People in Louisville (or Columbus), help!

Started by olwiggum, Dec 28, 2005, 07:42 PM

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Just got this message from a friend on MySpace. Can anyone help him out?

Looking for gigs in Louisville Ky and Columbus Ohio on these dates.
Feb 1st, Feb 4th, Feb 5th. I will be in Cincinnati on the 2nd and 3rd. If you can hook me up, hook me up. I am working on a date in Cleveland at the Beachland, but nothing is confirmed yet. See you all on the road.


little brother's is in columbus on the short north.  its a small club (holds about 400), but i know the beachland tavern is pretty small because the ballroom up there wasnt too big.


Son Volt is playing Headliner's Music Hall in Louisville on Feb. 4th.  
Well the music is your special friend
Dance on fire as it intends
Music is your only friend
Until the end