My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Shows => Topic started by: animalchin on Mar 07, 2006, 12:05 AM

Title: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: animalchin on Mar 07, 2006, 12:05 AM

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: animalchin on Mar 07, 2006, 12:23 AM

SEATTLE, WA -Pearl Jam announced today the first leg of their 2006 worldwide
tour. Leg one of the tour is scheduled to kick off on May 9th in Toronto, and will
wrap up on June 3rd in New York City. My Morning Jacket will open on this leg of
the tour.

Public on-sale dates and ticket information will be announced in local markets in
the coming weeks.

Ten Club Pre-sale schedule and ticket prices are found below. Current Ten Club
members are eligible for pre-sale in the "Goods" section. For detailed
information about Ten Club pre-sale tickets, bookmark

Show Date Show City Venue Presale Date/Time Price/Pair**
Tue-May-09 Toronto, ONT Air Canada Centre March-8 at 10am PST $122.00
Wed-May-10 Toronto, ONT Air Canada Centre March-8 at 10am PST $122.00
Fri-May-12 Albany, NY Pepsi Arena March-9 at 10am PST $114.40
Sat-May-13 Hartford, CT
New England
Dodge Ctr. March-9 at 10am PST $129.40
Tue-May-16 Chicago, IL United Center March-9 at 10am PST $112.40
Fri-May-19 Grand Rapids, MI Van Andel Arena March-10 at 10am PST $116.40
Sat-May-20 Cleveland, OH
Quicken Loans
Arena March-10 at 10am PST $116.40
Mon-May-22 Detroit, MI
Palace of Auburn
Hills March-10 at 10am PST $117.40
Wed-May-24* Boston, MA
TD Banknorth
Garden March-11 at 10am PST $112.40
Sun-May-27 Philadelphia, PA
Tweeter Center at
the Waterfront March-12 at 10am PST $123.40
Tue-May-30 Washington DC Verizon Center March-12 at 10am PST $118.40
Thur-Jun-01* E. Rutherford, NJ
Continental Airlines
Arena March-13 at 10am PST $116.40
Sat-Jun-03* E. Rutherford, NJ
Continental Airlines
Arena March-13 at 10am PST $116.40

*Dates are subject to change due to professional sports team playoff schedules
** All prices are listed in US dollars only.

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: EC on Mar 07, 2006, 12:26 AM

WHAT?!  That can't be right.  WHAT?!  That is beyond my comprehension.  Are Pearl Jam going to be throwing golden peeps into the audience?

I feel like I entered crazyland.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 07, 2006, 12:27 AM
Well that's for two tickets but it still seems high, I don't remember them being that expensive last tour.  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: solace on Mar 07, 2006, 01:01 AM
that's with all of Ticketmaster's fees & BS included

the base price for tix is $49 before any fees.

which honestly, the only better they coulda done and still made the tour work, is $45. the tickets in '03 were between $35-45, so it's not gone up too much.

take a look on ticketmaster and see how many arena shows/tours that have the base price of the closest ticket at under $50, you'll be shocked how few there are.

also, for some shows, especially amphitheaters, Lawn seats are always cheaper (in the $30 range)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 07, 2006, 01:11 AM
I'm going to have to sell my car and move to public transportation.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Mar 07, 2006, 01:28 AM
quite true...most arena shows run about $60 or $80.

I'm glad the jacket is more of a theater-sized band when they play as a headliner. They will definitely give Pearl Jam a run for their money on this one :)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: MYarvoCARDO on Mar 07, 2006, 01:42 AM
Quotequite true...most arena shows run about $60 or $80.

I'm glad the jacket is more of a theater-sized band when they play as a headliner. They will definitely give Pearl Jam a run for their money on this one :)

Dude, have you seen Pearl Jam live?

They play longer, harder and mix it up more than any other band out there!

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Coltrane on Mar 07, 2006, 01:49 AM
i'm not sure how i feel about this???

though i do think the Jacket will blow PJ off the stage.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Grudge on Mar 07, 2006, 01:56 AM
I've seen Pearl Jam live 10 times and they've been a favorite band of mine since 91,  but I'm telling you that MMJ will blow them off the stage unless they're told otherwise. PJ used to energenic live, but these days they do not have the energy of old. I'm probably biased since I've seen PJ so many times, but MMJ will put on the better show.  Overall you can't ask for a better lineup. $40-$60 a ticket is a bargain for such a show!! ;)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 07, 2006, 02:01 AM
MMJ is not going to blow PJ off the stage but they will blow alot of minds.  When you've got 10,000-20,000 people screaming every word to your songs it's hard to get blown off the stage.  Pearl Jam puts on one HELL of a show.  Thier fans are hardcore and very emotionaly attatched to the band and the songs.  Pearl Jam still plays with a passion and energy comprable to the Jacket but they have 7 (soon to be eight) albums and over two decades of music behind it.  Pearl Jam is going to blow some MMJ fans away as well.  Pearl Jam is a band that has alot of cliches attatched to them but once you see them live you'll leave saying good god they are one great band with a shit load of passion and heart.  It's easy to say oh yeah "they are that band from the 90's grunge era" but that doesn't begin to describe what they really are.        
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: solace on Mar 07, 2006, 03:10 AM
QuoteMMJ is not going to blow PJ off the stage but they will blow alot of minds.  When you've got 10,000-20,000 people screaming every word to your songs it's hard to get blown off the stage.  Pearl Jam puts on one HELL of a show.  Thier fans are hardcore and very emotionaly attatched to the band and the songs.  Pearl Jam still plays with a passion and energy comprable to the Jacket but they have 7 (soon to be eight) albums and over two decades of music behind it.  Pearl Jam is going to blow some MMJ fans away as well.  Pearl Jam is a band that has alot of cliches attatched to them but once you see them live you'll leave saying good god they are one great band with a shit load of passion and heart.  It's easy to say oh yeah "they are that band from the 90's grunge era" but that doesn't begin to describe what they really are.        
you're a very smart man :)

and 'Trane, hey, would you rather they open for DMB again?  ;)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: dragonboy on Mar 07, 2006, 03:38 AM
Congrats to the Jacket for getting the Pearl Jam support slot.
I think most PJ jam fans will love them.
Shit, are MMJ about to get huge?
I guess this means there's little chance of them making it over here anytime soon. Poo!
Still, like I said, Congrats to the Jacket! They deserve to be more successful than they are, what with them being the best band in the world right now & all that!
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: efroten on Mar 07, 2006, 05:58 AM
i just creamed my pants when i heard this.  this is the greatest shit EVER.  the two best fucking bands in the WORLD.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Mr. T. on Mar 07, 2006, 06:04 AM
My first reaction is best described by Blackadder's loyal companion George:


Well tally ho! With a bing and a bong and a buzz buzz buzz!

