Exchange Student.

Started by Paauwe, May 10, 2008, 12:34 AM

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I couldn't possibly be any happier.

  A few months ago i went through a long and grueling process of filling out applications and going to interviews because i was applying for a scholarship to live in Germany for a whole year as an exchange student.
    I wanted it bad.  I lived in germany for a month and fell in love with the language and the country.
     I felt very good with my odds. Too good. 200 kids apply, 50 receive the scholarship. I had an upper hand because i had previous exchange student expirience. And it all felt so right. I became ahead of myself. My mind was in Germany while i was still here.
   About two months i received a letter stating i hadnt gotten accepted.    That bummed me out bigtime. Crushed. Demoralized. It was my fault though.   The letter i received stated that i was one of 15 kids who could possibly go in the sted of other kids who decide to drop out and not go. They claimed a bundle of kids drop out each year.    Leaving me around a 6-8% chance.     I said fuck it and moved on. I came to terms with not going and was over it.
     Today i get home after an exhausting day. I took my AP history exam which was the hardest test i've ever taken.  Work was horrible. Im a busboy and its a strenuous job.    
     I get home.     Theres a message on the answering machine.  I have been chosen to go in the sted of a kid who dropped out.   This has made my week.   
    Look out patches!!


Herzlichen Glückwunsch!


That's excellent news! I'm really happy for you.


Congrats Paauwe, that's awesome!


4 Fav. bands: My morning Jacket
The Shins
Modest Mouse
The Mars Volta


QuoteAP US history exam??

yes, AP us history exam


yea, i took that...ha not so much fun.

How do you think you did?
4 Fav. bands: My morning Jacket
The Shins
Modest Mouse
The Mars Volta


so, who are we getting for exchange for you?


hehe that's great!  :)
Where are you going to stay?


that's totally awesome.  have a good time over there