first black president or first woman V.P.

Started by true, Aug 30, 2008, 03:41 AM

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I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteNader!  Nader!

[media] [/media]

I watched that movie last week (An Unreasonable Man), pretty amazing.

Nader makes more sense (and always has) than the dems and reps combined, but, his morals will not allow him to be a corporate whore, therefore, his odds of winning the presidency are slim.

I will probably vote for Ralph again this year.


QuoteAnd the good thing is,  I was registered by Acorn and I get to vote 5 times , 3 times in Illinois and twice in Wisconsin  ;).   They even gave me a list of 5 differant polling places to go to.   Can't wait to show my patriotism X 5.  

That's right everybody let's act like smart asses and have a big old "diminish the criminal act by scoffing at it" laugh.  Do any of you relaize what all these bogus registrations do on voting day?  They cause huge amounts of confusion for the poll workers who don't know what to do with the names when the supposed registered voters don't show up.  The next thing you know, the activists and lawyers form Acorn and similar BS organizations show up screaming "DISENFRANCHISED!  THAT PERSON REGISTERED AS A DEMOCRAT SO YOU SHOULD REGISTER THEIR VOTE AS SUCH!"
I find it hilarious (not) that these same people were hollering voter fraud in 2000 and 2004 yet not a single shred of evidence was ever produced and no indictments were handed out to anybody in those elections and this year the same people whoe were hollering now get caught redhanded and nobody gives 2 shits.

Is this America or Venezuela/Mexico/Korea...????????????????????????????????
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


That's right everybody let's act like smart asses and have a big old "diminish the criminal act by scoffing at it" laugh.  Do any of you relaize what all these bogus registrations do on voting day?  They cause huge amounts of confusion for the poll workers who don't know what to do with the names when the supposed registered voters don't show up.  The next thing you know, the activists and lawyers form Acorn and similar BS organizations show up screaming "DISENFRANCHISED!  THAT PERSON REGISTERED AS A DEMOCRAT SO YOU SHOULD REGISTER THEIR VOTE AS SUCH!"
I find it hilarious (not) that these same people were hollering voter fraud in 2000 and 2004 yet not a single shred of evidence was ever produced and no indictments were handed out to anybody in those elections and this year the same people whoe were hollering now get caught redhanded and nobody gives 2 shits.

Is this America or Venezuela/Mexico/Korea...????????????????????????????????

It's America.

(and you misspelled a couple of words in your post)


QuoteAnd the good thing is,  I was registered by Acorn and I get to vote 5 times , 3 times in Illinois and twice in Wisconsin  ;).   They even gave me a list of 5 differant polling places to go to.   Can't wait to show my patriotism X 5.  

That's right everybody let's act like smart asses and have a big old "diminish the criminal act by scoffing at it" laugh.  Do any of you relaize what all these bogus registrations do on voting day?  They cause huge amounts of confusion for the poll workers who don't know what to do with the names when the supposed registered voters don't show up.  The next thing you know, the activists and lawyers form Acorn and similar BS organizations show up screaming "DISENFRANCHISED!  THAT PERSON REGISTERED AS A DEMOCRAT SO YOU SHOULD REGISTER THEIR VOTE AS SUCH!"
I find it hilarious (not) that these same people were hollering voter fraud in 2000 and 2004 yet not a single shred of evidence was ever produced and no indictments were handed out to anybody in those elections and this year the same people whoe were hollering now get caught redhanded and nobody gives 2 shits.

Is this America or Venezuela/Mexico/Korea...????????????????????????????????

" They cause huge amounts of confusion for the poll workers who don't know what to do with the names when the supposed registered voters don't show up. "

I know usually in my case, when I don't vote it doesn't get registered.
So  please  explain the confusion. When people SHOW UP,  there name gets matched to the voter registry and then they proceed to vote.
So when Mickey Mouse and Tony Romo show up to vote in Ohio you should be outraged. When that happens I'm sure Fox news will be there with Joe the Plumber to kick there asses.

I did come off as a smarmy smart ass because this is all an overblown  joke.  Both sides have made this a political attack issue based on class warfare.
I am only voting one time. And that will be tonite.
If you don't vote you can't bitch, right.  I smell a 60% majority. and you can blame the current administration for that. Mccain was given many chances to show how his Administration would be differant than Bush's and he failed miserably in all attempts.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe

Penny Lane

QuoteAnd the good thing is,  I was registered by Acorn and I get to vote 5 times , 3 times in Illinois and twice in Wisconsin  ;).   They even gave me a list of 5 differant polling places to go to.   Can't wait to show my patriotism X 5.  

That's right everybody let's act like smart asses and have a big old "diminish the criminal act by scoffing at it" laugh.  Do any of you relaize what all these bogus registrations do on voting day?  They cause huge amounts of confusion for the poll workers who don't know what to do with the names when the supposed registered voters don't show up.  The next thing you know, the activists and lawyers form Acorn and similar BS organizations show up screaming "DISENFRANCHISED!  THAT PERSON REGISTERED AS A DEMOCRAT SO YOU SHOULD REGISTER THEIR VOTE AS SUCH!"
I find it hilarious (not) that these same people were hollering voter fraud in 2000 and 2004 yet not a single shred of evidence was ever produced and no indictments were handed out to anybody in those elections and this year the same people whoe were hollering now get caught redhanded and nobody gives 2 shits.

Is this America or Venezuela/Mexico/Korea...????????????????????????????????

MMJ---it's a huge problem, not sure people are saying it's not-just trying to make light of it-what are we going to do about it posting on a music board? the polling is never exact--i mean i don't even think they ever get to absentee ballots unless they're needed so in a sense, those votes don't even count.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Angry Ewok

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Angry Ewok

This was the absolute best moment in the debate...


He finally said it.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


Say it aint so Joe.  Below is an article that was in the NY POST  today.

An official at Local 50 of the plumber's union, based in Toledo, said Mr. Wurzelbacher does not hold a license. He also has never served an apprenticeship and does not belong to the union. (The national plumber's union, the United Association of Plumbers, Steamfitters, and Service Mechanics, endorsed Mr. Obama, it should be noted.)

"He's basically playing games with the world," Thomas Joseph, the local's business manager, said in a telephone interview Thursday morning.

Just five days ago, Mr. Wurzelbacher, 34, lived in anonymity, a single father who worked all day at his plumbing business and came home to fix dinner and help his son with his homework, as he said on national television.

But he became the hero of conservatives and Republicans when he stopped Mr. Obama, who was campaigning on Shrewsbury Street on Sunday, and asked whether he believed in the American dream. Mr. Wurzelbacher said he was concerned about having to pay taxes as he reached a point where he could afford to buy his own plumbing business, one he said would draw income of $250,000 a year.

"I'm getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year," he told Mr. Obama during an exchange that was filmed and later showed up on YouTube. "Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?"

That encounter led to New York Post headlines, appearances on the Fox News Channel and interviews with conservative groups, who seized on part of Mr. Obama's reply.

"I think that when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody," Mr. Obama had said.

When Mr. McCain invoked Mr. Wurzelbacher in Wednesday's debate — some version of "Joe the Plumber" was mentioned two dozen times during the 90 minutes — as a way to criticize Mr. Obama's tax plan and wealth-sharing argument, Mr. Wurzelbacher suddenly found camera crews outside his home, Katie Couric on the phone, and himself in the full glare of the media spotlight.

Mr. Wurzelbacher did not respond to a message left on his home phone and there was no answer at his plumbing business.

On Thursday, he told the Associated Press that he felt like Britney Spears.

"I'm kind of like Britney Spears having a headache," he said. "Everybody wants to know about it."

Unlike some other states, Ohio does not have a formal statewide licensing system for plumbers. But the city of Toledo and other municipalities do, Mr. Joseph said, and Mr. Wurzelbacher has not met those requirements.

"All contractors are licensed, and he does not have a license, either as a contractor or a plumber," the union official said, citing a search of government records. "I can't find that he's ever even applied for any kind of apprenticeship, and he has never belonged to local 189 in Columbus, which is what he claims on his Facebook page."

According to public records, Mr. Wurzelbacher has been subject to two liens, each over $1,000, one of which — a personal tax lien — is still outstanding.

And his question to Mr. Obama about paying taxes? According to some tax analysts, if Mr. Wurzelbacher's gross receipts from his business is $250,000 — and not his taxable income — then he would not have to pay higher taxes under Mr. Obama's plan, and probably would be eligible for a tax cut.

Mr. Wurzelbacher is registered to vote in Lucas County under the name Samuel Joseph Worzelbacher.

"We have his named spelled W-O, instead of W-U," Linda Howe, executive director of the Lucas County Board of Elections, said in a telephone interview. "Handwriting is sometimes hard to read. He has never corrected it in his registration card."

I hope his vote doesn't get thrown out.  That would be a shame.
I feel bad for Joe the Plumber, he limited his customer base to republicans that like un-licensed and inexperienced  plumbers.  Thats not a very good business decision. I honestly think he wishes he never got involved, Now Mccain has invoked his name into a shitstorm of media scrutiny.
Maybe he will get a book or a movie of the week deal to make up for his lack of business.  I wish you luck Poor Joey the plumber :(.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe

Angry Ewok

Doesn't change the fact that Obama is a socialist, though.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.



QuoteDoesn't change the fact that Obama is a socialist, though.


:)  Is that all you got  ;) :)

It's ok to agree to disagree,  nothing personal here. Your a smart man Angry and I like you and your testicular fortitude. I'm gald your on my side.  We are all still gonna be Americans on Nov 5th.
Election time really is silly season.  
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe

bowl of soup

QuoteJoe six pack

Joe the plumber

Gloria the ATV rider


Is it irony that the fate of the Republican party is always left to the people that they are least likely to help?  Bush and Rove managed to rally the fear to a couple of "wins", but thousands of homosexuals racing down from the mountain to burn our bibles just doesn't scare people as much as losing your home, your savings, your son or daughter in a conflict predicated on lies.

The acorn eating arab who pals around with terrorists (and McCain refused to let this go last night despite Obama's perfetly reasonable explanation) being promoted by the hockey mom and her running mate just seems tired and desperate.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.


QuoteDoesn't change the fact that Obama is a socialist, though.

That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


mccain/palin = same shit, different people.



QuoteDoesn't change the fact that Obama is a socialist, though.


:)  Is that all you got  ;) :)

no, he's got this too:

McCain is not running against Bush. He's running against Barack Huessain Obama

And you wonder why you got scared, old white women telling McCain that Obama is an Arab? Because you got idiots evoking Obama's middle name to scare people.

classless, ignorant and sad.  I expect more from a fellow Jacket fan, but I guess politics brings out the scared child in some.

Angry Ewok

Quoteno, he's got this too:

McCain is not running against Bush. He's running against Barack Huessain Obama

And you wonder why you got scared, old white women telling McCain that Obama is an Arab? Because you got idiots evoking Obama's middle name to scare people.

classless, ignorant and sad.  I expect more from a fellow Jacket fan, but I guess politics brings out the scared child in some.

You've had some good ones throughout the years, Tracy, but the "lunatic fringe" act is my favorite - so close to Halloween and elections, too - I'm just afraid a lot of people here will think you really believe that it is classless and ignorant and sad and racist for someone to call a presidential candidate by his full name.

Hilarious, too, to assume that these old, racist white women wouldn't eventually find out what Obama's full name is if they hadn't jumped on the My Morning Jacket forums and read what I had to say a month or two ago.

(It's worth noting that since you've kept regurgitating my sacrilegious evoking of The One's true name, it's safe to assume that Obama's full name is even more widely read now - ouch)

SERIOUSLY, THOUGH... You've had me wondering, Tracy... do you guys and gal's think Obama's full name will be on the ballots?
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

 it's really really sad it's such a big deal to people that one person is black and the other is a woman.  It makes me think no one even cares what their policies are or what they are saying.  Palin is a sad excuse for a VP and I can not even start to understand why people would vote McCain/Palin.  McCain was literally a prison of war. He is probably not completely sane.  if I was tortured, I wouldn't be the same.   I don't think he should have the power to bomb people for the pure fact that when he's about to push the button it's possible he'll have a flash back and blow up the world.


Quoteno, he's got this too:

McCain is not running against Bush. He's running against Barack Huessain Obama

And you wonder why you got scared, old white women telling McCain that Obama is an Arab? Because you got idiots evoking Obama's middle name to scare people.

classless, ignorant and sad.  I expect more from a fellow Jacket fan, but I guess politics brings out the scared child in some.

You've had some good ones throughout the years, Tracy, but the "lunatic fringe" act is my favorite - so close to Halloween and elections, too - I'm just afraid a lot of people here will think you really believe that it is classless and ignorant and sad and racist for someone to call a presidential candidate by his full name.

Hilarious, too, to assume that these old, racist white women wouldn't eventually find out what Obama's full name is if they hadn't jumped on the My Morning Jacket forums and read what I had to say a month or two ago.

(It's worth noting that since you've kept regurgitating my sacrilegious evoking of The One's true name, it's safe to assume that Obama's full name is even more widely read now - ouch)

SERIOUSLY, THOUGH... You've had me wondering, Tracy... do you guys and gal's think Obama's full name will be on the ballots?

Man, I asked you 2x to discredit my claim that you use his middle name to evoke fear, and 2x you tucked tail. Both times I asked [size=16]IN BIG BLACK BOLD LETTERS[/size] and you ignored me, blew me off.

This isn't a game with me. This is about integrity, something you are seriously lacking in.

It's hilarious to you that republicans use Obama's middle name to evoke fear in people, to equate him with a middle eastern terrorist.

It's not funny to me.

And you are disingenious enough to claim ignorance about the use of Hussein. You think it has nothing to do more than using his middle name. Are you really that dumb? Are you really that out of touch?
Do you own a TV? Can you read a newspaper?

It's not funny to me.

At some point in your life (maybe) you'll look back and regret using such childish remarks to push across a conservative agenda.

You're not much different than Sarah on that ATV in the YouTube video, and you are comfortable with that. I guess not everyone from Alabama has been able to rise above the scourge of racism and hate. Some of you have it so ingrained in your being that you don't even recognize it.

I got nothing more for you.

Angry Ewok

Quoteno, he's got this too:

McCain is not running against Bush. He's running against Barack Huessain Obama

And you wonder why you got scared, old white women telling McCain that Obama is an Arab? Because you got idiots evoking Obama's middle name to scare people.

classless, ignorant and sad.  I expect more from a fellow Jacket fan, but I guess politics brings out the scared child in some.

You've had some good ones throughout the years, Tracy, but the "lunatic fringe" act is my favorite - so close to Halloween and elections, too - I'm just afraid a lot of people here will think you really believe that it is classless and ignorant and sad and racist for someone to call a presidential candidate by his full name.

Hilarious, too, to assume that these old, racist white women wouldn't eventually find out what Obama's full name is if they hadn't jumped on the My Morning Jacket forums and read what I had to say a month or two ago.

(It's worth noting that since you've kept regurgitating my sacrilegious evoking of The One's true name, it's safe to assume that Obama's full name is even more widely read now - ouch)

SERIOUSLY, THOUGH... You've had me wondering, Tracy... do you guys and gal's think Obama's full name will be on the ballots?

Man, I asked you 3x to discredit my claim that you use his middle name to evoke fear, and 3x you tucked tail. 3 times, and you ignored me, blew me off.

This isn't a game with me. This is about integrity, something you are seriously lacking in.

It's hilarious to you that republicans use Obama's middle name to evoke fear in people, to equate him with a middle eastern terrorist.

It's not funny to me.

And you are disingenious enough to claim ignorance about the use of Hussein. You think it has nothing to do more than using his middle name. Are you really that dumb? Are you really that out of touch?
Do you own a TV? Can you read a newspaper?

It's not funny to me.

At some point in your life (maybe) you'll look back and regret using such childish remarks to push across a conservative agenda.

You're not much different than Sarah on that ATV in the YouTube video, and you are comfortable with that. I guess not everyone from Alabama has been able to rise above the scourge of racism and hate. Some of you have it so ingrained in your being that you don't even recognize it.

I got nothing more for you.

I know you've got more for us, Tracy. At least... I hope so.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.