Barack Obama

Started by jeffro79, Feb 16, 2007, 10:47 AM

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Whats everyones thoughts on this cat? I'm getting ready to pick up his books and then Ill make a final judgement. I like what Im hearing so far tho. Can he win in '08??
i kinda think right now is a pretty good time to just sit down and sing people some mother-fuckin songs

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteCan he win in '08?
While our country is more than ready for an African American or a woman as our president, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say "no".  We are at a pivotal point in world history, a ground shaking epoch in time that requires a steady, experienced, learned, intelligent person to guide us through these trying times.

Obama and Hillary are NOT those people.  They are inexperienced in global affairs/diplomacy and their personal characteristics are unfortunately going to be used to divide our society further, which is something we don't need.  Unfortunately for both of these people, a Joe Biden or John McCain would fit the bill better, IMHO, if only for their collective diplomatic/global affairs experience.  

The last thing our country needs is a misstep next year in putting an inexperienced person in the White House.  Regardless of these (and others) fine qualities and character, we need a take charge, kick ass diplomat to fix this goddamn mess we're in.  Neither of these guys/gals (or anyone else, IMHO) can do that effectively.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I am currently reading The Audacity of Hope. I like what I read, but putting the ideologies (ex: partisan politics) into practice is a lot different than writing about them. I know that some Republicans are already on the attack with reports that Obama does not appeal to the black voter (uummm, OK). Or maybe it's Hillary who's putting that out there. Who knows, I am really not looking forward to the mud slinging.

While I agree with JC about needing an experienced person in the White House, it saddens me to think we got Biden or McCain to choose from. But it's real scary to think about the mess Bush has put us in globally. You just don't walk out of that quickly.

My guess is something huge will happen on the international front to keep us Americans scared so we'll be hesitant to change in midstream. God help us if we go into Iran. I don't even want to think about it. However, republicans will view that as a  good way to keep the fear going and elect another republican president.

I absolutely cannot believe the bumblings coming out of DC in reaction to finding Iranian weapons in Iraq (or if they are Iranian, or how they got there, etc...). These idiots have learned nothing.


Well, I don't think there is any doubt whatsoever that we will have a democratic president after Bush.  My fear is that all of the shit is going to really start hitting the fan while the next president is in office and then the Republicans are going to start pointing fingers at the democrats saying they couldn't handle it. ah, the ebb and the flow.
There's Still Time.........


As of now, he's got my vote.  I like his optimism and his (as of now) passion for changing the environment for the better.  But that's about all the homework I've done so far.  

Could he win?  I think that there's no WAY that there will be a republican president in for next term (at least, I hope not).  And as far as having experience to win goes, I think America, although maybe not the majority, is tired of the 'usual' experienced candidate.  Don't you think that lots of voters might actually want a complete fresh start?  Perhaps a throwback to the JFK days?  I hope so.  I heard Obama say something when asked about his experience to the effect of, "That's true, I don't have the traditional Washington experience, and I really don't know how Washington works.  But that's why I'm running...because I think people are tired of the way Washington works". Or something along those lines.

Should be interesting in '08 though.


GORE '08 [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
I painted my name on the back of a leaf
and I watched it float away


Obama is from my state and I really llike him, he is almost to good to be true. Although lacking tenure in the senate, he shows good leadership for his party. Sen. Durbin has taken him in under his wing. The only thing that kinda bothers me is, our local issues have been put on the back burner so he can campaign for Pres.. Hopefully the sacrafice will mean we have a pres. from Illinois in the White house, and we  can get some those tasty earmarks released to our state.  Our local infastructure is in need of desperate repair. Federal funds are needed.
With that said, I would prefer Sen. Biden. I think we need experience in foreign policy to repair the damage done by our current pres,    no fuckin way would I want that job.  It's gonna be a up-hill battle for who ever gets in.  Not a big Hillary fan, she turned her back on Illinois (where she is from) for New york.  The republicans don't have a a snowballs chance in hell to win in 08 in my opinion.
I wish the green party could come up with a palatable candidate to make things interesting. I am getting tired of two party politics.
Al Franken for pres ? If he gets elected in minnihoho it could happen. And it's possible, they elected a pro wrestler why not a comedian.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Oh my god!  I agree with conaway!  I need to do some soul searching and really reevaluate for a while!

I'm still undecided about Obama but his lack of experience is discerning. My man is Biden! He's the only I'll stop and watch if I see him on CSPN.  a straight shooter all the way.


I distincly remember after the last robbery...I mean election, saying Obama in '08. Personally I find his lack of "experience" comforting and refreshing. Honestly, Bush supposedly had experience as the Gov Of Texas and look as the world of shit we are in now. Experience does not equal being a great President.

Personally I cannot stand Hilary. I do not find her sincere and believable. Also, she is waaaaaay to polarizing. I have only met 2 people when it comes to Hilary, they love her or hate her. Us Dems need someone who is going to unite us all.


I respect what everyone has said so far. I think with the problems our country has at this point in time were not going to find a fix all  man/women for the job. We need major adjustments to foreign policy, the environment, health care, education, the economy to name a few. The past two presidential elections I have felt as if I was voting for the lesser of two evils. At this point in time and I know its early, if I had to vote today I would vote for Obama. And I wouldnt have that feeling of voting for the lesser of 2 evils. Its early tho, it all should be very interesting.
i kinda think right now is a pretty good time to just sit down and sing people some mother-fuckin songs

Angry Ewok

QuoteCan he win in '08?
While our country is more than ready for an African American or a woman as our president, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say "no".  We are at a pivotal point in world history, a ground shaking epoch in time that requires a steady, experienced, learned, intelligent person to guide us through these trying times.

Obama and Hillary are NOT those people.  They are inexperienced in global affairs/diplomacy and their personal characteristics are unfortunately going to be used to divide our society further, which is something we don't need.  Unfortunately for both of these people, a Joe Biden or John McCain would fit the bill better, IMHO, if only for their collective diplomatic/global affairs experience.  

The last thing our country needs is a misstep next year in putting an inexperienced person in the White House.  Regardless of these (and others) fine qualities and character, we need a take charge, kick ass diplomat to fix this goddamn mess we're in.  Neither of these guys/gals (or anyone else, IMHO) can do that effectively.


Hillary sure as fuck isn't getting my vote. She comes off so fake, with her head bobbing and nodding no matter what's being said. It's annoying and distracting, anytime she is on screen. She's like one of those dashboard bobbleheads.

As far as Obama goes... Just because "America is ready for a minority President," (as if we haven't had one for several years now, har har), doesn't mean people should start casting off votes for the guy.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


stewart/colbert '08

fuckin' for real.


Quotestewart/colbert '08

fuckin' for real.

I am TOTALLY with you!!
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked