grrrr pt. 2

Started by eiseyrokker, Jun 28, 2006, 12:09 AM

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Great attitude for just being ripped the Fuck off! And to think you survived the Jungles of Bonnaroo with flying colors only to have someone mess with you in the so called "real world". Tom, when something is not going my way, I try to find how it is still benefitting me. Sounds like you are doing the same. Like looking at having the benefits of a hard hookup for your ipod etc.
Hang in there.......
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


tom i'm SO sorry to hear about your music.... i know where you're coming from on this one... i have no time or patience or sympathy for people who steal, but people who steal other's music (we're talking physical cds/vinyl/ipods etc here, not trying to make a statement about net downloading etc) really are scum of the earth. like the bastard who is even now enjoying my ipod. even though i've now had to replace it, it still pisses me off

good to hear you had it insured though, that makes it all a little easier....

and i agree with you about us being more than what we own. i am a pretty materialistic gal, i love my cds and my books, but really, at the end of the day, they don't make me who i am. they are a really important part of my life, but i'd survive without them. travelling out of a backpack helps to reinforce how much extraneous stuff we have, that we really can live without. they make our lives nicer for sure, but really when it gets down to it...

do you have a list or catalogue of everything you have to replace?
love a song for the way it makes you feel