Nashville people: Keep an eye out

Started by olwiggum, Oct 29, 2006, 08:13 PM

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I got this from several people on myspace yesterday. Looks like some heartless bastards (or crackheads) made off with all of the Shackshakers equipment. I didn't really see the need to repost it on Myspace, because I'm sure it's made it's way around there now. But I thought maybe some of you can keep an eye out if you see any of this stuff pop up

Around noon today our trailer was stolen in Nashville.. ALL of our gear was in it including my White Falcon and the weathered Orange 6120 Gretsch.
Mark lost a red Kind Doublebass Road Kingand a Fender precision electric bass.
Jd lost his 59 reissue Bassman and a hi powered tweed twin.
I lost my blonde Fender Supersonic head/ 4 12 cabinet , my 55 watt Germino LV Head , and an Ampeg super rocket 2x12. I had a Fulltone OCD pedal, ibanez tube screamer, boss blues driver and sever boss tuners. The cab and ampeg were in R&R (anvil style cases) spray painted " destroyers" . Ther germino was in an Anvil head case.

Mark's amps were Fender Pro 1200 head and two Fender 8x10 cabinets. His head and tuner were in a white Star Brand road case.

There was also a full double kick Pearl drum kit and tons of merch, cables ect ect.. Ill have all serial numbers later but 95% of this is one of a kind gear.. Please copy and paste this in any board you can to get the word out there...

Im in in shock .. please help us find this!!
thanks a million..
big luv
david lee


ah bummer, man.

nobody deserves that biz.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


sorry to hear that :(  Hope you end up getting it back
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Looks like they got most of it back....




At 10am this morning, Officer Rob Egger with the Nashville Police Dept. awakened the sleeping giant Mark Robertson with the awesome news that the Shack Shakers' trailer, gear and merch had all been FOUND!

Dumped at a nearby airstrip by the river, the trailer sat idle with 95% of the contents still in tact. Only David's orange Gretsch (NOT the White falcon! whew.) and Mark's P-Bass were missing.

The theory goes that some illegal laborers (i.e.: no traceable fingerprints) had swiped our trailer, thinking it contained construction materials and power tools (the property where it was parked had sustained a theft of similar items months before.) When they got the trailer to the airstrip to peek inside, they found only heavy, heaping boxes of t-shirts and unwieldy amplifiers. Only the two guitars were easy enough to swipe in a flash.

This is great news for the band and all our fans, as we can now seemlessly join up with the Reverend Horton Heat, tour the East Coast with all our old familiar gear, and NOT be set back tens of thousands of dollars.

Thanks to the good folks at Fender in Scotsdale for their kind offer to expediate a shipment of replacement gear. And thanks to all of our fans, friends and family for jumping into action at a moment's notice.

And thanks to Policeman Robbie Egger..a hell of a cop, bass-player and daddy o' twins. You guys are the greatest.
Seeya on the big East Coast Holiday tour with the Rev.!
Yer pal JD

11:15 AM - 1 Com


Congrats :)!  Sometimes cops are worth a damn ;).  Good luck on the tour.
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


Nice Revovery!

Enjoy the reverend tour.  Great fun.  We used to see them in college two or three times a year.  We would always end up drinking Jegurmeister (sp?) with Jimbo at the bar at the end of the night.  Uhggg!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.