Well done to the whole MMJ-team. I hope this experience makes them a more popular, but most of all, an even better band (if possible that is ;) )  

see you soon in Europe, with or without Pearl Jam...
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 07, 2006, 06:28 AM
wow!  first of all, congrats to the band!

second of all, i was thinking $30 or $35 for a ticket.  yeah, have fun this time around people!  if you dont like pearl jam, pretty fucking impossible to justify paying that price.  

i wish the band all the best, i know they have some masterplan doing this.  can't lie and say im not disappointed i' won't be going to see this time around, though...
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Half on Mar 07, 2006, 07:30 AM
this was mostly my doing

except the ticket prices.  that's way higher than i expected

MMJ will not blow PJ off the stage because most people will be throwing a frizbee in the parking lot.....but there is a part of me that wants this to be a "passing of the torch" to MMJ.  ya dig?
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Golden_Shores on Mar 07, 2006, 07:39 AM
This is one of the best lineups of the Millenium.  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 07, 2006, 07:46 AM
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: waxy on Mar 07, 2006, 09:19 AM
I'm the best
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: yieldgirl on Mar 07, 2006, 09:49 AM
so this is true????
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: solace on Mar 07, 2006, 10:32 AM
Quoteso this is true????
yes, it'll be on around 11am
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 07, 2006, 10:44 AM
I thought they weren't going to be making an announcement until 1pm.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Coltrane on Mar 07, 2006, 11:35 AM

and 'Trane, hey, would you rather they open for DMB again?  ;)

i'd rather they not open for anyone....
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Half on Mar 07, 2006, 11:45 AM
yes, it'll be on around 11am

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: CC on Mar 07, 2006, 12:23 PM
NOW, it's official ;)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: BH on Mar 07, 2006, 12:27 PM
I used to be a huge PJ fan (I guess I still am actually) but I havn't bought an album since there first 3. (10/Animals/Vitology)  Can someone that has caught up with all 7 CD's recommend which of the next 4 I should buy?

Respect. (Two fists pumps to chest Ali G style)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: jrat on Mar 07, 2006, 12:32 PM
sweet merciful christ!!! you do hear my prayers!!!!(ejaculates everywhere without physical stimuli !!) i dont care if i pay 60$ for a ticket again, thats what i paid to see them in september, and it was beyond worth it. id have paid 200$ to see this show, my two favourite bands at once!!. i wonder what songs MMJ will do to blow peoples minds in 40 mins. i hope they go strangulation/steam engine style, or if they wanna kill everyone with loud intense music, One big holiday, laylow,dondante, run thru. and when Ed calls back the opening band like he tends to do at the end............ i wonder if they will do any songs together!! DEVILS TAINT THIS IS AWESOME NEWS!!!!
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Half on Mar 07, 2006, 12:46 PM
holy fucking lord
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Mar 07, 2006, 01:11 PM
Fuck that. Im not paying a hundred bucks to see MMJ.  Id rather cough up another 100 and go to Bonarroo, get really fucked up and see a billion other bands at the same time.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 07, 2006, 01:12 PM
QuoteI used to be a huge PJ fan (I guess I still am actually) but I havn't bought an album since there first 3. (10/Animals/Vitology)  Can someone that has caught up with all 7 CD's recommend which of the next 4 I should buy?

Respect. (Two fists pumps to chest Ali G style)

I would just go out and buy some of the bootlegs.  State College PA and Benyora Hall (Awesome Acoustic Set)  would be a good start.  Also, if you haven't listend to NO CODE and YIELD yet you have alot to look forward to.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: JacketGal on Mar 07, 2006, 01:15 PM
This is great news to me!! Even if Chicago's date is at the United  Center!
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: yieldgirl on Mar 07, 2006, 01:25 PM
woohoo I've got 10C tickets and I'm going to try my damnest to go to the Boston show!!  Hell yes!!!

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: HorkoLad on Mar 07, 2006, 01:27 PM
Quotewoohoo I've got 10C tickets and I'm going to try my damnest to go to the Boston show!!  Hell yes!!!

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: MyLifeISought on Mar 07, 2006, 01:31 PM
Hoorah! couldn't be happier for the guys, although with a tour like this, i may never be seeing them in a club again...
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: yieldgirl on Mar 07, 2006, 02:03 PM
I wish they would announce the southeast part of the country.  MMJ you guys better play around KY or Cincy with PJ if they play any dates around here. :)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: darkglow on Mar 07, 2006, 03:29 PM
yes, goddammit!!!!!!! this is real weird because I made a playlist on my ipod that consisted of mostly live stuff.. and not long ago i got to thinking about how the majority of the playlist came from PJs "State College PA" 3-disc set and alot of live MMJ bootlegs.

Too bad though it doesn't look like they'll be touring around here anytime soon. I will be thinking of all you fuckers who are getting to see this tour while I'm running and listening to my "running" playlist
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Cameron on Mar 07, 2006, 03:56 PM
literally my two favorite bands in the world.  i have to fly from austin to philly to see it but i wouldn't miss this for anything!
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Angry Ewok on Mar 07, 2006, 04:05 PM
As predicted, the tour isn't coming South of the Mason-Dixon. Does Pearl Jam have some sort of beef with the South that I'm unaware of?

Anyway, I'm so disapointed... but totally happy for MMJ... I've got a feeling they'll completely rape Pearl Jam.

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Mar 07, 2006, 04:20 PM
Didn't PJ have issues with ticketmaster or something about tickets and outrageous prices?
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: MMJ_fanatic on Mar 07, 2006, 04:27 PM
I am SOOOOO there for Hartford and Boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D ;D ::) 8)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: solace on Mar 07, 2006, 04:28 PM
QuoteDidn't PJ have issues with ticketmaster or something about tickets and outrageous prices?
the prices you're seeing are for 2 tickets...

and yes, yes they did, no other bands would step up to the plate to join their fight. REM almost did.

look on and show me how many arena shows you find where the closest ticket/best seat int he house is under $50, you won't find many, and if you do it won't be a great band like PJ who puts on 2.5+ hours shows night after night and changes up the setlists every night.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: yieldgirl on Mar 07, 2006, 04:29 PM
QuoteDidn't PJ have issues with ticketmaster or something about tickets and outrageous prices?

that was back in the mid 90's around when No Code came out.  They (well Jeff) testified that ticketmaster was basically a monoply.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: beammeup on Mar 07, 2006, 05:32 PM
wow, i can't wait for these shows. i'd like to hit about 3 or 4, but we'll see what i can afford.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: efroten on Mar 07, 2006, 06:24 PM
Its a good thing I wore my diaper today.

Fuck, could this get any better?

The only way this could be topped?  If they were both opening for led zep.  And that, well... you know.  So we are now left with 2 of the 3 best bands that ever existed, playing together.  God, I hope they do some shit together.  I'd even settle for Jim on rockin in the free world if that was all I can get.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Igottago on Mar 07, 2006, 08:18 PM
Its funny that some people still have reservations about Pearl Jam..even after years worth of great material..but this is the absolute greatest combination on a bill, this is a dream come true..truly, MMJ will stun a lot of Pearl Jam fans, and vice versa..for those of us who already like both, this is unbelievable.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 07, 2006, 08:29 PM
QuoteIts funny that some people still have reservations about Pearl Jam..even after years worth of great material..but this is the absolute greatest combination on a bill, this is a dream come true..truly, MMJ will stun a lot of Pearl Jam fans, and vice versa..for those of us who already like both, this is unbelievable.

some people just don't like PJ, i don't think that's a crime.  i've tried, ive listened to every one of their albums numerous time, and they don't do it for me.  no harm in that, it just leaves a better seat at the show for someone else.   ;)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 07, 2006, 09:33 PM

some people just don't like PJ, i don't think that's a crime.  i've tried, ive listened to every one of their albums numerous time, and they don't do it for me.  no harm in that, it just leaves a better seat at the show for someone else.   ;)

Exactly, to each his own.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: SiOuxTribe on Mar 07, 2006, 10:17 PM
When do you think tickets will go on sale?
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: growpe on Mar 07, 2006, 10:33 PM
Its too bad PJ's taping policy blows and its going to be a PITA to pull some decent tapes of these shows.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 07, 2006, 11:06 PM
As far as I know PJ has an extremely OPEN taping policy.  It shouldn't be difficult in any sort of way.  I remember reading one time that they were second only to the Dead at one point as far as being the most bootleged band.  Did they policy change recently?  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Mar 08, 2006, 01:31 AM
HELL YES. this is one killer tour that i had been hoping for!!! :D
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: jrat on Mar 08, 2006, 01:32 AM
they never have the opening acts on the bootelegs  though, as far as what ive heard anyway. be tough to get some sort of equipment into the venue. ill have to smoke AFTER MMJ plays, so i can remember it all........who am i kidding?!!? ;D
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: SplatSplatSplat on Mar 08, 2006, 03:34 AM

well, not to thrilled with this news. seems kinda lame to me. pj lost all relevance about six years ago. the last two albums, i didn't find them to be very good at all. this all feels like a (small) step backward. then again, i'm selfish and i wanted another headlining tour.

and i really don't understand how all you guys are ecstatic over this!!!; shorter sets, soaring ticket prices, and a headliner it seems most of you guys have seen before or heard a thousand times; its not like you guys are going for the new songs, or are you?

don't get me wrong, i'm happy mmj has this opportunity and it will be beneficial to them, and i'm happy for 'the boys,' but i just can't shake this's just lame.  i don't really see them as an opening band anymore, least of all for pj. but that's me.

overall, the welfare of 'the boys' is most important to me, so i'll deal with it.

 MMJ, go rock the FUCK out of those pj fans!!! i hope eddie and co. realize what a mistake they just made.

oh well. i guess i'm gonna have to consider nashvegas.

oh and $120 is a fucking joke. two tickets or noe.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Half on Mar 08, 2006, 08:00 AM
i'm a huge pearl jam fan.  they've been my favorite bands for years.  i've seen them countless times in concert.  I got into MMJ almost 9 months ago and i've only seen them once in concert- philly, last october.  they were great.  they fucking melted my face off.  the engergy was amazing and i told a lot of people that they actually reminded me A LOT of pearl jam- not the overall "sound," but the energy, the heart, and the vibe.  i think a lot of peal jam fans don't know much about MMJ, but will be blown away by their power and conviction when they hear them play.  this is a great way to introduce a lot of fans to them.  i'm sporting a hard-on thinking about the two bands actually jamming out together.  all that being said, i'm curious about a lot of people's posts that have a militant-type air about them.  why does it seem like a lot of you want MMJ to musically attack PJ?  didn't PJ choose this band for a reason?  so why do you want MMJ to embarrass them by being on the same stage?  what's your fucking beef?  
i'm curious how many of you have seen PJ in concert.  MMJ is amazing live, but if you think for one second that they're going to "blow pearl jam off the stage," you're delusional.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: waxy on Mar 08, 2006, 08:19 AM
Quotei'm a huge pearl jam fan.  they've been my favorite bands for years.  i've seen them countless times in concert.  I got into MMJ almost 9 months ago and i've only seen them once in concert- philly, last october.  they were great.  they fucking melted my face off.  the engergy was amazing and i told a lot of people that they actually reminded me A LOT of pearl jam- not the overall "sound," but the energy, the heart, and the vibe.  i think a lot of peal jam fans don't know much about MMJ, but will be blown away by their power and conviction when they hear them play.  this is a great way to introduce a lot of fans to them.  i'm sporting a hard-on thinking about the two bands actually jamming out together.  all that being said, i'm curious about a lot of people's posts that have a militant-type air about them.  why does it seem like a lot of you want MMJ to musically attack PJ?  didn't PJ choose this band for a reason?  so why do you want MMJ to embarrass them by being on the same stage?  what's your fucking beef?  
i'm curious how many of you have seen PJ in concert.  MMJ is amazing live, but if you think for one second that they're going to "blow pearl jam off the stage," you're delusional.

