The NFL Thread - 2007-08 style!!!

Started by aMD, Aug 12, 2007, 10:01 PM

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QuoteNew Orleans- 32
Baltimore- 27
when do they play baltimore?  unfortunately for you, they're playing indy tonight.  

some of you youngsters may not remember, but the Colts used to play in Baltimore (they actually moved out of Baltimore to Indy in the middle of the night in 84), and thus a pure form of trash talking is to refer to Indy as Baltimore (the same as calling the Tennessee Titans the Oilers, the Arizona Cardinals as St. Louis, the St. Louis Rams as Los Angeles, the Ravens are the Browns...).

You can also do this in baseball, the New York Giants, Brooklyn Dodgers, Milwaukee Braves, or the California Angels of America, for example.

Why all the hate?  Not everyone on the thread is a "youngster" who according to you, has no memory of the Colts leaving Baltimore and moving to Indianapolis.  Do you hate the INDIANAPOLIS Colts so much because you had a personal investment and lost money or what? As a season ticket holder in 1984, I can say Indianapolis was thrilled to get a National Football team, and as a fan, we didn't ask the Irsay's to move in the middle of the night, we were just glad they brought the team to INDY.
The Colts fans were thrilled to back the winning Superbowl team! (And we didn't steal the game from ANYONE in the middle of the night)!  I know there is great rivalry amongst football fans, but does there have to be so much hatred?  
It seems like the comments you made about the Colts really stirred up a lot of shit on the thread and for what reason?  You must like to see people angry or else you're just plain bitter.
I'm a true-blue Colt's fan, but I would never discount the Saint's abilities and especially Drew Brees, who came to the NFL and SAINTS through a good homegrown Indiana college football program.
The Colt's deservedly won the Superbowl and without a doubt, smoked the pants off the Saint's Thursday night.  Sorry for all of your hate and angry feelings.  Too bad you can't find it within yourself to congratulate the fans of the INDIANAPOLIS COLT'S
like a gentleman instead of acting like a disgruntled SAINT'S fan who really is putting his own team down if he keeps talking about how bad the Colt's are and yet the Saint's were beaten by the "Dolt's"
Try to smile and think good thoughts!!!!  Maybe it will help the Saint's in the coming season.    :)  8-) :-*

Good grief. Hate? Anger? We're just having fun, lighten up. IT'S A GAME. In the big scheme of life, it really doesn't matter too much if the Colts beat the Saints 421-6. We're just having some good fun ribbing each other, talking smack, goofing around.
Take it or leave it.



Good grief. Hate? Anger? We're just having fun, lighten up. IT'S A GAME. In the big scheme of life, it really doesn't matter too much if the Colts beat the Saints 421-6. We're just having some good fun ribbing each other, talking smack, goofing around.
Take it or leave it.

i was waiting for one of your classic speeches.  somehow this one disappoints.  go back to the 'old school' ones.   ;D


All this hate just made me crack the fuck up!!! Keep it up y'all!

It's NFL Sunday!  Holla back!

btw, I'm sorry, true. it should have been "I hurt its feelings" with no apostrophe. my bad.

man, i don't like agreeing with tracy so much but at least we're giving rats a good show!  ;)


I myself am a peaceful man, but I feel like I'm gonna be hating the Giants this year.

I hope they stick it to the Cowboys tonight though.


Okay boys,

I get it, it's all in fun, right?   Or so it seems until your team gets the shit knocked out of them.
What can I say, the INDIANAPOLIS COLTS are the reigning Superbowl Winners and kicked Saints ASS!!    PEYTON MANNING

It's all love :-*
"You could kill someone up here and bury them in the snow! No one would ever find them!"- Penny Lane



It's all love :-*

We need more girls in the football thread.  :-*


My two boys did well today. TO and Super-freak Randy Moss.

freak, i miss you.  thats why i'm a huge patriots fan!!
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


I was rocking my gold Moss jersey today.  Great day for my Vikes and my favourite freak.  


QuoteI was rocking my gold Moss jersey today.  Great day for my Vikes and my favourite freak.  

the day the vikes picked culpepper over moss, i jumped ship. went to the raiders, and now i'm a pats fan. once moss retires, then i'll be a vikings fan again. but now, we need a break for a while. i gotta get a moss jersey. it will piss a lot of people off, and thats what i'm going for!
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


I had such a great childhood with my Dave Brown jersey.



i got this at work today, and thought some of y'all might find this interesting.

By Mariel Concepcion, Billboard


In a first-time promotional initiative, sports network ESPN has teamed up with numerous record labels to preview new music during the network's Monday Night Football and Monday Night Countdown broadcasts. Starting tonight, snippets from artists such as Kanye West and Foo Fighters will be featured prior to commercial breaks and during the halftime show.

"Last year on October 23rd, a month before the release of Jay-Z's 'Kingdom Come' album, we showed the video for his single 'Show Me What You Got' during half time. Soon after, we decided to start an initiative where we would promote new music before album releases during MNF," explains ESPN director of communications Bill Hofheimer. "Our idea was to get fresh new music out there whether hip-hop, pop or country," adds ESPN music director Kevin Wilson.

Slated for the coming weeks are West's "Stronger" and "Good Life" (Sept. 10, Baltimore Ravens vs. Cincinnati Bengals); Foo Fighters "The Pretenders" and "Come Alive" (Sept. 24, Tennessee Titans vs. New Orleans Saints); Matchbox Twenty's "How Far We've Come" and "I'll Believe You When" (Oct. 1, New England Patriots vs. Cincinnati Bengals); and Kid Rock's "So Hot" and "Rock N Roll Jesus" (Oct. 8, Dallas Cowboys vs. Buffalo Bills).

Two songs from Eddie Vedder's new solo record and soundtrack to the Sean Penn-directed movie of the same name, "Into The Wild," titled "Rise" and "Hard Sun," have recently been confirmed (Sept. 17 Redskins vs. Philadelphia Eagles game) as have "Just Can't Get New Orleans Out Of My Mind" by Irma Thomas and Marcia Ball, and "When The Saints Go Marching In" by Preservation Hall Jazz Band. The latter tracks, from "Goin' Hoe: A Tribute To Fats Domino" (Vanguard Records), benefiting the Tipitina Foundation, will be included in the Sept. 24 game.

Last year, Monday Night Football on ESPN averaged more than 12 million viewers per game and became cable's most viewed series in TV history according to ESPN reps.



it's brett's last season.  i am crossing my fingers.

are you crossing your fingers that it's his last season?  I would if I were a pack fan.  He's really doing nothing but ruining his legacy and preventing his team from rebuilding and moving forward by holding on so long.  

people in Wisconsin are such homers when it comes to football. brett is king and vince is god. its weird like that.

It is weird like that, but WHAT is a homer?  I am laughing so hard my neighbors must think i lost it.  hahaha.  In Wisconsin folks are a bit Favre crazy.  He's bigger than cheese and miller's lites in hunting cans (yep, bright orange...anyone seen those?).

no, i meant, people up here are crossing their fingers that Brett doesn't suck ass like he did last year.  I do love Favre, but it is time to retire.  Let some new people play.  Still, I give the Packers all my love and boo at the vikings.  I have some love for the Bears and Colts as well.  Gotta represent midwest, sorry, but no vikings love to be found.  

Atleast the Pack didn't embarrass themselves too badly yesterday.  I had to work during the game, but I got plenty of internet updates with no sound.  man, i hate working on sundays.  
nothing can be changed except ourselves


Homer: A media member or fan who demonstrates little objectivity when assessing the local teams/players. They often cheerlead and are bias.

Blind Homer: A media member or fan who defends the local teams no matter what the circumstances are. Always gives the locals the benefit of the doubt and is an apologist for their poor performance. Uses superlatives to describe coaches or players.

there's a website to minnesota sports homers in the media.

check it:

i would say packer fans are mostly blind homers, most of my family lives in Milwaukee so i see first hand.  oh and i cheer for the pack when they play the vikings, i wore a cheesehead to the bars until people stole it and ripped it up.
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


Yay! A couple of more ladies are into football!   :)
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


AMD your boy Carson Palmer better put up number tonight!!!!!!!! OR ELSE (not sure what i'll do)
Much Greater Than Science Fiction



Well, the defense is doing it's job, we just need to get into the endzone some more! I think it's great that Ray Lewis and Ed Reed have both injured themselves trying to tackle tj. not that i'm hoping for injury, but still...


Charles Johnson is a sorry excuse for a human being.  He's gotta be tough to root for Dylan.
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.
