 PM
I can't seem to enjoy the Librarian as much any more.  
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: slappymoe on Aug 13, 2010, 02:57 PM
QuoteI can't seem to enjoy the Librarian as much any more.  
that's the one and only jacket song that i just plain ol' don't care for.  it's a no-brainer "beer and bathroom break" song if i ever get it live.

as for the entire album, give it the "stranded on an island" test:

if you're stranded and can only have four of the five MMJ albums with you on the island (to be played on the same apparatus they used on gilligan's island), which one do you omit?

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Aug 13, 2010, 04:07 PM
QuoteI can't seem to enjoy the Librarian as much any more.  
that's the one and only jacket song that i just plain ol' don't care for.  it's a no-brainer "beer and bathroom break" song if i ever get it live.

as for the entire album, give it the "stranded on an island" test:

if you're stranded and can only have four of the five MMJ albums with you on the island (to be played on the same apparatus they used on gilligan's island), which one do you omit?

trick question... you bring Okonokos, Evil Urges, At Dawn and TTF. Then instead of dealing with not having ALL of EU, you just deal with not having into the woods, masterplan, easy morning rebel, just one thing, rollin back.

in reality though I would leave EU becasue i am in love with just one thing and masterplan. however, i agree with sweatboard, evil urges is epic. EU and Highly Suspicious are great live. I love the upbeat energetic songs live. And the last 5 song run (not counting good intentions) is AMAZING. I'm Amazed through The Librarian are not my favorite songs ever, but they're all damn good. Sec Walkin IS awesome though. I think when Yim does these middle-of-EU songs solo, they are absolutely incredible. Look At You live and solo is amazing.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: mahg33ta on Aug 13, 2010, 04:33 PM
My thoughts on EU 2 years later.

Certainly my least favorite MMJ album.   Not going to say the "weakest", becaus music is so personal, I totally get how for some people it might hit their sweet spot, but for MY tastes, lots I find uninteresting.    I compare that to AD through Z where there's barely a skipper in 3 straight albums.

However, the songs I like on EU I like as much as other songs.   So, now that they're not touring supporting EU and playing most of it, the setlists are less EU heavy and like any other album the cream rises to the top.   If you look at the San Diego setlist, the songs they play are Touch I, Touch II, Evil Urges, I'm Amazed, and Smokin'.    If in the long-run that's the legacy the album leaves, then great, I like all those songs a lot and Smokin' is one of my favorites.   6 Years and 2 albums from now, tours will only have a few EU songs played, and they'll be great, rockin', and fan favorites.

I never really cared for the middle of the album - Sec Walkin, Thank You Too, Librarian, Two Halves - and I doubt I'll ever see a show where I hear them all again - one or two popping up as a surprise here and there.   Look at You never grabbed me until the recent solo versions, which I think are brilliant.

My $0.02.

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: SaraBananaBear on Aug 13, 2010, 05:03 PM
QuoteFor me EU stands out because of the mastering, all instruments seem to cut through when they need to and just sound so clean and crisp. [highlight]As for the songs themselves I like them all, except for Remnants. I just can't seem to get into that song, although i still let it play when it comes on. [/highlight]
EU also means a lot to me because this was the first tour i had a chance to see MMJ on. (3 times) I can't wait for something new and another tour.
I won't rate the album against the others because they are all very different, unique and from me earn equal respect.

jackets most underrated song, imo.

Definitely underrated, I usually think of Highly Suspicious when I think underrated songs, but absolutely Remnants too.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: johnnYYac on Aug 13, 2010, 05:42 PM
I'm surprised so many express a dislike for Librarian.  I like its simplicity, the lyrics, the slow build up to drum, bass, pedal steel and keys.  I think its very accessible for the uninitiated MMJ listeners.  I definitely prefer it to Sec Walkin'.  

Librarian and Remnants are the only two songs from EU I've yet to see live, and I'm looking forward to that changing at Terminal 5.  Remnants on the Rockpalast DVD is a highlight for that reason.

I would place the album, as a whole, at the bottom of the list of 5, but still love it and listen to it, front to back, regularly.  
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: SaraBananaBear on Aug 13, 2010, 06:29 PM
QuoteI'm surprised so many express a dislike for Librarian.  I like its simplicity, the lyrics, the slow build up to drum, bass, pedal steel and keys. [highlight] I think its very accessible for the uninitiated MMJ listeners[/highlight].  I definitely prefer it to Sec Walkin'.  

