Frozen sperm!

Started by ycartrob, Feb 12, 2007, 09:30 PM

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OK, day 4 into The Death of Anna Nicole! Hannity and Colmes' (which is advertised by Fox as a political debate program)  lead story with a 6 person roundtable and a person on the scene in the Bahamas! These people are frothing at the mouths like maggots on a deer carcass. And now, we have frozen sperm being thrown around (no pun intended). Who's the daddy??  HHHmmmmmmm.... so just what are the different slants of left/right when it comes to drug addicted, surgically enhanced, gold digging skanks?
Slim Fast!
Paternity Suit!
The Bahamas!
Is it love?
Latest developments!
Back with more after the break....

And who does Larry King have on CNN? Why, it's Anna Nicoles best friend! WoW!!

Still no word nationally on the death of Petty Officer 1st Class Gilbert Minjares Jr. of El Paso, Texas who was in Iraq fighting for something very small; our freedom. Hopefully the local TV station will have a wonderful, honorable send off. I went to the El Paso Times today (  )  and couldn't find anything on Minijares other than the short blurb on Friday about him dying in Iraq, only 7 days after he arrived and how he is survived by his wife and 2 kids, 2 years and 4-weeks old ( 4 weeks old!). I did find some fascinating articles about the death of Anna Nicole in the National section and 4 more in the Texas section in today's El Paso Times! There's a wonderful account of her last days in Hollywood, Florida! In a flashy hotel!! And there's a vivid description of the inside of the hotel room! And it cost $1,600 a night!!

We care more about this drug addicted, surgically enhanced, gold digging skank more than we do a family who lost their father (a 4-week old, for God's sakes!) in Iraq. Can you imagine?

This shit has got to stop.

What will make this shit stop?

This is the face of America's fixation.


ok, if you want people to stop talking about it, why don't you, ummm.... stop talking about it.  This is the third thread you've started about anna nicole smith, you're the one who's obessesed.  people who don't care, ignore.


3rd thread?  try 2nd (but you were close). I am just pointing things out, trying to wake people up. I am obsessed with how our nation does not care about our soldiers in Iraq, I'll give you that.

Someone tried to argue that our news is filled with the death of US soldiers in Iraq and I am driving home the reality that this is not the case.

This is all very disturbing to me and I am not sure what to do about it. If it doesn't piss you off then you're either apathetic or asleep (IMO).


our country is obsessed because the media shoves this shit down their throats.  I haven't heard anyone talking about anna nicole smith outside of this board.  What cable news station talk about doesn't piss me off because I don't watch it.  I've got better things to think, care, and talk about.  You can call me apathetic or asleep, but by constantly talking about this shit and watching news to keep with the ridiculousness of it you are falling for their game.  And that's stupid!  


I throw up 2 threads in 4 days, and I am constantly talking about it? Give me a fucking break man. What a moronic statement.

Not really sure about why this is pissing you off, but hopefully you're getting uncomfortable because you're starting to think (and reading your comments, it seems like you're pissed about something else, not me). I really can't see how my anger over how we hang our soldiers out to dry makes you angry with me.

Whatever floats your boat.


I thought that we'd learned to ignore the media by now. Why do people really care about so and so in the celebrity world? Most celebrities are famous for just being rich, good looking, and the works. And the media need to get off their backs too. They seem to know no limitations in discrediting celebrities' reputations and publicizing their personal lives. Seriously, let it be. I herby vow never to post on another thread about Anna Nicole Smith again. Let her rest in peace. So there.
In another time, in another place, in another face


mom, dad, i'm scared.


Nah, I agree Tracy.

And, aMillionDreams makes a good point about the media shoving shit down our throats.  Take the grammy's for instance.  The Dixie Chicks sweep the awards on an album that they made about an offhand comment about G.W.?!?  The Music industry sucks on the same level that the entertainment industry sucks.  But, plain and simple, celebrity is way more important (news) to the masses than important stuff like the Sargeant that you mentioned.  And as someone who watches the military channel a lot, it pisses me off.  



QuoteNah, I agree Tracy.

And, aMillionDreams makes a good point about the media shoving shit down our throats.  Take the grammy's for instance.  The Dixie Chicks sweep the awards on an album that they made about an offhand comment about G.W.?!?  The Music industry sucks on the same level that the entertainment industry sucks.  But, plain and simple, celebrity is way more important (news) to the masses than important stuff like the Sargeant that you mentioned.  And as someone who watches the military channel a lot, it pisses me off.  


so, WTF are we going to do about it? How about we storm CNN headquarters in ATL? Meet me in the quad in 20 minutes...


Bring pies.  We can give them a pie in the face.

At least I hope that's pie...


why even bother complaining? nothing's gonna change. society has already structured itself around media and pop culture.  people are morons.  generally, they'll take what they're spoonfed... i just can't even imagine what it's gonna be like when I'm your guyses age.



thank god for intelligent thinkers.  you don't have to pay attention to the shit that you find worthless. i find it just gets me depressed.  unfortunately, i attend school regularly with kids who thinkt he news is "Teen People" and "Vogue".  Get me outta here!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead


Comedian Jim Gaffigan posted a bulletin on myspace today concerning this. Here it is:

Subject      Why doesn't the media cover the Anna Nicole story?
Body:      I don't know if you heard but Anna Nicole passed away. I know over a 120,000 American soldiers are risking their lives over in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I can't seem to find any info on Anna Nicole in newspapers, or on the radio or TV. I'd like to know some important information. Who did she sleep with? In the house she didn't die in, what did she have in her fridge? What did Anna Nicole think of Kevin Federline? How did she like her eggs?

I'm so tired of the media not covering important things like Anna Nicole.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteI throw up 2 threads in 4 days, and I am constantly talking about it? Give me a fucking break man. What a moronic statement.

Not really sure about why this is pissing you off, but hopefully you're getting uncomfortable because you're starting to think (and reading your comments, it seems like you're pissed about something else, not me). I really can't see how my anger over how we hang our soldiers out to dry makes you angry with me.

Whatever floats your boat.

Ok, if "constantly" is too moronic for you, i'll say that you've talked about anna nicole more than anyone on this board or anyone I've talked to in real life by a long shot.  I'm not angry with you I just thought that I would point that you are pissed that people are watching news about anna nicole and talking about it and your response is to watch news about anna nicole and talk about it (now that's moronic).  If you're really pissed about people not talking about Iraq how about starting a thread about, hmmm...  Iraq and talk about it. Hey, you could start two or three!

Whatever floats your boat.


this thread never really got going.



Ok, if "constantly" is too moronic for you, i'll say that you've talked about anna nicole more than anyone on this board or anyone I've talked to in real life by a long shot.  I'm not angry with you I just thought that I would point that you are pissed that people are watching news about anna nicole and talking about it and your response is to watch news about anna nicole and talk about it (now that's moronic).  If you're really pissed about people not talking about Iraq how about starting a thread about, hmmm...  Iraq and talk about it. Hey, you could start two or three!

Whatever floats your boat.

it's called social commentary man. And I am infatuated with pop culture, what can I say. I have watched the news on Anna Nicole for about 30 minutes total over the past 4 days. Total. 30 minutes. And I have opened 2 threads and posted like 6 relevant comments. Over 4 days. Takes like 10 seconds to figure out the lead story on Fox. 10 seconds. I see it, then change the channel. You paint me out to be some manic, crazed person frantically flipping from channel to channel for 96 straight hours, frothing at the mouth, half nude and disheveled, taking notes, cussing, drawing caricatures, eating pudding, masturbating to DVD covers of Michale Moore's Farenheit 911....    that ain't me.

social commentary.

You want to say that me watching 30 minutes of Anna Nicole coverage over the past 4 days (now 5) is obssessive is a tad bit silly. (I actually think you're a little obsessed with me, but that's OK. I am sort of used to that).

I suggest you take your own advice and ignore me. People who don't care ignore (those are your words). Is that why you keep responding?

So ignore me. You seem a little obsessed with my social commentary about media bias to celebrity and how my heart goes out to the forgotten families of the US soldiers. I have an idea: get over it, take your own advice and don't read my posts.

Life must be sooo hard.


I have decided to take a vow of silence on Anna nicole.  
I have retracted a couple of posts on another thread due to typing in frustration and anger, which has not been caused by anything said by anyone on this site.  
I have a policy that I do not talk about politics & religion with friends and family.
I will try to limit my posts to humorless anecdotes.
And I apologize to anyone I have offended with my hyperbole.
I think I need to up my meds. ( inhale deeper and hold it in longer )

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Quotemom, dad, i'm scared.

I think mommy and daddy are hitting each other. I'm going to go hide under my bed :'(

I chose to ignore the whole thing because she was a pathetic person and there are more important things to hear/worry about, not that anyone would know. As soon as I see any news source heading down that shit tunnel, I leave.



I chose to ignore the whole thing because she was a pathetic person and there are more important things to hear/worry about, not that anyone would know.

She was terribly pathetic, and I think people are fascinated with the DEPTH of the entire mess she made of every aspect of her life, at least in the last 10 years. Forget All My Children....people tune into this shit in waves cuz it's real life. And now you've got Howard getting PAID by the ET type shows to be half-ass interviewed and walk around his house  showing exactly where items were stolen from. It's incredibly surreal, given that he's under a major cloud of suspicion himself concerning both deaths (as well as the 'burglary').

Tracy, you just have to seek out more hard core news sources like Democracy Now etc.... The network and cable news channels are basically pawns of the government. It still irks me that they abide by the govt's request to not show the caskets of the dead coming back from Iraq.  >:(
"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"