healthy recipes

Started by EC, Feb 03, 2008, 08:50 PM

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yeah yeah yeah, i'm a hippie.


today i made bread for the first time in my life, and it is AMAZING.  and i want to share.

set your oven to 400 (that's for me, jaimoe and k, the rest of you set yours to 200)
in one biggish bowl, measure out 3 cups of flour (i used organic spelt)
4 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon sea salt
kind of blend it

in another bowl, measure 1.5 cups water (or any liquid) and 1/4 oil (i used canola)
mix er up

pour the liquids slowly into the dry ingredients, blending as you go.  don't stir too much.  you should end up with a sticky, but fairly well blended piece of dough.  roll it into a ball (it will be sticky - if you can't keep it from slopping up, you probably need more flour), plop it on a baking sheet, score the top a few times, and put it in that damn over for about 40 minutes.

bread.  the end.  no yeast.  no sugar.
and guess what?  it's really good.  seriously.


i kind of don't believe you... bread without YEAST??? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???

but really, EC, you mean to tell me you aren't on a low carb diet? i don't even know what we can talk about anymore. aodsfas;lkdhf
"[Adrien Brody] is a big hip-hop fan and plans on becoming a producer. He is being mentored by RZA."


i don't know if this is the right thread, but f it!

i really can't buy milk from regularly old grocery stores anymore. i need organic milk, and i drive around 15 miles to get it. because once i found out about jet fuel in milk, i said i'll never drink it again, and i stuck by that! organic milk is the way to go people!!
Much Greater Than Science Fiction


Can someone recommend a really good dish to make with tempeh?  

Preferably a non-sandwich one.  That would be terrific.


Weight-Watchers has a number of excellent recipe books on the market. Weight-Watcthers is the healthiest way to diet and even if you don't need to lose some pounds, it'll train you to eat right. Low-carb diets will fail you in the long run because they tend not to teach what a balanced diet should be, so when you achieve your weight goal, you'll more than likely not switch over to a balanced diet. Plus low-carb diets are hard on your kidneys.


QuoteCan someone recommend a really good dish to make with tempeh?  

Preferably a non-sandwich one.  That would be terrific.

Try this site:
There are some really good stir-fry ideas, etc. on here.

I know you said preferably no sandwich recipes, but tempeh is great as a substitute for bacon in a blt- plus add sprouts for a little extra kick. I prefer to use vegenase rather than mayo. It also is great in a reuben on rye with grilled onions, cheese and russian dressing.
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some don't have film.


Very good points Jaimoe. It's all about moderation and make smart choices.

Fried foods will kill you, if you eat them all the time. Once in a while is ok, if you enjoy in moderation and watch what you eat the rest of that day...and possibly the next day.

Yeah, unless you are diabetic or a body builder, low carb/high protein is not the best. The human body natural/ideal source for energy is carbs. Eat healthy ones. pretzels, chips, wonder bread, Capt Crunch, candyand other ultra refined sugars are all low grade carb sources. Try whole wheat, brown rice, real oatmeal (Irish/Steel Cut/Pinhead oats), fruits/veggies, etc.

end of codeine induced rant.


I wish I ate better. This is pretty much what I had for lunch today:


QuoteCan someone recommend a really good dish to make with tempeh?  

Preferably a non-sandwich one.  That would be terrific.

Try this site:
There are some really good stir-fry ideas, etc. on here.

I know you said preferably no sandwich recipes, but tempeh is great as a substitute for bacon in a blt- plus add sprouts for a little extra kick. I prefer to use vegenase rather than mayo. It also is great in a reuben on rye with grilled onions, cheese and russian dressing.



Quotei kind of don't believe you... bread without YEAST??? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE???
obviously i'm mr. bigstuff

a yeast-free mr. bigstuff

Quotebut really, EC, you mean to tell me you aren't on a low carb diet? i don't even know what we can talk about anymore. aodsfas;lkdhf
i did that goddamn diet and it totally fucked me up.  it made me super depressed, it fucked with my metabolic rate (probably permanently), it really messed up my insides.  but i was skinny, so who cares, right?


also, if you eat things like brown rice, or spelt/whole grains, your body takes more time to process them, so your blood sugar isn't spiked, so it's a better carbohydrate/energy source.  and more nutritious for your body.

i have zero problems eating organic chocolate, and let me tell you, i will eat it until i'm gonna barf.  that's not exactly healthy, but sometimes you need to overload on chocolate, in my opinion.

