Pet Peeves  

Started by sweatboard, Dec 09, 2006, 12:51 PM

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i am too old (not really, but...) to get all those internet little lol, omg, wtf things down.  i think those might be the only abbreviations i know.  it takes me forever to send a text.  i don't do it unless i have to, like at a show.  

my #1 pet peeve

people who are passive aggressive.  just say what you mean.  you'll feel a whole lot better.  i don't say anything behind anyone's back i wouldn't say to their face.  some people can't handle that.  they want to talk trash and not air out the dirty laundry.  i am too upfront and don't like to waste time thinking about how someone did something....i just tell them...hey man, you know, i felt bad when you said ____ or did ____.  
nothing can be changed except ourselves


Eating off of pewter plates, bowls, etc.  It's like fingernails on a chalkboard.
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane



what's up with people talking like they would if they were sending text messages? i called my younger brother to ask him about some weekend plans, and instead of saying "i dont know" he said "i d k."

one of my interns says "OMG" instead of "oh my god." i showed him something funny the other say, and he SAID "lol." he laughed, and in the midst of laughing out loud, told me he was laughing out loud.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha OMG LOL

[size=8]igore my smartassness, I'm just drunk[/size]


My #1 pet peeve: people calling things "weird." Especially music. You listen to all of Kid A in its glory, the new Akron/Family, and the best selections of Animal Collecive, and all you have to say about it is "weird"??? That totally strips the music of everything it means.
In another time, in another place, in another face