Overheard in New York

Started by red, Apr 12, 2007, 02:16 AM

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I posted this once in another thread, but lately it's become so time-consuming for me and it's time you all discover this wonderful slice of interweb.


Here's one of my favourites:

Two kids are looking at the Dove ad campaign showing Hanna-Barbera characters with new hairdos.

Kid #1: Yo, look at that Jetsons mom's hair.
Kid #2: What's the Jetsons?
Kid #1: You don't know the Jetsons? Dem's those niggas that live in space.

--N train going uptown

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In another time, in another place, in another face


Mother: Honey, what is wrong with your eyes?
Teen daughter: I am stoned.
Mother: You look like you have allergies.
Teen daughter: I am stoned.
Mother: Maybe it's pink eye.

--Central Park

The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


Nerd #1: Didn't Ford's body get shipped to Washington?
Nerd #2: No.
Nerd #1: Oh. Then I must have seen that on 24 or something.

--Union Square


Eight-year-old girl with babysitter seeing mom on the street: Mommy, why do you smell like alcohol?
Mom: Because it's Tuesday, sweetie.

--Franklin & Broadway
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side


From overheard in the office:

Managing director: What happened to you?
Warehouse employee: A skid fell on my leg. Don* just left to call me an ambulance.
Managing director: A skid of what?
Warehouse employee: ... Ground coriander.
Managing director: That came in today? Great! We've been waiting for that.
Warehouse employee: ... My leg is broken.
Managing director: And we appreciate that.

6105 Oakleaf Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland

Overheard by: Ren
The trouble with the straight and the narrow is it's so thin, I keep sliding off to the side