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Your Pets

Started by Golden_Shores, Nov 17, 2005, 04:15 PM

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Have you been to Japan?
Everyone should visit Kyoto once - it's so beautiful.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


i would LOVE to... still saving (trying anyway) to have a big OS trip next year, japan would definately be on my list. a guy i work with recently went to japan for 2 weeks and just loved it. particularly kyoto and osaka... the photos he brought back looked fantastic
love a song for the way it makes you feel


Quotewhy does Lola have a chip in her neck?

If she ever gets lost, the chip has the Humane Society information as well as my contact information contained in it.  She yelped when they implanted it :(
Sometimes I wear pants.

ben grimm

Me and Mrs Grim have two kittens Crosby and Emmylou, they may be brother and sister but, are at least half brother and sister and definitely cousins. They just got 'done' at the vets this week and have been asleep pretty much ever since.


I hate a small cat named Ember.  My Dad named her.  She's orange and black and white.  She's really pretty, but most people don't like her because she's "independent" (my word) and doesn't like a lot of attention.  She's an EXCELLENT mouser, and is fair because she alternates between who gets the mice presents.

She has almost died four times, and actually died once but was brought back with small defibrillators.  My Dad was there and he saw her nose turn blue and her heart monitor flatlined.  That was because she ate some of the tulip from a bunch of flowers somebody had given me.

She's had surgery four times for ongoing weirdnesses, mostly related to her, ahhh, nevermind it's gross.  She also gets feline cold sores in her eye.

Yep.  Thaaaaat's my cat.  She's also got the same birthday as me.  

She also likes to sit on my hair while I'm sleeping, and kind of cover up my face.

peanut butter puddin surprise

I have three cats.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


2 indoor cats - tiny dancer & chucky
3 outdoor cats - their names change
2 outdoor dogs - lazlo & weetabix


this is dixie faith, this is old picture from August

She is now about  25 pounds!
He made it to the ocean, had a smoke in a tree.
The wind rose up set him down on his knee.
A wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw.
Deliver him wings,



this is dixie faith, this is old picture from August

She is now about  25 pounds!

I'm really jealous!!! :'(
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteI hate a small cat named Ember.  My Dad named her.  She's orange and black and white.  She's really pretty, but most people don't like her because she's "independent" (my word) and doesn't like a lot of attention.  She's an EXCELLENT mouser, and is fair because she alternates between who gets the mice presents.

She has almost died four times, and actually died once but was brought back with small defibrillators.  My Dad was there and he saw her nose turn blue and her heart monitor flatlined.  That was because she ate some of the tulip from a bunch of flowers somebody had given me.

She's had surgery four times for ongoing weirdnesses, mostly related to her, ahhh, nevermind it's gross.  She also gets feline cold sores in her eye.

Yep.  Thaaaaat's my cat.  She's also got the same birthday as me.  

She also likes to sit on my hair while I'm sleeping, and kind of cover up my face.

Dear little Ember Cat  ;)

(I'm sure that wasn't a Freudian slip in your first line Megan.)



Dear little Ember Cat  ;)

(I'm sure that wasn't a Freudian slip in your first line Megan.)
Holy!!!  Yikes, of course I meant "have", not "hate".  I love my little gal.  



I just found out last night that our (meaning my parents') golden retriever, Luke, is going to the vet today.  He's not been himself at all lately.  The poor dear has had three or four surgeries on his brow bone because he has tumors growing there (and pretty much everywhere else now).  They've been growing in pretty bad recently and the vet said another surgery would really not be worth it.  Well, now, we're wondering if another surgery will be necessary or if Luke's fate holds something a bit more permanent.  :(  He's the most wonderful dog and he'd use his last ounce of strength to give a person a kiss.  I cannot stand to see him so down.  
Sometimes I wear pants.

ben grimm

I grew up with a retriever, they are wonderful dogs, I was devasted when we lost her, I'm sorry for you, I know how you are feeling it's horrible.


Goldens are just so loving and loyal.  He's so young and so sick.  It makes me sad.  Thanks for your condolensces.  He'll either have the surgery and be a little more comfortable or he won't and we'll do the more difficult but right thing and help him along his journey.    
Sometimes I wear pants.


QuoteGoldens are just so loving and loyal.  He's so young and so sick.  It makes me sad.  Thanks for your condolensces.  He'll either have the surgery and be a little more comfortable or he won't and we'll do the more difficult but right thing and help him along his journey.    
We had to go through something similar with an old friend, once, Golden Shores.  It is really hard.  Hope you guys are all right.  


We had to go through something similar with an old friend, once, Golden Shores.  It is really hard.  Hope you guys are all right.  

Right now, everything is okay.  He's just our Frankenstein dog!  But I think he's starting to get depressed about this tumor growing over his eye.  He's dug into a tumor on his ear and one on his cheek.  He broke both of those open without my parents knowing and now they're infected.  I just want him to be comfortable is all.  And right now he's not at all.
Sometimes I wear pants.


Very sorry to hear about your dog! I really hope he pulls through...

I have a clear image of our golden retriever limping in the woods & knowing that he wouldn't
be with us much longer.

God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.