anyhow, gregg, i like this for tempeh:
make some brown rice
in a frying pan, using ghee (clarified butter) or coconut oil, get some garlic goin'
add some diced tempeh and cook it a little bit
then add green vegetables (broccoli, kale, asian broccoli, spinach, asparagus, rapini, whatever you feel like) stir it up - and add some water so they don't burn, but kind of simmer/steam (not too much water - enough that it will evaporate)
put your brown rice in a bowl with some tamari (soy sauce, but real)
sprinkle some sesame, pumpkin and/or sunflower seeds on top
drizzle some tahini
then throw your steamed greens and tahini on top

reasons why this rules:  
-tempeh (fermented soy beans) is so good for you b/c it's easier to digest than tofu (ie you get more nutrients, this is b/c it's fermented, so partially broken down) and when mixed with brown rice, creates a complex protein
-green vegetables, well we all know that they're good for you


That sounds AWESOME.  

BTW, what do you usually (if at all) marinade your tempeh with?

I'll usually soak it in 1 part soy sauce, 2 parts red wine vinegar for about 30 minutes before I put it on.  Do you have any recommendations for new ones?


i don't marinate mine...  
but what a good idea!
if i did, i would probably do apple cider vinegar and tamari mixed together.  apple cider vinegar is another miracle product that i have a big love on for.

i bet you could do a yummy lemon juice, cilantro, basil marinade - maybe with a bit of garlic.  


DEFINITELY with garlic.  I add that whenever I can.  

You should try garlic on top of breakfast cereal.   Mmm....


QuoteI wish I ate better. This is pretty much what I had for lunch today:

damn that looks pretty good....where'd you get it
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


QuoteI wish I ate better. This is pretty much what I had for lunch today:

damn that looks pretty good....where'd you get it

all around Nashville (and growing!)

bowl of soup

Quotei don't know if this is the right thread, but f it!

i really can't buy milk from regularly old grocery stores anymore. i need organic milk, and i drive around 15 miles to get it. because once i found out about jet fuel in milk, i said i'll never drink it again, and i stuck by that! organic milk is the way to go people!!

We've (the soup family) have pretty much gone full-hippy.  No high-fructose (except for my beloved coke), all organic, preferably local, etc.  We belong to a co-op and there's always people there selling what is lovingly refered to as "kitty-cat milk" because it's illegal to sell it for human consumption.  It's non-pasteurized and supposedly full of good things normally killed in pasteurization.  I can't do it despite my wife's pressure.  Many people do, however line up for the stuff.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


Quotei don't know if this is the right thread, but f it!

i really can't buy milk from regularly old grocery stores anymore. i need organic milk, and i drive around 15 miles to get it. because once i found out about jet fuel in milk, i said i'll never drink it again, and i stuck by that! organic milk is the way to go people!!

We've (the soup family) have pretty much gone full-hippy.  No high-fructose (except for my beloved coke), all organic, preferably local, etc.  We belong to a co-op and there's always people there selling what is lovingly refered to as "kitty-cat milk" because it's illegal to sell it for human consumption.  It's non-pasteurized and supposedly full of good things normally killed in pasteurization.  I can't do it despite my wife's pressure.  Many people do, however line up for the stuff.

Local is the key, organic is great, but by all means support your local farmers.  Fresh milk, eggs & veggies right from the farm cant be beat.  I wont buy grocery eggs anymore, they have no taste.

I recommend to anyone interested, check out Micheal Pollan's books -The Omnivore's Dilemma or The Botany of Desire


i can't do milk, walter and soup.  in anything.  EXCEPT ice cream.
which i can eat a lot of.  like, a lot.
there used to be this really good green tea soy frozen thing that i could substitute, but they don't make it anymore, so me and ben and jerry got back together.  we do have a great organic ice cream store here that makes brilliant ice cream (like, oh, blueberry lavender omg), but i can't find it in the winter.

gregg, do you really put garlic on cereal?


Quotethat's not exactly healthy, but sometimes you need to overload on chocolate, in my opinion.

No truer words have been spoken my dear. I'm a bit of chocosnob and usually only eat dark as milk anymore just takes bleech. Darker the better. I usually just go with plain as I do not need all the achromous, but I won't turn it down if it's got extra things in it.


Quotethat's not exactly healthy, but sometimes you need to overload on chocolate, in my opinion.

No truer words have been spoken my dear. I'm a bit of chocosnob and usually only eat dark as milk anymore just takes bleech. Darker the better. I usually just go with plain as I do not need all the achromous, but I won't turn it down if it's got extra things in it.

I'm with you - dark is the way to go, however, Patches sent me some milk chocolate from his town - the best milk chocolate i've ever ate! :D :o