healthy recipes

Started by EC, Feb 03, 2008, 08:50 PM

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QuoteCAN WE GET SOME MORE RECIPES IN HERE PLEASE, HIPPIES? this really good green tea soy frozen thing

I know and miss this. Now I make my own.

Steep a couple of tea bags.  Boil the water until it reduces wayyy down. Make kind of a bullion out of your ingredient. Highly concentrated, little water.
Get a carton of 'plain', vanilla, whatever, soy ice cream. Temptation Vegan is gooooood.  I guess you could use frogurt too. Let it sit out and get soft, but not totally melted.  Put the 'cream' in a bowl, fold in the flavor, and throw the bowl in the freeze for a few (not too long). When it sets up a little, mix it up. Repeat a few times. Pour it right back in the carton.

You could probably do this witcho' vital greens. I like doin' it with sesame oil and toasted seeds too. Orgy coffee. You can make a friggin' ribbon in it with almond butter and whatnot. Possibilities endless. Not a recipe so much as a  project, I guess, but it tastes a lot better than fuckin' macrame.

Hopefully you can use this and it is worth as much to you as yeastless bread is to me.

too heavy for the hippies


most people don't eat enough protein, i've found. sure high protein is bad, but some people think 4 ounces of salty lunch meat a day is enough.

i would suggest some recipes, but all mine consist of "get a brisket, roast it" "get a rack of lamb, roast it".... ah, the south.

"[Adrien Brody] is a big hip-hop fan and plans on becoming a producer. He is being mentored by RZA."


Quotemost people don't eat enough protein, i've found. sure high protein is bad, but some people think 4 ounces of salty lunch meat a day is enough.

Actually, non-organic deli meat is loaded with cancer-causing carcinogens, especially beef, smoked meat (a Montreal/Canadian delicacy), salami etc...


Quotei would suggest some recipes, but all mine consist of "get a brisket, roast it" "get a rack of lamb, roast it".... ah, the south.

That ain't just a southern thang. That's just a damn tasty thing.


i can't do milk, walter and soup.  in anything.  EXCEPT ice cream.
which i can eat a lot of.  like, a lot.
there used to be this really good green tea soy frozen thing that i could substitute, but they don't make it anymore, so me and ben and jerry got back together.  we do have a great organic ice cream store here that makes brilliant ice cream (like, oh, blueberry lavender omg), but i can't find it in the winter.

gregg, do you really put garlic on cereal?

No, I really don't.   :P


i would suggest some recipes, but all mine consist of "get a brisket, roast it" "get a rack of lamb, roast it".... ah, the south.

mantooth, god dang it.  you can't say brisket to the cold canadians who can't even get a decent bottle of dos equis up here in this barren wasteland.  

brisket is good for us because it makes us happy.
same with beer and certain drugs.


bumping this because I am back on the cooking track (and as a pescatarian, my home cooked meals always lean towards healthy).  This evening I made a killer vegan nut loaf:

3/4 cup onion, finely diced
1/3 cup celery, finely diced
1 T. olive oil, plus additional for oiling pan
1 T. garlic, minced
1/2 cup almonds, finely chopped
1/2 cup Brazil nuts, finely chopped
1/2 cup cashews, finely chopped
1/4 cup freshly chopped parsley
1/2 t. dried thyme
1/2 t. rubbed sage
1 1/2 cups breadcrumbs
2 T. nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. freshly ground black pepper
1/3 cup water
2 T. Ener-G Egg Replacer

In a non-stick skillet, saute the onion and celery in the olive oil for 5 minutes or until almost tender. Add the garlic and saute an additional 1 minute. Add the almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, parsley, thyme, and sage, stir well to combine, and saute the mixture an additional 2-3 minutes or until the nuts are fragrant. Remove the skillet from the heat. In a medium bowl, place the breadcrumbs, nutritional yeast flakes, salt, and pepper, and stir well to combine. In a small bowl, place the water and egg replacer, and whisk vigorously for 1 minute or until very frothy. Add the nut mixture and egg replacer mixture to the breadcrumb mixture and stir well to combine. Using a little olive oil, lightly oil (or mist with oil) an 8 x 12-inch baking pan. Transfer the nut mixture to the prepared pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch. Remove the pan from the oven and allow the loaf to cool for a few minutes before cutting into pieces. Serve as a main dish, sandwich filling, or add to soups, salads, and side dishes.

Yield: One 8 x 12-inch pan

However, the hubby is doing an install for work (he works at a glass studio and their bread-and-butter is corporate, hotel jobs....chandeliers, sculptures, lamps, you name it).  He can't make it home tonight for nut loaf, mashed potatoes, and salad  :-[
Good thing this is a recipe that can hold over for dinner tomorrow.  Me and my sis are taking a long bike ride down and back to a dear friends house to visit her and her darling baby.  We will be hungry when we get home (yummmmmmm....homemade whole food meals are the best)  :D


oh yeah, I almost forgot to add that I will be topping this yumminess with homemade veggie gravy!  And I make the best veggie gravy in these parts  ;)


I'd sure like your recipe for veggie gravy.   I'll give the recipes a try!