...that's my boy  *gets choked up*
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Half on Mar 08, 2006, 08:21 AM
i'm a natural athlete so things just come to me, naturally
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: waxy on Mar 08, 2006, 08:47 AM
MMJ is going to gain a lot of new fans stating May 9th...a lot of loyal fans.  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Clarkwork on Mar 08, 2006, 09:11 AM
I've seen PJ at least 5 times live.  I agree with you.  I have always thought they were great live.  I think it is going to be one hell of a tour.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Mar 08, 2006, 09:18 AM
This is like the coolest thing ever.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 08, 2006, 09:30 AM
QuoteThis is like the coolest thing ever.

thats....just like...your opinion, man.    ;)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: yieldgirl on Mar 08, 2006, 09:57 AM
well, not to thrilled with this news. seems kinda lame to me. pj lost all relevance about six years ago. the last two albums, i didn't find them to be very good at all. this all feels like a (small) step backward. then again, i'm selfish and i wanted another headlining tour.

and i really don't understand how all you guys are ecstatic over this!!!; shorter sets, soaring ticket prices, and a headliner it seems most of you guys have seen before or heard a thousand times; its not like you guys are going for the new songs, or are you?

don't get me wrong, i'm happy mmj has this opportunity and it will be beneficial to them, and i'm happy for 'the boys,' but i just can't shake this's just lame.  i don't really see them as an opening band anymore, least of all for pj. but that's me.

overall, the welfare of 'the boys' is most important to me, so i'll deal with it.

MMJ, go rock the FUCK out of those pj fans!!! i hope eddie and co. realize what a mistake they just made.

oh well. i guess i'm gonna have to consider nashvegas.

oh and $120 is a fucking joke. two tickets or noe.

well it's kind of funny since when I was talking to someone back in Dec, and they were telling me how the band still wasn't making all that much money .  They asked how they could change or do different marketing and I suggest them to tell the guys "hey check out the way PJ does things"  and now, they are opening for them.  Hmm, maybe this will bring in new MMJ fans and the guys will be able to live comfortable doing what they love to do.

Oh and I got this e-mail from MMJ mangament this morning for all those upset with MMJ playing shorter setlist, soaring ticket prices

Hey  - thanks so much for reaching out to us.  Unfortunately, MMJ is only touring with Pearl Jam for the first leg of their tour, which is the dates that were just announced.  If Pearl Jam does make it to your part of the country, MMJ will not be with them.  That said, My Morning Jacket is hoping to tour nationally later in the year, so definitely stay tuned to the website and email updates for news on that...
Thanks again for getting in touch.  I hope that answers your question!
Take Care,
Jamie Sampson
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: growpe on Mar 08, 2006, 09:59 AM
QuoteAs far as I know PJ has an extremely OPEN taping policy.  It shouldn't be difficult in any sort of way.  I remember reading one time that they were second only to the Dead at one point as far as being the most bootleged band.  Did they policy change recently?  

They are "open" in that you can bring in a non-professional handheld walkman type recorder no problem. If you want to bring in anything professional you will have to stealth it. No mic stands, no preamps, no DATs. Most of the audience sources you see are stealthed becasue the policy blows. It's cool that they release their shows to the fans but Id rather get a decent non-stealth audience pull.  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Sleazy Rider on Mar 08, 2006, 10:37 AM
I think it's great for The Jacket but you have to think, most of us paid like $18 plus charges for the last tour
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: yieldgirl on Mar 08, 2006, 10:39 AM
I know I paid more then that for my tixs to the palace show.

Then again they are playing in a whole lot bigger venue.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Half on Mar 08, 2006, 11:17 AM
i've asked this before- no idea if its valid.

do you think MMJ cancelled the european tour when they were approached about opening for PJ?
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Mr. T. on Mar 08, 2006, 11:27 AM
Quotei've asked this before- no idea if its valid.

do you think MMJ cancelled the european tour when they were approached about opening for PJ?

I do believe the european dates (february & march) were well before these PJ-dates (may&june).

Quote[ If Pearl Jam does make it to your part of the country, MMJ will not be with them.  That said, My Morning Jacket is hoping to tour nationally later in the year, so definitely stay tuned to the website and email updates for news on that...

I'm sincerely hoping Europe get's its full on Z-Rock-Show BEFORE another american tour... no furthur comments...
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 08, 2006, 11:45 AM

I'm sincerely hoping Europe get's its full on Z-Rock-Show BEFORE another american tour... no furthur comments...

i sincerely hope it for you guys as well.  i notice a lot of the european fans havent been around the past few days.  the news machine is in full force now announcing these dates, how about some other news?  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: john_coktoseton on Mar 08, 2006, 05:11 PM
Ugh! Anyone else dreading paying $50 to see about 30 minutes of MMJ, then bailing because sitting through a Pearl Jam show lost it's luster over a decade ago. I'll pay $50 just to see MMJ play for 2 and half hour but I know most Pearl Jam fans won't even bother listening to the MMJ set because new music ended in 1994 for most of them. Bad matchup for MMJ  I.M.H.O.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: efroten on Mar 08, 2006, 05:48 PM
QuoteUgh! Anyone else dreading paying $50 to see about 30 minutes of MMJ, then bailing because sitting through a Pearl Jam show lost it's luster over a decade ago. I'll pay $50 just to see MMJ play for 2 and half hour but I know most Pearl Jam fans won't even bother listening to the MMJ set because new music ended in 1994 for most of them. Bad matchup for MMJ  I.M.H.O.

Look, if you dont want to pay $50 to see a MMJ then dont.  Its a PJ show after all, and MMJ is an added bonus.  Im a HUGE fan of both bands, in fact I think they are the two best bands currently playing.  This is like a dream for me.

Pearl Jams shows have not lost any luster.  They are dif. now, thats for sure (no crazy ed jumping off ledges etc).  They are still one of the best live bands in the world.  They change setlists up every night, no night is the same.  On the 2003 tour, they played around 150 different songs throughout 72 shows.  They may not sell huge amounts of records anymore, but they are one of the biggest live acts around.  And for good reason.  Pay the $50, stick around for the whole show and you will understand.  You havnt heard the band until you have heard them live, in person.

Hopefully MMJ gets a good amount of stage time, I think previous bands got around 45min in 2005.  I'd love to see themm on a double bill, but the fact is that MMJ won't draw enough of a crowd to make it happen.  Also, I really hope the crowds get there early to see MMJ.  People who dont know them are in for a treat.

And sorry, but new music did not end in 1994 for PJ fans.  You underestimate this band and its fans.  4 of my friends who had never seen PJ live before went with me to some shows in 2003.  They were all amazed at how great it was.  None of them are big fans, just casual fans of the hits etc.  But each one of them was completely blown away, by the ENTIRE show, not just the hits.  One of the major reasons for this was the fact that the crowds were just awesome.

See them live, and then judge them.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: jrat on Mar 08, 2006, 05:58 PM
Amen to that efroten!!! PJ fans are the ones who got me hooked on MMJ. Just pay up and rock your socks off. infact dont even bring socks, there gonna be destroyed anyway.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 08, 2006, 08:16 PM
Right On, Pearl Jam hasn't lost any of it's luster when it comes to playing live.  I don't think you'll find to many people that have seen them play live lately agreeing with that thought.  Pearl Jam did not end in the mid 90's they just did an outstanding job of backing out of being a Rock Star cliche.  Kurt unfortunetly did not.  PJ quit putting out singles and promoting the hell out of them or making music videos, actually they pretty much quit all types of promotion.  They put out the records and let the music stand on it's own.  The records didn't suck they are actually all really amazing (Although I think Riot Act has been thier worst record still pretty damn good) but alot of people weren't going to be happy with a Pearl Jam record that didn't have at least 3-4 hit singles on it blairing out of every radio in America.  Pearl Jam still sell out shows partly because of the nostalgia factor.  Many people just want to go sing along to Black and Alive for old time sake but the thing that really keeps Pearl Jam afloat is the huge hardcore fanbase they have sustained through it all.  While the masses may have thought that Yield, No Code, Binaural, Riot Act, were uninspired pieces of crap I can guarentee you there is a large group of people out there that absolutly know that's just not true.  PJ may not be relevent as far as main stream media anymore (which I'm sure they are very proud of and happy about) but they are very much relevent to the people that have stayed in tune with the music.  

P.S. I'm not saying that if you don't like Pearl Jam you are wrong.  I just think that the Pearl Jam alot of people don't like anymore isn't the same Pearl Jam many of us love.  If that makes sense......... it's not as simple as it sounds, I hope.  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: yieldgirl on Mar 08, 2006, 10:13 PM
QuoteRight On, Pearl Jam hasn't lost any of it's luster when it comes to playing live.  I don't think you'll find to many people that have seen them play live lately agreeing with that thought.  Pearl Jam did not end in the mid 90's they just did an outstanding job of backing out of being a Rock Star cliche.  Kurt unfortunetly did not.  PJ quit putting out singles and promoting the hell out of them or making music videos, actually they pretty much quit all types of promotion.  They put out the records and let the music stand on it's own.  The records didn't suck they are actually all really amazing (Although I think Riot Act has been thier worst record still pretty damn good) but alot of people weren't going to be happy with a Pearl Jam record that didn't have at least 3-4 hit singles on it blairing out of every radio in America.  Pearl Jam still sell out shows partly because of the nostalgia factor.  Many people just want to go sing along to Black and Alive for old time sake but the thing that really keeps Pearl Jam afloat is the huge hardcore fanbase they have sustained through it all.  While the masses may have thought that Yield, No Code, Binaural, Riot Act, were uninspired pieces of crap I can guarentee you there is a large group of people out there that absolutly know that's just not true.  PJ may not be relevent as far as main stream media anymore (which I'm sure they are very proud of and happy about) but they are very much relevent to the people that have stayed in tune with the music.  

P.S. I'm not saying that if you don't like Pearl Jam you are wrong.  I just think that the Pearl Jam alot of people don't like anymore isn't the same Pearl Jam many of us love.  If that makes sense......... it's not as simple as it sounds, I hope.  

very well put :)

Think I'm now heading up to chicago to see my two favorite bands.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: SplatSplatSplat on Mar 10, 2006, 03:11 AM

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: EgoTrppN on Mar 10, 2006, 03:14 AM
First of all this is going to be an amazing show. My favorite two bands in the same night. But honestly from experience I can say that PJ can rock a show harder than any band out there. Anyone who's seen them play in boston the past few years knows what I'm talking about. I love MMJ and I'm sure they will fk sht up but seeing PJ live is a totally different exprience. Especially in venue's this big.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: EgoTrppN on Mar 10, 2006, 03:22 AM
On another note, I dare anyone here to name a band that is still around that has been together longer and put out more consistent music then pearl jam. They made it through the whole "grunge era" and have put out 7 studio albums (8 in may) that all have totally  unique sounds. On top of that they've done it all without any mainstream help or support in the past 8 years.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 10, 2006, 06:41 AM
I just hope that Jim doesn't get 'ill' again, like he does every time a European jaunt is planned. Something tells me he'll hold on to his health for this one.

I know this is going to get a lot of flack from diehard fans, but quite frankly I don't care.

I've been a loyal supporter of My Morning Jacket for years and I'm fed up of being let down. I've also talked to various people who know Jim, who have been a little more candid about his 'illnesses'.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: EC on Mar 10, 2006, 08:40 AM
If you look around, DiamondDays you'll see that there's been a lot of talk about all of this.  And if you'd like to read about the latest, you can even find it if you search google news.  Welcome to the board!  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Mar 10, 2006, 10:03 AM
QuoteI've also talked to various people who know Jim, who have been a little more candid about his 'illnesses'.

Care to share, Dr. Know-it-all?
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Half on Mar 10, 2006, 02:38 PM

Care to share, Dr. Know-it-all?

turns out he's lactose intolerant...who knew?
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Mar 10, 2006, 03:10 PM
I'm not certain where this anger comes from.  Jim was sick.  The tour got cancelled.  We've discussed this at length, and someone new comes along and pisses in the Wheaties all over again, offering so called "inside information" as to Jim's health status.  What a crock.

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 10, 2006, 03:35 PM
QuoteI'm not certain where this anger comes from.  Jim was sick.  The tour got cancelled.  We've discussed this at length, and someone new comes along and pisses in the Wheaties all over again, offering so called "inside information" as to Jim's health status.  What a crock.

come on john, lets see the croc, or maybe....

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Mookslat on Mar 12, 2006, 02:04 PM

I would just go out and buy some of the bootlegs.  State College PA and Benyora Hall (Awesome Acoustic Set)  would be a good start.  Also, if you haven't listend to NO CODE and YIELD yet you have alot to look forward to.

Right, Yield and No Code are good ones to buy if you have not listened to PJ in a while.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: EC on Mar 13, 2006, 12:36 PM
Hi pals - anybody know when regular ticket sales are?  I checked the TicketMaster site and they said no info available, blah de blah de shut up ticketmaster.  ;)

I don't suppose this is the kind of thing that the nice little friendly record stores will have tickets for, right?  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: efroten on Mar 13, 2006, 05:04 PM
QuoteHi pals - anybody know when regular ticket sales are?  I checked the TicketMaster site and they said no info available, blah de blah de shut up ticketmaster.  ;)

I don't suppose this is the kind of thing that the nice little friendly record stores will have tickets for, right?  

Only show I know for sure is the chicago show.  Its listed as going on sale March 25th on the united centers website.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: beammeup on Mar 13, 2006, 05:05 PM
QuoteHi pals - anybody know when regular ticket sales are?  I checked the TicketMaster site and they said no info available, blah de blah de shut up ticketmaster.  ;)

I don't suppose this is the kind of thing that the nice little friendly record stores will have tickets for, right?  

i believe the onsale date will be 3/25 at 10:00AM EST. it was up on the united center's website, but then they took it down, so i'm not sure whats going on right now.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: EC on Mar 13, 2006, 05:33 PM
Thanks, guys.  :)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: bderiso on Mar 14, 2006, 09:42 PM
In a perfect world, MMJ would be the band capable of filling the united center, and inviting a kick ass band with a smaller following along for part of its tour....but this isnt that world, so just be happy for the chance they're getting to play in front of more massive crowds...i'm kind of excited, although not sure i will get to make it to a show
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 15, 2006, 10:51 AM
Well, like it or not, I have as much right as you to an opinion, however many posts you might have made.

You don't own this forum. Get over it.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Mar 15, 2006, 10:53 AM
ah, but you stated your "opinion" as fact.   big difference, i'm afraid.

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 15, 2006, 11:11 AM
I'm not going to let you get away with that one 'I'm afraid'.

According to your lazy argument, the majority of posts here can be viewed as people stating 'facts' rather than 'opinons'.

Most people (yourself apparently not included) can distinguish between people expressing opinions rather than facts without every post being preluded by 'It's only my opinion, but...' I'll make myself clearer for numbnuts such as yourself in the future.

And, by the way, is your post an 'opinion' or a 'fact'. You've failed to make it clear.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Mar 15, 2006, 11:17 AM
[cracks knuckles]

No, you said the following:

QuoteI've also talked to various people who know Jim, who have been a little more candid about his 'illnesses'

You stated this as a fact.  I challenge you to prove it, naming names, and providing us with proof that you have the medical knowledge/education to make a diagnosis about Mr. Jim's health.  

Of course, you can't do that, you merely posted bullshit to fan flames, like the good troll you are.

Now run along, sonny-hasn't 4th period study hall started?

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 15, 2006, 11:27 AM

Now run along, sonny-hasn't 4th period study hall started?

i think it's about lunch time, actually.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Mar 15, 2006, 11:32 AM
LOL.  What are they serving today at the cafeteria?  ;)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 15, 2006, 11:35 AM
Implying someone is a child because they disagree with you is just so tedious.

And, OK, it was the guitarist from Dr Dog seeing as you are convinced that I'm a liar. He said something about Jim having trouble with the cabin pressure on long flights. This didn't sound too convincing, but that's what he said.

Does it not strike you as odd that it has happened repeatedly - I'm not just referring to the last set of cancelled gigs?

All of the above is my opinion.

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: marktwain on Mar 15, 2006, 11:41 AM
QuoteImplying someone is a child because they disagree with you is just so tedious.

Fuck.  I keep reading these posts wrong; I thought conaway was implying you were a child because you're acting like a child.

Listen.  It's really shitty these concerts got cancelled.  No one disagrees.  But if you are so pissed at the band that you believe Jim is faking illnesses and hates Europe or whatever, do you really still want to see them live?  Or do you just want them to come back so that you can heckle them?
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 15, 2006, 11:44 AM
QuoteImplying someone is a child because they disagree with you is just so tedious.

And, OK, it was the guitarist from Dr Dog seeing as you are convinced that I'm a liar. He said something about Jim having trouble with the cabin pressure on long flights. This didn't sound too convincing, but that's what he said.

Does it not strike you as odd that it has happened repeatedly - I'm not just referring to the last set of cancelled gigs?

All of the above is my opinion.

ok personally i cant dispute the fact that you talked to the guitarist and heard him say that.  heres my take though.  mmj are not a huge band, along the lines of u2.  they make most of their money by touring, and even that is not a lot.  they wouldnt go the trouble of booking a full fledged tour in europe knowing jim cant handle the transportation to get over there.  people dont seem to realise they lost a good deal of money from this.  ill go by knowledge of a musician i know personally, dan bern.  most people have no idea who the fuck he is.  he plays in front of 100 to 300 people max when he's "headliing", and it still costs his booking agent $2000 to book him somewhere.  based on that, how much do you think mmj requires?  you can be damn sure they dont see that money back.  mulitply that by the number of shows they cancel, and most record company contracts, no matter how great, make the band responsible for that.  if they never planned on going to europe, i dont think theyd make the effort to book a tour.  just my opinion though.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Mar 15, 2006, 11:44 AM
I'm not implying-you deserved that ascertation since your postings certainly sound like the blatherings of an immature soul.  

And let's be clear:  I don't simply disagree with you.  You are doing a disservice to your supposedly favorite band by calling Jim James a liar.  For that, I don't just "disagree", I can't help but call you out on this obvious bullshit.  You can childishly read into the band's official statements all you want, but DON'T state assumptions about anything based on heresay as FACT.  See the difference?  I can assume I've got a billion dollars in my bank account, but the fact is I don't.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 15, 2006, 11:48 AM
I can assume I've got a billion dollars in my bank account, but the fact is I don't.

can i assume a deposit for about $150,000 in my name to Fifth Third bank?  they'll have my info.   ;)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 15, 2006, 11:48 AM
You're a reasonable soul aren't you Conoway? Go ahead, keep it nice and personal - its showing you in such a good light.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: BH on Mar 15, 2006, 11:48 AM

I would just go out and buy some of the bootlegs.  State College PA and Benyora Hall (Awesome Acoustic Set)  would be a good start.  Also, if you haven't listend to NO CODE and YIELD yet you have alot to look forward to.

Thanks Sweatboard.  Just got Yield and have been slapping myself ever since for stopping at Vitology.  I have some live stuff and DVD's so I was familiar with some of these songs, but damn, that whole album is sweet.

Wish I could make it to "Me and Pearls Morning Jacket Jam"
How's that for a tour name, huh, huh?

Side note to DaimondDays:  I am so fucking tired of hearing the media say "from an unidentified source" or "from some people in the organization who would like to remain annonymous".  If they (or you) don't have the balls to name names than I don't want to fucking hear it.

Off the Record, I think Daimond Days has sex with cows on Tuesday afternoons when the weather is just right.  Or so I heard.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: marktwain on Mar 15, 2006, 11:50 AM
QuoteYou're a reasonable soul aren't you Conoway? Go ahead, keep it nice and personal - its showing you in such a good light.

Don't you see how personal it is to call Jim a liar?  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 15, 2006, 12:00 PM

Thanks Sweatboard.  Just got Yield and have been slapping myself ever since for stopping at Vitology.  I have some live stuff and DVD's so I was familiar with some of these songs, but damn, that whole album is sweet.

Wish I could make it to "Me and Pearls Morning Jacket Jam"
How's that for a tour name, huh, huh?

Side note to DaimondDays:  I am so fucking tired of hearing the media say "from an unidentified source" or "from some people in the organization who would like to remain annonymous".  If they (or you) don't have the balls to name names than I don't want to fucking hear it.

Off the Record, I think Daimond Days has sex with cows on Tuesday afternoons when the weather is just right.  Or so I heard.

Thats awesome Bermuda Hitchhiker I'm glad you cheked that out.  I forgot to mention the "Live At Madison Square Garden" DVD.  It's a legendary show, they were one of only like 4 bands to make the stage shake from the crowd going absolutly nuts.......and they did it that night.  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 15, 2006, 12:02 PM

I didn't call Jim a liar. All I have really done, if you look at my posts dispassionately, is ask questions.

The thing is - much as I'm sure you'll hate to hear this - My Morning Jacket have PR people and management and a Record Label, the same as any other band, all of whom have their own stake in the band, and their own take on how MMJ are presented.

And, just for the record, I think My Morning Jacket are an excellent band, of course I would not heckle them at any gig, and I have nothing but best wishes for Jim James.

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 15, 2006, 12:04 PM

I didn't call Jim a liar. All I have really done, if you look at my posts dispassionately, is ask questions.

The thing is - much as I'm sure you'll hate to hear this - My Morning Jacket have PR people and management and a Record Label, the same as any other band, all of whom have their own stake in the band, and their own take on how MMJ are presented.

And, just for the record, I think My Morning Jacket are an excellent band, of course I would not heckle them at any gig, and I have nothing but best wishes for Jim James.

Souds good..........CASE CLOSED!
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: CC on Mar 15, 2006, 12:11 PM
Souds good..........CASE CLOSED!

shit, I was just gonna say something.
oh well, let's talk pearl jam....
I just got that Garden dvd, that stage better be shakin!
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Jon T. on Mar 15, 2006, 12:18 PM
Also Sweat, thanks for recommending the Benyoral Hall or whatever its called cd.  I am thoroughly enjoying it.  The first time I heard Black when the crowd takes over gave me chills.  I can only imagine...
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ycartrob on Mar 15, 2006, 12:20 PM
Jim has trouble with cabin pressure during long flights.
So, knowing this, they schedule European dates, so they can then make up an excuse about an illness, so they can cancel the gigs. Rather than be open and honest, they'd rather alienate their European base of fans. Plus, they cancelled their New Years Eve and Letterman gigs, just to keep the charade going.

That's very unfortunate that they would do that, I thought they were stand up people.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Jon T. on Mar 15, 2006, 12:27 PM
QuoteThat's very unfortunate that they would do that, I thought they were stand up people.

And you call yourself a fan... ;D
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ratsprayer on Mar 15, 2006, 12:29 PM
this thread never really got going  

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 15, 2006, 12:30 PM

shit, I was just gonna say something.
oh well, let's talk pearl jam....
I just got that Garden dvd, that stage better be shakin!

Yeah, it starts shakeing around the time they play "Do The Evolution"   Eddie's reaction is pretty good they seem real appreciative of the crowd.  There is an awesome duet of "Indifference" with Ben Harper.  The version of "In My Tree" gives me chills.    
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: sweatboard on Mar 15, 2006, 12:36 PM
QuoteAlso Sweat, thanks for recommending the Benyoral Hall or whatever its called cd.  I am thoroughly enjoying it.  The first time I heard Black when the crowd takes over gave me chills.  I can only imagine...

Wow, that's awesome you checked it out.  Yeah, the crowd involvement at a Pearl Jam show is like nothing I've ever seen.  Eddie doesn't really need to worry about forgeting lyrics because he can always just let the crowd take over.  I love "Man Of The Hour" from that show, it was written for the Tim Burrton film "Big Fish"  I also love "Fatal" which was an unreleased track.  Pearl Jam has some of the best B-Sides and un released tracks ever recorded.  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: ycartrob on Mar 15, 2006, 12:52 PM
since this thread really never got going, I went back and again began reading all the posts. Somehow the first time I missed this gem by jrat:

Quoteejaculates everywhere without physical stimuli !!

Tried to read the next post, but still stuck on jrat (no pun intended). So, I stopped.

It makes me happy when others are that happy!
Rock On!
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: HorkoLad on Mar 15, 2006, 01:32 PM
Hey all: WInt!
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Mar 15, 2006, 03:48 PM
QuoteYou're a reasonable soul aren't you Conoway? Go ahead, keep it nice and personal - its showing you in such a good light.

Since you can't even bother to look up to spell my name correctly, your misquoted quotations from somewhat unreliable so called sources of sources just isn't factual.  If that's personal, then I'm Rodney Dangerfield.

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 04:39 AM
Keep at it Canawawayay.

Your forensic dissection of my every word is very flattering, but don't you have other stuff to do?
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 04:42 AM
The following's not personal then??
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 04:43 AM
Quote[cracks knuckles]

No, you said the following:

You stated this as a fact.  I challenge you to prove it, naming names, and providing us with proof that you have the medical knowledge/education to make a diagnosis about Mr. Jim's health.  

Of course, you can't do that, you merely posted bullshit to fan flames, like the good troll you are.

Now run along, sonny-hasn't 4th period study hall started?

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 04:48 AM
And here's some personal advice re debating.

Pointing out typos, calling people sonny or troll, and making weak, weak jokes all only serve to undermine both your position and others' opinion of you.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: EC on Mar 16, 2006, 07:58 AM
QuoteAnd here's some personal advice re debating.

Pointing out typos, calling people sonny or troll, and making weak, weak jokes all only serve to undermine both your position and others' opinion of you.

I might offer you some personal advice, DiamondDays.
1.  Keep your inside information to yourself.
2.  If you do share, don't name your sources - you were obviously told something with an implied bit of trust.
3.  If you come all out with your guns cocked, everybody will react strongly to that.  It's completely obvious that you came here with weird intentions and personal grudges all intact.  Comin' on here and telling everybody that you wish that PR and management would talk about the REAL reason why the tours have been cancelled, etc. is so self-aggrandizing and gregarious, it doesn't make sense.  Most peoples' first posts are somethin' like:  "um, hi.  um, this is my first post, and mmj rocks and i'm really glad to be here and cool."

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Mar 16, 2006, 08:08 AM
QuoteAnd here's some personal advice re debating.

Pointing out typos, calling people sonny or troll, and making weak, weak jokes all only serve to undermine both your position and others' opinion of you.

Do you think, for a New York minute, that I give a rat's ass about your or anyone elses opinion of me?  Hardly.

You are what you are:  a troll.  
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: Jon T. on Mar 16, 2006, 08:11 AM
EC -don't forget "shallow and pedantic".  As Peter Griffin would say.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 10:12 AM
It's all guns out for me isnt it. I had no intention of sharing my source until everyone called me a liar - again, just for the record
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 10:15 AM

I might offer you some personal advice, DiamondDays.
1.  Keep your inside information to yourself.
2.  If you do share, don't name your sources - you were obviously told something with an implied bit of trust.
3.  If you come all out with your guns cocked, everybody will react strongly to that.  It's completely obvious that you came here with weird intentions and personal grudges all intact.  Comin' on here and telling everybody that you wish that PR and management would talk about the REAL reason why the tours have been cancelled, etc. is so self-aggrandizing and gregarious, it doesn't make sense.  Most peoples' first posts are somethin' like:  "um, hi.  um, this is my first post, and mmj rocks and i'm really glad to be here and cool."

Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 10:16 AM
EC, you might want to check what gregarious means. Just a suggestion.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: CC on Mar 16, 2006, 10:20 AM
QuoteIt's all guns out for me isnt it. I had no intention of sharing my source until everyone called me a liar - again, just for the record

yeah, but you were like Jack Palance in Shane:
'pick up the gun, come oooooon... pick it uuuuup' ;)

a lot of people made some very good points, keep those in mind...
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 10:24 AM
Mr Baxter, I think you may be the only sane one in here.  :)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: EC on Mar 16, 2006, 10:28 AM
QuoteIt's all guns out for me isnt it. I had no intention of sharing my source until everyone called me a liar - again, just for the record

If you didn't want to say, you wouldn't have.

And your goddamn right about gregarious.  Damn it.  I thought it meant something else.  That also means my Mom has been wrong all these years.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 10:52 AM
Whatever. I'm sure you know the workings of my mind better than me.

Think what you like.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: CC on Mar 16, 2006, 10:57 AM
QuoteMr Baxter, I think you may be the only sane one in here.  :)

don't get me wrong, you were wrong. the insane people were right. there's no hidden agenda behind the cancellations and that's not my opinion but a fact.
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: DiamondDays on Mar 16, 2006, 11:28 AM

Case closed :)
Title: Re: it's official MMJ opening for PJ!
Post by: MMJ_fanatic on Mar 16, 2006, 07:40 PM

ok personally i cant dispute the fact that you talked to the guitarist and heard him say that.  heres my take though.  mmj are not a huge band, along the lines of u2.  they make most of their money by touring, and even that is not a lot.  they wouldnt go the trouble of booking a full fledged tour in europe knowing jim cant handle the transportation to get over there.  people dont seem to realise they lost a good deal of money from this.  ill go by knowledge of a musician i know personally, dan bern.  most people have no idea who the fuck he is.  he plays in front of 100 to 300 people max when he's "headliing", and it still costs his booking agent $2000 to book him somewhere.  based on that, how much do you think mmj requires?  you can be damn sure they dont see that money back.  mulitply that by the number of shows they cancel, and most record company contracts, no matter how great, make the band responsible for that.  if they never planned on going to europe, i dont think theyd make the effort to book a tour.  just my opinion though.

I would heartily agree that what is being put forth by Diamond Days rings of "conspiracy theorizing"  it just doesn't make sense to construct a tour plan and then cancel because of a problem with planes.  In addition Jim and the guys are out there all the time I'm surprised somone hasn't gotten seriously ill like this sooner.  I am just glad Jim's situation was caught in time and he is mending.