Librarian and Remnants are the only two songs from EU I've yet to see live, and I'm looking forward to that changing at Terminal 5.  Remnants on the Rockpalast DVD is a highlight for that reason.

I would place the album, as a whole, at the bottom of the list of 5, but still love it and listen to it, front to back, regularly.  

Absolutely agree, it's one of the first MMJ songs I fell in love with :) I love it! It's such a beautiful song.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Aug 13, 2010, 08:13 PM
I'm going to be overly critical for a minute.

Evil Urges is good but the way it's tracked makes it a snooze after a while.  

I'm Amazed->Thank You Too->Sec Walkin->Two Halves->Librarian->Look At You = snooze fest after multiple listens.  In my opinion they could have saved some of the mellow songs for EPs or something.  Making Good Intentions a separate track was a bad idea.  

The good part about the album was it definitely departed from Z and they truly did explore some new territory.  the bad part is it's kinda of a boring after awhile.  I'd rather listen to shows from the Evil Urges tour than the album itself.    
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: TheBigChicken on Aug 14, 2010, 09:36 PM
 4-5 songs I like....thumbs down... :-[ :-XIMO
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: blucas on Aug 21, 2010, 02:07 PM
2 1/2 yrs ater now...

I heard EU songs for 1st time at coachella- the show (though too short...they should've given MMJ the 3 hour slolt that roger waters had) was a face melter.

That was the beginning of a wonderful love affair...touch me 1 and 2, smokin', EU, amazed...the classics just keep piling up.  Can't wait to see what's next after hearing circuital!

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Aug 21, 2010, 09:57 PM
QuoteI'm surprised so many express a dislike for Librarian.  I like its simplicity, the lyrics, the slow build up to drum, bass, pedal steel and keys. [highlight] I think its very accessible for the uninitiated MMJ listeners[/highlight].  I definitely prefer it to Sec Walkin'.  

Librarian and Remnants are the only two songs from EU I've yet to see live, and I'm looking forward to that changing at Terminal 5.  Remnants on the Rockpalast DVD is a highlight for that reason.

I would place the album, as a whole, at the bottom of the list of 5, but still love it and listen to it, front to back, regularly.  

Absolutely agree, it's one of the first MMJ songs I fell in love with :) I love it! It's such a beautiful song.

i wrote a paragraph in response to this, but i guess i forgot to post so in short.... i think the whole album can be a really good gateway into jacketdom for nonbelievers
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: vwxg14a on Aug 22, 2010, 03:23 AM
With the exception of Highly Suspicious, which is the one song that I can live without hearing every again, the album is comparably to their earlier works.  

The album is 3 albums in one.  14 (actually 13 songs)

Evil Urges, Touch 1 & 2, I'm Amazed... The Keepers
Remnants, Two Halves, Aluminum Park... The Rockers
Librarian, Smoking from Shooting, Thank You Too, Look at You, Sec Walkin... The acoustics

Highly Suspicious and Good Intentions... Noble Experiments.

Now if they did a Z 10 Song Album,  The top 10 would exclude Highly, Good, Look at You and Sec Walkin.   Now you have a tight album, not Z nor ISM, but on par with AD and TTF.

And I agree with earlier posts, Remnants is a very underrated song, and the American Dad, episode used it perfectly.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Crispy on Aug 22, 2010, 09:38 AM
QuoteWith the exception of Highly Suspicious, which is the one song that I can live without hearing every again, the album is comparably to their earlier works.  
It's funny, Highly Suspicious is the tune from EU that I most look forward to hearing live.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Tracy 3000 on Aug 22, 2010, 11:53 AM
QuoteWith the exception of Highly Suspicious, which is the one song that I can live without hearing every again, the album is comparably to their earlier works.  
It's funny, Highly Suspicious is the tune from EU that I most look forward to hearing live.

yep, it gets the crowd goin (if you know what I mean  ;))
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Brother Beck on Aug 22, 2010, 12:32 PM
I know all of this has already been said, but my personal thoughts on Evil Urges really echo a few other peoples' around here.

It is a great album, but it is also MMJ's weakest.  The songs that are great on it are right up there with their best material, but the middle of the album really sags.  

I love Highly Suspicious, and Remnants might be my favorite song on the album.  It rocks out in the perfect way, and I really like the lyrics and the message Jim is getting across.  I don't enjoy Librarian that much but I can see where others would appreciate it, and Two Halves is the only MMJ song that I actually dislike.

My personal opinions of the songs aside, I have to say that the musicianship on display across the entire album is stunning.  These guys are just amazing.      
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Aug 22, 2010, 04:44 PM
i think look at you is the best song yim does solo. maybe the weakest on album imo but breath taking solo live
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: DougMac on Aug 22, 2010, 08:52 PM
I thought it was weak at the time and I still do.  

A transitional record really.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Tracy 3000 on Aug 22, 2010, 09:06 PM
QuoteI thought it was weak at the time and I still do.  

A transitional record really.

sort of like your post here?
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Brother Beck on Aug 23, 2010, 12:28 AM
Oh, and I forgot to mention that when Evil Urges first came out and I listened to it all the way through, I was hugely disappointed that Good Intentions wasn't a real song.  I thought I was getting 14 Brand Spankin' New Jacket songs, and I was only really getting 13.  I noticed that iTunes sells it for $0.99 just like a real song - but, to be fair, they do show you right there that its is only 5 seconds long.  
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: DougMac on Aug 23, 2010, 06:44 AM
QuoteI thought it was weak at the time and I still do.  

A transitional record really.

sort of like your post here?

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: rincon on Aug 23, 2010, 03:31 PM
Opinion of a newcomer. Bought Okonokos 3 months ago. Floored me. Bought Z 2 months ago. Bought EU 2 days ago. I have heard all of their stuff at some point on Rhapsody, but I am taking it fairly slow, so I can savor it. An old album I am not familiar with is a new album to me.
As for EU I find it very impressive. It sounds different than the older stuff, but to me, I think that is the clear intention. What is notable, is even though the styles vary, for what they are attempting, whether you like that style or not, it is quality. Highly Suspicious is so over the top, and it sounds like the chorus singer has a mouth full of sandwiches, I never know whether to groove on it, or just laugh. My guess is that was the intention. I don't get the general underappreciation of Librarian. For a country like ballad, out of their normal realm, it is beautiful. I am not totally familiar with the whole album by song name yet, but for an open minded newcomer, if this is the bottom of their catalog, then I am in for some serious treats as I slowly discover the complete discography.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Aug 23, 2010, 03:49 PM
QuoteOpinion of a newcomer. Bought Okonokos 3 months ago. Floored me. Bought Z 2 months ago. Bought EU 2 days ago. I have heard all of their stuff at some point on Rhapsody, but I am taking it fairly slow, so I can savor it. An old album I am not familiar with is a new album to me.
As for EU I find it very impressive. It sounds different than the older stuff, but to me, I think that is the clear intention. What is notable, is even though the styles vary, for what they are attempting, whether you like that style or not, it is quality. Highly Suspicious is so over the top, and it sounds like the chorus singer has a mouth full of sandwiches, I never know whether to groove on it, or just laugh. My guess is that was the intention. I don't get the general underappreciation of Librarian. For a country like ballad, out of their normal realm, it is beautiful. I am not totally familiar with the whole album by song name yet, but for an open minded newcomer, if this is the bottom of their catalog, then I am in for some serious treats as I slowly discover the complete discography.

you are. if you haven't picked up It Still Moves or At Dawn yet, buy an extra couple pairs of panties. EU is the generally least accepted record, but that doesn;t make it bad. The tracks that rock rock. The slow jams are sweet and dreamy, and Touch Me2 is 'out there' in all the right ways. Like I said, Look at You is in my opinion the weakest on the record, but Yim live solo singing Look at You tops everything. I understand the general dislike for The Librarian, but I believe it is a crucial song for the record. I've said in earlier posts that I think EU is the most accessible record of MMJ and the best gateway into Jacketdom. Whenever I burn MMJ albums for friends that aren't into them yet, I burn them EU and then soon after I burn Okonokos. In my opinion, EU really explores every aspect of MMJ that makes them so great. Its an amazing record and probably in my top 25 records of all time, but TTF, AD, ISM, and Z are all higher on my count. If you include live records, Okonokos is probably my number 1 album of all time.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Penny Lane on Aug 23, 2010, 03:50 PM
Quote I don't get the general underappreciation of Librarian. For a country like ballad, out of their normal realm, it is beautiful

YES. Great post.
Enjoy the ride.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: sweatboard on Aug 23, 2010, 05:03 PM
I used to think Z and EU were more similar but now I think Z is more similar to It Still Moves and EU was kind of a new direction as far as the way it was recorded and produced.  I think EU captured more of a studio vibe, where as Z and It Still Moves capture the live energy much better.  In my opinion the drums on EU don't explode and the guitar on Highly Suspicious is just wussy sounding compared to when they play it live.  There, that's my complaint about EU but like I said earlier there are a whole bunch of other things I do like about the production.  From what's been floating around it sounds like they are going back to more of the live energy on the next one.  I think that's where they take it to another level, you know, when they are all playing together and they hit the zone it's pretty powerful shit.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Tracy 3000 on Aug 26, 2010, 05:18 PM
it's OK to like Evil Urges even though Pitchfork tells you not to.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: sweatboard on Aug 26, 2010, 05:45 PM
That's a good point.  Animal Collective could shit on a biscuit and it would be a masterpiece in Pitchforks eyes.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: DougMac on Aug 27, 2010, 10:56 AM
You'd have to be a pretty sad to be influenced by idiots like Pitchfork.  I'm sure people here are perfectly capable of making their own minds up about an album.  

They are right about Animal Collective though; Merriweather Post Pavilillion is gold standard and way superior to EU.  IMO, of course.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: rincon on Sep 25, 2010, 02:37 PM
OK, I am now very familiar with EU. Has there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock? I doubt it. It think that was the intention, to do something never done before, and they did it right. Two Halves is a song Alex Chilton would have been proud to write. Thank You Too could be Smokey Robinson. Aluminum Park could be Foo Fighters. Remnants could be Monster era REM. I will admit the one song that does nothing for me is I'm Amazed. It sounds so generic like it was phoned in. Actually the closest album I could compare it to is New adventures in Hi Fi by REM, which also was intentionally eclectic. Like Pete Townshend said, "the music must change". Unfortunalty for the Who, when it changed in the late 70's, it sucked. EU does not.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Tracy 3000 on Sep 26, 2010, 12:42 AM
QuoteHas there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock? I doubt it.

Listen to The Beatles' White Album or London Calling by The Clash
(and are you saying having a song that sounds like a Foo Fighters song is awesome?  :-/)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: rincon on Sep 26, 2010, 01:39 PM
QuoteHas there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock? I doubt it.

Listen to The Beatles' White Album or London Calling by The Clash
(and are you saying having a song that sounds like a Foo Fighters song is awesome?  :-/)
So I guess you do not like the Foo Fighters. Not my point anyway. The White album was 3.1 songwriters attempting to personalize each of their compositions. London Calling also has 2 songwriters, and most of those songs, as varied as they are, do not paint as broad a swath of styles as EU. Plus they are both double albums.Sandanista is more varied than them all, but half is garbage. Jim Jones wrote all of EU. That makes it unique in regards to the other albums. At least they did not touch on LA 80's hair metal. (Foo Fighters may not be the greatest, but they are not crap by any means.)
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Tracy 3000 on Sep 26, 2010, 02:48 PM
QuoteHas there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock? I doubt it.

Listen to The Beatles' White Album or London Calling by The Clash
(and are you saying having a song that sounds like a Foo Fighters song is awesome?  :-/)
So I guess you do not like the Foo Fighters. Not my point anyway. The White album was 3.1 songwriters attempting to personalize each of their compositions. London Calling also has 2 songwriters, and most of those songs, as varied as they are, do not paint as broad a swath of styles as EU. Plus they are both double albums.Sandanista is more varied than them all, but half is garbage. Jim Jones wrote all of EU. That makes it unique in regards to the other albums. At least they did not touch on LA 80's hair metal. (Foo Fighters may not be the greatest, but they are not crap by any means.)

I didn't say Foo Fighters were crap; I just don't consider them influential enough for a comparison. Sort of the NFL likeness of saying, "Wow, that QB's great! His style reminds me of Kerry Collins!"

And why throw Adventures in Hi-Fi Comparison? I mean, if you are stating that my album suggestions contain too many writers, AIHF had 4! Of course, there's Physical Graffiti by Zep...

BTW, I am sure Patrick, Carl, Tommy and Bo appreciate you recognizing their contribution to The Jim James Experience    ;)

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: rincon on Sep 26, 2010, 03:03 PM
QuoteHas there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock? I doubt it.

Listen to The Beatles' White Album or London Calling by The Clash
(and are you saying having a song that sounds like a Foo Fighters song is awesome?  :-/)
So I guess you do not like the Foo Fighters. Not my point anyway. The White album was 3.1 songwriters attempting to personalize each of their compositions. London Calling also has 2 songwriters, and most of those songs, as varied as they are, do not paint as broad a swath of styles as EU. Plus they are both double albums.Sandanista is more varied than them all, but half is garbage. Jim Jones wrote all of EU. That makes it unique in regards to the other albums. At least they did not touch on LA 80's hair metal. (Foo Fighters may not be the greatest, but they are not crap by any means.)

I didn't say Foo Fighters were crap; I just don't consider them influential enough for a comparison. Sort of the NFL likeness of saying, "Wow, that QB's great! His style reminds me of Kerry Collins!"

And why throw Adventures in Hi-Fi Comparison? I mean, if you are stating that my album suggestions contain too many writers, AIHF had 4! Of course, there's Physical Graffiti by Zep...

BTW, I am sure Patrick, Carl, Tommy and Bo appreciate you recognizing their contribution to The Jim James Experience    ;)

Somehow I am not sure what you disagree with. Berry Buck Mills and Stipe wrote as a team, unlike Beatles and Clash, but I'm not into splitting anymore hairs. I like EU, I think it is as eclectic as I have ever heard, and PG is my favorite LZ album.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Tracy 3000 on Sep 26, 2010, 03:09 PM
QuoteHas there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock? I doubt it.

Listen to The Beatles' White Album or London Calling by The Clash
(and are you saying having a song that sounds like a Foo Fighters song is awesome?  :-/)
So I guess you do not like the Foo Fighters. Not my point anyway. The White album was 3.1 songwriters attempting to personalize each of their compositions. London Calling also has 2 songwriters, and most of those songs, as varied as they are, do not paint as broad a swath of styles as EU. Plus they are both double albums.Sandanista is more varied than them all, but half is garbage. Jim Jones wrote all of EU. That makes it unique in regards to the other albums. At least they did not touch on LA 80's hair metal. (Foo Fighters may not be the greatest, but they are not crap by any means.)

I didn't say Foo Fighters were crap; I just don't consider them influential enough for a comparison. Sort of the NFL likeness of saying, "Wow, that QB's great! His style reminds me of Kerry Collins!"

And why throw Adventures in Hi-Fi Comparison? I mean, if you are stating that my album suggestions contain too many writers, AIHF had 4! Of course, there's Physical Graffiti by Zep...

BTW, I am sure Patrick, Carl, Tommy and Bo appreciate you recognizing their contribution to The Jim James Experience    ;)

Somehow I am not sure what you disagree with. Berry Buck Mills and Stipe wrote as a team, unlike Beatles and Clash, but I'm not into splitting anymore hairs. I like EU, I think it is as eclectic as I have ever heard, and PG is my favorite LZ album.

I was responding to your original statement:

[size=14]Has there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock?[/size]

I gave some examples then you started changing your statement to fit my response(s). (example: dismissing the "band" concept all together and saying 1 songwriter in a band). That's all.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: rincon on Sep 26, 2010, 03:19 PM
QuoteHas there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock? I doubt it.

Listen to The Beatles' White Album or London Calling by The Clash
(and are you saying having a song that sounds like a Foo Fighters song is awesome?  :-/)
So I guess you do not like the Foo Fighters. Not my point anyway. The White album was 3.1 songwriters attempting to personalize each of their compositions. London Calling also has 2 songwriters, and most of those songs, as varied as they are, do not paint as broad a swath of styles as EU. Plus they are both double albums.Sandanista is more varied than them all, but half is garbage. Jim Jones wrote all of EU. That makes it unique in regards to the other albums. At least they did not touch on LA 80's hair metal. (Foo Fighters may not be the greatest, but they are not crap by any means.)

