Brian AKA Sweatboard?????

Started by ycartrob, Aug 16, 2006, 10:31 AM

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where you at man? 2 posts this entire month? I remember the good ol days when you were chiming in with 50 posts to every new topic...I know you're super stoked about the new  Christina Aguilera album and her newest image, and you're focused in on that


I mean,

I only hang out here cuz you do.

what gives chief?  ???


Quotewhere you at man? 2 posts this entire month? I remember the good ol days when you were chiming in with 50 posts to every new topic...I know you're super stoked about the new  Christina Aguilera album and her newest image, and you're focused in on that


I mean,

I only hang out here cuz you do.

what gives chief?  ???

ummm... you have us. :(



ummm... you have us. :(



2 post this entire month?  Crap, you're right, I had to check that out myself.  Well, there is the new Christina Aguilera record but also my new obsession with bo hunting Larks, it takes practice folks.

I've been meaning to respond to your thread with all the pictures of your trip.  Man, that looks like an amazing time.  I am definatly going to have to do that in the future.  I feel like I could use a vacation like that RIGHT NOW.  GREAT pictures to by the way, actually STUNNING is the word I think I was looking for.  

Anyway, I'm still here, I've just kinda of been lurking in the background stopping in everyonce in a while for updates on the status of Tom's Beard and making sure I've updated the poll on which one of Jim's T-Shirts everyone prefers.


There's Still Time.........


well since you asked...

taken last night.

and yeah, seriously Brian. c'mon man. take up the slack, bro!
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Man Tom (you sexy beast) that is spectacular.  Jelousy rages within my bones.  I've actually started one myself, I'll try and post a picture later tonight......................If you promise not to laugh.  
There's Still Time.........


i swear i won't laugh bro. i wanna see this.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.