Where is Peyton Manning now?

Started by johnconaway, Jan 17, 2006, 07:58 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

oh that's right.  mr. bigshot, replete with his home field advantage, lost to an under-rated Steelers team.  all the arm waving and dosey-doe that dude does at the line of scrimmage wasn't enough to stop a very hungry Steeler defense.  a missed field goal?  bad official call?  still not enough...

where's the Super Bowl trophy for Indy?  oh that's right...they don't HAVE ONE.  for all the praise and ass kissing this guy gets, you'd think they'd won five Bowls in a row.  but they can't even make it to the SECOND ROUND of the playoffs.

Go Steelers!  One for the thumb!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


funny, i didnt realise the entire team was made of one player?  this argument is old hat.  one player doesnt win or lose a game.  talk to the piss poor indy defense in the first half that couldnt stop any pass big ben threw.  talk to the offensive line that couldnt block the pittsburgh line to protect peyton or block for edgerrin.  and yes, talk to peyton.  funny, if they win, hed be lauded, but since they didnt, hes the goat.  fuck that.  i know players are gauged on playoffs and championships, but ive now faced it after this year, peyton really wont ever win a super bowl.  thats the fact.  marino never won one either, so he can be on the quest to be the best ever without winning a championship.  i just think its hilarious people are quick to jump peyton's ass, which means what?  you know hes a fucking good player and you EXPECT him to perform.  stop being an ass and just wish they would have won this one for their coach.  im a fucking colts fan (for now), but i wouldnt blame any of the big names for leaving.  its a joke, indy is cursed or some shit, and they wont ever win the super bowl, no matter who the coach is or who the star players are.


oh, i think pittsburgh is going to beat denver as well. fact is, the better team won.  even if indy would have won, they wouldnt have deserved it.  pittsburgh is proving they deserve to be where they are, and i think theyll beat the broncos next week.

peanut butter puddin surprise

hey, i'm only reflecting the ocean of ass kissing this guy gets and how "no one can stop him" and all that.  of course a team isn't just one guy.  but no one else on that team gets the adulation he does, and i think it's just desserts for him to lose after all the press of "perfect season" and all that.  

this is sports, right?  'cause talking smack about sports is a national pastime, and after a huge, HUGE loss to an under rated team (my birthplace city), I feel like I can talk a little smack.  And tragic events aside, it's still sports so there's always a winner and always a loser.

I don't KNOW he's a great player;  I think he's entirely over rated.  Look at their schedule.  Look at the stadium-I'm a purist, so playing indoors is for pansies.   An indoor stadium in Indy?!  WTF?  Green fucking Bay doesn't have a dome, but Indy does.  Sheesh.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


nah im just being myself here, whatever that means.  i personally think hes a great QB, regardless of being a colts fan or not.  however, any guy can be a great QB with a good offensive line and good receivers, just as anyone can be shit if theyre fucking knocked down and hurried all the time.  talk all the smack you want, i dont mind.  im still not convinced at all that big ben is worth a shit, and im not just saying that based on your comments on peyton.  hes young, scrappy, and very good in the first quarter.  other than that, i dont see what the hell he has to offer.  


I think he is a good QB he is just way to quick to point the finger at other people when his team loses.  Look what he did to his offensive line after Sunday's game.  

I'm neither a Steeler's or Colts fan but that was one hell of a game, best game of the year by far.  Now the path is cleared for my Panther's to win it all!

If you don't know for yourself, how could you ever know for me....


Quotenah im just being myself here, whatever that means.  i personally think hes a great QB, regardless of being a colts fan or not.  however, any guy can be a great QB with a good offensive line and good receivers, just as anyone can be shit if theyre fucking knocked down and hurried all the time.  talk all the smack you want, i dont mind.  im still not convinced at all that big ben is worth a shit, and im not just saying that based on your comments on peyton.  hes young, scrappy, and very good in the first quarter.  other than that, i dont see what the hell he has to offer.  

Everytime you speak on here, I think I'm looking in a mirror. Right on!

(it also allows me to not post addictively as my views are already expressed on the board!!!!!!!)
....as mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


I'm not really a fan of either team and this is the first year that I've watched more than 1 or 2 NFL games in several years, but I caught myself rooting for the Colts until Sunday's game. I can't figure that one out either. I fucking hate Manning's alma mater, so that generally translates despising most of the player's that come out of there, but I was rooting for he and the Colts for a while. Why? I don't know.

But I felt myself turn against them early on in the Steelers game. Maybe it was the 2nd Pittsburgh TD that made me think that they would get beat but I'm not sure. I just caught myself rooting for them. Maybe it was the underdog factor.

And yeah, don't blame it all on your offensive line. You ought to be glad that they've given you all that free time in the pocket all season. Learn to scramble, asshole. Take some of the blame on yourself. You were overthrowing receivers by 10 yards all day.

That being said, Go SEAHAWKS!  

peanut butter puddin surprise

thank you!  I thought I was all alone in my criticism of Manning's evil ways.

Despite all the smack, I'm thinking this is either Denver or Seattle's season.  Both have solid teams capable of just about anything.  We'll just have to see how it goes.

Pittsburgh has a great D and solid running game, but ol Big Ben seems to have come alive late this year after knee surgery.  

Hell, it's anyone's game to win or lose at this point.  
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Go Panthers.  Olwiggum...you can cheer for the seahawks all you want, but Steve Smith will dominate and procede to do a ridiculous endzone celebration. :)


I gotta pull for the Seahawks because of my man S Alexander.


having foster out will really hurt the panthers, but i dont think alexander (concussion last week or not) is going to get much of anything against the panthers defense.  i dont think seattle can depend solely on the pass like they did against piss poor offense washington, so i gotta go with the panthers.


Quotethank you!  I thought I was all alone in my criticism of Manning's evil ways.

Despite all the smack, I'm thinking this is either Denver or Seattle's season.  Both have solid teams capable of just about anything.  We'll just have to see how it goes.

Pittsburgh has a great D and solid running game, but ol Big Ben seems to have come alive late this year after knee surgery.  

Hell, it's anyone's game to win or lose at this point.  

I like how the Colts lose a playoff game and now Peyton Manning is suddenly right up there with Osama Bin Laden.  Peyton is one of the best Quarterbacks that has ever and will ever play NFL football, Period!!!  Get off the HATE wagon John.  Imagine if the Colts would have won that game, would you be saying horrible things about Jerome Bettis?  Would it negate everything else good he has done.  He gets alot of publicity because he deserves it, because he is great not because he goes out of the way to get it like (Terell Owens, Deon Sanders, etc. etc.)  

GO VOLS!!!!!!!! ;D ;D
There's Still Time.........



I like how the Colts lose a playoff game and now Peyton Manning is suddenly right up there with Osama Bin Laden.  Peyton is one of the best Quarterbacks that has ever and will ever play NFL football, Period!!!  Get off the HATE wagon John.  Imagine if the Colts would have won that game, would you be saying horrible things about Jerome Bettis?  Would it negate everything else good he has done.  He gets alot of publicity because he deserves it, because he is great not because he goes out of the way to get it like (Terell Owens, Deon Sanders, etc. etc.)  

GO VOLS!!!!!!!! ;D ;D

go brian!  everyone has their own opinion, but i like them better when they agree with mine.   ;)


I have a hard time talking smack about pro sports players.

I mean, I hate T. Owens and Deion Sanders, etc... but I cannot deny the fact that they are very talented atheletes and I would give a whole bunch of myself to be that talented, for 1 game, PLUS make that much money. I mean, fans get all down and pissed when teams lose, but imagine how the players feel.

IE, I have a hard time saying so and so blew so and so game when I don't have the athletic abilty to do 1/100th of what these guys do.

I am a Saints fan; diehard. For 34 years, roughly since Archie's rookie season.

I think I am pulling for the Steelers b/c so far they have beaten 2 of the best teams. The Broncos are a bit unknown to me. Panthers? Seahawks? Not with them.

I was pulling for Peyton on Sunday b/c in this world of jive talking, look at me, get me the damn ball, sports jerks, Peyton is a class act. However, the Colts did deserve to lose and I really think the refs tried to help them out.

That's all I got.

Geaux Saints! Next year...


i have absolutely no sports talent either, but one thing i have learned from watching and some coaching is that you have to play better than to let the refs dictate the outcome of the game.  indy played like shit, and honestly they did starting in the second half of the jacksonville game through the end of the season.  peyton is definitely a class act, he doesnt showboat around and beg for all the attention.  hes not one of the many players screaming they dont get enough respect.  he plays, he does what he does, and hes definitely different than any other QB in the league, but people like carson palmer recognise he knows what the fuck hes doing, and youll see palmer become the next great QB in this league in the next few years if he keeps healthy.


Peyton Manning is a quality QB, just like Dan Marino....another guy who never won the big game. And he won't. He's now 3-6 all-time in the playoffs and the AFC is only getting stronger. Manning will NEVER win a Super Bowl.

It could be Pittsburgh's year.....


well, as the football goddess who predicted the outcome of all four games correctly (sorry Form91225  ;) ) i feel sorry for manning. but it just goes to show ya that it's all about protection and defense and patience and timing and balls. i heard some schmo on sports radio say that he's mediocre without pass protection. well, duh, most everybody is mediocre when they don't have time to throw.  people love to hate on peyton like they love to hate the yankees. if the colts had gone all the way they would find something else to pick on. manning needs more brass balls, not just on one gutsy play, but on all of them. i like eli because he plays a little recklessly. he's not as technically accomplished, but he's balls to the wall and that will make things happen.
i'm going with denver because they are getting the big shaft thus far and i think they're for real.
everything sucks. really.


QuotePeyton Manning is a quality QB, just like Dan Marino....another guy who never won the big game. And he won't. He's now 3-6 all-time in the playoffs and the AFC is only getting stronger. Manning will NEVER win a Super Bowl.

It could be Pittsburgh's year.....

They said the EXACT same thing about Elway. ANd how you figure the AFC is getting stronger is arguable.

Time will tell. But to say definitively that he will never win a Super Bowl is silly.



They said the EXACT same thing about Elway. ANd how you figure the AFC is getting stronger is arguable.

Time will tell. But to say definitively that he will never win a Super Bowl is silly.

im saying the same thing, and im a huge colts fan, born and bred hoosier.  of course, its mere speculation, but its the feeling i get.