I didn't say Foo Fighters were crap; I just don't consider them influential enough for a comparison. Sort of the NFL likeness of saying, "Wow, that QB's great! His style reminds me of Kerry Collins!"

And why throw Adventures in Hi-Fi Comparison? I mean, if you are stating that my album suggestions contain too many writers, AIHF had 4! Of course, there's Physical Graffiti by Zep...

BTW, I am sure Patrick, Carl, Tommy and Bo appreciate you recognizing their contribution to The Jim James Experience    ;)

Somehow I am not sure what you disagree with. Berry Buck Mills and Stipe wrote as a team, unlike Beatles and Clash, but I'm not into splitting anymore hairs. I like EU, I think it is as eclectic as I have ever heard, and PG is my favorite LZ album.

I was responding to your original statement:

[size=14]Has there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock?[/size]

I gave some examples then you started changing your statement to fit my response(s). (example: dismissing the "band" concept all together and saying 1 songwriter in a band). That's all.
OK. Not really changing my statement. Discussions on a message board are awkward. If this were a face to face conversation with real time responses, I think we would not be in much disagreement.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Tracy 3000 on Sep 26, 2010, 03:23 PM
QuoteHas there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock? I doubt it.

Listen to The Beatles' White Album or London Calling by The Clash
(and are you saying having a song that sounds like a Foo Fighters song is awesome?  :-/)
So I guess you do not like the Foo Fighters. Not my point anyway. The White album was 3.1 songwriters attempting to personalize each of their compositions. London Calling also has 2 songwriters, and most of those songs, as varied as they are, do not paint as broad a swath of styles as EU. Plus they are both double albums.Sandanista is more varied than them all, but half is garbage. Jim Jones wrote all of EU. That makes it unique in regards to the other albums. At least they did not touch on LA 80's hair metal. (Foo Fighters may not be the greatest, but they are not crap by any means.)

I didn't say Foo Fighters were crap; I just don't consider them influential enough for a comparison. Sort of the NFL likeness of saying, "Wow, that QB's great! His style reminds me of Kerry Collins!"

And why throw Adventures in Hi-Fi Comparison? I mean, if you are stating that my album suggestions contain too many writers, AIHF had 4! Of course, there's Physical Graffiti by Zep...

BTW, I am sure Patrick, Carl, Tommy and Bo appreciate you recognizing their contribution to The Jim James Experience    ;)

Somehow I am not sure what you disagree with. Berry Buck Mills and Stipe wrote as a team, unlike Beatles and Clash, but I'm not into splitting anymore hairs. I like EU, I think it is as eclectic as I have ever heard, and PG is my favorite LZ album.

I was responding to your original statement:

[size=14]Has there ever been an album by any band that was all original songs that touched on almost all genres of rock?[/size]

I gave some examples then you started changing your statement to fit my response(s). (example: dismissing the "band" concept all together and saying 1 songwriter in a band). That's all.
OK. Not really changing my statement. Discussions on a message board are awkward. If this were a face to face conversation with real time responses, I think we would not be in much disagreement.

I agree.

I also say that Adventures in Hi-Fi was the last great REM album (huge REM fan here) and mostly unappreciated, for whatever reason.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: rincon on Sep 26, 2010, 03:31 PM
June 1984, Mission Theater in Santa Barbara. Reckoning tour. 200 people in the crowd. Stipe would give 15 seconds of eye contact with people, and creep them out. He did it to me twice.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: blucas on Oct 04, 2010, 01:25 AM
My humble 2 cents... EU, both Touch Me's, Smokin' From Shootin' and probably I'm Amazed and Highly Suspicious will stand the test of time.  It would have been cool to see the others released on an EP and have  the EU album filled with songs more consistent with those above.  I like most of the others, and each song probably makes the exact statement that MMJ intends to make, but they aren't ever on my 'wishlist' to see live.  I've seen MMJ 4x since EU came out and, though all were mind blowing, my favorite was recently in san diego because they played all of the EU songs listed above, but then blessed the crowd with songs like TIWTCWT, Nashville to Kentucky, Master Plan, Steam Engine, Wonderful, place of the others.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Oct 04, 2010, 02:32 PM
QuoteMy humble 2 cents... EU, both Touch Me's, Smokin' From Shootin' and probably I'm Amazed and Highly Suspicious will stand the test of time.  It would have been cool to see the others released on an EP and have  the EU album filled with songs more consistent with those above.  I like most of the others, and each song probably makes the exact statement that MMJ intends to make, but they aren't ever on my 'wishlist' to see live.  I've seen MMJ 4x since EU came out and, though all were mind blowing, my favorite was recently in san diego because they played all of the EU songs listed above, but then blessed the crowd with songs like TIWTCWT, Nashville to Kentucky, Master Plan, Steam Engine, Wonderful, place of the others.

i just wanna say that that San Diego show you're referring to was an amazing set list.  I saw them in Chicago I think two days later and they only played 3 songs off EU. Touch Me 1 and 2 and Smokin. It also happens to be the set list I've ever seen them play. Not that Highly Suspicious isn't fun live, but I agree that hardly any EU songs are on my wishlist. The song I want to see the most off EU is the one that I will probably never see... Remnants.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Brother Beck on Oct 04, 2010, 05:55 PM
Does anyone know why they don't play Remnants...?  It is right up there with Smokin' From Shootin' as my favorites on EU.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Oct 04, 2010, 09:23 PM
well, someone could try to get inside their heads and answer this to the best of their abilities, or you could go to The Steam Engine, and enter the interview contest and ask them yourself!

If I had to answer though, I would just assume that they don't think it is as "good" as the rest of the records.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: johnnYYac on Oct 05, 2010, 03:02 PM
QuoteDoes anyone know why they don't play Remnants...?  It is right up there with Smokin' From Shootin' as my favorites on EU.
Well, they will at T5 #5.  Also, the Rockpalast DVD has a live version that's very sweet.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Tracy 3000 on Oct 05, 2010, 03:36 PM
QuoteDoes anyone know why they don't play Remnants...?  It is right up there with Smokin' From Shootin' as my favorites on EU.

I saw them do it last summer in Nashville.

It's one of my favorites of EU; sounds like old rock, almost like Deep Purple
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: columba78 on Oct 07, 2010, 12:22 AM
I have a new job and a long commute on which I listen to a lot of music.

Evil Urges is one CD I have listen to a lot and it is one of the few albums were I don´t skip any songs (well this counts for all MMJ albums).

Even songs that I did not like at first (Highly Suspicious) have grown to me.

Long Story short when you have a lot of driving to do, all MMJ albums including Evil Urges are perfect
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Oct 21, 2010, 06:16 PM
Fuck anything negative I've ever said about this album. Perfect from beginning to end.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: rincon on Oct 22, 2010, 01:52 AM
QuoteFuck anything negative I've ever said about this album. Perfect from beginning to end.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: el_chode on Oct 24, 2010, 10:23 AM
Last night just proved my theory: whatever it lacks in the studio is irrelevant when done live.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: headhunter on Oct 24, 2010, 12:56 PM
QuoteLast night just proved my theory: whatever it lacks in the studio is irrelevant when done live.

perfectly stated.  last night's performance was spectacular!
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: johnnYYac on Oct 26, 2010, 11:11 AM
QuoteLast night just proved my theory: whatever it lacks in the studio is irrelevant when done live.

perfectly stated.  last night's performance was spectacular!
I second that emotion!  Even though its 5th out of 5 on my list of favorite MMJ albums (ISM #1, no question), EU is a great album.  The songs that don't put me in a state of ecstasy (Sec Walkin', Two Halves) have been transformed on stage.  Saturday night was a fantanstic performance of EU, better than many I've seen since Nov. '08.  Add the presence of all you crazy critters all around me, it was "and Beyond!"  
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Brother Beck on Oct 27, 2010, 01:28 AM
I remember listening to Evil Urges when it came out and thinking to myself that some of the songs that I wasn't feeling as much would probably be great live and would win me over.  Unfortunately, for various reasons, I haven't been able to see them live since 2007  :'(  >:(  :-/  so I never got to see whether that held true for me or not.  As a result, there are still a couple tracks that I am just not that into.  That being said, the following chart holds true:  98.8% of MMJ's Glorious Music > The other .2% of MMJ's Glorious Music > All other sounds.  