Well I am still trying to get the recipe for almond gravy off a local restaurant here in Portland...until then, my recipe is rocking:

(I am giving you my altered me)

  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
    6 cloves of minced garlic
    3 slices of yellow onion, chopped up
    1/2 cup all-purpose flour
    4 tsp nutritional yeast
    4 tbsp of tamari
    2 cups of veggie stock
    1/2 tsp sage
    1/4 tsp (or to taste) ground black pepper
    pinch of salt
add oil to small saucepan.  cook garlic and onion in oil for a couple minutes on medium low to medium heat (depending on gas or electric stove top), until onion is tender.

Add flour, nutritional yeast and tamari to make a paste.  Add veggie stock gradually. while stirring constantly.  Bring to a boil (medium to medium high setting on stove) to thicken.  Up to 5 minutes.  Add pepper and extra salt if desired.  ***add sliced mushrooms at this point if you like (i LOVE mushrooms, but my husband hates we avoid the mushrooms in our preparation).
If the gravy seems thin, add 1-2 more tbsp of flour.  Use a whisk to avoid lumps.
Pour over any and all food!

Let me know if you like it!  I sure do!


I'm a "wing it" cook and one of my favorites is taking some cooked brown rice and mixing in some salmon and oriental vegetables and flavoring with some light teriyaki sauce--simple nutritious and yummy!
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Quotebumping this because I am back on the cooking track (and as a pescatarian, my home cooked meals always lean towards healthy).  This evening I made a killer vegan nut loaf:

3/4 cup onion, finely diced
1/3 cup celery, finely diced
1 T. olive oil, plus additional for oiling pan
1 T. garlic, minced
1/2 cup almonds, finely chopped
1/2 cup Brazil nuts, finely chopped
1/2 cup cashews, finely chopped
1/4 cup freshly chopped parsley
1/2 t. dried thyme
1/2 t. rubbed sage
1 1/2 cups breadcrumbs
2 T. nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. freshly ground black pepper
1/3 cup water
2 T. Ener-G Egg Replacer

In a non-stick skillet, saute the onion and celery in the olive oil for 5 minutes or until almost tender. Add the garlic and saute an additional 1 minute. Add the almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, parsley, thyme, and sage, stir well to combine, and saute the mixture an additional 2-3 minutes or until the nuts are fragrant. Remove the skillet from the heat. In a medium bowl, place the breadcrumbs, nutritional yeast flakes, salt, and pepper, and stir well to combine. In a small bowl, place the water and egg replacer, and whisk vigorously for 1 minute or until very frothy. Add the nut mixture and egg replacer mixture to the breadcrumb mixture and stir well to combine. Using a little olive oil, lightly oil (or mist with oil) an 8 x 12-inch baking pan. Transfer the nut mixture to the prepared pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown and firm to the touch. Remove the pan from the oven and allow the loaf to cool for a few minutes before cutting into pieces. Serve as a main dish, sandwich filling, or add to soups, salads, and side dishes.

Yield: One 8 x 12-inch pan

However, the hubby is doing an install for work (he works at a glass studio and their bread-and-butter is corporate, hotel jobs....chandeliers, sculptures, lamps, you name it).  He can't make it home tonight for nut loaf, mashed potatoes, and salad  :-[
Good thing this is a recipe that can hold over for dinner tomorrow.  Me and my sis are taking a long bike ride down and back to a dear friends house to visit her and her darling baby.  We will be hungry when we get home (yummmmmmm....homemade whole food meals are the best)  :D
I made the nut loaf and posted this before eating it  :-/ was super delicious, but loaf it was not.  More like a super nutty crumble.  So I need to make some improvements that should help:
cook it the same night I make it
less breadcrumbs
add tofu (mushed in with everything)
add the equivalent of another egg with the egg replacer

and if all else fails, give up on the vegan status and use real eggs  :-[ :-? :(

capt. scotty

blazin buffalo egg sammich

just cook a few eggs scramby style, add some cheddar and Franks Red Hot Buffalo Wing Sauce when the eggs start to solidfy, and youre golden

for health reason, apply to whole wheat/grain english muffins

simple, cheap, and healthy. my taste buds always enjoy it
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

ms. yvon

liz, your veggie gravy recipe looks fab!

there was a restaurant in my old college town that made a cashew gravy i still pine for.  *sigh*

the seasonal change turns my thoughts to home cooked meals, too.  in the summer, it's just too stupidly hot in my apt to use the kitchen.

