Stoners rejoice (almost)

Started by el_chode, Feb 23, 2009, 07:16 PM

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Glad they aren't just changing the rules on medical marijuana. Michigan has just passed is for medical purposes and it is such a fucking joke... Yes now my mother and I can use it for our symtoms.. but.. We have to pay $200 a year just because...Anmd they don't supply me with my medicine? We also have to buy another State ID.. We also have to register.... We also invite the State in our home by registering to make sure i'm following the guidlines.. Now let's say I just didn't do all of that... They still would'nt know I was smoking it... And if I never get caught i get no fine.. and if I do.. That's when this little activist will step up to the plate.. I'm so tired of being treated differently for my medicine... People that are perscribed Xanax ( A drug that has already killed two of my friends) don't have to go through any troubles when they need it. So... What I'm getting at is if you are in a state that is behind on marijuana laws.. Make sure you don't vote a bill in because it has loopholes.. Vote a bill in that actually helps society.. Like what Cali is now doing.. Let adults use it freely.. Tax it.. Regulate it.. Because it actually costs Michigan money to run this nonsense program and we can't afford things liek this anymore...


[size=24]Go Team!!![/size]

"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


QuoteI haven't smoked weed for several years, but I used to, like a fiend. If this were to pass, I might partake a time or two a year, but I don't see my consumption frequency being altered much one way or another.

The timing in proposing this bill could be quite good though. With the state's finances A COMPLETE FUCKING DISASTER, the amount of tax income proposed will be pretty, ya know, it's weed, and it would be LEGAL!!! I know a few activist friends that must be going fucking nuts right now, mobilizing the troops.

God Bless California.  8-)

In my opinion, this is why it should be legal.  Here is a person that says either way, consumption will not increase.  It makes the most sense.  Tax the shit out of it, and run to the bank.  Anyone know a legislator?  Tell them this should be in the next bill to stimulate the economy.  There is more money underground buying pot than being used in the US on a daily basis right now.
Hooked on four like one, two, three


QuoteI haven't smoked weed for several years, but I used to, like a fiend. If this were to pass, I might partake a time or two a year, but I don't see my consumption frequency being altered much one way or another.

The timing in proposing this bill could be quite good though. With the state's finances A COMPLETE FUCKING DISASTER, the amount of tax income proposed will be pretty, ya know, it's weed, and it would be LEGAL!!! I know a few activist friends that must be going fucking nuts right now, mobilizing the troops.

God Bless California.  8-)

In my opinion, this is why it should be legal.  Here is a person that says either way, consumption will not increase.  It makes the most sense.  Tax the shit out of it, and run to the bank.  Anyone know a legislator?  Tell them this should be in the next bill to stimulate the economy.  There is more money underground buying pot than being used in the US on a daily basis right now.

If marijuana were to be legalized, it's consumption would increase greatly. There would be smoking bars, there would be stores, there would be advertisements, different brands and potencies, etc... Can you imagine if weed was available at any party and it wasn't illegal? Come on, consumption would sky rocket!

The greatest deterrent to marijuana use is that it's illegal. You lift that restraint, have the government's permission, and the number of smokers would increase.


QuoteI haven't smoked weed for several years, but I used to, like a fiend. If this were to pass, I might partake a time or two a year, but I don't see my consumption frequency being altered much one way or another.

The timing in proposing this bill could be quite good though. With the state's finances A COMPLETE FUCKING DISASTER, the amount of tax income proposed will be pretty, ya know, it's weed, and it would be LEGAL!!! I know a few activist friends that must be going fucking nuts right now, mobilizing the troops.

God Bless California.  8-)

In my opinion, this is why it should be legal.  Here is a person that says either way, consumption will not increase.  It makes the most sense.  Tax the shit out of it, and run to the bank.  Anyone know a legislator?  Tell them this should be in the next bill to stimulate the economy.  There is more money underground buying pot than being used in the US on a daily basis right now.

If marijuana were to be legalized, it's consumption would increase greatly. There would be smoking bars, there would be stores, there would be advertisements, different brands and potencies, etc... Can you imagine if weed was available at any party and it wasn't illegal? Come on, consumption would sky rocket!

