Your favorite high school experience

Started by chuckooo, Dec 12, 2008, 02:46 PM

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My hometown of Greenville use to host a car show every year that became pretty popular. It would shut down our two main highways; even motherf-in' Exzibit came to pimp people's rides one year. Sadly though, after two years in a row of having people capped and killed, they ended it. This is us pulling a trailor with a couch on the back.

We also played at the local bars quite often.

Evey: Are you, like, a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.


For one reason on another, we started stealing forks from the lunch room by the handful.  By the end of the year, we had half a locker full.  I was cleaning out my closet and found a huge bag with all those forks in it.  They are now wrapped up in a big box along with a "Dangers of Meth" pamphlet and The Flaming Lips' Christmas On Mars DVD (which is wrapped up half a dozen times and protected by a layer of outward facing golf tees) for my friend for Christmas.  

It should be fun watching him open it tonight.  
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


QuoteExcept when I with my close group of friends (mostly AP/Honours geeks, nerds and maybe a few dorks), I was painfully shy in high school.  Didn't speak out at all during class (got shot down too often by a teacher in 2nd grade perhaps?) and unless i was around friends I've grown to trust, I became an extremely reserved version of myself.  Got ridiculously shy around girls that I liked.  Anyway... cut to the beginning of senior year... this is 1993... I had spent much of the summer making movies with my friends using an 8mm camcorder I was spoiled enough to receive for my birthday in May.  So my 11th and 12th grade English teacher (who was an awesome lady, one of the best teachers out there) assigned us a project which was to write a parody of a soliloquy from MacBeth, and speak it before class... or make a video and show that before class. Naturally I opted to make the video.  And because she said kids from earlier classes had made some very funny videos and you can add extra scenes if you want,  the challenge was on!    So I got together with some friends and we wrote up a script that was basically a parody of slasher flicks with MacBeth-inspired elements, mixed in some absurdist Python-esque humor, and we called it MacDeath.  We showed the video before the class (AP English) and it was a hit!  My teacher showed it to her other classes and it got passed around to history teachers who showed it to their classes.  Suddenly people who never talked to me before we're telling me they liked the movie.  But most importantly, the girl who I had a crush on since 9th grade, who I was always too shy to ask out (when she didn't have a boyfriend) well, she wanted to be in my next movie!   She started talking to me more in class and even made jello at home and brought it in for me.  so yeah, suddenly life changed!  And so we made the movie, the only female role was Lady MacDeath, which basically made her my wife in the movie... and we made another movie together which was a parody of soap operas based on the mother-who-kills-her-own-babies drama of the Greek play Medea, and we called it All My Children Are Dead.   and she was my baby-killing wife in that one.    so yeah, it was a lot of fun.

so making this movie allowed me to show my personality to "the outside world" and it turns out much more of the outside world accepted me than I had thought.   big confidence building moment there.  yay.  i mean, the girl ended up going to the prom with the german exchange student (after making me wait three days on her decision)... but the story can't have too happy of an ending, can it?!

That is so sweet. I can picture a girl walking down the hall with this wiggling jello mold. Hahaha.

The prom part sucks, though...sorry.

Speaking of jello, we had a jello wrestling fundraiser at my school (which I did not participate in...ew) but two of my friends did and they smelled like orange jello for days. Then I didn't eat the stuff until just a couple years ago. Ick...
Cow temperature.

capt. scotty

QuoteExcept when I with my close group of friends (mostly AP/Honours geeks, nerds and maybe a few dorks), I was painfully shy in high school.  Didn't speak out at all during class (got shot down too often by a teacher in 2nd grade perhaps?) and unless i was around friends I've grown to trust, I became an extremely reserved version of myself.  Got ridiculously shy around girls that I liked.  Anyway... cut to the beginning of senior year... this is 1993... I had spent much of the summer making movies with my friends using an 8mm camcorder I was spoiled enough to receive for my birthday in May.  So my 11th and 12th grade English teacher (who was an awesome lady, one of the best teachers out there) assigned us a project which was to write a parody of a soliloquy from MacBeth, and speak it before class... or make a video and show that before class. Naturally I opted to make the video.  And because she said kids from earlier classes had made some very funny videos and you can add extra scenes if you want,  the challenge was on!    So I got together with some friends and we wrote up a script that was basically a parody of slasher flicks with MacBeth-inspired elements, mixed in some absurdist Python-esque humor, and we called it MacDeath.  We showed the video before the class (AP English) and it was a hit!  My teacher showed it to her other classes and it got passed around to history teachers who showed it to their classes.  Suddenly people who never talked to me before we're telling me they liked the movie.  But most importantly, the girl who I had a crush on since 9th grade, who I was always too shy to ask out (when she didn't have a boyfriend) well, she wanted to be in my next movie!   She started talking to me more in class and even made jello at home and brought it in for me.  so yeah, suddenly life changed!  And so we made the movie, the only female role was Lady MacDeath, which basically made her my wife in the movie... and we made another movie together which was a parody of soap operas based on the mother-who-kills-her-own-babies drama of the Greek play Medea, and we called it All My Children Are Dead.   and she was my baby-killing wife in that one.    so yeah, it was a lot of fun.

so making this movie allowed me to show my personality to "the outside world" and it turns out much more of the outside world accepted me than I had thought.   big confidence building moment there.  yay.  i mean, the girl ended up going to the prom with the german exchange student (after making me wait three days on her decision)... but the story can't have too happy of an ending, can it?!

So I guess that last paragraph means she didnt give you any sexytime to get a starring role in your highschool blockbusters?? shouldve told her thats the only way to get into your films  ;D ;D
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


i got away with everything in high school b/c i was an honors student and the editor of the school paper. i used to leave school all the time to "sell ads for the paper."

but... epic high school story:

i went to the governor's scholars program the summer before my senior year (it's like an summer camp for nerds). my new best friend had someone bring her some brownies to our residence hall... and they were very special brownies, if you know what i mean.

anyway, we were ripped beyond belief when our residence hall director came in and said, "girls, i need to ask you something." my bff and i looked at each other, and we were both thinking, "damn, we are so busted;" however, the hall director said this:

"we're taking a bus to the planetarium to see lazer floyd; do you girls want to go?

we went, and it was the single greatest thing i ever did in high school.
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


Driving around town trashing mailboxes and street signs.  That and staying out all night (woods parties)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

capt. scotty

Quotei got away with everything in high school b/c i was an honors student and the editor of the school paper. i used to leave school all the time to "sell ads for the paper."

but... epic high school story:

i went to the governor's scholars program the summer before my senior year (it's like an summer camp for nerds). my new best friend had someone bring her some brownies to our residence hall... and they were very special brownies, if you know what i mean.

anyway, we were ripped beyond belief when our residence hall director came in and said, "girls, i need to ask you something." my bff and i looked at each other, and we were both thinking, "damn, we are so busted;" however, the hall director said this:

"we're taking a bus to the planetarium to see lazer floyd; do you girls want to go?

we went, and it was the single greatest thing i ever did in high school.

talk about impeccable timing  :D
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons



Quotei got away with everything in high school b/c i was an honors student and the editor of the school paper. i used to leave school all the time to "sell ads for the paper."

but... epic high school story:

i went to the governor's scholars program the summer before my senior year (it's like an summer camp for nerds). my new best friend had someone bring her some brownies to our residence hall... and they were very special brownies, if you know what i mean.

anyway, we were ripped beyond belief when our residence hall director came in and said, "girls, i need to ask you something." my bff and i looked at each other, and we were both thinking, "damn, we are so busted;" however, the hall director said this:

"we're taking a bus to the planetarium to see lazer floyd; do you girls want to go?

we went, and it was the single greatest thing i ever did in high school.

I laughed out loud and hard at that, Meg. That is fucking awesome.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.



The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


man all of my high school experiences were definately either drug or alcohol induced and thats all i remember but boy were they fun

i do however have the dumbest thing i ever did etched into my brain....

i was an all state pitcher so i had everything to lose but i always got away with all kinds of shit but this i never know how i did

my friend's dad had some sleeping pills for insomnia i cant remember the name but he swiped some from him and brought them in one day and passed them out to like 5 of us. the reccomended dosage was one, i took three, the last thing i remeber was saying "im sleepy" and then passing straight out in my bio book 2nd period, now the rest is just hearsay because i have no memory of it at all. i guess i was dragging my backpack on the ground and walking against the wall,fell down some stairs, passed out in my cheese fries,took a test, and got called to the principals office for tardies(everyone told me not to go but i did anyway and came out alive and undisciplined). My other friends all got busted and got like a week of oss. Fuck im retarded

note:since then one of those friends has died form oding on pills so except for a little hydo once in a blue moon i have sworn of pills

thank you for reading my novel


double dose! i just thought of a good one

we were probably 15, old enough to do it but young enough to not know limits, and my friends and i bout two liters of GOLDEN BIRD vodka and decided to try our luck at 21 shots. we make it to about 16 and call it quits and pass out. fast forward to about 4 am i hear some glass breaking and some moving around, so i yell at ne of my friends whos on a couch and ask him if he heard it too, he did, so i ask my other friend if he heard answer. i call his name again this time hearing a whimper. we get up and turn on the lights to a pile of clothes on the floor soaking with piss and my friend in the corner with one of my moms button up shirts on backwards kriss kross style, a towel wrapped around his head, naked on the bottom rubbing one out to my water heater. any way my mom made  B n G the next morning but my friend didnt indulge because he spent the whole day in my bathroom throwing up.

true story swear on my life


High School was pretty good for me...some fond memories...

-The summer orientation, just seeing A TON of new faces, getting excited about starting High School.

-Playing soccer, beating our biggest rivals in their own tournament my sophmore year.

-Building a replica of the x-wing fighter in the 'Paper Regatta' (a Physics class assignment to build a boat out of paper products and a short-list of  water proofing to race at the school pool) with my friends. We made a kick ass soundtrack that was played over the loud speakers at the pool for our first solo run (in front of a huge crowd), complete with the Star Wars theme and me spouting off drunken-Yoda quotes. We were all in full costume. Our boat fell apart once it hit the water  ;D (I'm not sure if any of the previous paragraph makes ANY sense to anyone but me  ;D)

-Graduation weekend, just such a wonderful feeling to be moving on.

-Getting high for the first time and helping the police track down a hit-and-run driver in the same evening.

-My first Grateful Dead show.

-Flying Window Pane blotter and hash at the Horde Festival  :D

I wish I could say I did really well with the ladies during High School, but I can't. I was pretty shy, and not confident at all. One time, I woke up REALLY early and went over to this (totally cool, really pretty) girl's house that I had a crush on and left a rose and an anonymous card on her front door step. It was around dawn, still practically dark really, and her neighbor was just leaving for work. He saw me walking away from her house, and asked what I was doing...I said "nothing"...I guess he thought I was a burgalar or something, because he chased me away and was shouting at me, fucking fat idiot...I was just a dumb, nervous kid!

Anyway, I was totally embarrased that he would tell her he saw me, so I didn't tell her that I left the flower, and never really acted on my crush after that...I ended up seeing her at a party in the town she went to college in 3 or 4 years later and revealed that it had been I who'd left the rose! She was SO TOUCHED by my story, and we had sex that night! So one of my most embarrasing High School memories allowed for a GREAT college night!
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


My best friend yelling out "What is Reality" from the side gym doors right after the prayer when it was dead silent at the class of '73 graduation ceremony...we sat at the very top of the bleachers chuckling!  ;D
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Let's see...

1.) I didn't get laid AT ALL in High School (thank you though, college).

2.) I listened to constant headphone music and thought of myself as just an uncool, geeklike person.

3.) I still won homecoming king...and not in an ironic way where people voted for the un-jock like guy.  I beat out the Quarterback for the position.  

I'll take it.

Your King is proud.



QuoteExcept when I with my close group of friends (mostly AP/Honours geeks, nerds and maybe a few dorks), I was painfully shy in high school.  Didn't speak out at all during class (got shot down too often by a teacher in 2nd grade perhaps?) and unless i was around friends I've grown to trust, I became an extremely reserved version of myself.  Got ridiculously shy around girls that I liked.  Anyway... cut to the beginning of senior year... this is 1993... I had spent much of the summer making movies with my friends using an 8mm camcorder I was spoiled enough to receive for my birthday in May.  So my 11th and 12th grade English teacher (who was an awesome lady, one of the best teachers out there) assigned us a project which was to write a parody of a soliloquy from MacBeth, and speak it before class... or make a video and show that before class. Naturally I opted to make the video.  And because she said kids from earlier classes had made some very funny videos and you can add extra scenes if you want,  the challenge was on!    So I got together with some friends and we wrote up a script that was basically a parody of slasher flicks with MacBeth-inspired elements, mixed in some absurdist Python-esque humor, and we called it MacDeath.  We showed the video before the class (AP English) and it was a hit!  My teacher showed it to her other classes and it got passed around to history teachers who showed it to their classes.  Suddenly people who never talked to me before we're telling me they liked the movie.  But most importantly, the girl who I had a crush on since 9th grade, who I was always too shy to ask out (when she didn't have a boyfriend) well, she wanted to be in my next movie!   She started talking to me more in class and even made jello at home and brought it in for me.  so yeah, suddenly life changed!  And so we made the movie, the only female role was Lady MacDeath, which basically made her my wife in the movie... and we made another movie together which was a parody of soap operas based on the mother-who-kills-her-own-babies drama of the Greek play Medea, and we called it All My Children Are Dead.   and she was my baby-killing wife in that one.    so yeah, it was a lot of fun.

so making this movie allowed me to show my personality to "the outside world" and it turns out much more of the outside world accepted me than I had thought.   big confidence building moment there.  yay.  i mean, the girl ended up going to the prom with the german exchange student (after making me wait three days on her decision)... but the story can't have too happy of an ending, can it?!

So I guess that last paragraph means she didnt give you any sexytime to get a starring role in your highschool blockbusters?? shouldve told her thats the only way to get into your films  ;D ;D

nah, i'm afraid not.   there was one scene in which she had to wrestle me to the ground, but that was about it.  actually, now that I think about it, the scene only called for her to pretend to hit me, but instead she jumped on me.  jesus christ, how did I blow that one?


QuoteDriving around town trashing mailboxes and street signs.  That and staying out all night (woods parties)

Class act.  Hey, didn't you try to say no one should vote for Obama because people who vote for him are vandals and then you said that vandalism is worse than gay-bashing because it's against the law.  Now we learn that you are not only a vandal yourself but you  are proud of it and bragging about on the internet.  So if you think vandalism is fun and gay-bashing is better, you must really get a kick out of gay-bashing.  So, what have we learned from all your political threads?  That you are a racist, gay-bashing vandal and a sore loser.

The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteDriving around town trashing mailboxes and street signs.  That and staying out all night (woods parties)

Class act.  Hey, didn't you try to say no one should vote for Obama because people who vote for him are vandals and then you said that vandalism is worse than gay-bashing because it's against the law.  Now we learn that you are not only a vandal yourself but you  are proud of it and bragging about on the internet.  So if you think vandalism is fun and gay-bashing is better, you must really get a kick out of gay-bashing.  So, what have we learned from all your political threads?  That you are a racist, gay-bashing vandal and a sore loser.

Here's a link to a thread you started about evil Obama supporters who were vandals (just think of it!) and how you would never support someone who even associated with a vandal.  Now, we learn that you are a vandal.  Anything you want to tell us about your love life while you're at it?

I guess I should add hypocrite to the list of things you've relieved yourself to be.

EDIT: btw, I was just going to let you slide and not point out you're obvious hypocrisy, but you went and started another ridiculous political thread.  Seriously, dude, what do you think you're accomplishing with those things?  Other than pissing people off and revealing your true character, of course.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


I went to a private Christian school in the bible belt where we had to attend Bible class everyday with our eighty year old ex-pastor teacher.   One day  we were particularly bored and looking to cause a ruckus so my best friend asked our teacher....."Mr Davidson, I know my classmates are gonna make fun of me but I really want to know how lesbians have sex.

Hilarity ensued. ;D