MMJ old web page design

Started by chris, Jun 09, 2006, 11:21 PM

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Does anyone know where to find the picture that used to be at the opening of the website circa 2002?  It was a picture of the back of a guy's head (I always thought it was johnny quaid, but not sure) as he was walking away and he was wearing a jacket backwards and it had some sort of badge (life a sheriff's star) on the lapel.  I was always intrigued by this picture, if anyone knows where to find it and what it was a picture of I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.

yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die



Who's johnny ringo (that's not a nickname for johnny Q is it?)?  Is there a story behind the picture?  This was the picture I'd see when I first started listening to the band, and it seemed so perfect b/c I thought if there was such a thing as a "morning jacket" this picture somehow conveyed it.  Anyway, thanks for posting the picture, it was such a vague memory that I was starting to forget exactly what it looked like.
yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die