R.I.P. Richard Pryor

Started by bengrim, Dec 11, 2005, 09:09 AM

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ben grimm

Sleep well Richard. Fucking genius.


He was a legend.  How about some quotes from Rich:

"There's nothing worse than being an aging young person."
"When you ain't got no money, you gotta get an attitude."
"I never met anybody who said when they were a kid, I wanna grow up and be a critic."
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive

ben grimm


" Marriage is really tough because you have to deal with feelings ... and lawyers."
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


Thanks Richard for pointing out the sad, the obvious, the secrets, the lies, the "truths"...
Racist Word Association Interview

Interviewer.....Chevy Chase
Mr. Wilson.....Richard Pryor

Interviewer: Alright, Mr. Wilson, you've done just fine on the Rorshact.. your papers are in good order.. your file's fine.. no difficulties with your motor skills.. And I think you're probably ready for this job. We've got one more psychological test we always do here. It's just a Word Association. I'll throw you out a few words - anything that comes to your mind, just throw back at me, okay? It's kind of an arbitrary thing. Like, if I say "dog", you'd say..?

Mr. Wilson: "Tree".

Interviewer: "Tree". [ nods head, prepares the test papers ] "Dog".

Mr. Wilson: "Tree".

Interviewer: "Fast".

Mr. Wilson: "Slow".

Interviewer: "Rain".

Mr. Wilson: "Snow".

Interviewer: "White".

Mr. Wilson: "Black".

Interviewer: "Bean".

Mr. Wilson: "Pod".

Interviewer: [ casually ] "Negro".

Mr. Wilson: "Whitey".

Interviewer: "Tarbaby".

Mr. Wilson: [ silent, sure he didn't hear what he thinks he heard ] What'd you say?

Interviewer: [ repeating ] "Tarbaby".

Mr. Wilson: "Ofay".

Interviewer: "Colored".

Mr. Wilson: "Redneck".

Interviewer: "Junglebunny".

Mr. Wilson: [ starting to get angry ] "Peckerwood!"

Interviewer: "Burrhead".

Mr. Wilson: [ defensive ] "Cracker!"

Interviewer: [ aggressive ] "Spearchucker".

Mr. Wilson: "White trash!"

Interviewer: "Jungle Bunny!"

Mr. Wilson: [ upset ] "Honky!"

Interviewer: "Spade!

Mr. Wilson: [ really upset ] "Honky Honky!"

Interviewer: [ relentless ] "Nigger!"

Mr. Wilson: [ immediate ] "Dead honky!" [ face starts to flinch ]

Interviewer: [ quickly wraps the interview up ] Okay, Mr. Wilson, I think you're qualified for this job. How about a starting salary of $5,000?

Mr. Wilson: Your momma!

Interviewer: [ fumbling ] Uh.. $7,500 a year?

Mr. Wilson: Your grandmomma!

Interviewer: [ desperate ] $15,000, Mr. Wilson. You'll be the highest paid janitor in America. Just, don't.. don't hurt me, please..

Mr. Wilson: Okay.

Interviewer: [ relieved ] Okay.

Mr. Wilson: You want me to start now?

Interviewer: Oh, no, no.. that's alright. I'll clean all this up. Take a couple of weeks off, you look tired.

everything sucks. really.


I used to love Richard Pryor's movies when I was younger & have been meaning to get some of his stand up on DVD for a while now. I guess now would be a good time.
Good place to start?
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.

ben grimm

The anthology CD is great not sure about dvd.


I think it was Chris Rock who said, "Eddie Murphy made you laugh but Richard Pryor moved you".




A rare talent, and really funny bloke.

the future is Ginger