Started by ycartrob, Nov 04, 2008, 11:11 PM

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Angry Ewok

I haven't checked out the speech yet. Slow connection here, waiting to get to work.

QuoteIn the wake of this election do you feel like even though your guy didn't win that you are willing to get behind or at least give Obama a chance?

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


QuoteSort of makes him look like the racist, doesn't it?
Yeah that's the pot calling the kettle black.

I just think it's interesting that there are a couple of people running around screaming "racist" and "hate monger" in the MMJ Forums (of all places) when they're the ones making the broad and sweeping generalizations about fellow fanatics that they don't even know.

You already had your mind made up that Taterbug was homophobic, for some reason. Then you decided he must be racist, too, because he posted a photo Obama and his family. You still haven't answered his question - Why did you assume he was a racist based only on the fact that he posted a photo of Obama and his family?

You already had your mind made up that I'm a racist, too, and thus I must be absolutely devastated about the outcome of this election. So you decided to have a round at taunting me in the other thread by calling me out and posting a photo of Obama giving a nice thumb's up. Why did you presume that photo would repulse me? The same reason you presumed Tater is racist for posting a photo of Obama's family?

What I'm getting at is this... What does it say about you, that you want me to be disappointed or disgusted? Why do you want me to be racist? Why do you want to make me out to be a villain?

Why is the despised Republican more jubilant, excited, motivated, inspired about the outcome of this election than you are? LOL
Like I said, pot calling the kettle black...you talk about me not answering people's questions, I asked you twice if you had empathy for the innocent civilians killed in US bombing raids, you chose not to answer me on both occasions. Other people have asked you relevant & important questions & instead of answering them clearly by expressing your views you've said things like 'Why ask me? Read the book.'

I apologized to Taterbug & felt it was best to leave it @ that. I wrongly mistook his comments above the picture he posted as sarcasm, that was my mistake, like I said, I apologized.
In my defense though I don't think I was wrong of me to presume that he might be homophobic...this is the internet, very few people know each personally, comments like "It's Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve" come across as homophobic. Even if he was joking, like I said, this is the internet. Some jokes simply don't carry well...didn't EC leave because of homophobic comments?

You talk about sweeping generalizations about people we don't know yet do the exactly that in your following paragraphs. You state that I "had (my) mind made up that Taterbug was homophobic" & that I "presume that photo would repulse me"...who's making sweeping generalizations about people we don't know now?
I didn't presume that the photo would repulse you, what a silly thing to say. I took pleasure in the fact that the man you continually expressed a strong dislike for (your comments like "McCain is not running against Bush. He's running against Barack Huessain Obama" make me want to type strong racial hate for but since we're not 'making sweeping generalizations about people we don't know now' I won't) won the election & posted a picture of him giving your signature thumbs-up.
I never presumed it would 'repulse you'.
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteI haven't checked out the speech yet. Slow connection here, waiting to get to work.

QuoteIn the wake of this election do you feel like even though your guy didn't win that you are willing to get behind or at least give Obama a chance?

You cared so much about this election yet more than 24hrs after it aired live on national television you still hadn't watched Obama's speech?!!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteI haven't checked out the speech yet. Slow connection here, waiting to get to work.

QuoteIn the wake of this election do you feel like even though your guy didn't win that you are willing to get behind or at least give Obama a chance?


You know what, I really want to hear what you have to say.  My best friend, my wife, and my mom....all voted for McCain.  I want to LISTEN to them, and You because I want to hold up my thoughts and beliefs to other people who I have respect for.  This is not War, war is ugly, this is debate, it's critical.  While emotions are deep and powerful, deliberation is our bridge.  I don't really care when you hear that speech, but I am interested in your real emotional and intellectual response to it.
There's Still Time.........


I just think it's interesting that there are a couple of people running around screaming "racist" and "hate monger" in the MMJ Forums (of all places) when they're the ones making the broad and sweeping generalizations about fellow fanatics that they don't even know.

Like I said, you drop Obama's middle name during this election year (and no other candidates) then you must be living under a rock to not grasp the racial and fear mongering connotations. You have to be 100% out of touch with what is going on in this country. And how many times did you disregard my questions to you?

You're lying to yourself (and everyone else here). Jesus says we are all hypocrites. All of us. That includes you; I'd check into it.

You missed one of the most historical speeches in the history of our nation Tuesday night. You did not participate even on that level. You missed out.

Penny Lane

this question is more to Ewok/MMJ Fanatic--any ideas for 2012? what about Bobby Jindal from LA? (or is he too religious) thinking Pawlenty? can you honestly see them running Palin?

think the repubs need to regroup and figure out how to not alienate the northeast and the west coast--how to not just lower taxes but go back to smaller govt and not focus on social issues---think there are a lot of good candidates out there but they need to fix some of the probs--they lost 20 or more congressional seats--pretty clear message...just my .02  
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Angry Ewok

QuoteYour comments like "McCain is not running against Bush. He's running against Barack Huessain Obama" make me want to type strong racial hate for but since we're not 'making sweeping generalizations about people we don't know now' I won't

I'm glad you won't, because people who think typing out someone's middle name, even on one occasion, indicates strong racial hate, just look like morons to me.

QuoteYou missed one of the most historical speeches in the history of our nation Tuesday night. You did not participate even on that level. You missed out.

I couldn't help that, but thankfully hearing a speech on YouTube is a lot like hearing a speech on TV.

QuoteYou know what, I really want to hear what you have to say.  My best friend, my wife, and my mom....all voted for McCain.  I want to LISTEN to them, and You because I want to hold up my thoughts and beliefs to other people who I have respect for.  This is not War, war is ugly, this is debate, it's critical.  While emotions are deep and powerful, deliberation is our bridge.  I don't really care when you hear that speech, but I am interested in your real emotional and intellectual response to it.

I just listened to it - It's a good speech, but I don't think anyone expected anything less.

Hey! If nothing else, at least we'll have a President who looks and sounds like he can tie his own shoes. I think people lost confidence in Bush long before he started pissing on the Constitution.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


OH everyone, relax! this is obviously going to be controversial issue and we're not going to reach agreement so can't we just take it for what it is:
we have our first biracial black president. that says a lot in itself, regardless of his policies and whether or not you disagree with him.  here's the point, or hte most important point in my opinion: we have a black role model and a positive black figure, and that is a positive image for both whites, minorities, and people of color alike. and based on the media, unfortunately, we don't get a lot of that.  do you know how important this is? of course you do. we're just on the right track, even from a very superficial stand point.  (again, regardless of whether or not you agree with him and his policies.)

there's nothing we can do about it, so why don't we just sit back and watch what happens? things are gonna be alright, we're all still alright after the horrifying last 8 years (yeah okay that's an opinion. but statically speaking...)...
who knows. history has happened. we have our first biracial president.  and he's an eloquent speaker, he's a smart dude, he plays basketball real well... and he's got a nice face.  that is something to be proud of, country.


QuoteYour comments like "McCain is not running against Bush. He's running against Barack Huessain Obama" make me want to type strong racial hate for but since we're not 'making sweeping generalizations about people we don't know now' I won't

I'm glad you won't, because people who think typing out someone's middle name, even on one occasion, indicates strong racial hate, just look like morons to me.

If you said my life would end today if I missed the answer to this next question, I would be confident in my answer:

If a white republican from Alabama is going to invoke just 1 candidates middle name during this election, which candidate would it be?

McCain? Biden? Palin? Of course not.

Now, why would I know the anwser to that? Coincidence? 1/4 chance? Is it b/c I am a genius? Or is it b/c I got out of bed today?
Sure, it's just a "coincidence" that the white republican from Alabama dropped Hussein out there and no one else's middle name. Laughable (and sad).



anyway, back to why I created this thread:


Quoteanyway, back to why I created this thread:

Thank You Tracy (and Obama...and Superman too.)
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


Quoteanyway, back to why I created this thread:

Thank You Tracy (and Obama...and Superman too.)

yes, finally a real black super hero who is alive and breathing and doesn't have to play a sport or entertain us to be legit.

This election truly changes the fiber of this great nation; gives hope to so many people.

I meet so many young black men who only want to be a basketball player or rapper. That's all they can see. And only a few of them can bust out a rhyme on spot or beat me in H-O-R-S-E on the basketball court. All that will slowly change as young blacks realize their potential.

I am so humbled to be part of this change.



Hey friends  :) I got your back here T, I know you were coming from a more light-hearted place in both instances. Folks take this shit seriously around here though  ;)  :)

Thanks Bill,  I'm just gonna let the name calling go away.  I've been called many things, I'm a big boy and will just let it roll of my back. I know Dragon Boy is a great guy from what I've  seen.
"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


Quoteanyway, back to why I created this thread:

Thank You Tracy (and Obama...and Superman too.)

yes, finally a real black super hero who is alive and breathing and doesn't have to play a sport or entertain us to be legit.

This election truly changes the fiber of this great nation; gives hope to so many people.

I meet so many young black men who only want to be a basketball player or rapper. That's all they can see. And only a few of them can bust out a rhyme on spot or beat me in H-O-R-S-E on the basketball court. All that will slowly change as young blacks realize their potential.

I am so humbled to be part of this change.


A Sox fan AND the President.  

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle" Honest Abe


And a southpaw?  :o
"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


QuoteThanks Bill,  I'm just gonna let the name calling go away.  I've been called many things, I'm a big boy and will just let it roll of my back. I know Dragon Boy is a great guy from what I've  seen.
Hey Taterbug! Thanks very much, I appreciate your kind words.
Apologies again for wrongly misjudging your comments, that was my bad.


God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


QuoteThanks Bill,  I'm just gonna let the name calling go away.  I've been called many things, I'm a big boy and will just let it roll of my back. I know Dragon Boy is a great guy from what I've  seen.
Hey Taterbug! Thanks very much, I appreciate your kind words.
Apologies again for wrongly misjudging your comments, that was my bad.


Damn right!!!

::) ;D
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


QuoteThanks Bill,  I'm just gonna let the name calling go away.  I've been called many things, I'm a big boy and will just let it roll of my back. I know Dragon Boy is a great guy from what I've  seen.
Hey Taterbug! Thanks very much, I appreciate your kind words.
Apologies again for wrongly misjudging your comments, that was my bad.


Damn right!!!

::) ;D

nice one