The War on PBS

Started by ycartrob, Sep 26, 2007, 11:36 PM

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If you get the chance to watch PBS, they're showing Ken Burns' seven part series about WW II from an American perspective. Very touching and humbling.


We have been watching it all this week and I agree, very moving....

and my childhood friend (lived across the street...he had the cool star wars toys and I had the legos  :))...anyways, he was listed as co-producer on last night's episode. Super proud to say the least  :) :) :)

But it is a great new look at WWII, very riveting.


i have been watching this all week. i highly recommend it.


Definitely been glued to my TV from 8-10:30 every night.  

I was impressed with some of the narrators too.  Tom Hanks?  Samuel L. Jackson?  Very cool.


Samuel L. Jackson?  

Then this motherfuckin Hitler son-of-a-bitch thought he'd start this motherfuckin war.  

Angry Ewok

I watched a bit of it last night... I'm a WW2 buff, so I'm an instant fan. Adding Sam Jackson to the mix, though... Yes.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

bowl of soup

It's not as good as say, Big Brother, Rock of Love, the Biggest Loser... Hold on a second, this is quality tv.  We are given so little that my mind feels squishy.  I can't turn away, I almost watched it twice last night.  60 years later and the emotion from the people featured is still right on the surface.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.