last winter i found a couple of really good crockpot recipes...i'll see if i can hook them up here.

ok.  just looking around and i found this pumpkin soup.  looks good, but i haven't tried it yet (so the first ingredient listed is butter perhaps not a HEALTHFUL soup...maybe you've got an idea for a substitute).

 i like the meals i can cook overnight, then put in the fridge before i go to work.  not comfortable leaving a cooker going all day while i'm at the office.   :P

Crock Pot Pumpkin Soup

-1oz (30g)       butter
-2lb (1kg)       Pumpkin – peeled and cut into inch square pieces
-1       medium onion
-2 cloves       stuck into the onion
-2 tspn       sugar
-salt       to taste – pinch
-2½ cup Vegetable Stock for a Vegetarian Recipe  OR Chicken Stock – make your own, use cubes/powder, or use ready made (this is our choice)
-1 cup       Milk
-Nutmeg to sprinkle on top

-Bacon or ham bones – we have added these before and it works out well, but I prefer the plain pumpkin flavour without.
-Dolop of Sour Cream when serving (not for diet conscious).

1.       Place butter and pumpkin in crock pot and put onto high. When butter has melted, stir to coat pumpkin and cook for 1 hour on high. (If in hurry, just wait for butter to melt, stir and go to step 2 ignore the hour cooking – still turns out great just slightly less intense flavour).
2.       Add onion, sugar, salt and stock. Cover and cook for 8-9 hours on Low OR 4-5 hours on High.
3.       When ready to serve, remove the onion.
4.       Puree soup in a blender or use a hand held device.
5.       Add milk, to achieve correct consistency. (DO NOT add milk if intending on freezing – just freeze as is. Can add milk when thawed).
6.       Serve with a sprinkling of Nutmeg and a dollop of sour cream.
   Serves 4
   Make extra and freeze
   Don't add milk if going to freeze
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


Quoteliz, your veggie gravy recipe looks fab!

there was a restaurant in my old college town that made a cashew gravy i still pine for.  *sigh*

the seasonal change turns my thoughts to home cooked meals, too.  in the summer, it's just too stupidly hot in my apt to use the kitchen.

last winter i found a couple of really good crockpot recipes...i'll see if i can hook them up here.

ok.  just looking around and i found this pumpkin soup.  looks good, but i haven't tried it yet (so the first ingredient listed is butter perhaps not a HEALTHFUL soup...maybe you've got an idea for a substitute).

i like the meals i can cook overnight, then put in the fridge before i go to work.  not comfortable leaving a cooker going all day while i'm at the office.   :P

Crock Pot Pumpkin Soup

-1oz (30g)       butter
-2lb (1kg)       Pumpkin – peeled and cut into inch square pieces
-1       medium onion
-2 cloves       stuck into the onion
-2 tspn       sugar
-salt       to taste – pinch
-2½ cup Vegetable Stock for a Vegetarian Recipe  OR Chicken Stock – make your own, use cubes/powder, or use ready made (this is our choice)
-1 cup       Milk
-Nutmeg to sprinkle on top

-Bacon or ham bones – we have added these before and it works out well, but I prefer the plain pumpkin flavour without.
-Dolop of Sour Cream when serving (not for diet conscious).

1.       Place butter and pumpkin in crock pot and put onto high. When butter has melted, stir to coat pumpkin and cook for 1 hour on high. (If in hurry, just wait for butter to melt, stir and go to step 2 ignore the hour cooking – still turns out great just slightly less intense flavour).
2.       Add onion, sugar, salt and stock. Cover and cook for 8-9 hours on Low OR 4-5 hours on High.
3.       When ready to serve, remove the onion.
4.       Puree soup in a blender or use a hand held device.
5.       Add milk, to achieve correct consistency. (DO NOT add milk if intending on freezing – just freeze as is. Can add milk when thawed).
6.       Serve with a sprinkling of Nutmeg and a dollop of sour cream.
   Serves 4
   Make extra and freeze
   Don't add milk if going to freeze
Ms. Yvon, I got a crock pot for my wedding 2 years ago and have been scratching my head on how to use it veggie style (we eat fish but no mammals or poultry) and well, I am not a super-duper chili fan.  Thanks for this, I am going to try it....and butter, well, that is still better than margarine.

ms. yvon

great!  i'm going to find the recipe i used for a potato-cauliflower curry!  delicious!

my sister gave me the crockpot as a gift.  all the recipes out there seemed to involve packaged ingredients (onion soup mix, anyone?) rather than fresh stuff.

last winter i found a handful of good recipes for healthful, fresh (!), crockpot dishes.  i'll find a couple and post them here soon!  (work is heating up for the next couple weeks, but i'll get em up when i can)
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."