School's out for summer.......

Started by TEO, May 26, 2006, 03:13 PM

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Thanks to Alice Cooper I have had that song stuck in my head all day today! Anyhow, there is no feeling in the world when you see those buses pull out for the last time. Mixed emotions, kids you will miss, those you wont.  There is this crazy level of denial as well, like it can't be true because you have looked forward to it for so long. 'Roo here I come!  (((((((TEO)))))))
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Me too!!!
I played it to my students today - they appreciated it and laughed because they know I'm an Alice fan.

Had some tearful partings and some lovely gifts. Most were the traditional cards, flowers and chocolates, but one group bought me a mug with a picture of a guy in bathing trunks on - when you put a hot drink in his trunks disappear!!! I love it that they knew me well enough to know I wouldn't be offended.

Happy summer and good luck in exams to students, teachers and professors everywhere.


the last day i ever spent in high school after our exams were over... i just felt so much relief. i hated high school and thought it was the biggest waste of time. i felt like i learned a lot more on my own than i ever did in class.
the weirdest part was that i was friends with everyone, floated in and out of all the cliques, played sports, was an A student, and still the whole thing felt oppressive and horrible...

i read this great line in a book where a school outcast chaperones a high school dance and tells these girls that high school is like a bad flu that you get over. some people in my school thought it was the be all and end all and i knew there was so much more...

i have yet to meet a single person who looked back fondly on their high school experience...
everything sucks. really.



yeah.  this weekend has finally felt like summer.  the day hangs and the long strolly walks and the afternoon beers. :)


School's out forever, for me at least. I graduated last Thursday and also turned 18 yesterday.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


Congratulations and happy birthday!  

Easy Morning Rebel

Summer holiday for moi in one week! wooohoo!!

Even cowgirls get the blues



QuoteSchool's out forever, for me at least. I graduated last Thursday and also turned 18 yesterday.

no college?
i know it's not for everyone...
but more and more employers require it...
everything sucks. really.


It's nice to see so many teachers around here.  I teach fifth grade myself, and my students still have another week left.  I'm pretty excited, it'll be nice to have a long break.  Of course I've got to put up with another week + of teacher work days, but that summer is gonna be o' so sweet. ::)
yeah, so if it's sad, well you still gotta live till ya die


QuoteIt's nice to see so many teachers around here.  I teach fifth grade myself, and my students still have another week left.  I'm pretty excited, it'll be nice to have a long break.  Of course I've got to put up with another week + of teacher work days, but that summer is gonna be o' so sweet. ::)
Another week? I had 3 hours. What you gonna' do?
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary



no college?
i know it's not for everyone...
but more and more employers require it...

i'll probably hit up college in a year.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it



i'll probably hit up college in a year.
It is good to take time off. I took off a semester, and after being exposed to the "Real World", was more than eager to go back.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


i miss school. school is way more fun than "real life". when i was in college, mom and pop took care of everything, i lived at home, i just worked in a coffee shop and went to class and worried about zilch beyond shopping and my boyfriend.

just three years later, i'm thinking about going for my master's, but this time i not only have to work, but have to do it to pay bills and rent and take care of my husband and home...

i miss being a kid. even with all the door-slam-i-hate-you-guys parent shit... it's the LIFE

everything sucks. really.


Awesome, a masters!  For what subject?  

I'm going for a masters in counseling this fall.  

Jon T.

I agree Wellfleet. But, I am 6 years out of college and  I still have dreams/nightmares that I have a paper due the next day.  I am so happy when I wake up.  Papers suck. Bad.  The rest  gooooooooooood.  So, good luck on your thesis. ;D


QuoteI agree Wellfleet. But, I am 6 years out of college and  I still have dreams/nightmares that I have a paper due the next day.  I am so happy when I wake up.  Papers suck. Bad.  The rest  gooooooooooood.  So, good luck on your thesis. ;D

hahahahaha me, too!  i always have this crazy course that i always forgot to go to, and i know there's some big assignment due, but i haven't really looked into it, and the exam's coming up but i don't know when it is...  i have that one probably twice a month. :)

i don't miss being in university.  i had a great time, don't get me wrong, but i like things now.  i don't mind responsibilities too bad.  (not that i have too many, i guess.)

trey, i'm glad you're taking time off before school.  i think that should be mandatory for people.  take a year, see some stuff, take a wee break from school, and then you go back.  

i know y'all have been biting your nails, so STOP PANICKING!!!  MARK IS FINISHED MATH!!!  HE'S OKAY!!!  ;)



:( i still have all next week, monday, then finals tuesday and wednesday.... then a half day friday>:(

Freshmen year couldn't've been longer. I'm ready for it to be oooooveeeeeerrrr nowwwww....


Hang in there face, it is almost over!
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary