first black president or first woman V.P.

Started by true, Aug 30, 2008, 03:41 AM

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The Muslim/Terrorist thing is just weird to me, Tracy. Every time I've asked someone where they've come up with the idea, it goes back to viral e-mails and that sort of thing. I was having lunch somewhere and the table next to me was discussing that... it was like something out of a Twilight Zone episode about the Red Scare.

You're the one who wrote Barack Huessain Obama; that's called fanning the flame of fear.  Funny how you didn't write John "Sidney" McCain.

Angry Ewok

QuoteYou're the one who wrote Barack Huessain Obama; that's called fanning the flame of fear.  Funny how you didn't write John "Sidney" McCain.



p.s. It's Hussein, my bad.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Angry Ewok

I just realized McCain and Biden both have girly middle names. Obviously not fit to lead.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


And the sad part is yes there are waaaay to many people who see Obama's name and freak out for no fucking reason what so ever. It actually angers me when ignorant people spout out stupid shit like he's a Muslim and think it's fact. If he was a Republican I would still be angry. Fear and ingnorance like that just really bother me to no end. I sit next to a woman who said and I am directly quoting she's "deathly afraid of him because of his name. Hello, look who we are fighting." My blood pressure I thought was going to hit 300 that day.....


QuoteAnd the sad part is yes there are waaaay to many people who see Obama's name and freak out for no fucking reason what so ever. It actually angers me when ignorant people spout out stupid shit like he's a Muslim and think it's fact. If he was a Republican I would still be angry. Fear and ingnorance like that just really bother me to no end. I sit next to a woman who said and I am directly quoting she's "deathly afraid of him because of his name. Hello, look who we are fighting." My blood pressure I thought was going to hit 300 that day.....
Damn Mike shoot her in the face with a spit-ball ::)
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


QuoteAnd the sad part is yes there are waaaay to many people who see Obama's name and freak out for no fucking reason what so ever. It actually angers me when ignorant people spout out stupid shit like he's a Muslim and think it's fact. If he was a Republican I would still be angry. Fear and ingnorance like that just really bother me to no end. I sit next to a woman who said and I am directly quoting she's "deathly afraid of him because of his name. Hello, look who we are fighting." My blood pressure I thought was going to hit 300 that day.....

wear a turban to work, get a copy of the Koran, mumble stuff in Arabic....see what happens.

Penny Lane

McCain is not running against Bush. He's running against Barack Huessain Obama...

As a social worker, do you know how many black, single moms I have worked with over the years? and their teenage children in distress? and dad can't be found anywhere? Now here comes Obama, a man who stands for family and service, a black man doing the right thing (and there's a lot of them, but not enough) but you want to break him down and call him a terrorist. A black man comes along who is doing so well on so many levels and you got to beat him down with this racist shit. And for what? Political reasons.

So tired of the right wing fear mongering ass clowns. It's hard to love these people...
(man, if only Joe Biden's middle name was Humberto...)

Tracy--that's probably the main reason i'll vote for him--i don't like ANY of his policies-- BUT he will give everyone, namely baby daddies and other lazy pieces of sh*t in our society, no more excuses as to why they can't compete--also i think race issues are just as prevalent now as they are in the 50s--more people will not vote for him because of his color than because of his middle name.  i see people reading the koran on the train sometimes, i guess it's not as shocking here---it's really a very peaceful religion---poverty and isolation creates terrorists--i hate it when they associate it w/religion or the koran
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteAnd the sad part is yes there are waaaay to many people who see Obama's name and freak out for no fucking reason what so ever. It actually angers me when ignorant people spout out stupid shit like he's a Muslim and think it's fact. If he was a Republican I would still be angry. Fear and ingnorance like that just really bother me to no end. I sit next to a woman who said and I am directly quoting she's "deathly afraid of him because of his name. Hello, look who we are fighting." My blood pressure I thought was going to hit 300 that day.....

wear a turban to work, get a copy of the Koran, mumble stuff in Arabic....see what happens.
;D ;D ;D Do it
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


Quote i see people reading the koran on the train sometimes, i guess it's not as shocking here---it's really a very peaceful religion---poverty and isolation creates terrorists--i hate it when they associate it w/religion or the koran
Which is why I always question people you freak out. If he happened to be a Muslim, so what? Does that automatically make him bad? Absolutly not. Since I work for a large multi national food giant, we have pretty much every nationality and religious preference here. I work with several Muslims, and the last thing I would ever think of is, Oh he's a Muslim, he's bad.... unlike my neighbors. I try to stay out of politcal/social debates at work because I'm the lone Obama supporter/liberal in a sea of Toby Keith fans and it just gets me upset. However I had to say something when it came to the stupid comments my neighbor made.

RC- I wish I was THAT bold.


Associating people with an evil cause because of their ethnicity/religion/heredity is one of the greatest evils itself in society. The same thing was done during World War II (and surely every other foreign war), when American citizens of Japanese, German, and Italian descent were looked on with fear and suspicion, and many were detained in interment camps. Everyone now admits the error of that kind of thinking (except Ann Coulter and her minions), and yet it continues today amongst those xenophobes who refuse to acknowledge that good people could possibly exist outside our borders. Our enemies are those cowardly few who use the name of Islam as their own pitiful justification for murdering innocent people, and it is reprehensible to regard all Muslims as such.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Tracy--that's probably the main reason i'll vote for him--i don't like ANY of his policies-- BUT he will give everyone, namely baby daddies and other lazy pieces of sh*t in our society, no more excuses as to why they can't compete--also i think race issues are just as prevalent now as they are in the 50s--more people will not vote for him because of his color than because of his middle name.  i see people reading the koran on the train sometimes, i guess it's not as shocking here---it's really a very peaceful religion---poverty and isolation creates terrorists--i hate it when they associate it w/religion or the koran[/quote]

What exactly are you saying here? "Namely baby daddys and other lazy pieces of Sh*t in our society no more excuses as to why they can't compete'? Really? :-/

Angry Ewok

To vote for someone, when you openly admit you don't like any of his policies despite his brief legislative record, just so you can point at "lazy black people" and say, "Hey! Obama can do it, why can't you!" is pure insanity... but it's her vote to waste. Of course the question in my head is "If you don't like people living off of the government, then why would you help elect a Marxist?" BUT I DIGRESS!

Can you imagine the outrage if one of the three or four conservatives around here had said that thing about baby daddies, though? I mean, Tracy basically called me a fear fueling hate monger for referring to Obama by his full name. He'd have a fucking aneurysm if I'd done that, LOL.

Anyway, the main thing she had to say that I disagreed with though is her statement that "Islam is really a very peaceful religion." I mean, if you've done enough research to firmly believe that, then okay! That's your business and I won't get into the debate. But for some reason, in my brain, that statement coming from an American and/or woman just sounds totally absurd. But again, I DIGRESS!

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.

Penny Lane

do you know anything about the koran? how many muslims do you live near? it's not the religion itself that creates that---look at all the wars fought over christianity--and yes, for this election, as America takes a step back and these emerging market countries take a step forward, i think it's more important to have someone like obama in office RIGHT NOW---- it's more important to me than worrying about him raising the capital gains tax or his stance on health care, not to mention getting the religious right (bush, now palin) out of office....i like her but her views are scary to me --i like mccain---and i like some of what palin has done believe it or not---but he caved to the repub base and went against everything he's stood for to get elected--i understand that's the way it works--but please don't lecture me on WHAT issues should be important to me--obviously for someone like me to vote for an extreme tax and spend liberal, i've given this some thought---and please don't label me a liberal because i said baby daddy and got away with it..i believe in calling a spade a spade; i tell my white friends that and my black friends (and my muslim friends)
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I mean, Tracy basically called me a fear fueling hate monger for referring to Obama by his full name.

OK, give me 1 legitimate reason why some conservatives call Obama by his full name but they do not call anyone else by their full name?
I mean, in all seriousness, why focus on the name Hussein unless you're trying to evoke fear? What other reason is there?

And for the record, I don't let politics skew my voice. Many times I have defended Bush when people call him a racist; I've done it on this board. And I refer to Condoleeza Rice and how racists don't put black people in positions of power over whites; that's not racism.

I don't let someone's political views influence my opinion of what they are actually saying.


QuoteOf course the question in my head is "If you don't like people living off of the government, then why would you help elect a Marxist?"
A Marxist? Seriously? I'm sorry, which party's administration is it that is just now proposing to bailout private corporations with $700 billion of government money? Tax and spend?  The so-called 'conservatives' are guilty of exactly what they accuse Democrats of! Which party's administration has already just in this year increased the national debt by $1.5 trillion - which was the entire value of the national debt in 1979? The Bush administration has borrowed more money in the past decade than in all our previous 200-year history combined - $6 trillion more debt, it was $5 trillion in 1998. But the Bush administration vetoed a proposal last year to spend $7 billion on health care for poor people, because we couldn't afford it. What I'm thinking is, "If you don't like irresponsible corporations and their executives being presented golden parachutes from the government, then why would you vote for a Republican?" This trickle-down, supply-side economics stuff isn't working - shit rolls downhill, not money.

Barack Obama is not a Marxist. He does not intend to socialize our industries, he does not propose to make government bigger, he wants it to work BETTER. He doesn't want to raise taxes, he wants to lower them (for the lower 95% of us anyway). He wants to stop out of control government spending, specifically on a "war" that we're fighting in the wrong place. What is it that people don't like about a health care system where insurance would no longer be denied to sick people (and resources not wasted on figuring out how to deny it to them), and subsidized for those who can't afford it? If people in those situations were able to keep the money that would otherwise have to spend on medical care on their own, wouldn't that would help our economy and society overall?

I'm so sick of the old rhetoric thrown about of the perceptions of either party - 'Democrats are communists, Republicans are fascists'. Dammit, I think the vast majority of us would be considered moderates and we could work together if we weren't so polarized by those on either extreme calling each other names. It's become impossible to rationally discuss issues, because everyone is so focused on making the other guy look bad. I suppose I'm guilty of that in the first paragraph, but I tried to do it more by stating facts, not so much rhetoric.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"

Penny Lane

crispy-i agree completely--why the good v. evil? i feel like it's a dumas novel or something---i don't trust anyone w/extreme views for either side---(which is why i liked mccain previously) it's okay to take a stance but if you can't see where the other side's coming from--both candidates will make the govt bigger in their own ways--is it so different wanting to elect someone who can be a role model to a segment of our society in desperate need of one rather than to attack the problem by kicking people off welfare rolls? just different ideas about how to solve the same problem--getting the govt out of our wallets is not a short fix--sometimes taxing the rich is fair and good but sometimes that's an even worse solution--
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteOf course the question in my head is "If you don't like people living off of the government, then why would you help elect a Marxist?"
A Marxist? Seriously? I'm sorry, which party's administration is it that is just now proposing to bailout private corporations with $700 billion of government money? Tax and spend?  The so-called 'conservatives' are guilty of exactly what they accuse Democrats of! Which party's administration has already just in this year increased the national debt by $1.5 trillion - which was the entire value of the national debt in 1979? The Bush administration has borrowed more money in the past decade than in all our previous 200-year history combined - $6 trillion more debt, it was $5 trillion in 1998. But the Bush administration vetoed a proposal last year to spend $7 billion on health care for poor people, because we couldn't afford it. What I'm thinking is, "If you don't like irresponsible corporations and their executives being presented golden parachutes from the government, then why would you vote for a Republican?" This trickle-down, supply-side economics stuff isn't working - shit rolls downhill, not money.

Barack Obama is not a Marxist. He does not intend to socialize our industries, he does not propose to make government bigger, he wants it to work BETTER. He doesn't want to raise taxes, he wants to lower them (for the lower 95% of us anyway). He wants to stop out of control government spending, specifically on a "war" that we're fighting in the wrong place. What is it that people don't like about a health care system where insurance would no longer be denied to sick people (and resources not wasted on figuring out how to deny it to them), and subsidized for those who can't afford it? If people in those situations were able to keep the money that would otherwise have to spend on medical care on their own, wouldn't that would help our economy and society overall?

I'm so sick of the old rhetoric thrown about of the perceptions of either party - 'Democrats are communists, Republicans are fascists'. Dammit, I think the vast majority of us would be considered moderates and we could work together if we weren't so polarized by those on either extreme calling each other names. It's become impossible to rationally discuss issues, because everyone is so focused on making the other guy look bad. I suppose I'm guilty of that in the first paragraph, but I tried to do it more by stating facts, not so much rhetoric.

bowl of soup

I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.

bowl of soup

Anyone seen that hockey mom from Alaska lately?  Let's assume McCain wins.  Let's assume his health fails.  Will Ms. Palin be the first President in history to NEVER give a news conference?

I know the fall back argument is that she has just as much experience as Obama.  But does anyone truely believe that she has a grasp on any global issues?  She can give a nice prepared speech but fumbles with softballs from Katie?  Her international experience boils down to Russian planes flying over Alaska?  

Shit, I should be VP - I mean I've been to Disney like 15 times and it always seems like there are alot of folks from other places there.  I also used to help Haitian diswashers fill out their tax forms.
I'm not saying it's easy...walking into sweet oblivion.