The greatest deterrent to marijuana use is that it's illegal. You lift that restraint, have the government's permission, and the number of smokers would increase.

No it wouldn't. As it is, pot is pretty easy to get and people will still smoke around the same amount.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteI haven't smoked weed for several years, but I used to, like a fiend. If this were to pass, I might partake a time or two a year, but I don't see my consumption frequency being altered much one way or another.

The timing in proposing this bill could be quite good though. With the state's finances A COMPLETE FUCKING DISASTER, the amount of tax income proposed will be pretty, ya know, it's weed, and it would be LEGAL!!! I know a few activist friends that must be going fucking nuts right now, mobilizing the troops.

God Bless California.  8-)

In my opinion, this is why it should be legal.  Here is a person that says either way, consumption will not increase.  It makes the most sense.  Tax the shit out of it, and run to the bank.  Anyone know a legislator?  Tell them this should be in the next bill to stimulate the economy.  There is more money underground buying pot than being used in the US on a daily basis right now.

If marijuana were to be legalized, it's consumption would increase greatly. There would be smoking bars, there would be stores, there would be advertisements, different brands and potencies, etc... Can you imagine if weed was available at any party and it wasn't illegal? Come on, consumption would sky rocket!

The greatest deterrent to marijuana use is that it's illegal. You lift that restraint, have the government's permission, and the number of smokers would increase.

No it wouldn't. As it is, pot is pretty easy to get and people will still smoke around the same amount.

I believe you're 100% wrong. Do you think alcohol consumption would be the same if it were illegal and wasn't a billion dollar money maker?

How many people don't smoke b/c they will lose their job b/c it's illegal? Hell, open NBA/NFL/MLB use alone would skyrocket the use!!

If I wanted some weed right now, I would have to do some digging, and I'm just an ordinary citizen with a history (long ago) of smoking weed. If I wanted a beer, I could go to the store and have one in 2 minutes.

Do you have any idea how many people would turn on to weed if they had weed bars? If Phillip Morris got behind the advertising? Sponsored a NASCAR series? Think of college campuses where people drink but don't smoke. Most don't smoke b/c they don't want it on their record, it's taboo, etc... Come on, weed use would explode if it were legal; that's a no brainer.

Do you think people would still drive the speed limit if all of a sudden there was no speed limit? No. The number of people who would drive the old limits would dwindle in comparison to those who would drive faster.


I am sure there is truth to that Tracy.  But it is California we are talking about.  There is a lot of weed smoking on the west coast.  A lot.  

*quick modification...
Not only are there a ton of recreational users, there are a TON of non-violent offenders in Federal & State Prison doing some serious time for various offenses with weed.  I do not feel threatened by most weed dealers or pot heads (Mexican Mafia excluded...but if it was legal, the Mexican Mafia would cease to smuggle marijuana).

**whoops on the grammatical error!  ;)


QuoteI am sure there is truth to that Tracy.  But it is California we are talking about.  There is a lot of weed smoking on the west coast.  A lot.  

Tell me, how much weed you can buy at the grocery store in California? At a bar? At a convenience store? At a Raiders game?

What's that? None? And you don't think all those options would increase use? Come on man, think about it.  ;)


QuoteI am sure there is truth to that Tracy.  But it is California we are talking about.  There is a lot of weed smoking on the west coast.  A lot.  

Tell me, how much weed you can buy at the grocery store in California? At a bar? At a convenience store? At a Raiders game?

What's that? None? And you don't think all those options would increase use? Come on man, think about it.  ;)
Read above modification.  People do not need to be in prison, wasting their lives away on my tax dollar for weed.  


QuoteI am sure there is truth to that Tracy.  But it is California we are talking about.  There is a lot of weed smoking on the west coast.  A lot.  

Tell me, how much weed you can buy at the grocery store in California? At a bar? At a convenience store? At a Raiders game?

What's that? None? And you don't think all those options would increase use? Come on man, think about it.  ;)
Read above modification.  People do not need to be in prison, wasting their lives away on my tax dollar for weed.  

I'm not against the legalization of marijuana. I'm just saying the use would rise if it were legal.