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Oct 27, 2010, 01:45 PM
I listen to EU and get a feeling that the other records don't give me. It's my least favorite but it's got a huge "what the fuck" factor (in a good way). I am completely blown away by this bands other side and versatility. Not the best, but really shows what these mother fuckers can bring if they want to.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: Ghosts_on_TV on Oct 27, 2010, 02:28 PM
QuoteI remember listening to Evil Urges when it came out and thinking to myself that some of the songs that I wasn't feeling as much would probably be great live and would win me over.  Unfortunately, for various reasons, I haven't been able to see them live since 2007  :'(  >:(  :-/  so I never got to see whether that held true for me or not.  As a result, there are still a couple tracks that I am just not that into.  That being said, the following chart holds true:  98.8% of MMJ's Glorious Music > The other .2% of MMJ's Glorious Music > All other sounds.  

EU night at T5 was fantastic, if that makes you feel any better.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: capt. scotty on Nov 03, 2010, 02:35 PM
QuoteLast night just proved my theory: whatever it lacks in the studio is irrelevant when done live.

yeah. when I listen to the album, it sags in the middle to the point where i want to skip some songs, but that portion was great live. remnants fuckin shredded as well, too bad they might never play it again..

i shed a couple tears during look at you then again during smokin as i realized the week was almost over.

Oh! Sweet Nuthin was spectacular as well. Jim kills the ending solo.

Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: BH on Nov 03, 2010, 03:25 PM
QuoteLast night just proved my theory: whatever it lacks in the studio is irrelevant when done live.

yeah. when I listen to the album, it sags in the middle to the point where i want to skip some songs, but that portion was great live. remnants fuckin shredded as well, too bad they might never play it again..

i shed a couple tears during look at you then again during smokin as i realized the week was almost over.

Oh! Sweet Nuthin was spectacular as well. Jim kills the ending solo.


That is spectacular!   That was real close to were I was that last night with my friends Kevin and Steph.  You can here my friend Kevin "Woooooh"ing like a mfer.  

:) :o :'(
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: e_wind on Mar 23, 2012, 11:13 AM
4 years later....

In the past two weeks I've listened to EU many times because my iPod hook up broke and I have super limited CDs in my car.

1.  Its awesome, I think I'm realizing that my least favorite studio album is Z. I think that may be frowned upon, but I'm really diggin EU now more than ever. I've become obsessed with the title track recently.

2. I never realized that the into music on Celebracion... Is the actual strings from EU (the song). That's cool.

3. My lady knows Jims little brother fairly well from childhood/high school and she told me that he let her hear some EU demos before it was released, including a totally different version of Highly Suspicious that was way more 'normal'. Anyone else heard any of these? On a side note, he got he a backstage pass to the MSG NYE show. He used to always say things about "his brothers band" in high school  and people would dismiss it. In my face now, huh?

4. I think Smokin would be a perfect set closing song.
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: SaraBananaBear on Apr 01, 2012, 09:12 AM
Agreed! Evil Urges is a beautiful album, I love it with all my heart ♥! :D The Touch Me songs, Librarian, Smokin, Evil Urges, Highly Suspicious, ok I'm about to name every song... It's all good! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Evil Urges: Your Thoughts 1 Year Later...
Post by: MamaKel on Apr 01, 2012, 04:30 PM
Evil Urges changed everything for me. I listened to It Still Moves and Z in college, but I feel like I was so into hip hop that those albums were like the planted seeds of my MMJ awakening. Evil Urges came out when I was back home in Chicago, surrounded by a constant influx of different influences and genres. When I heard "Off the Record" on WXRT for the first time, I blasted it immediately. It was one of those "pull over to the side of the road and make sure you hear the name" type songs. And hearing the album, which was so eclectic that you couldn't really call it anything, you just had to let it speak to just made me dive head first into the junkie you read before you today. I will always have a special spot for E.U. And I'm not talkin' the European Union.