Locking a thread

Started by bowl_of_soup, Apr 23, 2008, 02:51 PM

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bowl of soup

So, AMD got into a pissing match and quits.  Modorator person throws in his 2 cents and locks the thread from further discussion?  May I inquire as to why?  I don't give two shits either way - haven't been around here long enough to know the history of that event, and there's obviously some history.

This is usually a somewhat peaceful place, but we occassionally take shits on one another and move on.  Shutting down the discussion though???  Are you really taking your ball and going home?
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


I think C.C. locked down the thread so it wouldn't continue as a bitching match, he said if anyone wanted to discuss the topic further to start a new thread. Shame Dylan left though.  :(
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...

Jon T.

Shit's gettin crazy, yo.


He's still gonna have to play Fantasy Football with us! He ain't gettin' outta that. I won't let him.


that whole thing was super random


Jon T.

To be more specific.  AMD was saying how a previously dormant member used to "hate on newbies".  Previously dormant member became undormant and said he did not, in fact, hate on newbies.  There was some name calling, hair pullin, scratchin, kickin.... and the mud and the blood and the beer.  CC came to old members defense.  AMD probably felt a little ganged up on and got pissed.  Man, i spend too much time here.

Hopefully, though, Dylan is gone.

Edit- Shit Dylan, sorry about that.  I meant, hopefully, Dylan is not gone.

Jon T.

Quotethat whole thing was super random

Very random.


Seems to me that a giant pandora's box of evil has been opened in the universe somewhere and has somehow set this board ablaze and it's becoming a gawddamn epidemic!

I think we should all go home tonight, have a cocktail or whatever, put our feets up and put on Okonokos and chill the fuck out.  Together.  Tomorrow morning we can join hands again and sing joy to the world.   Meet you on the mountain top!

[this is until Mantooth & Cake get here]
My jacket's gonna be cut slim and checked


if you ask me, y'all need to get back out of touch with their feelings. I know some 'dude' was on oprah, havin' a baby and shit, but goddamn, fellas! quit being so sensitive. it is getting to be like the feminine hygiene aisle up in this bitch. plenty have made it crystal clear that they don't appreciate my humor/style...and I couldn't care less...and you shouldn't either. get up on here and say whatever you want, whenever you want.

viva la jacket! fuck the racket!

too heavy for the hippies

bowl of soup

I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteSeems to me that a giant pandora's box of evil has been opened in the universe somewhere and has somehow set this board ablaze and it's becoming a gawddamn epidemic!

I think we should all go home tonight, have a cocktail or whatever, put our feets up and put on Okonokos and chill the fuck out.  Together.  Tomorrow morning we can join hands again and sing joy to the world.   Meet you on the mountain top!

[this is until Mantooth & Cake get here]

I love that shirt!



viva la jacket! fuck the racket!

and that is my new slogan to life  8-)



viva la jacket! fuck the racket!

and that is my new slogan to life  8-)
true that.

its crazy to me that so many people get so pissed off at each other on here. its my opinion that everyone has the right to their own opinion and if someone disagrees, thats fine. its fine to discuss it, but just because someone has a different opinion of things doesnt mean everyone has to get so bent about it. crazy shit, but whatever. i get on here for the common wonderful bond of music that we all share and i am glad to have made the acquaintance of everyone on here. if someone doesnt agree with me then thats fine. it is not the end of the world if someone has a different opinion, in fact, thats what makes an open forum so great....but thats just my opinion. i like that word.


Wow.  I guess I missed some drama.  

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever seen a thread get locked on this board.  EVER.   :o


I hate to take my ball and go home as BoS said, but I really have no choice when the moderator starts attacking me.  I don't really want to get into the whole history but I've been banned from here before for less than what John said to me today and how does CC react? He calls me full of shit and locks the thread!   There's really winning so why keep playing?  It's been fun getting to know you all, but I'm out.


all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard

bowl of soup

QuoteI hate to take my ball and go home as BoS said, but I really have no choice when the moderator starts attacking me.  I don't really want to get into the whole history but I've been banned from here before for less than what John said to me today and how does CC react? He calls me full of shit and locks the thread!   There's really winning so why keep playing?  It's been fun getting to know you all, but I'm out.

It wasn't you who I thought was taking your ball home - it was our fearless modo person.  Kind of like an interweb "FINE!!!! THERE YOU GO - NO MORE PLAYING"  I have a time out bench for my kids that I'd lend to the forum if that would help.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.



....as mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


I've just been hanging in the Off-Topic this week, it's just easier.