Right now, NIDA stats show 75-80% of college students will drink at some point, whereas 45-50% will smoke marijuana. The reason for the wide discrepancy between the use of these 2 DRUGS is that one is legal and one is illegal.


Do you think that possibly, the use of Alcohol would go down?  That would be a good thing for society.  I am not a teetotaler, but their are a lot social ills due to alcohol consumption.....


The use would go down because the quality would go up man.  8-)

I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteI am sure there is truth to that Tracy.  But it is California we are talking about.  There is a lot of weed smoking on the west coast.  A lot.  

Tell me, how much weed you can buy at the grocery store in California? At a bar? At a convenience store? At a Raiders game?

What's that? None? And you don't think all those options would increase use? Come on man, think about it.  ;)
Read above modification.  People do not need to be in prison, wasting their lives away on my tax dollar for weed.  

Can't buy weed at a Raiders game?!?! Of course you can!  ;D It's a black market transaction in the parking lot...or, should I say, a (Silver and) Black market transaction  ;) And for the record, I have bought weed at bars, grocery and convenience stores in California...but I know what you're saying Tracy, and I agree with you. There are already A TON of pot smokers in California, but the convenience of legal pot will attract many who were nervous or clueless about it before. The increase will also occur from people like me, who haven't smoked or had a dealer in years, live in an unfamiliar town (as far as drug hookups are concerned) and don't want to score it on the street, but would gladly run to the corner herb store the couple times a year when the mood strikes.
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


Reporting from Sacramento -- Could Cannabis sativa be a salvation for California's fiscal misfortunes? Can the state get a better budget grip by taxing what some folks toke?

An assemblyman from San Francisco announced legislation Monday to do just that: make California the first state in the nation to tax and regulate recreational marijuana in the same manner as alcohol.

Buoyed by the widely held belief that cannabis is California's biggest cash crop, Assemblyman Tom Ammiano contends it is time to reap some state revenue from that harvest while putting a damper on drug use by teens, cutting police costs and even helping Mother Nature.

"I know the jokes are going to be coming, but this is not a frivolous issue," said Ammiano, a Democrat elected in November after more than a dozen years as a San Francisco supervisor. "California always takes the lead -- on gay marriage, the sanctuary movement, medical marijuana."

Anti-drug groups are anything but amused by the idea of California collecting a windfall from the leafy herb that remains illegal under federal law.

"This would open another door in Pandora's box," said Calvina Fay, executive director of Save Our Society From Drugs. "Legalizing drugs like this would create a whole new set of costs for society."

Ammiano's measure, AB 390, would essentially replicate the regulatory structure used for beer, wine and hard liquor, with taxed sales barred to anyone under 21.

He said it would actually boost public safety, keeping law enforcement focused on more serious crimes while keeping marijuana away from teenagers who can readily purchase black-market pot from peers.

The natural world would benefit, too, from the uprooting of environmentally destructive backcountry pot plantations that denude fragile ecosystems, Ammiano said.

But the biggest boon might be to the bottom line. By some estimates, California's pot crop is a $14-billion industry, putting it above vegetables ($5.7 billion) and grapes ($2.6 billion). If so, that could mean upward of $1 billion in tax revenue for the state each year.

"Having just closed a $42-billion budget deficit, generating new revenue is crucial to the state's long-term fiscal health," said Betty Yee, the state Board of Equalization chairwoman who appeared with Ammiano at a San Francisco news conference.

Also in support of opening debate on the issue are San Francisco Sheriff Mike Hennessey and retired Orange County Superior Court Judge James Gray, a longtime legalization proponent.

"I'm a martini guy myself," Ammiano said. "But I think it's time for California to . . . look at this in a truly deliberative fashion."

He sees the possibility of an eventual truce in the marijuana wars with Barack Obama now in the White House.

A White House spokesman declined to discuss Ammiano's legislation, instead pointing to a transition website that says the president "is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana."

Several cities in California and around the nation have adopted laws making marijuana the lowest law enforcement priority, including Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, Denver and Seattle.

Oakland went even further in 2004, requiring pot to be taxed if it is legalized.

But where Ammiano sees taxes, pot foes see trouble.

They say easier access means more problems with drug dependency among adults, heavier teen use and an increase in driving while high.

"If we think the drug cartels are going to tuck their tails between their legs and go home, I think we're badly mistaken," Fay said.

"They're going to heavily target our children."
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


QuoteDo you think that possibly, the use of Alcohol would go down?  That would be a good thing for society.  I am not a teetotaler, but their are a lot social ills due to alcohol consumption.....

Marijuana takes you to such a different place than alcohol, that my guess is there would be a slight decrease in alcohol use. I think alcohol lowers people's inhibitions (what they will say or do if drinking as opposed to sober) and marijuana doesn't affect inhibitions as much; in fact, I was more reluctant to be "brave and bold" on weed as I was on alcohol.

Bill Hicks used to say, "You're at a football game and a fight breaks out in the stands. Are these people high or drunk?" or "A person has a 1 night stand and totally regrets it, were they high or drunk?" or "2 people are really hungry. 1 goes out for food and wraps his car around a telephone pole, and the other can't stop giggling on the phone ordering pizza to be delivered. Which one was drunk and which one was high?"

my opinion, for what its worth. I don't use anything anymore (except caffiene).


And Wizz, I agree with you completely on changing the drug laws relative to jail time. Talk about a financial drain - the unnecessarily overburdened California prison system is a joke...
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


QuoteDo you think that possibly, the use of Alcohol would go down?  That would be a good thing for society.  I am not a teetotaler, but their are a lot social ills due to alcohol consumption.....

Marijuana takes you to such a different place than alcohol, that my guess is there would be a slight decrease in alcohol use. I think alcohol lowers people's inhibitions (what they will say or do if drinking as opposed to sober) and marijuana doesn't affect inhibitions as much; in fact, I was more reluctant to be "brave and bold" on weed as I was on alcohol.

Bill Hicks used to say, "You're at a football game and a fight breaks out in the stands. Are these people high or drunk?" or "A person has a 1 night stand and totally regrets it, were they high or drunk?" or "2 people are really hungry. 1 goes out for food and wraps his car around a telephone pole, and the other can't stop giggling on the phone ordering pizza to be delivered. Which one was drunk and which one was high?"

my opinion, for what its worth. I don't use anything anymore (except caffiene).

I agree. I stopped smoking only because of jobs and I started getting a little hard on myself for being a stoner in a dead end job. I prefer it to alcohol anytime.

In unrelated news, NJ's Gov. Corzine says he will sign a medical marijuana bill
I'm surrounded by assholes

Vadie Stark

Legal weed in California is a pipedream.

Does anyone remember prop 19 in 1972 stoners don't vote.

Don't new movies come out on Tuesday?
Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.


QuoteI haven't smoked weed for several years, but I used to, like a fiend. If this were to pass, I might partake a time or two a year, but I don't see my consumption frequency being altered much one way or another.

The timing in proposing this bill could be quite good though. With the state's finances A COMPLETE FUCKING DISASTER, the amount of tax income proposed will be pretty, ya know, it's weed, and it would be LEGAL!!! I know a few activist friends that must be going fucking nuts right now, mobilizing the troops.

God Bless California.  8-)

In my opinion, this is why it should be legal.  Here is a person that says either way, consumption will not increase.  It makes the most sense.  Tax the shit out of it, and run to the bank.  Anyone know a legislator?  Tell them this should be in the next bill to stimulate the economy.  There is more money underground buying pot than being used in the US on a daily basis right now.

If marijuana were to be legalized, it's consumption would increase greatly. There would be smoking bars, there would be stores, there would be advertisements, different brands and potencies, etc... Can you imagine if weed was available at any party and it wasn't illegal? Come on, consumption would sky rocket!

The greatest deterrent to marijuana use is that it's illegal. You lift that restraint, have the government's permission, and the number of smokers would increase.

Do you think people would still drive the speed limit if all of a sudden there was no speed limit? No. The number of people who would drive the old limits would dwindle in comparison to those who would drive faster.

Do you know how many people would drive UNDER the speed limit if they legalized weed? ;D

I do agree with you Tracy that consumption would indeed increase.  I myself know people that only refrained from use only due to its illegality.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


QuoteThe use would go down because the quality would go up man.  8-)


all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard