Okay, this shite is gettin' old...

Started by johnconaway, Mar 07, 2006, 09:26 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

this entire year, i've been off and on sick with flu-like symptoms...chills, body aches, congestion...the works.    i've tried just about everything, but still am bloody sick as hell.  i've ran out of sick days!  so i gotta drag my butt into work anyways, despite feelin' icky.

the dr. says it's nothing to worry about, but it comes back so often i'm worried.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Fuck the level!


Usually when doctors say that they are stupid as shit.  Find a different doctor.  
How do you live your life style? Do you eat healthy? Do you work out at all?  By simply changing into a more healthy lifestyle (if you are not living one) works wonders.
Passion dripping from the coyote's eyes,
He can taste his blood,
An' blood never lies,
Pale face die. - Kiedis


JC... get a second opinion. find a doctor who will go as long as it takes to find out what's wrong with you. it could be you work with some contagious people who never wash their hands. maybe you need more vitamins. but don't be one of those cautionary tales who believed their one doctor and missed a diagnosis. cause we'd miss ya...
think about yout baby girl. if she were sick (knock on wood), wouldn't you go to the end of the earth to get her better? take care of you!
everything sucks. really.


Jeez JC, hope its not some kind of auto-immune dysfunction going on in there...keep on top of it man--the board needs its formal spokesperson!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


i'd be getting a second opinion - especially as you've had all this for a while... i went to a doctor last year as i was having problems breathing properly, and she said i was "sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure". riiiight.

you don't have any food sensitivities do you? a friend of mine was diagnosed a while back as being celiac (gluten intolerant) & that was making him sick for ages before he got it sorted... hope you feel better soon!
love a song for the way it makes you feel


Well what with yer stones and your stresses, you've had a lot going on with yourself.  I would listen to these friendly people though, and maybe go and see a homeopath or an alternative doctor.  ali's right, you might have some food allergies that you don't know about, or maybe you've just worn yourself out and the old bod isn't in a good enough place to just repairing.

Okay.  First of all, go to see someone.  
-Secondly, get yourself some niiiiiice psyllium fiber.  Seriously, sometimes it's as easy as that.  (And not the Kellogg's brand junk, like actual psyllium husks from the health store.)
-Start taking acidophilus.  Read the instructions, and make sure you get the kind that you have to leave in the fridge.
-Read the post on apple cider vinegar.
-Eat an apple every day.  Serious.  In the morning.  Serious.
-Be nice to  yourself.  :)